Author Topic: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar  (Read 212221 times)

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2850 on: January 01, 2012, 04:10:24 PM »
Myitt pushes the heavy wooden front door open, crunching onto the gravel of the shipyard. 

She pauses just long enough to hold the door for Illim, then shoves her hands into her jacket pockets and glares at the ground as she walks. 

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2851 on: January 01, 2012, 04:15:19 PM »
"Five more minutes..." Jasper said, reaching for the snooze button.

There wasn't an alarm clock on the table. He hit the napkins instead. That seemed to work for him.

<<How long were we out?>> Sapttus said groggily. They had woken up at the same time. Like usual.

<<I don't know, man. There must have been something in that ... whatever it was I just had.>>

<<You don't even know what it was... and.. you drank it....>>

<<No... I just don't... remember... is all. And hey, you drank it too.>> They both stared at the empty mug in front of them.

The world may never know.

Neither of them recognized any of the other bar patrons. Considering how weird this place was, he wasn't totally sure he hadn't slept for years. It was a really weird feeling. It felt like a dream, like they were going to wake up back in their apartment and leave for work shortly. But... they were still sitting in this crumbling old shack.

<<Any sign of Salem? Or Al?>> Sapttus asked.

<<You see out the same eyes I do, bud. I don't see any - >>


At the sight of the woman in the Yeerkish uniform – dear lord, it was a subvisser's uniform – Sapttus's panic nearly induced a minor heart attack in his host. Jasper was more than slightly freaked out as well, of course, but he knew that they had to keep their cool. Well, at least they had to try. They'd snapped their head forward, staring now at the wall, not making eye contact. But that left their back turned to their assumed bounty hunter.

<<We'll just wait a minute, and then we'll just get up and leave. We're going to be fine.>>

<<You don't even believe that yourself.>>

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2852 on: January 01, 2012, 04:23:41 PM »
Zorish glances blearily to the side at sudden movement from one of the patrons he had assumed was unconscious. Squinting Tamora's eyes he tries to make out the human's features, but the room is spinning enough to make it difficult to focus.

<<Okay,>> he relents to Tamora. <<I've had enough.>> Roughly, he pushes the tumbler of redin away from him, surprised to find that it is empty again. When had he drank that last glass?

<<Sleep,>> Tamora mumbles half-coherently, thinking of their cloaked fighter. Zorish nods, grunts, and pushes away from the table. The movement almost makes him fall, but he clutches at the counter and steadies himself.

"This is gonna be a long walk," he murmurs aloud, words slurring perceptibly.

The young blonde man's eyes light up when the bar door opens and Myitt's scowling form emerges.

"Myitt," he says, quickening his stride. The tenseness in his shoulders eases slightly and he pulls his hands from his pockets - they are no longer shaking. He nods to the man behind Myitt. "Illim. I hoped we'd find you guys here. Leaving already, eh?" His voice has a slight Canadian lilt to it.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2012, 04:26:50 PM by Terenia [Teach] »

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2853 on: January 01, 2012, 06:14:11 PM »
Myitt stops short, staring at Keslin.

"Yes," she says tersely, "and you should be, too.  There's a Sub-Visser in there who should be dead.  Terenia's twin sister.  Luckily she's probably also quite drunk." 

She stops next to Keslin and turns back toward the bar door, biting her lip.  Her right hand clenches and unclenches into a light fist, keeping her Dracon in her left hand. 

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2854 on: January 01, 2012, 06:28:50 PM »
Keslin's eyebrows draw together in confusion. "A Sub-Visser who should be dead?" he repeats, bewildered. He reaches up and rubs the back of his neck, looking at Illim to see if he can provide a better explanation.

"Well if she's drunk, shouldn't we, uh, be taking advantage of the situation?" he asks. "Getting your hands on a high-ranking Imperial is kind of a rare occurance."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2855 on: January 01, 2012, 07:02:30 PM »
The short man--now identified as Illim--steps through the Bar's door into the eternal twilight of the planetoid after Myitt. Following her lead, he stops short, eyes focusing on Keslin and face breaking into a natural smile by way of greeting.

"One of those freaky Bar anomalies, ya know," he shrugs. "Can't know what timeline or universe he's from, but in ours, at least, both he and his host're dead."

Illim turns his attention to Myitt. "So... would there be any adverse effects to shoot him while he's down or whatever you had in mind, even if he is from our universe? Or might that mess with your past?" He sighs, shaking his head. "Maybe I should let the astronomer in here--" he taps his head with a living metal finger "--have time to come up with a hypothesis."
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2856 on: January 01, 2012, 07:41:39 PM »
Myitt barks a laugh.  "Okay, Daniel," she says with a smug smile.  "Let's see what 21st century human astrophysics can come up with.  Personally, I don't think she's from our universe, even if hers might be extremely similar to ours.  The biggest nail in that proverbial coffin is that Zorish would have remembered me when I showed up to destroy her.  Unless the bar effectively erased their memory of the events here.  Damn it, I hate this place, it throws such a completely unknown variable into this equation!"

She stomps her foot into the gravel, scowling.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2857 on: January 01, 2012, 08:01:26 PM »
"Go easy on him," Illim smirks, rolling his eyes and leaning back against the Bar's exterior wall to survey her in amusement. "No point in getting too superior; all of our understanding of science is stolen, anyway."

He glances at the window behind him, trying to spot Zorish inside, but the glass is too grimy. "Anyway, sounds reasonable enough. If they're from a different universe, then there's no danger. Except here at the Bar, of course," he raises an eyebrow.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2858 on: January 01, 2012, 08:05:34 PM »
The young man's face breaks into a wide grin as Keslin's host assumes control.

"Don't throw a temper tantrum now, Myitt," he says with a wink at Illim. He leans forward and continues in a stage whisper. "The bar might hear you and stage an uprising. We wouldn't want that, eh?"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2859 on: January 01, 2012, 08:39:02 PM »
Myitt stares balefully at Keslin.  "No," she says.  "We wouldn't."

Abruptly she turns to Illim.  "So, the Sub-Visser from another universe can't shoot any of us in a drunken stupor?  That sounds uh...dangerous.  Forgive me if I'm mistaken, here."

"Screw drugs.  Smoke RAF." - Ash

Offline KitsuneMarie

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2860 on: January 01, 2012, 08:52:38 PM »
Illim shakes his head, waving a hand at her. "That's why I said there's danger here. Which is why we should continue our plan of getting outta here." He tugs the comm link from his pocket, inspecting it briefly before shoving it back into hiding. "And maybe we've still got time to make it somewhere else for our vacation."

He raises an eyebrow at Myitt with a grin. "Italy, anyone?"
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2861 on: January 01, 2012, 08:58:19 PM »
"Yes," Myitt says flatly, marching off towards her ship.  "Italy is preferable to this place."

"Screw drugs.  Smoke RAF." - Ash

Offline Terenia

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2862 on: January 01, 2012, 11:37:05 PM »
Keslin and his host watch as Myitt stalks off, shrugging almost imperceptibly. "Alright, then," he says, giving Illim a smile. "I was hoping we'd be able to catch a beer with you, but some other time, eh? I'll, uh...I'll catch you guys back on base."

He gives a small wave, then pushes past Illim and enters the bar proper.

It is busier than the last time he was here, with a much more varied clientele. Nevertheless it takes him approximately two seconds to spot the Sub-Visser's tell-tale uniform. She is, as Myitt warned, obviously very drunk. He resolves to avoid her and instead makes his way to one of the booths, looking around for any familiar faces.

Zorish finally manages to orient himself towards the front door, clinging with one hand to the bar counter all the while. He takes a staggering step forward, pauses, and almost runs the distance between the counter and the door, half falling into it.

"Stupid dapsen body...why can't you...grah," Zorish grunts, pushing the door open and practically running straight into Illim. He falls back in surprise, landing on his butt in the dirt.

"Hey," he slurs, blinking owlishly up at Illim. "You're that...that guy that was with Myitt. Where - where is she?" He whips his head around, looking for her. "Myitt!" he shouts hoarsely, trying to regain his footing and only succeeding in falling again.

"She shot me," he offers in indignant explanation.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2012, 11:39:51 PM by Terenia [Teach] »

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2863 on: January 01, 2012, 11:40:40 PM »
Myitt turns around and blinks down at the drunk Sub-Visser.

After a few seconds of gaping she collects her jaw and raises her Dracon.

"Listen, drunky," she drawls.  "Why don't you have a nice drink of water and go to sleep?  Right here on the dirt?  I'm sure the door won't hit you too much."

"Screw drugs.  Smoke RAF." - Ash

Offline Terenia

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2864 on: January 01, 2012, 11:52:22 PM »
This time Zorish is able to get himself to his feet successfully. He leans against the outer wall of the bar and peers at Myitt. His free hand trails down to his own weapon, but the holster is empty. Did I leave my Dracon on the counter? he wonders dimly.

"I don't want...don't want any..." he takes a shuddering breath and staggers slightly, barely keeping his footing. "Don't want any trouble," he finally finishes. "I just..."

He trails off, eyes tracking.

"Be quiet," he snaps after a moment of silence. He falls heavily against the wall and holds his head in his hands. "I'll get you your dapsen nap, alright? I'm sorry, okay? I'll...I'll make it up to you. Later." He squeezes his eyes shut for a long moment, not seeming to realize that he has spoken aloud.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2012, 11:55:23 PM by Terenia [Teach] »

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