Author Topic: Things the Animorphs (and other characters) would never say  (Read 151715 times)

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Offline Darth Zakryn

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Re: Things the Animorphs (and other characters) would never say
« Reply #1890 on: November 29, 2011, 10:06:04 AM »

OMG that's music from DBZ on the vid! WOOT! FAULCONER FTW!!

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Re: Things the Animorphs (and other characters) would never say
« Reply #1891 on: November 29, 2011, 01:35:34 PM »
     Andalite teacher: Alright class, this morning we shall discuss some more on human communication methods, and go over last night's scoopwork. Has anyone done the scoop work?

     Ax: I have!

     Andalite teacher: Alright, Aximili, please read the passage from the Earthican text Twitter.

     Ax: Alright. The Earthican Philosopher, Hannah Montanna, wrote: "TX wuz gr8 2nite. Luv ya Alabama! Nxt show 2morrow. C U Their!

         : I took this to mean that Montanna was discussing some of the societal institution if Earth. I take it that TX is a location, perhaps located somewhere in the region of Canada. Wuz Gr8 may be a state Capitol, as with 2morroe. The last bit was tricky. But think it refers to a snack.

     Andalite Teacher: Good. Now we shall discuss Earthican Television. Today, we'll watch a show directed by someone named Nick, who looks much more different from any other human we've seen.

     TV Show: Hi, my name is Jake.

That was way awesome!!! But I dont get why the andalites would have quarantined us for that...


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Re: Things the Animorphs (and other characters) would never say
« Reply #1892 on: December 01, 2011, 12:42:10 PM »
Elfangor: Touch this cube and you will have the power to morph into any animal you touch.

*A few minutes later, the blade ship and bug fighters land, Hork-Bajir dismount and Visser Three appears*

As Visser Three approaches, he notices human body parts lying all over the place. Elfangor, himself covered in human blood and other meaty bits is confused, and we see the morphing cube lying on the ground.

Visser Three: What happened here?

Elfangor: I...tried to give Earth one last hope.

Visser Three: You tried to give humans morphing power? couldn't expect a completely alien technology to be compatible with other aliens. How stupid could you possibly be?

Elfangor: I've made a grevious error. *To the bits and pieces of Tobias scattered around him* I'm sorry my son.

Offline The Spectre

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Re: Things the Animorphs (and other characters) would never say
« Reply #1893 on: December 01, 2011, 01:25:35 PM »
Elfangor: Touch this cube and you will have the power to morph into any animal you touch.

*A few minutes later, the blade ship and bug fighters land, Hork-Bajir dismount and Visser Three appears*

As Visser Three approaches, he notices human body parts lying all over the place. Elfangor, himself covered in human blood and other meaty bits is confused, and we see the morphing cube lying on the ground.

Visser Three: What happened here?

Elfangor: I...tried to give Earth one last hope.

Visser Three: You tried to give humans morphing power? couldn't expect a completely alien technology to be compatible with other aliens. How stupid could you possibly be?

Elfangor: I've made a grevious error. *To the bits and pieces of Tobias scattered around him* I'm sorry my son.

LOL!!!XD!!! LMFAO!!!

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Re: Things the Animorphs (and other characters) would never say
« Reply #1894 on: December 05, 2011, 05:48:38 PM »
Visser 1 (previously Visser 3): And I would have gotten away with it too! If it weren't for you meddling kids!
Temporal Traveller Aquilai: "One small step back in time. One GIANT leap for mankind."
"People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. That's how they define "reality". But what does it mean to be "correct" or "true"? Merely vague concepts… their "reality" may all be a mirage. Can we consider them to simply be living in their own world, shaped by their beliefs?"

Offline Darth Zakryn

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Re: Things the Animorphs (and other characters) would never say
« Reply #1895 on: December 07, 2011, 12:21:46 PM »

Jake: "I deserve all the power you give to me! Bwahahaha! Now bow, peons! KNEEL BEFORE JAKE!" :XD:
Rachel: "I hate fighting!"
Tobias: <That's it, **** Rachel, I'm going to go find me a red-tail female.>
Cassie: "How do I look?"
Marco: "Waaaaah! My mommy's Visser One!" (No, he's more subtle than that.)
Ax: <I want you so badly, Visser Three.>
Visser Three: <Ah, well, that's ok, mistakes do happen.>

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Re: Things the Animorphs (and other characters) would never say
« Reply #1896 on: December 08, 2011, 01:37:25 PM »
Tobias: <So I found a good way to practice my aim.>
Ax: <Your aim?>
Tobias: <Yep. There are a couple of older kids camped in the woods over there. Sounds like they're roleplaying, or something. Either that, or they really think they're hiding from someone. Anyway, one of them has a really cool bag. It's like I can practice forever, and my birdy bombshells just go in and disappear.>
Ax: <If you are saying what I think you are saying, that's disgusting.>


Hermione: What th...? Harry, what the heck is this in my bag!?

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Re: Things the Animorphs (and other characters) would never say
« Reply #1897 on: December 08, 2011, 06:29:49 PM »
That was amazing. Here, you can have my family hat. You deserve it more than me
I am a Blazing Angel. Master of deviant traps and authentic barbecue. Brothers to Rukh the banner maker, Squall the Lionhearted and Underseen the generally sort of okay.

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Re: Things the Animorphs (and other characters) would never say
« Reply #1898 on: December 09, 2011, 05:13:35 PM »
Tobias: <So I found a good way to practice my aim.>
Ax: <Your aim?>
Tobias: <Yep. There are a couple of older kids camped in the woods over there. Sounds like they're roleplaying, or something. Either that, or they really think they're hiding from someone. Anyway, one of them has a really cool bag. It's like I can practice forever, and my birdy bombshells just go in and disappear.>
Ax: <If you are saying what I think you are saying, that's disgusting.>


Hermione: What th...? Harry, what the heck is this in my bag!?

AHHHHHHHH This is feeding my  crossover bunnies!

Snape: Please turn to page two-hundred-and-sixty four in your books, we will be beginning our boil cure potions...
Ax: <Dried nettles?  Do these not cause wounds?>
Snape: RAISE your hand, if you would like to comment.
Ax: *Raises hand*
Snape: Yes, Aximili?
Ax: <These ingredients are absurd, how will porcupine quills and nettles cure boils?>
Snape: Well, if you are not a blathering idiot muggle and combine them correctly--
Ax: <Why would you not use normal primitive human medicine?  It is highly probably that the mere act of gathering these materials will cause more "boils" than making the potion will cure.>
Snape:  *pause*  "Ten points from Ravenclaw for Aximili being an insufferable know-it-all."
Ax: <Know-it-all?  It's simple logic!  Surely if you can genetically engineer a willow tree to move and attack any creature that comes near than you can think up a solution for a minor skin infection that does not require capturing large amounts of poisonous snakes and porcupines!>
Snape: Fifty points and detention!
Ax: *Crossing his arms*  <What is the detention this time?  Spending more time with the mentally-compromised large human that thought I was a magical creature in this "forbidden" forest full of velcols with mouths?  And what are these points for anyway?>
Snape:  *points wand at Ax*  Confundo!
Ax: ...
Snape: Would you go prune the whomping willow, Aximili?
Ax: <Yes, Prince Snape...>

*Three hours later in Dumbledore's office*

Ax:  <I swear it on Elfangor's memory!  I just woke up in front of it and it was already chopped up!  Can't you just make another one?!  And don't bother taking points, whatever they do, we're already at negative three-hundred-and-forty-five.>

Offline Darth Zakryn

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Re: Things the Animorphs (and other characters) would never say
« Reply #1899 on: December 09, 2011, 06:55:15 PM »

Ooh, I gotta get in on this!

Jake: "So Mudblood is a term for any witch or wizard born to non-magical parents?"
Hermione: "That's right."
Jake: "And this is considered bad, right?"
(The trio nods.)
Hermione: "That's right."
Hermione: "You sick mother****er!"
All: "Avada Kedavra!"

Offline Blazing Angel

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Re: Things the Animorphs (and other characters) would never say
« Reply #1900 on: December 09, 2011, 06:59:40 PM »
Ax: <So you're not andalites?>
Centaur Chief: "We are the centaur tribe of this forest.
Ax: <But you ARE stuck up snobs who consider other being below them, right?>
C C: "Yes"
Ax: <Close enough.>
I am a Blazing Angel. Master of deviant traps and authentic barbecue. Brothers to Rukh the banner maker, Squall the Lionhearted and Underseen the generally sort of okay.

Offline Darth Zakryn

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Re: Things the Animorphs (and other characters) would never say
« Reply #1901 on: December 09, 2011, 07:19:43 PM »

Actually, that sounds kinda realistic, IMO.

Offline DinosaurNothlit

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Re: Things the Animorphs (and other characters) would never say
« Reply #1902 on: December 09, 2011, 09:37:28 PM »
Oooh, crossover jokes!

[spoiler]Marco: So, Voldemort is, like, a really powerful wizard or something?
Harry: Well, yeah.
Marco: And, just curious, but this wizardry thing, it's genetic, right?
Harry: I guess so.  I mean, we inherit our magic, so it would make sense.  What are you-
Marco: Just a couple more questions, hold on.  These 'horcrux' things, they contain pieces of Voldemort, isn't that right?
Harry: I still don't see what this has to do with-
Marco: Nevermind that.  Last question.  Could I just see that locket for a second?[/spoiler]

Jake: What are you talking about, you can't taste colors!
Marco: I'm telling you, cheese tastes green!
Slughorn: My word.  I have never seen my hourglass run out that fast.

Ron:  *covering ears*  Aaaugh!!  Why would my owl bring me this howling lava monster?!
*meanwhile on a distant planet*
Howler: RON WEASLEY!  I AM VERY DISAPPOINT- you're not Ron.
Pemalite: No I am not.
*meanwhile in another dimension*
Crayak: Dammit, Ellimist!  This is why we stopped doing crossovers!
« Last Edit: December 09, 2011, 09:42:08 PM by DinosaurNothlit »

Offline Darth Zakryn

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Re: Things the Animorphs (and other characters) would never say
« Reply #1903 on: December 09, 2011, 10:14:31 PM »

Oh my god Dino those were HILARIOUS. :P

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Re: Things the Animorphs (and other characters) would never say
« Reply #1904 on: December 10, 2011, 01:01:30 PM »
Harry: Hermoine, what's that?
Visser3: What the kandrona?
Jake: Sorry, that's our villan. Here's yours.
*Pushs Voldemort*
Voldemort: Avada.......
Jake: Save it for your own hero.

Do you hate trash cans? Is that your problem? Do you just HATE TRASH CANS?!! RAFcousins with Mythgirl. Wish you were here, Myth.