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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2820 on: December 23, 2011, 02:38:07 PM »
"I could administer depressants, but attempting to rewrite your system would be a more permanent thing if it worked. Our doctors have made some strides in biological technology over time, though there are some risks. I would have to consult some of my best doctors. This will take some time to send the data, have them go over it, and send a message back. Until then I can give you medicine to slow down the process." He went over to a cabinet and got out some things. He came back with something he could administer with the same device used to draw her blood. "I don't have a whole lot right now, but I can quickly order some more."

He sent the information out, and went to a container for Jocun. "Like I said, Salem. If it's possible to scan him through glass, I'd be willing to do that."

<We can't have him agree to anything before you help him, and I don't have the authority to say he will do anything that he objects to.> Claxter said. He didn't know if Mar would help if there was a chance he wouldn't get something he'd think was worth this help. What would happen if Ossanlin died? What would happen to him or Efaen?
« Last Edit: December 23, 2011, 02:43:42 PM by Chad30 »

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2821 on: December 23, 2011, 06:57:02 PM »
Citrus looked away for a second, but then looked back. "Well, it's not exactly my favourite topic," She said slowly, looking down, "Mind if we talk about something else?"
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2822 on: December 23, 2011, 07:08:57 PM »
Julian noticed talking about herself was a touchy subject for this young woman. He could respect that, if she wanted to talk about it, she would in time. He nodded in understanding.

"No problem, but if you ever need to talk to someone you can borrow an ear," Julian reassured. He motioned to the bartender to bring over a couple more drinks, at the same time he was trying to think of something else to talk about. "This round is on me, I insist."

"I'll let you choose the next topic, since we hit on a sensitive one," Julian said.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2823 on: December 23, 2011, 07:10:48 PM »

Ossanlin continues to look blithely around the room.  He sees Claxter enter, yet does not truly see him.  As Mar enters the room however, his body tenses involuntarily, a sharp hiss of breath is drawn through his respiratory cavities.  His mind echoes confusion...Mar...f riend...but he didn't like him...or was it him?  Something...somethi ng didn't like Mar...and his body was responding to "something's" desire.  What...what was this, where was he?  Who was...

He 'hisses' again as his eyes run across Mar for a second time, the same conversation echoing through his head again as if the first had never occurred.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2824 on: December 24, 2011, 12:05:50 AM »
"Yup," Myitt says grimly, the fingers on her right hand starting to twitch.  "Deader'n door nails."  She looks up at the man.  "If I leave, Zorish will be awfully cross, you know."  Slowly the smile returns.  "He had his poor heart set on revenge, but I don't think he can actually seek me out in whatever universe he's come from and kill me in my past.  Surely space-time wouldn't be so cruel?"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2825 on: December 24, 2011, 03:15:51 PM »
"Well, I could tell you someday," Citrus said with a slight bit of a smile,"I'm just not one of those people who'll trust a stranger easily. So, what's your home word like?"
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Offline Chad32

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2826 on: December 24, 2011, 08:14:41 PM »
Claxter noticed ssanlin didn't look at ease to see Mar. <It's alright Prince Ossanlin. It's just Mar. He's willing to help....for a price.> He said the last part quietly.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2827 on: December 25, 2011, 03:08:00 AM »
Keshin glances at the vial offered by Simon, eventually taking it from him. He turns it over and over again in his hands, as if contemplating something. "You would offer me this for....nothing? I work...every single day to get this kind of medicine for Joanne. I kill people for that which slows down her death.'d give me a vial right here. You people really must be from the future."

<And we should be takin' weird crud from this future? You ain' got no sense, Kess. >

<I'm not going to inject it until I am certain it isn't dangerous, but we will be getting their help.>

<What about what that Salem guy says? You sure these blokes ain' trouble?>

<, I'm not sure at all.>

Keshin nods at Simon's other comments. "Once we find out how much it will cost your group, we will attempt brokering a deal with you. What exactly is in this vial?"
Mar ever so slightly smirks at Ossanlin's discomfort. It was clear that the Ellimist wasn't fond of him: Ossanlin was his "friend." As far as Mar knew the Highest didn't know him, but he probably reminded that entity of someone it did know. The lines between Entropic beings were always a bit vague: many of them had no life force and thus no permanent identity. Mar had kept a variant of this one a long time. It reminded him of a person he had once been, long ago.

"I am not inclined to do something for no guarantee, young vassal," Mar mutters, stroking his odd hand along Ossanlin's chest. "However...the War-Prince has great honor. Do you believe I could rely on the Andalite's sense of debt? I know from experience that his guilt can be...remarkable."

Offline Chad32

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2828 on: December 25, 2011, 12:54:58 PM »
"I'm afraid I can't just do this for free to someone I don't really know. If you want this, you'll work for Jocun as long as we're giving this to you. You shouldn't worry about that too much, though. He's quite agreeable for the most part. That is a strong dose of Ixliizx. It's a strong depressant, but shouldn't put you in a coma or anything. We usually give it to people having bouts of hysteria, or otherwise violently unstable. Obviously you're not bouncing off the walls right now, so you're likely to feel sluggish, but if you need strong deppresants then this should do it."

<I am sure Prince Ossanlin will repay you in any way that is within his power and morals to do. I can't say anymore.>

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2829 on: December 25, 2011, 05:33:57 PM »
Julian took a sip of his drink. "I come from a planet called Eurydice, one of a handful of similarly named planets. My mother, for example, attended university on Isis. Eurydice is one of the mid-planets. Not quite the Inner Planets where the CG has their main set up, but it was nice. Very green and peaceful in spots. We lived not to far from a majorly populated area."

Another swallow of drink was taken. "My father was athletic and he brought back some of the older things. Such as sword tournaments and the like. For some reason they really took off and they have their own leagues and everything now."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2830 on: December 25, 2011, 09:53:48 PM »
"So then, what? You wanna just turn around and head back to the Base?" the short man asks Myitt. "What about our break?" He leans casually against the bar next to her and continues talking: "We sure deserve it, don't you think? Or maybe they'll let us order it to go. There aren't any intragalactic regulations against drinking and flying, are there?"

He grins, glancing down at Myitt's arm. "Is it starting to come back to the land of the living?"
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2831 on: December 26, 2011, 02:05:25 PM »
"Sort of," Myitt murmurs, looking down at her prickling arm.  Slowly she makes a fist and attempts to shake it out, but her muscles only half cooperate.  "Yeah, if we can get food and drink to go, I say we blow this pop stand."

She eyes Tamora.  "Jeez, she's been out for a while."  Hesitantly, her Dracon still in her left hand, she crouches by the girl.  "She's breathing.  That's as far as I'm going to go with half of our arms functioning."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2832 on: December 26, 2011, 11:37:02 PM »
After Silver had said her goodbyes to her father and Gaz, wihing them the best of luck and asking that they keep in touch with her, she looked at the bar. She needed to meditate but she was afraid that if she slipped into Alpha state of mind, she would become unconcious once again. She had looked around for Parker, but for some reason she couldn't find him, which was unusual, even in her state. Her powers needed to mend and she was severely confused on why she was so out of wack. She knew Julian had headed into the bar for a drink, no doubt he would find conversation there with one of the many odd yet interesting creatures within those walls. Asfter looking around, Silver headed towards the lake. "maybe a swim will help me.....its as close to meditation I'm going to get for now......" She walked slowly trying to listen and feel for the earth and air around her that her powers normally let her communicate with. She got faint traces, but had slightly tired herself out as she reached the edge pf the lake. She slipped off her boots and leather breeches, revealing what looked to be a bakini bottom made of the same material as her pant were more of a teal color that matched the streaks in her hair. She took off her vest, which left an animal hide tube toop across her chest to cover her. She folded her things placing them beside a tree stump and walked to the waters edge. After watching a moment she jumped in with a graceful dive
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2833 on: December 27, 2011, 04:23:16 PM »
It seems as though an endless period of fuzzy images and sounds pass before Zorish finally senses the faintest inkling of awareness from his host.

<<Tamora,>> he hisses urgently. <<Tamora, get up. I need you conscious, dammit.>>

<<What...?>> Tamora's thoughts are confused and half-formed, but she is awake enough that Zorish is able to blink her eyes back into focus, and the faded figures above him materialize into Myitt and a stranger. Great, Zorish thinks, assuming the stranger must be another rebel. Now there's two of them.

Grunting with the effort he weakly raises Tamora's arm to the back of their head, checking the damage and wincing against the dull throb there.

"You shot me," he accuses Myitt in a raspy, weak voice. He coughs once, then winces as it sends a shard of pain through Tamora's head.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2011, 04:26:49 PM by Terenia [Teach] »

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2834 on: December 27, 2011, 07:37:54 PM »
Myitt instinctively draws back, keeping the Dracon as steady as she can in her off hand.

"Yes," she says bluntly, standing up and aiming the gun down at Tamora's chest.  "I did.  And you are outnumbered.  So I suggest you forget your little plot for pan-dimensional vengeance, and we both go about our lives as peacefully as we can."

"Screw drugs.  Smoke RAF." - Ash