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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1575 on: August 02, 2011, 12:15:02 AM »
For whatever use to him Jocun's information about the rebellion is worth, considering he's from another timeline, Serid is glad to hear that the rebellion has survived the war in Jocun's reality.

Whatever positive emotions he has, though, are overshadowed by his revulsion of hearing them speak of the Andalite homeworld. He had been fortunate enough to find a Yeerk who had sympathized with him, but he had gone through so many Yeerks before Illim, it was proof that he was just a glitch.

He sneers at Jocun. Of course he can afford to be apologetic; he is a secure victor.

Illim shrugs again. "Not a device or weapon, necessarily. I just mean... whatever we want." He starts to pace in agitation. "To get grass for Tora, to get information, to be left the hell alone--whatever."
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1576 on: August 02, 2011, 08:33:59 AM »
Now the other one was in a bad mood too. Jocun glanced away from them, sipping his whiskey. This conversation wasn't exactly going splendidly. He was beginning to think perhaps he should just avoid the Andalites to maintain civility. He looked around the room at the other occupants, and noticed yet another Andalite enter the room.

Claxter found Prince Ossanlin at the bar with Serid, neither of them looking happy. They were looking at a Human with bright clothes, who looked like he said something embarrassing.

<<Sir, I have something to report if you have the time. It regards Theta.>>

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1577 on: August 02, 2011, 09:31:45 AM »

Catie watched as Larry walked away, curious as to where he was going. Then she looked back at the Reptilinod.

"Erm...uh, cheetah? No...but I just got here."

The tall creature seemed to think deeply, "A young andalite? His name is Claxter. Have you seen him?"


The girl shook her head slowly, "I just got here. I'm sorry."

Vogefac sighed. The bar looked just like it did when he'd left. One or two different ships, but essentially the same. But he'd been gone for years, so obviously some of the people he knew wouldn't be here. John, Bear, Claxter. Artemis...he'd probably never see her again, considering what had happened to her back in the Shadow Dimension.

He was snapped out of his musings by the girl...Catie, "But...maybe I can help you find them?"

Vogefac smiled, "Don't try to fool me. You're Alliance. You're going to ask me why I'm here and how I got here."

Catie thought, "Well, maybe how you got here since you seemed to have just popped up out of nowhere, but why? That's none of my business is it? You're obviously not part of our crew - the Urtahn had no Reptilinod officers. So, I don't need to know why you're here. I don't even want to know."

Vogefac squinted, "What are you playing at? You are Alliance, I am Reptilinod. No Alliance officer would just let me go my way...and what do you mean no Reptilinod officers? Obviously your ship has no Reptilinod officers. There are no Reptilinod in Astrofleet."

Catie stared at him for a second, "Of course there are. Once you joined the Alliance, many warri - "

"Joined the Alliance!? Terran, how much Rev'maak ale have you been drinking? The Reptilinod never joined the Alliance!"

Catie squinted at him for a few seconds...then a bit longer. He spoke again, "I have no time to argue Terran. I thank you at least for not demanding my reasons for being here. Because...I have none. Excuse me."

With that, he turned away and walked into the bar. He sat in one of the stools, ordered a Rev'maak ale, and thought of his adventures.


The Reptilinod walked away, entering the bar and taking a seat.

"That was odd...", Catie said to no one in particular. She smiled to herself, and began examining the ships in the shipyard.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 11:53:35 PM by RAFrukh »
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1578 on: August 02, 2011, 11:47:36 PM »
~Ossanlin ~

Ossanlin scoffs as he takes more of the refresing liquid up his leg.  <Your timeline must differ from my own then.>  Ossanlin shrugs in feigned unconcern as the Imperial looks around the room.

Ossanlin glances a stalk-eye at Claxter. <<Very well.>>

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________


Rathien watches as Ewa begins to get a feel for the vial, something like an assassin feeling out the heft and balance of a new throwing-knife.  His ears hear footsteps in the Van was finally coming, and trying to be stealthy about it from the sound of things.

Van rounds the corner and points his Beryllian weapon at Rathien's head.  Rathien smiles and begins to chuckle, still looking at Ewa before turning his head to look at Van, barrel now pointed directly between his eyes.  His mirth fades though he continues to smile as he speaks.  "Ah, pirate...a bit slow on the uptake today.  Normally I'd expect a pirate to be all over anyone that threatened his booty."  Rathien smirks at the multiple levels of that last statement.  "Yet I can't help but notice that you're still standing and fully-clothed."  Rathien starts running his tongue over his fang again, smiling predatorily up at Van for a few moments before looking back at Ewa.

"So, what is it you can do with this vial that others cannot?"
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1579 on: August 03, 2011, 06:39:13 AM »
<<He has left the planetoid. I didn't think he could because I blasted his ship, but apparently there was some part of it left that my scanners didn't pick up. He sent the coordinates that he was going to, and it's the place where he was originally taken. I a unsure what I should do, especially since Gremyyt was actually a friend of my father's. should I notify my father about this? Should we go after him?>>

"Perhaps it does." Jocun says.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1580 on: August 03, 2011, 07:25:05 AM »
Terenia nods at Illim, biting Mike's lip. An uneasy sensation of forboding has settled on her in the wake of the Malleon collection, and it is making it hard for her to focus.

<<Mike,>> she murmurs, her thought-speech sounding hollow. <<I think I need you to deal with this. I...I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know how to freaking bargain and...and...>> she doesn't say the remainder of her thoughts, but a few slip through to her temporary host unbidden. Images of her sister dead, the confusion and fear of seeing her alive again, and the unyielding despair that has been building in the wake of the tragedy for as long as she had refused to let herself truly grieve.

Falling into silence she slowly relinquishes control over to Mike.

Zorish watches the flying furniture with a look of bemusement, ducking at one point to avoid taking a blow to the head, but otherwise remaining indifferent.

"Crazy," Zorish repeats with a nod, "Yes, I've noticed that. Many of the patrons here seem rather...uptight."

He gives Al a small smile in response to his comment about his looks. "I try not to let the rot and decay set in," he jokes, before becoming somewhat serious again. "You say most people are not here by choice, hm? So how did the two of you come about to land here?"

Efaen sighs through her nose slits, letting her narrow shoulders fall slightly. <<The Yeerks have accomplished much in a rather short time period,>> she concedes. <<but they would not have gained anything at all were it not for the power of the Andalites. They are a race of depraved thieves. I can respect their success at this and no more.>>

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1581 on: August 03, 2011, 08:22:48 AM »
"I'm sure we can both agree that Ewa can be alluring to the point of distraction," replied Van. He lowered his rifle, but did not disarm it. Ewa was fingering the -intact!- vial of Vivalite with a look of predatory interest.

From what the Hunter said, she claimed to be able to do something unique with the stuff. Van didn't doubt her, he already knew she was a quick-change artist, able to manipulate the color if her hair and eyes with ease. She would be an object of envy and desire for the Empire, and if Rathien found out- Van was repulsed by the idea.

Though he had an idea as to what this would entail, Van decided against stopping her little demonstration, since he was just as curious as Rathien was. Yet, he also knew he couldn't succumb to Ewa's feminine charms, now that his rival stood right beside him.

To make his point, the Pirate moved aside cautiously, the glowing bayonet still humming with energy. He held the weapon against his waist, and gripped the barrel. Though his eyes were on Ewa, the rest of his senses were on high alert, monitoring Rathien's every move. And, if a threat arose, Van was ready to rip Rathien apart if he so needed to.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1582 on: August 03, 2011, 02:05:45 PM »
Ewa's eyes continued going back and forth between the two men in front of her, still frozen in place.  Van kept his gun aimed at Rathien, but apparently the two were set on treating this as unimportant. Okay then, normal it is.  Ewa sat back more and relaxed, a teasing smile breaking through her expression.  "Just so you two aren't disappointed, I didn't have anything spectacular in mind."  Certainly nothing worthy ignoring an enemy at gunpoint for.

Slowly, Ewa started moving the vial between her fingers and across her palm and the back of her hand.  She built up speed until it looked like the green vial was crawling over her, her hand twitching slightly.  Absently, she checked the relative length of her finger nails on the opposite hand.  That one's just a little shorter.  She focused on the nail and lengthened it just the tiniest fraction of an inch.  Then she transferred the vial to her other hand, continuing to make it crawl while she checked her other fingernails.  Time for the hard part.  Carefully, she balanced the vial on the tips of her thumb and forefinger nails, then she began to spin it.  The move took her a couple of tries to really get going, but then she could increase the speed with tiny motions in her two fingers.  Once it was up to speed, she carefully moved her thumb away, leaving the vial of Vivalite spinning and shining like some strange green flame sprouting from her finger.  She passed it from one finger to another, back and forth between her hands.  After a few passes, she tried jumping it, but fumbled the catch.  Still, I must've been practicing my dexterity tricks recently.  What was I doing that for?

With a rueful smile she palmed the vial and finally looked up at Van and Rathien again.  The trick had taken her full attention.  "It's more for amusing people than anything.  Sorry if I misled you."  She looked back at the vial.  "What is Vivalite used for, anyways?"
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1583 on: August 04, 2011, 02:08:13 AM »

Ossanlin sighs and gives Claxter his full attention.  <<I do not see that any action is necessary Warrior.  We took the required safety precautions with him, I do not believe he has any knowledge that would damage us if he returns to his collective.  I cannot believe that the entity that controls this place would allow the Alvie to invade it.  The current version of Zorish bears watching though.  He cannot be allowed to obtain sensitive information.>>

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ____________


Rathien watches Ewa's trick with rapt attention.  She was very dextrous and he couldn't help but allow his mind to wander on the...delectible... possiblities.  His ears continue to track Van's movements as a quick wrist-movement brings one of his throwing-knives into his right hand.  He begins to walk it over his fingers much as Ewa does with her vial of Vivalite.  When she begins spinning the vial on the tips of her on her fingernails, Rathien's eyes widen a bit.  He could swear that her nails had actually lengthened apparently at will.

As she finishes, he holds the knife steady, concealing it in his hand just in case he might need it to deal with the uncooperative pirate.  "Very impressive.  I'd love to see what you could do with a knife...amongst other things."  He smiles, not bothering to glance at Van, keeping his eyes on Ewa.  His ears tell him enough about the pirate's position.  "And the pirate is right about one thing, you are rather captivating."
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1584 on: August 04, 2011, 08:38:17 AM »
 While Ewa's little show wasn't what Van expected, it was nonetheless mesmerizing.

How does she do all this so effortlessly?! It's easy to see she has excellent skills for many things. I was right in guessing she'd make an excellent Pirate. She'd make a great student to that nut, Jack, and probably can run The Gauntlet with ease. She might beat my record, even! And, unlike a lot of lady Pirates I've seen, she not only has class, but she definitely has...

Van's eyes eventually rested at her breasts. The folds of the robe were loosening, and he couldn't help but feel a little -her hands!- Van made a quick glance at where she palmed the vial, and grinned, his eyes reaching hers.

"What is Vivalite used for, anyways?" She asked. Van gulped. Answering this question might pique her curiosity a little too much. He had to be careful...

"Vivalite, chaa," he began, his sudden accent betraying his anxiety, "is the illegal-drug. The useful drug. It, anh, can heal the body. Fix the genes. And, mmm, can restore the young-look. When I say ' fix the body', I mean it."

It was a suitable explanation, but suddenly, Van realized it would be dangerous if she didn't hear about the problems. He didn't want her addicted, and the drug had ruined so many perfectly good pirates already. He didn't care if it destroyed a member of the Oligarchy (almost all of them used Vivalite), but this woman from a place nowhere like his own world? He couldn't risk it, and the thought concerned him.

"But, it causes the addiction! This, the Green Stuff, especially! We would need the diluting substance, that vial is too pure."

Phew! Just please don't try it, you don't need it, anyways, sweet Ewa...
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[Congratulations to weathel for correctly guessing that it was the Dreidel Song!]

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1585 on: August 04, 2011, 01:27:14 PM »
Al laughed and turned back to Jasper. "Hey, at least some of us are the good kind of crazy, eh?" he said, lightly punching Jasper's shoulder.

He turned and nodded to Zorish, "Yeah, 'uptight' is probably a good word. Nobody here ever seems to want to have any fun. Oh, my friend and I..." he began answering Zorish's question, but paused and internally amended his answer with a brief look at Zorish's uniform. "We were in kind of a pickle. We have a way to randomly throw ourselves... like, elsewhere. We used it to try to get away, and wound up randomly throwing ourselves here." He shrugged, "We definitely didn't set out to find a bar. I'm... kinda glad we did, though." He smiled, "You might be the first one I've met who came here by choice." With that, he turned, waved the bartender over, and began attempting to discuss with him what he might mean when he said 'regular' as opposed to 'usual.'

Salem rolled his eyes slightly and smiled at Efaen. "Look at it however you need to. Just don't make the mistake of so many of your leaders and underestimate them. I've seen it happen far too often." He shifted his weight, adjusted his hat, and crossed his arms. Maybe it was time to change the subject.

"So, Efaen, what part of the homeworld are you from?"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1586 on: August 04, 2011, 06:43:18 PM »
Mike finds himself back in control of his body, leaning heaving against the control panel with one hand and holding the metal container the Malleons are imprisoned in to his chest. 

"Right," he breathes, "bartering."  He clears his throat.  "Well, I...I used to be in public relations."  Mike straightens his back and looks over at Illim, then past him towards the hatch.  His head is still ringing from the otherworldly cry of anguish, and he blinks down at the metal container, finding it hard to believe that such a real and...and almost human cry came from the tiny creatures trapped within.

With shaky legs he walks to the hatch, giving Illim a grin that is more like a grimace. 

"Salem," he calls, finding his voice as he leans out over the threshold.  "Reckon you'll want your little friends back, hmm?"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1587 on: August 04, 2011, 09:26:47 PM »
Salem turned to look up the ramp at Mike and furrowed his brow in a pretty good impression of concern. "That is why I'm here. Are they okay? Did anything go wrong with getting them out? It didn't... sound like it went smoothly." He took a few steps up the ramp and attempted to catch a glimpse of the 'jar.'

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1588 on: August 04, 2011, 10:51:37 PM »
~The Polkaris~

Ewa was tentatively pleased with her trick's reception.  "I can do some knife tricks as well, yes.  Fumbling those is rather more spectacular though.  And often painful," she answered Rathien.  "I'd much rather try to be captivating without bleeding," she smirked, "not that I really believe either of you could be captivated by an idle trick."

Van answered her question about the Vivalite, but he sounded nervous about it.  He's worried about what he can and can't say.... "it can heal the body and fix the genes".  Unimprinted supplements?  That certainly wasn't what the vial looked like.  But if we're all trapped here, attacked and killed off one by one, unimprinted supplements of even the coarsest sort would be in high demand.  How would anybody ever get them though?  Ewa remembered her vials of imprinted supplements, hidden back with her other effects, and they suddenly seemed more precious than anything.  But why was I allowed to make them?  And if there are ways of making supplements like that, why is Van being secretive about this stuff?

Frowning in deep thought, Ewa reached over to the spill on the carpet, scraped a finger through it, and delicately touched the tip of her tongue to the green residue.  She swirled it around in her mouth for a moment, pondering, then swallowed.  "It's supposed to be injected, isn't it?  Lots of unprotected cells and not many chemicals."  She flicked her knife out of her wrist strap with a small flourish and a smile for Rathien.  In a moment she had the tiniest of cuts on the back of her other hand.  Resheathing, her knife, she reached towards the spilled Vivalite again, this time smearing a tiny amount across her cut.

Ewa stared down at her hand, focusing on what was happening there.  That's odd, it's almost like.... are the cells in there trying to bypass my shifting system?  What do they think they're doing?  It was like having a separate shifting system working inside her body, but it had no idea what it was doing.  It was just wave upon wave of "Grow!  Divide!  Heal!  Repair!  Redo!" over and over again.  How the hell did someone even think of this?  The little things had lots of energy though, she had to give them that.  I need to divert this all somewhere and kill off those things.  Nothing big though, don't want to lose my energy.... ah!  Pigment was one of the easiest things to change and her body still remembered being Tisgres.  A dark pattern of vines and leaves spread across her hand, tiny hints of color sometimes visible at the edge of shapes.  A few seconds later the pattern disappeared again and she felt the intrusive system die, attacked by her guiding system.  She used the last bit of energy to speed healing the cut on her hand--it was closed and barely visible.

Ewa grimaced and wiped a bit of sweat from her forehead.  "That is some nasty stuff.  Even in an emergency I'm not sure I'd want to have that."
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1589 on: August 07, 2011, 10:47:07 AM »
Zorish nods, and looks as though he has more than a few questions to ask Al, but he turns to attempt making conversation with the bartender. Taking a pull of his drink, he turns instead to Jasper.

"And you?" he asks with a smile, noticing that he is beginning to feel a tad lightheaded. He places his drink back on the table firmly. "How did you manage to come to this lovely place?"

Efaen's response is promptly interrupted by the return of "Corliss". She takes a small step away from Salem, distancing herself from the trader. He seems agreeable enough, but she does not entirely trust him, nor his claim of having lived among the Andalites when he is clearly not Andalite himself.

Terenia breathes an internal sigh of relief as Mike takes over the proceedings. She could have taken the words from his head, of course, but she simply feels too exhausted at this point. All she wants is to curl up in a ball and go to sleep. To forget about her stupid sister - the dead version and the living - to foget about her terrifying, growing feelings for Corliss and Mike and to forget about that ray of hope Ossanlin had given her. Would I even know how to be human again? she wonders, not really paying attention to Mike and Salem's conversation.

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