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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3150 on: February 18, 2012, 10:02:04 PM »
Zorish swallows back his irritation at Myitt's visceral reaction, but before he has the opportunity to respond she has turned her attention to the overly helpful Imperial.

"Yeah," he breathes, also standing. "Um...she'll be...she'll be back." Casting a quick glance around the bar he hurries away before he can lose his nerve completely.

<<Zorish, please, don't make me do this,>> Tamora begs as he strides across the bar. <<Please, I don't know how...I haven't ever done anything like this before.>>

<<Tamora,>> Zorish tries to keep his internal voice calm. <<I have spent a long time trying to protect you and keep you safe. But if we are going to succeed at this, I need you to start helping yourself.>>

He glances back at Myitt once more, pushes the door to the bar open, and steps out into the night.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2012, 10:09:32 PM by Terenia [Teach] »

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3151 on: February 18, 2012, 10:07:54 PM »
Splashing him in the face was a shock. Such indignation, and from someone he had kind of thought better of, that he didn't know how to respond. He was in shock. He realised he did interrupt their conversation, but this was just disrespectful. What was the proper response? He found himself laughing a bit. This rebel was just a regular person. not someone to be put on a pedestal. He felt he should retaliate, and his drink had been recently filled, so he slung it at her. Who knows what mistake that may be?

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3152 on: February 18, 2012, 10:12:03 PM »
Myitt ducks to the side, but some of the drink catches her in her jacket shoulder nonetheless.

"Yes, that's right, act like a foolish grub for butting into our private conversation and getting what is deserved of eavesdroppers," she sneers, sitting down and refilling her drink with the full intent of actually drinking it this time.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3153 on: February 18, 2012, 10:16:35 PM »
Since the rebel wasn't too interesting in bar fighting, Jocun got up to leave and clean himself off. He went to his ship, showered, and changed clothes.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3154 on: February 18, 2012, 10:29:36 PM »
Zorish hesitates as soon as he crosses the threshold of the bar, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves. When he sets off again it is with renewed purpose as he instructs Tamora.

<<Make sure that you lock the ship and cloak it. No one is to get inside beyond yourself. Do not allow the rebels to enter under any circumstances, while I am in the pool.>>

Compared to the earlier commotion, it is quiet in the shipyard. Zorish can hear Tamora's boots crunching over the gravel.

<<When you return to the bar, speak only to Myitt. Get as many supplies from her as you can.>>

<<Zorish, I can't->>

<<You can. You must. She will trust you alone more than she will trust us together. The more we have now the better off we'll be. We don't have a rebellion to fall back on. We have eachother, and that is it.>>

He stops in front of the ship, uncloaking it and extending the ramp.

<<Can you do this for me?>> he asks, ascending the ramp. Tamora does not answer, but Zorish can see that she will try. Satisfied that he has done all he can he closes the hatch and strides into the pool room.

<<I am trusting you,>> he says, and for the first time in his life he truly is putting his trust in a host, in a human girl.

Swallowing hard he ignores the host shackle attached to the pool, tilts his head to the side, and begins to slither free.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3155 on: February 18, 2012, 10:33:31 PM »
Myitt sits back down in a huff. "Honestly. The clientele in this place has gone to the dogs." She refills her glass with a sour expression.

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Offline Terenia

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3156 on: February 18, 2012, 10:45:41 PM »
As soon as Zorish's body plops into the pool, Tamora's body starts to tremble. She grips the side of the pool for balance, slowly straightening herself. She stares at the small slug that has become her entire life, watching as he scrunch-thrusts his way deeper into the pool.

"Okay," she whispers, her voice shaking. "Okay. I can do this. I can..." She bites her lip and closes the cover to the pool. Checking her holster she sees that Zorish's Dracon is still in place, but this fact only makes her stomach churn. She has never shot a weapon on her own before.

Moving rigidly, she moves out of the pool room, closing the door behind her. Opening the hatch again she walks to solid ground, taking care to follow Zorish's instructions precisely.

"Dear God, don't let me screw this up," she whispers, turning back towards the bar. She moves hesitantly, and when she reaches the door she is tempted to run back to the ship, but she forces herself to enter the bar, her eyes immediately drawn to the table with Myitt.

"Okay. Okay. Come on." The words sound strange coming out of her mouth with her own inflection instead of Zorish's. She swallows, working her jaw, trying to get a feel for her own body - so unfamiliar to her after so many years.

Rigidly, she takes the seat that Zorish left at the booth. She stares at Myitt with wide eyes, not sure how to start the conversation, terrified of this rebel Yeerk.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3157 on: February 18, 2012, 10:50:23 PM »
Parker sees the drink exchange and stands, ready for escalation. When nothing progresses, he sets back down. Jocun was becoming less and less a viable ally, and more an annoyance. He had a great deal to learn about listening in on private conversations, especially ones you've been ignored out of. He definitely needed to learn that when you're called out on your own rudeness, to back away, not retaliate. Parker shook his head and chuckled to himself as the man walked out of the bar. He kept his attention to Myitt's booth and nodded downward toward her. Whether she needed him or not, he wanted to let her know he was going to back her up if any trouble arose.

He laughed to Chris, "Well, she does have a certain style," regarding Myitt, "but you can't argue with her results."
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3158 on: February 18, 2012, 11:10:51 PM »
Myitt doesn't catch Parker's nod, but her attention is fixed on the human girl as Tamora sits back down.

Immediately Myitt's holoscreen is up, scanning Tamora to make sure the Yeerk has, indeed, vacated her body.

She smiles pleasantly at the girl as the holoscreen vanishes. "Please, make yourself comfortable," she says as easily as she can. "What can the rebellion do for you and your Imperial friend?"

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Offline Terenia

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3159 on: February 18, 2012, 11:16:11 PM »
"" Tamora's gaze flits around the bar, not unlike an animal in a cage. Her voice is timid, entirely unlike that of her anger-prone sister. After a couple of failed attempts she finally clears her throat and speaks. "Supplies," she squeaks out. "We need supplies. Um. Please." She hesitates again, then, uncertainly, adds a belated, awkward, "Ma'am."

"She's got a way with words," Chris says, laughing fondly. "Or, you know, drinks. I'm sure he deserved it. Myitt wouldn't act unprovoked. Usually."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3160 on: February 18, 2012, 11:23:52 PM »
Parker nodded knowingly, "Oh he deserved it. He was interrupting their conversation constantly. The guy doesn't know how to take a hint. I guess she just had enough. So how does your hierarchy system work in the rebellion?"
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3161 on: February 18, 2012, 11:40:31 PM »
Myitt's eyebrows raise. She laughs lightly, surprised. "There's no need for formalities here, Tamora," she says, gently resting her hand on the human girl's lower arm. "We can get you basic supplies, as I told Zorish. Kandrona for at least two cycles, and food for you to last at least a month, if you're liberal with it. Your ship should provide you water. Is there anything else you need?"

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Offline Terenia

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3162 on: February 18, 2012, 11:47:41 PM »
Chris raises his eyebrows at the direct question. "I suppose it works in whatever way it needs to in order to remain effective," he says cautiously. "We have our leaders, and we know who we report to at any given time. Why do you want to know?"

Tamora's lip trembles, and she flinches at the Controller's touch, but does not pull away, too scared to. "I don't...I don't know. He -- he told me to --" she swallows. "He told me to get whatever I could. Anything that would help. I clothes. And yeah, food and Kandrona and..." She bites her lip, searching Myitt's expression. "Why did you have to convince him to leave the Empire?" she asks, her words catching in her throat. "We were safe there. Now...if he dies...I can't...I don't know how to survive on my own. I haven't been alone in so long, I--" She shakes her head, unable to continue.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3163 on: February 18, 2012, 11:57:54 PM »
Parker replied, "Just wondering if you had sergeants, captains, and so forth; or just had people in charge. The thought occured when I didn't know Myitt's rank, or if she even had one." He glances at him sideways, "A bit defensive about your command structure, aren't you? It's a fairly simple question, mostly answered with 'military, political, or chaotic'." He smiles slightly at the last term, "Mostly, I was curious whether Myitt was your boss, superior officer, or just a co-worker."
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3164 on: February 19, 2012, 01:43:18 AM »

Ossanlin waits on Mar's response, when he gets nothing but a blank stare, he can only assume that the incarnation is inquiring from the Highest mass.  He narrows his eyes and deactivates the stasis field around himself so he can move.

Setting hooves on the sterile white floor, he glances at Claxter.  <Perhaps we should continue our conversation within the bar.  I believe I am well enough now.>  He glances back at Mar before issuing the ship a private command to lock all function and access beyond the medbay itself and the descent ramp.  He adds a command to automatically lock the ship completely when it detects Mar's signal leaving.  If he was the same Mar, Ossanlin would have no hesitance about leaving him alone in the Mirage, if he was closer to his Highest again, he should not have any interest in the ship at all.  He nods to Claxter as he exits the medbay and the ship, descending the ramp and making his way back toward the bar.

His eyes scan actively as he looks around the clearing, noting only two humanoid-animal beings dueling in a friendly manner.  He trots through the doors to the bar and surveys the patrons.  Myitt had returned already...or...stra nge memories float through his head...somehow he knew Myitt had been gone for a standard year or so, and that some part of him had existed with her in that year.  And Efaen...Efaen...his memories are not clear about the Andalite female, only that she had done something bad, and something bad had been done to her in turn.  And he had gone to retrieve her...the strange memories cut off.  Terenia was Imperial uniform?  Here?  Had she returned from some sort of espionage mission?  Surely her face would be recognizable within the Empire.  That made little sense.

He trots over to Parker and nods.  <I did not have an opportunity to properly thank you, Parker.>  His main eyes are focused on the SPARTAN, but both stalk eyes are fastened on the being he believes to be Terenia.  His tail sways back and forth a bit as it always does when he's immersed deeply in thought.  <I appreciate the assistance you have rendered.  I believe I am recovered now, and I know that you played a part in my convalescence.  Again, I thank you.>  He pauses, bowing his upper body slightly to the SPARTAN before continuing.  <If you will excuse me, I see Myitt and would like to...catch up as it were.>

Ossanlin turns and trots toward the table containing Myitt and "Terenia", stopping shy of intrusion.  < has been awhile...but not such a long time for me.  And Terenia, I hope your natural form is suiting you well.  I cannot say that the outfit becomes you, but I suppose there is no accounting for human tastes.>  He smiles a bit, an attempt at human humor, though he is not certain he has been at all successful. 
« Last Edit: February 19, 2012, 01:46:54 AM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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