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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3180 on: February 20, 2012, 03:38:56 AM »
Suddenly the bar burst with activity after Ossanlin's arrival: Claxter, Jocun, Keshin, and Mar all reentered the bar shortly after the first Andalite.

After Chris's comment about there being so many 'blue dudes' around, Parker commented, "This is only half as many as there once was. For a time, Andalites out numbered the controllers." Chris then became engaged in a conversation with Claxter about the status of Efaen, Terenia's host (if he recalled correctly).

Parker made note of the new arrangements the patrons maneuvered themselves into and began a new threat assessment. Mar's presence would cause Myitt definite discomfort, as would the Andalites' presence to the number of rebels unfamiliar with them. Tamora's vital readings were spiking, though she seemed too frightened and timid to act. Keshin was always a wild card; however, as a  bounty hunter, it would be unlikely that she attack anyone without promise. Not to mention the only one near her was the unknown Jocun who defended a friend to his fullest. It was unlikely he would lash out at Myitt, but he did return with a different weapon. His decision to switch his rifle to a quick-draw weapon gave Parker pause. This new weapon would perform better close quarters. Perhaps he did anticipate a confrontation. Parker made a note to watch that pair and gave Thor an order to monitor their conversation. He wanted to know if Jocun was planning on hiring the bounty hunter to target Myitt.

Claxter's appearance was mostly an annoyance. For some odd reason, after Parker helped him move Ossanlin, Claxter felt that made them friends. He, for some reason, waited for a response to his earlier question of a sitrep. Parker finally answered Claxter's question. Though he answered it as neutrally as he could, "What you see before you is all that's new. Most of the bar's patrons are now indoors save ten: four are outside taking part in an exhibition, there's Salem, Al and his female follower, along with Salem's attacker are outside as well; and there are also two more individuals behind the bar. If you wish for further debriefing, I suggest asking elsewhere." He turned his head to look directly at Claxter at the words "elsewhere". He kept his tone even, so no emotion could be read; but his final "look" should have conveyed that he didn't like Claxter hanging around. He then returned to watching Myitt's booth and following their conversation.

He commented to Chris, "I don't think Myitt would take too kindly to being called 'Ma'am' in the first place. Women rarely like being called that. Besides, it seems as though she treats those around her as more equals than inferiors. She does carry authority, but rarely pushes it around. That's what I've gathered anyhow."

Garreth smiled slightly and nodded, "I too feel it. I believe it's what is called, a 'Force Bond'. I think our interaction created some sort of link between us. It did become rather intense there for a moment. I'm glad you survived it. May I ask why you keep one of your sabers behind your back?"
« Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 11:44:50 PM by Darth Revan »
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3181 on: February 20, 2012, 09:53:20 AM »
<Thank you Parker.> Claxter said. He left the two and stood near his Prince, not having much to do at the moment. Hopefully he hadn't learned everything he was going to learn about Efaen, and if Ossanlin asked Myitt about it, she would be more forthcoming.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3182 on: February 20, 2012, 08:10:49 PM »
"Ah, well, you see Ossanlin," Myitt states, swallowing, "this is not Terenia. It's her twin sister, Tamora. It's a long story. The bar." She twirls her finger next to her head to indicate the place's temporally anomalous ridiculousness.

"A year?" she continues, eyes widening. "Holy crap, do we have a lot to catch up on." She sighs and looks around the table at Illim, Serid and finally Tamora, standing next to Ossanlin. "You should have a drink, Ozzy."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3183 on: February 21, 2012, 03:28:42 AM »

Ossanlin's eyes narrow and then shift back to Tamora.  <Tamora is dead.>  Ossanlin twitches at the memory, then glances back over to Myitt.  <Causality...>  He sighs.  <Causality is not meant to be ephemeral.>  A strange, sharp pain pierces his head and is gone just as suddenly.  Perhaps a side-effect of some sort.  <I suppose...>  He glances at the BT with his main eyes, still keeping a stalk glued on Keshin.

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Raile nods, reflecting for a moment.  "I had come to the same conclusion, but I have never heard of a bond being formed instantaneously.  I must admit it is somewhat disconcerting.  I knew my old master for years before I could sense the bond with him, and even then it was a gradual escalation of awareness.  I do not know you well, but it seems we share a bond already, though it does seem weaker than the bond with my old master was when I faced the Trials."

He reaches a hand surreptitiously toward his shoulder.  "I have always felt more comfortable with it over my shoulder.  The one on my shoulder is my original saber, I added my Master's to my belt when...he passed.  It seems rather convenient for the dual-saber style, and unexpected in some ways."
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3184 on: February 21, 2012, 04:13:11 AM »
Parker overheard Ossanlin say factually that Tamora was dead. Parker raised his eyebrows in pure shock. For all this time, he had assumed that Tamora had been targeted and evaded death; and that was the reasoning behind her absolute hatred for Myitt. This, however, is a completely different situation. For Ossanlin to state her death in such a way means that it is in fact what happened. Tamora had died; and that meant the Myitt did indeed kill them. Parker re-evaluates what he knows about Myitt and reasons that there must have been an extremely good reason for the deed. As Tamora was a controller, Myitt must've had no choice but to destroy her to protect her brethren for some reason. Myitt, from what he had heard and witnessed, was not a murderer. She didn't kill others without good reason. Parker gave Myitt the benefit of his experience with her and accepted this new information as an unfortunate tragedy.

This, of course is all conjecture, and may need confirmation if he ever had the chance. Myitt was too enveloped to ask, and Chris had been out of that loop too long to derive any useful knowledge. He would have to ask either Corliss when and if he returned, or Ossanlin when he is not too busy.

Garreth nods, "Indeed. I believe the reason for the weak connection is because the way in which it was formed. It may also take into account that we are both from lives that are millennia apart. Of course that means nothing here." Garreth looked up into the sky, signifying the planetoid they now inhabit.

Garreth asked, "I must ask, do you traditionally draw your saber using the Force, or do you reach the entire distance?"
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3185 on: February 21, 2012, 07:02:15 AM »
"No, I don't quite picture many people calling Myitt 'ma'am' and getting away with it," Chris says with a snicker, much more at ease once the Andalite moves on. He continues watching the rebel table, though, noting that it seems to be growing in popularity - and with the grass eaters, to boot.

"Didn't realize she was so popular around here, though," he muses.

"I-" Tamora swallows, the very thought of addressing this Andalite herself almost more than she could handle. She considers making a run for it, back to the ship and the safety of Zorish's control, but that would mean trying to run around the Andalite - two Andalite's now - without them catching her and using that wicked tail of theirs.

She clears her throat, and stammers, "I-- I'm not dead. Please -- don't hurt me."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3186 on: February 21, 2012, 12:44:03 PM »
Parker nods, "Well, it's a small planetoid. Both Myitt and Corliss are quite popular here. The ties they create with others tend to intertwine with even more popular patrons." He nods toward Ossanlin, "Some people just gravitate toward them. Unfortunately it can result in some interesting fights as well, this place being what it is."

Parker asks, "Something you said earlier strikes me as odd. How is it that you can shoot more accurately than your inhabitant. He does use your muscles, wouldn't his aim be just as true as yours?"
« Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 12:45:52 PM by Darth Revan »
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3187 on: February 21, 2012, 12:59:36 PM »
Claxter was glad this was actually Tamora and not Terenia. She was much less annoying, if quite codependant on Zorish. He wished Zorish had already left, but perhaps something else was keeping him here. Maybe the risk of being killed for meeting rebels and not ending their lives or something. everyone knew Visser Three didn't even need an excuse to kill someone.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3188 on: February 21, 2012, 07:40:27 PM »
Chris sips his beer, considering Parker.

<<I can speak for myself,>> Keslin murmurs, taking gentle control and setting down the beer. "Keslin speaking," he says to Parker with a grim smile. "My ability to use Chris's muscles is still dependent on the amount of control I maintain."

He holds Chris' left hand up. It is noticeably trembling. "I made some unfortunate decisions, a long time ago, that damaged my neural net. As a result, my control over Chris is more tenuous than that of most Yeerks, especially regarding fine motor skills. I have learned over the years that it is easier to let Chris handle jobs that require more dexterity."

He lowers his hand, sliding it into his pocket and out of sight, expression troubled.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3189 on: February 21, 2012, 09:43:53 PM »
Parker nodded, accepting the short answer. It was obvious he didn't want to go into details. He instead asked, "So is that what inspired you to trust your host; your lessened ability to control him?"
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3190 on: February 21, 2012, 10:14:26 PM »
Keslin's expression darkens, a look of clear offense on his face.

"My friendship with Chris was established long before my ability to control him weakened. I trust him because I am able to accept the notion that he is an equal being to me." His voice is not that of the soft-spoken, easily embarrassed friend of Myitt. Instead, it is that of a businessman whose methods of operation have been called into question. Keslin is as close to snapping as he ever comes.

"That I have no right to control his body, if he does not wish it. Is it so hard to believe that one of my kind could express sympathy for their host without being already weakened in some way?"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3191 on: February 21, 2012, 11:41:22 PM »
Parker lifts an eyebrow at Keslin's reaction. This was obviously a sore subject for him. Parker shook his head slightly and replied, "Not at all; it was only a question. I have no experience dealing with your kind. I don't know much, if anything, other than what's told to me about your species; so I don't judge on either side. The first controller I met was Myitt. I have more experience with the sympathetic Yeerks than I do with the Imperial Yeerks."
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3192 on: February 22, 2012, 01:39:51 AM »
"Hey!" Myitt calls, half-standing and waving at the bartender, who regards her with a pale, sullen stare. "Can I get a fermented...uh, what is it you'd like Ossanlin? Fermented grass?" She nods at the bartender and points to Ossanlin. "Whatever he wants, on my tab."

She sits back down with a grunt. "Don't worry about him, Tamora," she says with an off-handed wave. "He won't hurt you. He's a friend of ours, okay? And what the hell, sit down, as long as you don't try and murder us."

Myitt scoots over to let the scared-looking human girl have a seat in the booth next to her.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3193 on: February 22, 2012, 10:57:09 AM »
I watched Jocun sit down with a group of regulars. Interesting. Maybe that's why this place barely registered on any map. A visser's private hideaway.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3194 on: February 22, 2012, 03:27:59 PM »
Keslin nods, relaxing minutely. "When I first received Chris as my host he was fourteen years old. A child. His subjugation and my orders to do the same to his family - that is what led me to leave the Empire. It is hard not to sympathize with a child who has encountered their worst nightmare, when that nightmare is you."

He pauses to take a sip of Chris's beer, letting the cool liquid calm his nerves. "It took considerably more time to actually be able to leave the Empire, but after I took this being, things were never quite the same."

Tamora's gaze darts to the available spot at the booth, then back to Ossanlin. Swallowing hard she moves, inch by inch, to sit next to Myitt, keeping her wide eyes on the Andalite. At one point she moves close enough to Myitt that her arm brushes against the Controller's jacket. With a small yelp she pulls away again, as though afraid that she might set the Yeerk off.

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