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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2865 on: January 02, 2012, 12:51:03 AM »
Silver walked up on shore, the water from her swim dripping down and leaving puddles in where her feet stepped on the ground. She reached down for her clothes and when she lifted them, her breeches caught something and tore. "Nikao!!" she cursed aloud as she stared at the now gaping hole. She wrapped her cloak around her , not bothering with drying off and made her way back to the bar in annoyance. Her cloak hung at her shoulders, instead of in front of her hiding her "Swimsuit". She walked through the lot of ships, her boots that she had hastily slipped on,  crunched through the gravel towards the bar. She seen some people outside of the bar talking, she slid around them saying, "Excuse me...." and walked into the bar and right up to the bar. She asked the bartender if he had a mending kit and then ordered a drink as well as she waited plopping onto the stool.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2866 on: January 02, 2012, 05:32:51 AM »

Rathien raises an eyebrow as three humans meet out in front of the bar.  He taps a couple of buttons on his wrist-pad and amplifies the sound waves coming from the direction of the group.  Unfortunately using the supression device in this manner causes all other sound around him to be dampened in order to make the further conversation audible.

Even with the amplification and his superior hearing, he can only catch snippets of the conversation passing between the three.  From their tones and facial expressions, it's obvious that they know and appear to like each other.  He catches the words "on base" these were all from the Rebellion?  Interesting.  And speaking of some sort of distortion in space-time...

He puts it out of his mind and changes the wave pattern around himself with the wrist-pad again so that he can hear in a normal fashion.  He leans against the ship again, one foot crossed over the other, boot-toe nestled in the dirt as he pulls his Entroper out and begins fiddling with it, looking it over...caressing the trigger lovingly.  It would be oh so wonderful to use it.  He...itches for it.  Not the warning of The Kill, but the mere desire to hold the fate of another life in his hands once again.  So much power in much.

He schools himself and holsters the Entroper again, directing his attention back to those aboard the ship against which he is currently resting, trying to hear their conversation.  The one, the female that had gone into the ship with the others...she had a swagger about her, like a leopard ready to pounce at a moment's notice.  And of course Tobias was always dangerous.  But then dangerous prey was always the most rewarding.  He smiles to himself, running his tongue over a fang in a mixture of desire and potential excitement.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2012, 05:34:41 AM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2867 on: January 02, 2012, 09:36:01 AM »
Serid's dark eyes track the departure of the Sub-Visser after Myitt and the man who had not identified himself from his quieter section of the bar counter. The semi-familiar rebel and her companion had not even so much as glanced in his direction.

The nothlit's gaze shifts toward the Bar's most recent newcomer, an unfamiliar strawberry blond man. It had looked, for the brief moment that Serid had been able to see out the door, that the man had been speaking with Myitt and her companion.

A rebel? And from my own universe, at that? he wonders, knowing it is likely a long shot. There is simply no way to know. After a moment's deliberation, however, he stands from his stool and makes his way towards the booth where the man is sitting. As much as he has no patience for speaking about Ertoran, his curiosity about what exactly Illim has gotten himself into outweighs his reticence.

"Hello," he says with a polite nod to the man in the booth. "May I ask if you are a companion of Myitt's?"

Illim lurches away from the wall as Myitt turned to the shipyard, and a good thing, too, as Zorish staggers through the Bar's door a moment later, collapsing and then standing again in the place where he had been stationed.

He gives a low whistle, his eyes tracking towards Zorish's hand grasping emptily at his holister. "You really shouldn't get this drunk here, you know, Sub-Visser. It puts you at the mercy of folks you'd probably rather not have gunning you down."

Sympathy continues threatening to bubble up within Illim--the Sub-Visser looks exactly like Terenia, after all--and his host, Daniel, is of no help. <<We can't shoot anyone when they're like this, you know,>> the human says, keeping his internal tone reasonable. <<Not that you don't have it in you, Illim, but... not when they look like her.>>
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2868 on: January 02, 2012, 11:20:04 AM »
Salem laughed and nodded at Simon, "Very true. I think I know that better than anyone." He clicked his persona scanner at Jocun, and then nodded at Simon. "That's all I need, thank you."

He sighed, "I'll provide you with what information I can, but you'll understand, of course, that certain things are more sensitive than others. I honor my agreements- current and future- with all my trading partners, which means that certain information... especially regarding the Yeerk Rebellion... might not be given freely." He smiled, "As long as we're clear. I'll certainly provide what I can."

Al grinned and shrugged at Ewa, "Not holding out. Just not used to doing cartwheels in this yet," he said, waving a hand to indicate his body. "Not sure it's really built for gymnastics. Little heavy and clunky."

He winced as Ewa's nail grazed him. True to his programming, a cut appeared, and a small amount of blood began to seep out.

"Ow." He reached up and grabbed her hand, gently moving it away from him. He sat up, his running weights, lying on the ground, disappearing as he did so. He pulled off his headband and tossed it to the ground, where it disappeared in a puff of smoke. "Think you need to trim your nails a bit," he said with a smile, pressing a hand to his forehead.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2869 on: January 02, 2012, 11:31:01 AM »
simon put Jocun back in his ear. Simon continued the conversation. "We don't want you to have to break any past agreements. Just as long as we get enough to continue our goals and hel the Yeerks become what they should be, instead of what they are. Since the scanning and such is done, would you rather talk elsewhere?"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2870 on: January 02, 2012, 02:26:14 PM »
"Oh, I'm sorry!" Ewa frowned with concern and retracted her hand from his, running the pad of her thumb over her fingers.  "Must have caught an edge."  Her eyes stayed fixed on where she saw the headband disappear. I just touched that.... if it was a projection, it was a ridiculously expensive one.  No one actually uses something of that grade for this.  What would be the point?

With the same nail that had grazed Al, Ewa nicked her thumb.  "Ah, there it is."  The knife at her wrist slipped into her hand and she began trimming down her nails.  "Don't want any more accidents," she said absently, waiting to feel an effect.  Her eyes flicked up to meet Al's, the default smirk hiding in the back of her expression.  "How do you figure 'heavy and clunky'?"  Finished with her nails, she slipped the knife back into its sheath.  "I mean, the outfit is cringe-worthy--I'm sure that's the point--but since it can't actually change your body...." her eyes grew a bit distant, "and even if it did, it doesn't have...." Ewa trailed off.  She blinked twice.  What?  That's.....

By exposing her blood--the most mobile part of her shifting system--to Al's, Ewa had intended to judge how much shifting he had done recently.  It was a crude, qualitative trick most often used to check on young children who had to do significant shifting and might not be aware of how exhausted they were.  The adult Paladinian would feel the isolated shifting system of the child's as a resistance to their own system at the point of contact and could judge the relative exhaustion based on the level of resistance.  People with a lot of experience didn't even need the blood-blood contact.  Ewa's mother was able to do it with just skin-skin contact.  Of course, she had had a lot more practice.

What Ewa felt from Al was impossible: nothing.  There was no resistance whatsoever.  Even given extra time to compensate for a lethargic response, there was nothing.  It can't.... He should be dead right now.  Unconscious at the very, very least.  No one can.... and supplements would still react so... but he can't NOT have a shifting system... can he?

Her eyes focused back on Al.  "You're...." she trailed off, confused and unsure.  "Are you...?" But she didn't know what question she wanted to frame.  She stared at him, waiting.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2871 on: January 02, 2012, 06:47:51 PM »
The bartender brought back her drink and the mending kit. She paid up and went to find an empty table where she could mend her clothes. She laid her cloak on the back of her chair and sat down crossing her legs. She looked around the bar before starting to get things out to mend her clothes.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2872 on: January 03, 2012, 07:57:47 AM »
Myitt purses her lips.  "Good.  You don't want any trouble.  Then crawl off of this rock and go home, or crash into the nearest star, for all I care." She glances at Illim.  "I'm going to go back inside and finish my drink."

Heavy black boots step past the Sub-Visser and Myitt plants both hands on the greasy wooden door, pushing her way inside with an irritated grunt.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2873 on: January 03, 2012, 08:36:30 AM »
Zorish looks from Illim to Myitt, seeming almost on the verge of tears again.

<<I just want to take a nap,>> Tamora protests, unaware of the fact that it is her own tears seeping through Zorish's flimsy control. <<I don't want go off on your stupid revenge missions and...and...>>

Tamora's breath hitches in her throat, a strangled sob forcing its way out, and she sinks back down to the cold ground, barely noticing Myitt's return into the bar.

"I don't- I don't know who you are," Tamora says to Illim, her voice thick with tears and drink, "but't let her hurt him. Please...I..." she trails off, mumbling incoherently, her eyelids drooping.

Keslin looks up at Serid, surprised at being approached so quickly in a place that seemed to be visited by more paranoid types. His light blue eyes take in the dark-haired man quickly, flickering up and down his body before coming to a rest on his face.

"I suppose that depends on who is asking," Keslin says with a business-like smile.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2874 on: January 04, 2012, 08:55:56 AM »
Illim frowns at Myitt's back as she re-enters the building. "Like a freakin' pinball," he mutters, having been settling into the mindset of heading off to a nice beach in Italy somewhere for the remaining day or two of their time off.

At the pitiful sounds coming from Tamora, he sighs, his daydream fading as he turns his attention on her. "Look... I don't owe you anything.   I'm not even sure I really understand what's going on here," he says, leaning back against the wall again. "Maybe you should just head to your ship--you've got one here?--and sleep it off. You're not doing yourself any favors by wandering around this place so vulnerable."

"That is hardly a straightforward beginning," Serid murmurs with a frown, "although I certainly cannot fault you for that."

The Andalite hesitates for a long moment and then finally extends his right hand, taking a chance. "My name is Serid; Illim is a... a friend of mine."
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2875 on: January 04, 2012, 06:58:08 PM »
Myitt stalks up to the bar and stops in front of the dusty bottle of redin.  She picks it up and frowns. 

"Dapsen," she hisses through her teeth.  "Bartender, can I have another bottle please?" Her voice belies her thinning patience.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2876 on: January 04, 2012, 07:33:44 PM »
With a nod, Keslin takes Serid's hand firmly. "Keslin 5-8-2," he says, looking closely at Serid for any reaction to the Yeerkish name. "And my host is Chris. He says hello as well."

Dropping his hand he leans back against the cracking plastic of the booth. "Have a seat," he invites, gesturing to the empty spot across from him. "So, Illim, eh?" He glances back towards the door, where he had last seen the Yeerk. "I didn't know he had many friends outside of the rebellion."

Zorish struggles to regain control over his sobbing host, finding it more difficult than usual. Her limbs do not want to respond and her breath keeps catching. He finally manages a halfhearted glare up at Illim.

"Fine. Probably...probably for the best...anyways..." he chokes out, reaching a hand up to grab onto the sill of one of the grimy windows. He tries to heft himself back to his feet, but his legs twist under him, refusing to support Tamora's weight. "****," he hisses, sliding back to the ground.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2877 on: January 04, 2012, 08:46:28 PM »
Serid gives Keslin's hand a single shake and then sits down across from him, settling straight-backed into the seat. If the Yeerkish name has startled him, he gives no indication.

"It is a pleasure to meet both of you," he replies politely. "As far as I know, Illim does not have outside friends. None, perhaps, save me." He regards Keslin and Chris curiously. "And you? Are you his friend?"

Illim has only bent a few inches, offering Zorish his hand, when Daniel pipes up. <<See? You can't stop seeing Terenia in her.>>

<<Whatever,>> Illim doesn't even bother to argue with his host. <<Let's just get them on their ship or whatever and go find Myitt.>>

<<Wait, so now you're going to escort this Sub-Visser to his ship because he looks like our friend?>>

<<No, I just-- I'm just giving him a damned hand up, alright?>> he snaps impatiently.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2878 on: January 05, 2012, 01:15:33 AM »
Keshin raises an eyebrow at the description of how they would get the medicine. He crosses his arms, tapping the ground. "Now, listen up. Joanne and I don't work for regular pay. It wrecks our freedom of movement, and in our line of work we need that. You guys probably aren't even planning to stick around very long."

Keshin paces slightly around the room, thinking. Their offer was extremely tempting. "Look, the most we'd be willing to do is pay for someone to fix Joanne with a series of regular jobs. If you can set that up, we can make a deal."
Mar closes his eyes, weighing his options. On the one hand, there was the chance that Ossanlin would not give him his asking price. On the other hand, Ossanlin would die and there was no chance of using the War Prince at all. Mar would have to be annoyingly careful, but a dead Ossanlin was a wasted opportunity.

Mar puts his left hand on Ossanlin's chest, turning to Claxter with a severe look. "I will commit to the task. But do not expect it to be a free act. When he awakes and is stable, I will speak to him."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2879 on: January 05, 2012, 07:32:01 AM »
With an overly eager grab Myitt whisks the bottle of redin and a grimy glass off of the bar counter.  She glances around the bar proper and nods at the little booth where Keslin and Serid were sitting. 

"Far be it for me to deny an Andalite my company," she breathes, pausing momentarily to watch the front door. 

<<Illim will be alright,>> Tara says reassuringly.  <<That Sub-Visser couldn't shoot himself in the foot if she wanted to.  I bet she'll end up hurling.>>

<<Don't disrespect the dead,>> Myitt mutters flatly, continuing on towards the booth where her friend and Illim's former host sit chatting. 

She sets the bottle and the glass down on the scratched lacquer surface of the booth's table.

"Mind if I, uh, join you kids?" she says, although she's already sitting down next to Serid and giving the Andalite a hearty pat on the back as if they were old friends.   "Serid, long time no see."

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