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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3165 on: February 19, 2012, 02:12:48 AM »
Parker nods to Ossanlin and returns his bow. He is about to speak before Ossanlin excuses himself. Parker continues his post, surveying the bar and keeping tabs on Myitt's conversation to ensure nothing goes awry.

Garreth feels his cognisance refill his body. He opens his eyes and sees Raile where he last sensed him, practicing his saber meditation. He slowly stood, regaining his balance and sense of being anchored. He smiles to Raile and says, "You look well."
« Last Edit: February 19, 2012, 02:25:41 AM by Darth Revan »
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3166 on: February 19, 2012, 09:27:09 AM »
Claxter follows behind Ossanlin and enteres the bar. He is unhappy to see Terenia again so soon, though noting she looks different. More like Tamora did in facial expression. Myitt was with her instead of Corliss, and he hoped Myitt would act more rational than Corliss did. He wanted to know if Efaen arrived safely at the base, though he didn't want to interrupt his Prince. Hopefully that information would come out on its own.

<I thank you too, Parker. Anything new going on?>

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3167 on: February 19, 2012, 11:02:21 AM »
Chris laughs at the idea. "I suppose technically Myitt is my boss," he muses. "We have a Council; they make all the major decisions. But Kes and I spent so much time away from the rebellion..." He shrugs. "We sort of formed our own little rebellion, and Kes was the leader of all that. Makes it kind of hard to think of someone like Myitt as our boss. She's an old, old friend. It would be hard to 'yes ma'am' her."

When an unfamiliar Andalite approaches Parker, Chris's shoulders stiffen and his hand drifts towards his Dracon, only relaxing when the creature moves on.

"Never much liked those guys," he mutters under his breath. No sooner has he said this than a second Andalite walks up. This one seems a little younger than the first, but Chris isn't much of a fair judge.

<<Probably best you stay in control,>> Keslin says dryly, his mild contempt for the Andalites flaring.

<<Yeah, no kidding.>> Chris rests his hand comfortably on the butt of his Dracon and sips his refilled drink, trying to appear casual in the Andalite's presence. "I didn't realize there were so many blue dudes wandering around here," he offers after a moment.

Turned towards the booth as she is, Tamora does not notice the arrival of Ossanlin until his thought-speak penetrates her mind. Upon hearing it she jumps about a solid foot, jerking her head around to regard the silver-blade. "Oh-" Her eyes widen, skin blanching. In her terror she does not register that he has referred to her by her sister's chosen name. She can think of no words to say to the Andalite, so she just stares, unable to stop her gaze from drifting to his tail blade.

Zorish! she thinks desperately, but of course he is not there to hear her. You did not tell me I would have to deal with Andalites!

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3168 on: February 19, 2012, 12:34:07 PM »
Claxter notices the controller's hand go to his weapon. Not wanting a confrontation at the moment, especially when any member of the rebellion might give him information about Efaen, he lowers his tail a little. <Be at ease, rebel. I don't intend harm right now. One of my friends recently joined the rebellion, actually. Her name is Efaen. Perhaps you know her? She has shown no affection towards any Yeerks while I have been with her, but apparently thought it best to be with your kind instead of with us. She just left a few hours ago.> He tries to keep any resentment out of his voice. <I am Claxter.>

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3169 on: February 19, 2012, 12:52:57 PM »
Chris's eyebrows shoot up. "Chris," he offers. "And yeah, I know Efaen," he says carefully. "Or know of her, I should say. Never talked to the girl." He squints. "You must be talking about a different Efaen, though. The one I know of has been quarantined to either quarters or base for the past seven months. There isn't any way she would've been here."

<<Unless she stole a ship,>> Keslin offers worriedly.

<<No,>> Chris replies. <<I don't think so. Arnash would prevent that, wouldn't he? Besides, what good does coming here do her? From what I understand she's trying to avoid the Andalites, and this place is crawling with them.>>

<<Perhaps, but we should contact Reven at some point to ensure that she has not gone rogue again.>>

Chris keeps his wary smile in place as he converses with Keslin.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3170 on: February 19, 2012, 01:03:33 PM »
<This place is kind of a space time anomaly. Different times and dimensions converge here.> Claxter said after a few seconds of silence. <It's already been seven months? she's supposed to contact my Prince periodically. I wonder if Prince ossanlin has a bunch of unanswered messages, or will get swamped with a lot very soon. So how has she acclimated? I don't suppose you've talked to anyone who sees her frequently?>

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3171 on: February 19, 2012, 01:32:20 PM »
Keshin, not sure what he's supposed to say, wanders back toward the old Bar. It had been a long, strange day----in which he had accomplished absolutely nothing. Jocun was proving to be more complicated than he had thought. Though he knew the man had business with Salem, he didn't know how far he'd be willing to go to save someone he barely knew. His explanation for why didn't really make any sense: he was an Imperial official and he'd help out any person he was in a deal with?

<Kess...maybe it's a bust.>

<I think we still might be able to get something out of him. I'm heading over to the Bar.>

<Man, why did we come back here? Ya know this kinda crud happens all the damn time.>

Keshin pushes open the door a bit tiredly, getting a good look around. His eyes widen when he realizes Ossanlin is back. Great. Ossanlin is back. More self-righteous meandering by the glorious Andalite hero. Keshin could really stand to live without that---one of Ossanlin's rounds of it nearly killed him. Keshin sits down at a table, resting before deciding who to speak to.
Mar's own mind has become lost in thought, dueling over how he wants to approach Ossanlin. Even the magnificent artifact he got from Salem is unable to hold back this madness. He cannot determine whether the Andalite is possible ally or friend, and the difference matters to Mar. Why did he do what he did for Ossanlin during that strange incident? Why would he care if the War-Prince lived or died? The Andalite was not one of his own, one of his seven. Mar runs his hands through his hair and looks up. He realizes that in his reverie....he has been left alone on the ship.

Mar laughs a bit darkly, kicking at the floor of the Mirage. He supposes he should follow the blue moron regardless of his feelings. Either way they needed to talk. He could think about what on the way there. ...he could just leave from this spot, and never come back. Use something in Ossanlin's ship to exit. But then...then he would be...gone. Only the black thing would live on in its undeath. Mar swallows, and determines he does not want to leave it to that. "Open hatch," he mutters. He begins to drift toward the Bar and out of the ship. Whatever he might be, he does not want the situation to end just yet.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3172 on: February 19, 2012, 01:40:01 PM »
Chris hesitates, sucking on his teeth. "I'm sorry," he says after a moment, still regarding the Andalite with caution. "We don't have the authority to discuss her situation. She is alive, and she is healthy. That is all I can tell you. Honestly, I don't know all of the details myself. I'd hate to misinform you."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3173 on: February 19, 2012, 01:43:02 PM »
Jocun returns to the bar in new clothes, though still casual wear. He also kept his weapon because he didn't feel entirely safe unarmed anymore. Andalites had shown up, and he sat near Keshin, out of range of any liquid projectiles coming from the rebel. "frankly I'm used to being more popular than this. Normally because everyone knows who I am." He said to keshin. "Maybe vacationing here wasn't the best idea, even though elsewhere I'd risk being mobbed by my adoring public."

<Thank you.> Claxter said, bringing his attention back to Parker. Of course he didn't trust a rebel completely regarding Efaen, but he'd have to take the guy's word for it at the moment.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2012, 04:31:06 PM by Chad30 »

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3174 on: February 19, 2012, 04:12:02 PM »
Myitt shakes her head at Tamora. "I didn't convince him to leave the Empire, he did that well enough on his own," she insists.

Before she can go on, her old Andalite friend appears at the table. Her face breaks out in a grin.

"Hey, Ossanlin, buddy!" she says loudly, clapping his arm lightly. "It's good to see you. And I have no idea what you're talking about; are you feeling well?"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3175 on: February 19, 2012, 09:46:08 PM »

Ossanlin pauses for a moment, registering "Terenia's" reaction.  <I had thought you might get used to working with Andalites from your time with the rebellion...>  Perhaps she had not experienced the same strange time dilation?  That didn't make much sense, but not much did in this place.

He turns his eyes back to Myitt.  <I understand you have been gone for a standard year by your perception.  By mine it has been no more than two or three days at the most.  Though I have strange memories...I was....unconscious for a time.  I cannot explain what happened.  I remember...I do not know what I remember.  It is a strange phenomenon.  According to the others here, I never left.>  He lays the hand on her shoulder a moment before moving into a more suitable position as a part of the table, taking Myitt's greeting as an invitation.

His stalk eyes catch Keshin walking in...that one he did not care for.  He doesn't allow his feelings to show in either face or body-language, but he watches the turulek closely with a stalk-eye.  <I remember there was some trouble...with Efaen.  I try not to dwell on it, my...association... with the Ellimist causes strange things sometimes.  It is good to see you again as well.>

He moves his main eyes back up to "Terenia".  <I see you are still not convinced that I will not harm you without cause.>  He looks back to Myitt.  <An Imperial uniform?  I would've thought her face would be too recognizable within the Empire, especially to Visser three.>

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________


Raile feels the other Jedi return to consciousness and feels a gladness.  The other truly was not injured.  He performs a particularly tricky part of the kata, a series of spins and jumps capped off by a leap that sends his body into the air an parallel to the ground, sabers whirling in a vertical line as his body spins quickly through the air, and then lands in a crouch.  He extinguishes the lightsabers and returns them to their clips on his belt and over his shoulder respectively as he stands in one fluid motion.

He turns to Garreth and smiles.  "Thank you, I do feel less...burdened.  Clarity of thought has eluded me of late...I must say it's return is quite welcome.  Very refreshing."  He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes.  " not know if you feel it, but I can sense you more strongly than before.  I don't know what you did, but it seems to have had many effects."
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3176 on: February 19, 2012, 10:24:15 PM »
Jocun's attention was brought to someone doing acrobatics, and using an energy weapon similar to Parker's. He watches in mild amusement, hoping for more.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3177 on: February 19, 2012, 10:32:03 PM »
Keshin notes Jocun as he sits down, hearing the Yeerk talk. An adoring public? That was interesting: it meant that Jocun was powerful where he was from. Time to give him the bad news. Keshin settles into his chair and begins, almost dully. It's become this  Bar-wide speech or something. "Okay, Jocun. This Bar is a sort of dimensional nexus that's weirdly fix ated on the time and place Myitt and I are from. People from anywhere, any universe, can get here. But the thing is....."

Keshin groans. "I mean, you haven't even been born yet to me and the rebels. To the brown cloak guys, you don't even exist. That's how strange this Bar is."
Mar wanders into the Bar, noting that the regulars are all there. Did he count as a regular? Maybe---he was almost an inhabitant. Mar chuckled, finding Ossanlin and his Precious instantly.

"You left me in your ship," stated Mar with a bit of a grin. "I know I'm nobody, but I did not think I was that irrelevant. Granted I do seem to be losing my mind. I cannot figure out why I did certain things, Ossanlin."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3178 on: February 19, 2012, 10:38:16 PM »
Salem set up one of the walls to replay its tracking of Rathien since he'd left the ship last time, with emphasis on the battle that'd just taken place. He half-watched as he changed clothes and switched out his equipment, and turned his full attention to it as he watched the recording of the battle. Rathien was as agile and threatening as ever. Salem didn't exactly fancy the idea of trying to go up against him in hand-to-hand combat- but then, if he did his job right, it would never come to that. If he could avoid Rathien's weapon-fire, he'd be fine.

A short buzz followed by the silence in his head indicated that his ship had lost track of Rathien. Salem's heart skipped a beat- he immediately skipped the recording ahead and watched as Rathien entered what looked like his own ship. Nothing to worry about, then- just too far away to see the hunter through the hull. Salem breathed a momentary sigh of relief and switched the viewer back to its standard mode, so that the ships and beings in and around the bar showed up in a variety of neon colors indicative of various qualities.

As a matter of curiosity, he zoomed in on Parker inside the bar and called up a readout- maybe he could work something out about Parker's suit, which seemed more advanced each time he encountered it. He began to draw his cloak on around him, but stopped with it partway around his shoulders and did a double-take. "Seriously?" he muttered aloud. Parker's suit was composed primarily of titanium, it seemed- the element hadn't been used in military applications for centuries. Salem's EM patches worked by issuing forth a dual field of force- one in normal space and one in another realm of force, causing the electromagnetic waves from the patch to oscillate between the two planes and allowing them to penetrate the standard EM shielding of most equipment. Titanium and a few other standard real-space stable elements, thanks to their atomic and nuclear structures, naturally absorbed the otherdimensional field that would cause the electromagnetic waves to revert to existence in real space- all of the patch's EM radiation within Parker's suit would have simply been forced out of existence by the field in real space. The same property, however, meant that a similar field could be used to simply force the titanium itself out of phase in real space. In alloy form, this effect would cause the trace elements left behind to become exceedingly agitated, often releasing an explosive amount of heat.

Salem shook his head. Amazing how things you'd never think about seem to crop up here. Al and someone else were approaching the ship- non-human, but humanoid. Salem quickly switched to a visual display and frowned- it was Ewa. She didn't look completely normal, but he'd taken her for human. One could never tell in this place, it seemed.

The ship and his communicator trilled simultaneously as he clipped his holster back on- it had found a pattern in the systems the Skimmer had used to contact the rebel base. Salem should be able to communicate with the rebels. For the moment, he'd only be able to send messages that would appear to originate from the Skimmer, but it was something.

Salem grinned and slid his antigravity gun back into its slot on the right of his holster, the holster itself widening as he did so to allow the weapon to fit. His arm was still burning and his ankle was still throbbing, and he seemed to be getting a headache again, but at least things seemed to be going right.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2012, 10:50:52 PM by Lumy the Kit »

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3179 on: February 19, 2012, 10:40:04 PM »
"I get that idea." Jocun said. "There is a recent arrival of a Gedd controller from my time that doesn't agree with my views. I'm not sure if he could become a threat or not. If I order his departure prematurely, he could become suspicious. You could help me keep an eye on him, for pay."

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