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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1740 on: August 17, 2011, 10:09:23 AM »
Keshin blinks and smiles upon noticing Al's presence, wandering over in order to see what the AI was doing. He appeared to be caught up with one of the newer groups of people to enter the Space Bar, but Keshin felt as though they owed Salem's friend. <He was responsible for providing the technology that helped us in our hour of need. Does that count as a friend?>

<Would we kill 'im if asked?>

< Actually, no. Not at least for another six months.>


Keshin grins at Al and waves slightly. "Hey. Do you know how long it's been since we were last here? The Bar makes that confusing as heck, and we don't want to piss off the rebellion any more than we already have. Come to think of it..." Keshin frowns. "...I haven't been able to even step in here without pissing someone off lately."
Mar rolls his eyes and once again sits down in the middle of the room, gesturing for Salem to sit down across from him. He had taken to wandering the room idly when the trader left. There was much that was worth stealing in the man's ship, but it would be beneath Mar's dignity to take any of it himself. He'd have to hire someone with less moral scruples to do it for him. Even then, it looked like there were a few odd energy signatures in the place. Maybe it had some kind of onboard security. Problematic.

Mar closes his eyes and lets himself go into the void lying in the back of his mind. He had long since been cutting himself off from the place, fearful both of its terrible emptiness and what had happened to him when he had last tried to access it alone. He had blown a hole in his own side. But he wasn't trying to take energy here...he was instead offering it a taste of someone else. Ah....yesss.

Mar opens his eyes again, revealing...two sets. Both glimmering red. "I think I have limited access," states Mar, his voice layered with something odd and twisted. "I do not know for how long, but...we shall see what we can accomplish in that time. We are...I am...ready when you are."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1741 on: August 17, 2011, 05:06:10 PM »
"Fun?" Zorish repeats, raising Tamora's eyebrows. "Sorry to disappoint you, but we're in the middle of a war. There isn't much time for recreation."

He watches as Al easily starts up a conversation with other patrons of the bar, wondering if 'sociability' is a programmable trait as far as androids are concerned. He spoke easily enough to one of the necomers, and put on a strange show for yet another. A small frown dominates her expression as she tries to figure the android out.

"It is generally considered a good idea to keep information to oneself," Zorish says mildly when Al addresses him regarding the couple - one of whom is certainly not a species with which he is familiar.

At that point an unknown human woman wanders up to the table, and Zorish senses a much more profitable conversation when she mentions the rebellion. Smiling at Keshin, he extends a hand.

"Hello," he says pleasantly in Tamora's voice. "I don't believe I've had the occassion of meeting you yet. I am Zorish Three-Five-Eight." For once he restrains from giving his official Imperial rank.

Terenia watches Salem go, relieved to see that one thing has actually been accomplished. <<Now we just have to get Efaen on board,>> she grumbles. <<I'm beginning to wish that I had not asked for her to come along. I need her as a host, and she's clearly not going to let me in that twisted head of hers.>>

<Corliss has indicated that he prefers to contact his brother within your presence,> Efaen says shortly, her thoughts coming out abrupt, revealing her own frustration. He continues to show that he is not capable of his position, she reflects. Vaguely, Efaen wonders if Ossanlin's strange abilities amount to the only reason behind his Captainhood. Sighing, she compresses the button on the comm link.

<If that is not to your satisfaction I will attempt to gain contact without your assistance.> She does not wait for him to answer this time, turning the link off instead. It is borderline insubordination, but she is tired and becoming increasingly aggravated.

<Corliss,> she says to Terenia and Mike. <My Prince may be delayed. I have leave to speak with your leader myself.>

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1742 on: August 17, 2011, 06:05:29 PM »
<It is bad that I am in no position to help. I can think of nothing else to say.> Claxter said apologetically.

The newcomer had turned her attention to someone else who had spoken to her, so Jocun let her be. He wondered if he might join them at their table, or if it would be intruding. He was still in a conversation with the Human or Andalite, so he stayed. Though the guy hadn't said anything within the past few minutes.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1743 on: August 17, 2011, 06:15:58 PM »
Al smiled and shook Sami's hand. "Sami, then. Pleasure's all mine, of course. If you've got to pick a place to be lost, this isn't that bad. At least the food and drink are alright. And the company's not bad." He looked around... "Well, usually... Sometimes."

He watched with a smirk as the man she was with shot him a suspicious look and whispered something into her ear. She asked how he'd overheard their talking. He laughed and shrugged, "You guys are standing right here. It wasn't exactly tricky. Was I not supposed to hear that? I could pretend I didn't." He laughed, "Tell you what, why don't the two of you join us for a drink? My treat. Or... my friend's treat, but he'd be okay with it." He grinned and nodded towards Larry, "So who's he?" he asked Sami. "Bodyguard? Boyfriend? He doesn't bite, does he?" He smiled and winked at Larry, hoping to ease the man's obvious tension with a (bad) joke.

He turned as Keshin sat down, "It's been a while, but even I'm having trouble keeping track of time here. It's weird. I'm glad to see... the real you around here again. I think some of the rebel people are still around here somewhere. Still see 'em from time to time. So, the two of you been living the high life?"

He turned to Zorish and shrugged, "Even soldiers have to unwind once in a while, my friend. All battle all the time can only lead to insanity. I mean bad insanity. Not like me insanity."

Salem hesitated for only a moment, feeling foolish, then shrugged slightly and sat down opposite Mar with his legs crossed. His eyebrows shot up when Mar addressed him. The man's eyes... his voice... that was new. Mar had access to... what, exactly? His heartrate increased a bit.

What am I getting myself into?

He nodded at Mar and managed a smile, "Just tell me what to do."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1744 on: August 17, 2011, 06:52:46 PM »
Sami chuckled softly as Al's words. She shook her head. "Just a friend." She patted Larry's arm. "And I would love a drink. But really only a glass of water." Then Al turned and talked to the other two people who were there at the table. Sami politely waited for a pause. "We do not mean to bother you so much, Al. I sure wouldn't wish to intrude on your conversations with others."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1745 on: August 17, 2011, 08:57:16 PM »
Larry continued to stand stoically while he watched the exchange between Al and Sami. When Sami asked for a glass of water he chimed in "I would like a glass of water as well." Larry still did not trust this man, even though Al had helped him when he was injured. Larry decided to go ahead and question him anyway.

"Why did you feel it necessary to impersonate royalty? I assumed by your garish clothing that you were, but you should have enough honor to not lie and correct my mistake. Unless you are nothing more than an opportunistic swindler." Larry said as his eyes narrowed suspiciously at Al.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 10:40:33 PM by General Squall Leonhart »

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1746 on: August 17, 2011, 11:04:32 PM »
Al smiled at Sami, "No bother at all. The more the merrier. If you want to talk about AI's, you happen to be in the right place." He shrugged and grinned, "Turns out I am one."

He called to the bartender for two clean glasses of water, then turned to the man. He chuckled a bit, "I'm sorry, sir. Where I'm from, that could be seen as a joke. I figured you wouldn't believe I was real royalty once I started speaking." He shrugged and laughed, "That was, after all, a pretty awful impression. I could do better than that." He reached behind his back, and his hologram generated what appeared to be a large gold crown with inset diamonds and emeralds. From Sami and Larry's perspective, it would have looked as though he simply pulled a crown from behind his back, which he then set on his head.

He tilted his head and smiled at the man while wearing the crown, "I didn't mean to offend, of course. All in good fun. Are you sure I can't buy you a drink to make up for it?" He pulled the crown back off of his head, stuck it behind his back, and caused it to disappear before folding his hands back on the table. "Maybe a mug of ale? House wine? I wonder if the wine here's any good..." He looked over towards the bar, trying to get a look at the drink selection.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1747 on: August 17, 2011, 11:14:35 PM »
Larry watched as he put on the crown and was even more insulted. While this may seem like a joke to this man it was an atrocious crime where he was from and this man seemingly did not care. He in fact offered a drink as if that would make up for his crime, but Larry quickly realized that he could do nothing. He did not have the energy to fight and did not want to endanger Sami while she was healing.

He decided to sit at a nearby table and pulled a chair close to him where Sami could sit if she chose to. "Water will be fine Al" he said in that cold tone of voice that made it a wonder his breath didn't fog. "You should know that where I come from the punishment for impersonating a royal is to be quartered." Larry continued in his cold tone of voice.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1748 on: August 18, 2011, 01:59:39 AM »

Ossanlin raises an eyebrow as Efaen ends the transmission without waiting for a response, and then chuckles to himself.  She truly isn't deserving of rank Warrior after all...but then what could one expect, the poor female had been captive of one very disturbed human-Yeerk nothlit for years.

Ossanlin sighs as he finishes his mint water and nods to Claxter and Serid with a glance at Jocun, before turning and trotting out the door.  He moves toward the Skimmer at a stately pace exuding confidence.  He is not particularly fond of any of the individuals that would be involved with this exchange...aloof indifference seems proper.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1749 on: August 18, 2011, 07:32:57 AM »
Illim sighs, giving an external nod in response to Derrel's comment. <<I shouldn't have stalked off like that,>> he murmurs to his host, unfolding his arms and sitting up somewhat straighter in the copilot seat. <<But really, if I'd known Terenia and Mike wouldn't have felt comfortable negotiating, I'd have done it.>> He smirks. <<I'm okay with being the bad guy, you know.>>

When Efaen announces that she wishes to speak with Reven anyway, he leans to the side to get a better vantage point around Mike. <<Maybe you'll have an opportunity to talk to the leader before we go, after all,>> he tells Derrel.

Serid continues to give Jocun a deadpan expression, even as Ossanlin leaves, although it is only partially because of his discomfort with the conversation. Despite having been a nothlit for years, he has never truly mastered human facial expressions.

"If you would not brag so, perhaps I would not watch you so sourly," Serid remarks, and then gives a shrug of his shoulders -- a gesture he has picked up. "I have not yet confirmed your supposition as to my species, but you certainly know my loyalties." He glances at the spot where Ossanlin has been to reinforce. "You may have done nothing wrong, but you can imagine why I am not pleased to hear about the reality in which you live."
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1750 on: August 18, 2011, 08:55:45 AM »
"I'm sorry if it seems I've been bragging. I'm not trying to rub it in, though obviously I am content about how things turned out." Jocun said. "I have no doubt that had the Andalites won, our entire species would have been destroyed for the sins of the few, and the whole war would be swept under the metaphorical rug as quickly as possible to hide the Andalite's shame. "

<<Maybe.>> Derrel said hopefully. <<You probably should have been the one to try to get something out of Salem. Terenia's in a huge hurry to get to the rebel base, yet she doesn't want to spend much time swimming in a container. Do you think they're going to take turns with Mike once they reach the base?>>

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1751 on: August 18, 2011, 12:01:38 PM »
Sami giggled at Al's display. She couldn't believe she had just met an AI! It was amazing! He must have had some sort of cloaking device that made him look this way. That, or maybe whomever had created him had made him to look just like tham, not like some piece of technology. She stood there quietly thinking all of this throughout Larry and Al's exchange, then blinked back into reality when Larry pulled up a chair. She smiled and pulled one up next to him, disturbed by his tone. "Larry, he is from a different world. You must respect that. I mean, after all, you seem to respect me even though I do not particularly like magic." she said to him as their waters were brought over to them. She smiled at the bartender, who just grunted at her and left. She sipped from her glass, watching Larry and Al.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1752 on: August 18, 2011, 03:31:53 PM »
Larry looked at Sami as she said that he should respect Al because he was a different world and the fact that he respected her even though she didn't like magic. "You are correct Sami, my apologies" he said in his soft tone of voice. Larry then turned to regard Al and said "I apologize to you as well Al." and then bowed slightly in his seat.

Larry took a drink of water and then decided to ask Al something. "If I may ask what is this 'android' that you speak of?" Larry asked in a soft tone of voice.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1753 on: August 18, 2011, 06:32:20 PM »
Keshin shakes his head with a slight smirk at Al. "Oh, don't be ridiculous," he mutters. "We get a lot of money from running jobs, but pretty much eighty percent of that is spent on the medicine. It's prototype stuff---designed to cure human heart diseases and respiratory problems. The Empire's just started manufacturing things like that for humans, which means it's...well..." Keshin groans, putting a hand to his forehead. "....really damn expensive. The dapsen moneygrubbers."

Keshin then turns his head oddly to...wait, his old dead client?! Her countenance and mannerisms were decidedly not rebel, and her clothes were straight Imperial. Could this possibly be....but...Keshin shakes his head back and forth. "Whoah whoah whoah. I don't know what bizarre time skip brought you here, but we are not trying to off your sister again. Not happening. That almost got us killed. For some reason. We had no clue the chick had so many friends."
Mar nods carefully and then states, "I want you to close your eyes, Salem. What I'm going to do is extend a tendril into your range, allowing you access to my ability to see them. You see..." Mar chuckles. "....mortal creatures only see the shapes and objects around them, the colorful and bright things. But if they were instead to focus on the empty space surrounding each object, they would find it just as useful."

Mar grins a bit. " a way, I have tricked all of you. I only appear to be flying. What you are actually seeing is a large number of invisible tendrils holding me in place and passing me between them. Now keep in mind...just because it's easy to do doesn't mean it will look...impressive at first. Most first-time Dark magic users look ridiculous doing it without a grasp of how the...puppetry works."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1754 on: August 18, 2011, 08:22:37 PM »
To Van, Rathien certainly played the part of a wolf, no matter what he said of it. True, most nobles cared more about the state of their clothes than the Pirate did, but perhaps that was precisely because he was a pirate. That, and the clothes were indeed old. Despite all that, Van still flinched when Rathien completed tearing his shirt open, revealing his silky green undershirt beneath.

Van still held fast to the Hunter's wrist, and so his hand was dragged along with Rathien's, which caused the Hunter to tear his clothes rather carelessly. The length of the man's claw-like nails surprised Van, and he remembered once again what Rathien had said: that no, he wasn't quite Beryllian. So, why would the Hegemony allow...?

The Pirate banished the thought from his mind, and answered Rathien, "I would suppose I can control the beast. While taming is not my trade, per se, I do prefer challenges. Mm, indeed, durgulsiii tanisi sayaa rasthije nanvetsaaa~."

He glanced up, and moved closer to Rathien. This pushed the man's claws further into Van chest, while he reached for Rathien's shirt collar.

Gripping it, he pulled himself up a bit, and said, "You know, the say, how 'even the wolf can abide the law', that which makes him 'the dog'?"
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