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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2805 on: December 21, 2011, 07:29:57 PM »
Serid, who had been silently glowering throughout Zorish's conversation with the strange octopod, has decided it best to not reveal his true species to Bivsitz. Andalites, it seems, are unpopular throughout the galaxy--even its farthest, most quiet reaches.

Instead, he turns his attention on the growing tension between Zorish and the rebel who had been with Ertoran--Myitt, he thought he remembered her name being. When a shot is fired, he takes a step backwards, watching the scene unfold with what at least appears to be cold indifference, not offering to help Myitt.

Elayne shrugs. "Yeah, maybe... That Andalite, Ossanlin, seems to have surprising knowledge. And Mar might know, although he also might have no interest in telling me, for his own purposes. I doubt he'd want me to go." Her eyes track the entrance of Myitt to the bar, and she sighs. "Although with his Precious back to distract him, he might not give a damn."

She flinches at Myitt shoots the Imperial Zorish and sighs, leaning back in her seat. "This place is too exciting," she mutters.

A tiny Yeerk ship, not so shiny and new as it had been the last time it landed at the Bar, dips out of orbit and comes to a rather abrupt, decisive landing on the planetoid's surface in the shipyard. The place in which it has settled is, by no mistake, right next to Myitt's recently abandoned Bug fighter.

The glowing lights fade and, a moment later, the Madra's hull opens, revealing a rather short, graying man. He is wearing jeans and black track jacket over a frayed grey t-shirt, but the colorless palate of his clothes makes no hint as to his rather boisterous personality.

Strolling down the ramp, the man casually orders the hull closed and locked and wanders towards the Bar, hands stuffed into his pockets, a casual grin on his face. A grin of anticipation.

When he reaches the building's door and pushes it open, the smile widens--until he spots Myitt. "Hey," he calls out, immediately quickening his pace as he heads towards her, "what's going on? You okay?" His eyebrows shoot skyward towards his messy, short hair. "I leave you ten minutes and you're already getting yourself hurt."
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2806 on: December 21, 2011, 07:36:35 PM »
"Oh, cool," Citrus said. She looked around. She then asked,"So who were those people you were with?"
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2807 on: December 21, 2011, 07:39:57 PM »
"Yeah," Trey agrees, pulling himself to his feet, his eyes on the fallen woman. He sighs, his dark eyes watching Elayne, betraying his unease. "I want to leave," he says. "I'm not any use here and...and I don't know how long I'll stay alive if I stay here, honestly. Not the way this place runs."

Through Tamora's unfocused eyes Zorish can make out hazy, indistinct sillhouettes over his body. One must be Myitt, the other unfamiliar. Sounds reach Tamora's ears, but they are fuzzy and Zorish cannot put meaning to them.

<<By the Kandrona itself, Tamora, wake up,>> Zorish hisses uselessly.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2808 on: December 21, 2011, 07:40:36 PM »
Claxter finished leading Mar to the ship, and into the med bay. <Thank you, Parker.> He said. He showed Ossanlin to Mar. <As I've said, it's a strange condition. I really hope you can halep, and if you'd like, perhaps we'd be able to repay you. Though I am aware you're not really a virtuous person. whatever you ask in return should be something we'd be willing to voluntarily do.>

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2809 on: December 21, 2011, 08:12:03 PM »
"Well, the guy I was talking to before I had just met," Julian said. "You mean Gaz and Morgan? The lady and the minotaur guy? Morgan, well I grew up with him, we were good friends. They had to go back and take care of some things, but I decided to stay here. I had just arrived. Wanted to check this place out, see what it was like."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2810 on: December 21, 2011, 08:54:37 PM »
Myitt looks up at the graying man without a bit of surprise.

"I'm not hurt," she murmurs, although her limp arm dangles uselessly at her right side and she's still using the counter as a stabilizer.  She nods down at Zorish.  "The Sub-Visser wanted revenge for his death.  Imagine that?  A dead person, a set of them, trying to kill me." 

She huffs an incredulous laugh, shaking her head.  "So, you supposed to be our like, knight in shining armor?"  In spite of the situation the grin she gives the man is one of sly confidence.

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Offline KitsuneMarie

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2811 on: December 21, 2011, 09:13:58 PM »
Elayne smirks and nods. "Miracle we didn't die in our sleep, huh?" she says to Trey. "Well..." she raises her eyebrows, tilting her head to the side, "maybe we could just give it a go. In my ship. If you're feeling brave, or stupid."

"Sub-Visser?" the man asks blankly. It's only then that he seems to notice the woman on the ground. "Wait--Terenia--?" He mutters with a frustrated sigh, "This damned bar."

He makes his way over to Myitt, bending down to pick up the Dracon on the ground. "If I'm your knight, I'm in embarrassingly shabby armor. Hope you don't mind," he says, offering her the gun with a smirk. "So, you sure you're okay?" he eyes her dangling arm with concern.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2812 on: December 22, 2011, 10:19:25 AM »
"I like shabby armor," she sighs, pursing her lips.  Myitt's eyes track his towards her limp arm. 

"My fault," she says, adjusting herself against the bar counter with a wince and taking the Dracon awkwardly with her left hand.  "Shot them at close range.  Stupid, but so was Zorish, so I had to, you know...act."

She bites her lip and looks down at Tamora.  "It's her twin.  Tamora.  You never met her, but the resemblance is striking, huh?"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2813 on: December 22, 2011, 03:40:11 PM »
Citrus nodded. "Oh, cool. And no, I don't know Gaz and Morgan. I'm new here, remember?"
Starfire is my RAFcousin. :D

Thanks Ouroborus! ^_^

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2814 on: December 22, 2011, 03:50:04 PM »
Julian nodded. "Right. Wish you could have met them, interesting people. Well, with luck the may come back sometime in the future. Depending on how things go."

After finishing his drink, Julian glanced around the bar to have a quick look at the other patrons. Interesting looking people, all of them. He wondered what brought them here, and why they stayed.

"So, what's your story? How did you get here? Because I'm willing to bet not everyone gets here the same way."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2815 on: December 22, 2011, 09:20:34 PM »
Salem's hair stood on end. Jocun was far more willing to cooperate than he'd anticipated. He was presumably loading the information being asked for, and putting himself in a very dangerous and vulnerable position, without so much as a thought for what the rest of the deal might entail. Either he was eager to please and eager to make friends... or Salem was walking right into a trap.

He suspected that there had to be an accomplice here with Rathien, and the beeping in his head seemed to indicate that Rathien was tailing him... closing the trap? No way the hunter would have shown his position without some kind of failsafe. It was starting to look more and more like it might be Jocun... thinking back, he hadn't seen Simon around until after Rathien had appeared. Not that that told him anything.

He glanced at Keshin... why would Rathien want to get him and Keshin alone? With Keshin here, it seemed more likely that this was a rebel maneuver. He raised an eyebrow at Simon. If that was the case, he was definitely a respectable actor, having come to the bar asking about the rebellion themselves.

So... was Jocun a rebel misdirecting him? Or Rathien's right-hand man?

Why not both?

Still... had to see how this was going to play out. Not much he could do if Rathien was ready to shoot him if he walked out the door.

<<Kess, keep your eyes open. Something feels wrong here. Be ready. Rathien's nearby.>> he said to the hunter in private thought-speak.

To Simon, he put on a smile. "Well, that's accommodating. Thank you. I was hoping I'd have the chance to grab some equipment from my ship first, but I'll make do." He pulled a small device from his pocket and ran it over Jocun a couple of times before putting it back. He then pulled out his persona scanner and clicked it at the Yeerk, before turning back to Jocun with a smile.

"Mind setting him down for a minute? I need to get a scan of him without you in the image."

Al laughed, "You're probably right. Gotta be the tuxedo." Without another word, his image flickered through about a dozen different outfits in a matter of seconds, before he finally seemed to settle on a bright purple track suit with yellow stripes, a similiarly-colored dirty headband, and a running weight in each hand.

He then imitated Ewa, rocking back and forth, and launched into a cartwheel, weights still in hand. He managed to stay upright and land it, albeit less gracefully than she'd done. He laughed again, his eyes twinkling. "Guess you were right."

He proceeded to perform a sloppy backflip, then another, and another, until he was backflipping across the field, away from Ewa. When he was about twenty yards away, he caught himself on his hands, mid-backflip, and pushed off in the other direction, front-flipping back towards her. As he reached her, he kicked off the ground sideways, twisted to catch himself on one hand and one foot, and managed to kick into another set of cartwheels. He cycled all the way around her, stood up, his hands in the air, and dropped into a clumsy somersault, which he couldn't quite complete. He got caught halfway in, fell onto his side, and rolled onto his back in the grass, panting.

"Tah dah!" he said quietly.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2816 on: December 22, 2011, 09:54:10 PM »
Simon frowned a bit. "I think I kind of do mind. Yeerks being vulnerable, and you being such a new acquaintance and all. Of course with this information, we're going to want something pretty big in return." After a couple of seconds of thought, he came up with an idea. "I suppose I could put him in his container, behind glass, if that's doable for you."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2817 on: December 22, 2011, 10:21:45 PM »
"I think I'd need to be braver and stupider to stay here," Trey says with a shrug. "We can try. Maybe if your ship doesn't work one of the junked ones in the shipyard will. I don't...I don't think I'm very much use as a pilot, but I can try. My dad taught me a few basics. I just can' very well. Or take off." He winces.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2818 on: December 22, 2011, 11:52:25 PM »
"I'm not a great pilot, myself," Elayne sighs, "but... well, I can get us off the ground. And if we have a bumpy landing, I can make repairs. That much, at least, I'm good for," she smiles. Standing up, she takes a few steps towards the door, casting a final look around the room for Mar.

"Striking, yeah," the man murmurs, turning his gaze to the unconscious Imperial. "They look freakin' identical." He leans against the bar beside Myitt, giving her a curious glance. "So, you wanna just leave her there or what? And, uh, Zorish and Tamora... aren't they supposed to be dead?"
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2819 on: December 23, 2011, 01:46:49 PM »
The computer began to bring up images of the woman's molecular code, showing pretty basic differences in the way this person's body processed energy through her cells. Her body was rapidly generating various forms of cancer due to severe by-products of normal metabolic activity. Her body attempted to cope with this by constantly expelling the poison in a strange form from the pores of her skin. However, the desperate attempts of her cells to survive the onslaught wouldn't last forever. Her heart rate was almost twice the speed of a normal human being----by all rights this person should have been dead years ago. Fixing Joanne would either require the use of severe depressant chemicals on her body or a basic re-wiring of her systems.

Keshin overhears Salem's peculiar statement and frowns, tensing energy through Joanne's muscles in case of possible assault. The computer registers the change. He can't respond to Salem, and isn't sure how the trader spoke to him. But Salem had helped before, and he didn't think the man would lie without reason. That Rathien guy must be close. "So, what do you think of the data? Can it be done?" says Keshin, inquiring.
Mar glances over Ossanlin, tracing a black gloved hand over his body. The War-Prince had been using far too much of his connection as of late---he was becoming lost in the transition between himself and the Ellimist. Mar understood that the Light Highest was a collective, as so many of them were. As Mar himself was, whether human beings comprehended this or not. Mar draws up his sleeve, revealing part of the bizarre organic-looking prosthetic replacing his left arm.

"I think it is possible for me to draw Ossanlin back, yes," says Mar with a wary eye at Claxter. "He is only half connected to his own body. You must advise him to stop using his connection so often, or it will consume him. Ossanlin is a gifted paladin, not an incarnation. Doing this may shut down or dampen my connection to the rest of me, and I have only just regained it. I think...."

Mar paces about the room, folding his hands behind his back. He was not sure if this was a good idea to ask, but his greed was beginning to become too potent. Ossanlin held too much potential for him to simply ignore. "...that I will recover the War-Prince for you if he agrees a number of things for me when I ask it of him. Regardless of his qualms about my possible requests. Favors. I will not interfere with his work, but I will appear upon my own time. You could offer me no material object of more value than the services of the War-Prince himself."