Author Topic: Ax the Prostitute  (Read 25675 times)

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Offline musicman88

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Re: Ax the Prostitute
« Reply #90 on: August 25, 2008, 03:47:00 PM »
this one has a ton of views

Well, if you want people to read your stories then make them about sex.  That's my advice...

Offline elelohesterling

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Re: Ax the Prostitute
« Reply #91 on: August 25, 2008, 04:12:49 PM »

I like alot of your other stuff too musicman... but for the love of god get the next chapter out!`

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Offline filmstu2005

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Re: Ax the Prostitute
« Reply #92 on: August 25, 2008, 06:28:15 PM »
 Okay, two things wrong with this fanfic. One morally wrong, one just my own issue.
1) Rachel is a 13 year old girl!!!! Lol. Dude, thats molestation you're promoting in your story. Seriously, when she told the guy she was 13 thats when i flipped and remembered how old these kids were. And it is kinda sickening. I didn't want to imagine a 13 yr old Rachel having sex with an older guy, and then get gangbanged, come on!

Here's a suggestion. Y not have Ax acquire the DNA of another chic? Another hooker on the street, or someone he accidently runs into during a mission, or at the mall or SOMETHING. Rachel the 13 yr old is soo so sooo wrong.  Im not feelin the idea of him using Rachel up like that. Especially when some dude on the steet will be able to recognize her and mistake her for Ax the ****. That would actually be a funny scene to write in. Rachel would go off on him. Please give Ax a different chic morph. Thats all Im askin man. I remember Tobias morphing Taylor. Somethin like that...

2) Im African-American, so i was a bit disappointed to see you describe the "shady side of town" as being populated by "dark-skinned like Cassie and light skinned like Marco" people.  Its like saying all blks and latinos are prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers but whites and everyone else are squeaky clean. Seems a bit wrong.

And finally...

“I asked whether you were looking to mate or not,” I said back to him. “If so, I would like you to mate with me. I don’t have much experience, but I should be able to satisfy you. The males that I have mated with before always seemed satisfied afterwards.”

“Talking is by far my worst component when it comes to mating,” I replied, “I promise that I’ll do much better with the other components.” I gave a small pause before saying, “So, do you want to mate with me?”

^^^Which is by far the funniest **** I've ever heard. I nearly died. Almost fell out of my chair laughing.  Imagining Ax in Rachel morph saying this **** to a thug. Priceless.

Offline musicman88

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Re: Ax the Prostitute
« Reply #93 on: August 25, 2008, 06:44:41 PM »

1) Rachel is a 13 year old girl!!!! Lol. Dude, thats molestation you're promoting in your story. Seriously, when she told the guy she was 13 thats when i flipped and remembered how old these kids were. And it is kinda sickening. I didn't want to imagine a 13 yr old Rachel having sex with an older guy, and then get gangbanged, come on!

Here's a suggestion. Y not have Ax acquire the DNA of another chic? Another hooker on the street, or someone he accidently runs into during a mission, or at the mall or SOMETHING. Rachel the 13 yr old is soo so sooo wrong.  Im not feelin the idea of him using Rachel up like that. Especially when some dude on the steet will be able to recognize her and mistake her for Ax the ****. That would actually be a funny scene to write in. Rachel would go off on him. Please give Ax a different chic morph. Thats all Im askin man. I remember Tobias morphing Taylor. Somethin like that...

2) Im African-American, so i was a bit disappointed to see you describe the "shady side of town" as being populated by "dark-skinned like Cassie and light skinned like Marco" people.  Its like saying all blks and latinos are prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers but whites and everyone else are squeaky clean. Seems a bit wrong.

1. Yeah, that's kind of the point.  Ax isn't supposed to be aware of what he's actually doing.  That's why this story is supposed to be comical.

2. Hm, I don't really have a good explanation for that; It just kinda worked out that way.  Maybe I'll make one of the guy's friends white.  Would that make it better?

Edit:  Also, I never said that whites were squeaky clean or even that all black and mexican people are ****s and drug dealers.  Perhaps the original prostitute Ax saw was white...
« Last Edit: August 25, 2008, 07:24:13 PM by musicman88 »

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Re: Ax the Prostitute
« Reply #94 on: August 25, 2008, 06:51:38 PM »
FilmStu, please do NOT take this the wrong way, okay? Have you BEEN to East St. Louis? It is the 'shady' part of town. There is a MUCH higher concentration of non-white people there than in any other part of St. Louis. I'm not saying that blacks and latinos CAUSE an area to be shady. They just seem to be more likely to be willing to live in such a place, and eventually most of the whites who WOULD live there are terrified that they'll be raped-mugged-murdered if they enter such an area, and those that stay are typically involved in gangs, or they are well below the poverty line. Over time, the numbers shift in such a way that there are many times MORE non-whites than whites in the area. MusicMan was just being realistic, NOT racist.

If you want to call me racist and disbelieve what I say, then I invite you to VISIT the 'shady' side of any large city (like the one in which Jake & company live). Count how many whites you see. THEN argue with me. THEN call us racist.

I have NOTHING at ALL against you or anyone of any other race. I am simply stating my own observations of urban environments.
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Offline filmstu2005

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Re: Ax the Prostitute
« Reply #95 on: August 26, 2008, 12:39:43 PM »
Never labeled anyone racist. That word never appeared in my post. Still, the story depicts the image of a stereotypical black male molesting a 13 yr old WHITE girl. Uh.....Sorry if i cant help but see this story in the light it's in. 

But I find it pretty interesting that most of the "clients" rolling through such 'red light districts' are your everyday white males looking to bust a nut with a chic on sale because they cant get any satisfaction at home from their wives... Just saying.

And musicman, if you wantto add a white guy to the gangcrew when they gangbang Rachel, be my guest. Not like it'll change anything...
« Last Edit: August 26, 2008, 12:57:17 PM by filmstu2005 »

Offline Chad32

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Re: Ax the Prostitute
« Reply #96 on: August 26, 2008, 12:57:23 PM »
I don't see much problem with people having sex with a 13 year old, if she enjoys it and there's no chance of her getting pregnant or contracting an STD. There are no negative effects, as long as those guys never see the real Rachel.

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Offline filmstu2005

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Re: Ax the Prostitute
« Reply #97 on: August 26, 2008, 01:29:34 PM »
Lol, dude that just sounds wrong. 13 yr old girls have barely reached puberty! How much more having sex with a guy who's way older than them. It would feel like rape. A 13 yr old doesn't know what she's getting herself into. No kid ever does at that age. And when they get older and mature and ripen, then sure they can do it. But at 13? Even if its only Ax in morph, its still weird.

Offline elelohesterling

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Re: Ax the Prostitute
« Reply #98 on: August 26, 2008, 01:42:31 PM »
DOnt give me that load of Rubbish. GIrls know what they are doing. Yes,maybe that are approaching it stupidil;y, but they know what they are doing when they are 13. Hell I know a ten year old who knows that if she has sex she'd become pregant and did it for that reason.

So.... yes... they know what they are doing.

IN most cultures your considered an adult at 13.

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Offline Chad32

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Re: Ax the Prostitute
« Reply #99 on: August 26, 2008, 01:50:20 PM »
Yeah, the main reason many young teens don't know what they're doing is because their parents are still trying to shelter them from it instead of teaching them about it.

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Re: Ax the Prostitute
« Reply #100 on: August 26, 2008, 02:39:32 PM »
new chapter soon, maybe?

Offline musicman88

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Re: Ax the Prostitute
« Reply #101 on: August 26, 2008, 05:39:01 PM »
New chapter maybe soon... depending on your definition of soon.  I haven't had a whole lot of time to work on it recently, but I'm going as fast as I can.

As for the whole "they don't know what they're getting into" thing, well, that's life.  Most adults don't know what they're getting into most of the time.  And I'm not just talking about sex, that goes for basically everything.


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Re: Ax the Prostitute
« Reply #102 on: August 28, 2008, 11:34:12 AM »
alright sounds good man

Offline musicman88

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Re: Ax the Prostitute
« Reply #103 on: September 05, 2008, 07:31:52 PM »
Alright, new chapter is up!  (Finally!).  I'm sorry it took so long, but both moving into my college dorm along with getting everything settled took some time and it is another long chapter.  Enjoy!

Offline Azguard

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Re: Ax the Prostitute
« Reply #104 on: September 05, 2008, 08:21:42 PM »
Well, I guess what filmstu was saying was that if you heard a stranger at the mall who is clearly older saying "I wouldn't mind having sex with a 13 year old girl" wouldn't that sound a little creepy? I mean, still being open-minded and all, but how would you feel if you had a 13 year daughter at the mall? I guess society creates barriers for a reason.

 I read it, and I did find it interesting. I guess from a fan fiction view and "open-minded" view it's great. I guess we should study the evils AND the good if we want both sides of the story huh?

 The only danger I see is this, when you begin dwelving too much into this stuff you get addicted like Ax...and then it starts effecting how you think and especially how you think of other people...and in your own view of girls. From the view point of the world today we see that. Everyone wants the pretty, thin, athletic, HOT girl and that's all most guys think about. Kinda sad for girls that that pressure is put on them.
RAFcrushin on Tyler. Come on, isn't everyone?