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Offline General Squall Leonhart

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1605 on: August 09, 2011, 09:38:54 PM »
When he had tapped the female on the shoulder he had been expecting gratitude or repulsion, however her reaction was nothing that he could ever imagine. She had jumped backwards and seemingly transformed herself into a strange creature that looked to be a mix between an eagle and a wolf. While this intrigued him as an interesting form of magic, Grun was not pleased that his master was being threatened. Grun, the raven, flapped his wings slightly to land on his masters shoulder. He extended his wings to their four foot span and cawed angrily at this strange creature that a moment ago had been a human female.

The human reached up and patted Grun on the head, whispering softly so the creature/female would not hear. Almost immediately Grun calmed down and flapped back to his post above the door. The human laid his staff on the ground and stood to his full height. He then extended his arms out to side to show that he had no weapons. "I do not wish to harm you in any way. I am only trying to lend you my assistance." he said in a very reassuring tone of voice.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2011, 03:33:08 PM by General Squall Leonhart »

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Offline SamiChee

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1606 on: August 09, 2011, 09:47:52 PM »
Sami had been inspecting the thing curiously, even though her vision was a bit blurry. But then suddenly there was a shadow above her and she cowered, then realized it was onyl a small bird that landed on the tall things shoulders. It was a simple bird, looked like a hatchling from her planet. One of the ones that grew to have long metal talons and a sharp metal beak with gleaming sharp black feathers. But it wasn't, as she could tell by the noise it let loose. It was much softer than the calls she was used to. She calmed herself again, letting her feathers lay flat on her bod, for they had stood up in alarm at the shadow.

The tall thing patted the angry bird's head and muttered something to it, but Sami could not understand what was said. This thing obviously knew that she may be able to hear him. Interesting. The bird calmed itself and flew back to its perch near the door. The thing then opened its arms wide, and Sami started to snarl again, her ears back and feathers up, even her wings up a bit, ready to fly. But then it spoke. "I do not wish to harm you in any way. I am only trying to lend you my assistance," it said. The voice was lower but soft and reassuring. She could only guess it was male. She watched him warily, once more letting her feathers settle. Her wings rustled as she took a very slow step forward, trying to watch him and the bird.

Offline General Squall Leonhart

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1607 on: August 09, 2011, 10:08:36 PM »
The female shape-shifter in it's strange hybrid of eagle and wolf form had taken a cautious step forward. It was obvious that this creature wanted o trust him, but was still ready to run or fight if he made a wrong movement. The human had no intention of making a wrong movement, but wanted to earn the complete trust of this creature. He could see that even though the female had changed into this creature her head wound was still present and bleeding.

He spoke softly and reassuringly, trying to convey that he meant no harm. "My name is Larry Foulke and I am a Druid. I am very interested in your form of magic and would love to discuss it with you. However your wound is still present and you are in need of a healer."

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Offline SamiChee

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1608 on: August 09, 2011, 10:31:54 PM »
Sami tilted her head curiously, and her ears perked up. Magic. He was talking about magic. She laughed, a combination of a soft bird of prey cooing to its hatchlings and the low snuffling of a wolf. It wasn't a pretty sound, but it wasn't all that scary either. She shook her head a bit, causing her to stumble to the side some, regaining her footing before she could bump into the side of the building.

Then she began to speak. Her voice was gruffed by the vocal chords of a bird/wolf, but it was still a nice voice to hear. "Magic you say? Ha! This is no magic. This is what my race does. We scoff at the ideas of magic. Well, some of us anyways..." Her village in particular believed in magic, but she did not. She believed whole-heartedly in the ocld, hard facts, and often wished to visit the big cities on her home world to see all the technology she had always heard about, but which her village never had, because they thought it was black magic.

Sami sat back and smiled a toothy grin at this..... Larry Foulke. Her tongue lolled out of the side of her mouth some as she panted a bit, her feathers standing up and tilting this way and that until they were at just the right angles to allow smooth air flow around her body to cool her off. Her head was still bleeding, but she wasn't making a note of it. She was a bit more interested in this male at the moment. "What is a Druid? Is it some sort of spellcaster? Magic weaver?" she asked curiously.

Offline General Squall Leonhart

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1609 on: August 09, 2011, 11:00:11 PM »
When she said that what she did was not magic and that she scoffed at magic he was not angry. He had gotten angry at Catie when she had said that magic was not real, but Tyrael had told him that this galaxy was full of strange creatures and that most of them did not believe in magic. It was something that Larry had come to accept.

"I am able to cast some spells that are nature based. I can control fire and wind to an extent, however it is very tiring to do so. I can also command some animals, Grun being my most faithful. As for my nature spells allow me to show you." Larry said. He slowly crouched down to the ground, still keeping his hands at his side. He reached down and grabbed a clump of soil and then pressed it between his hands and got a very concentrated look on his face. When he opened his hands there was a small green sprout. It quickly grew into a fully bloomed red rose, which he extended towards this creature.

"Can you transform into anything else? Also if you feel comfortable telling me I would be interested to know what your name is?"

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Offline SamiChee

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1610 on: August 09, 2011, 11:10:14 PM »
Sami watched him curiously. This was one of the forms of magic that her village so revered. Some actually practiced it, but it was extremely hard to manage. Most just changed into the wonderful creatures around them that had certain abilities that could help them to make such beautiful things. She watched as he made the pretty little red thing sprout from the soil, and even leaned forward to smell it. It smelled sweet andintoxicating. She smiled a bit before reluctantly pulling herself away. "My name is Sami," she continued in her animalistic voice. "Sami Chee. But that is only the shortened version. I would prefer that if you call me anything, you call me that. And yes, I can change into other things. But not right now." Her head wound was finally taking its toll.

The shape she had taken had given her strength and endurance, but not even the famous bird-wolves could stand a wound like this for this long. She slowly started to regain her normal shape, the feathers seeming to slide back into her skin, her ears returning to normal as her tail shot back in towards her body. Her wings slowly dissolved into her back as her bones and organs returned to their rightful places and she was sitting on the floor, still naked.

Offline General Squall Leonhart

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1611 on: August 09, 2011, 11:25:19 PM »
Larry took note of her name and then watched her transform back into herself. She was unfortunately still naked so he again handed the cloak to her. He took a closer look at her wound and realized that she needed a healer soon. "Perhaps we can find a healer inside, although I will wait until you are clothed Sami Chee" Larry said as he turned around to give her privacy.

You should see my other Gunblade. ;)

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Offline SamiChee

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1612 on: August 09, 2011, 11:40:54 PM »
Sami smiled at his chivalry and took the cloak from him. She was a bit surprised about him turnign away, though. She was quite average in looks. But, then again, who knew what it was like wherever he came from. Or anyone else in this place, for that matter. So she stood and wrapped the cloak about herself to the best of her abilities, tieing it at the top to help hold it together. "Thank you." she replied, smiling softly.

Offline General Squall Leonhart

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1613 on: August 09, 2011, 11:48:30 PM »
Larry turned back around to see Sami Chee in the cloak and realized with a jolt why he had created the rose for her. I am falling in love with her he thought to himself. Although the thought should have angered him, he realized that this was different than Andra.

Larry held the rose out to her and decided to take a leap of faith. "This is for you, in my culture a red rose signifies attraction to the recipient of the rose."

((Just a side note SamiChee. Use italicized text to signify your char. inner thoughts))

You should see my other Gunblade. ;)

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Offline SamiChee

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1614 on: August 09, 2011, 11:55:01 PM »
Sami blinked and looked a bit taken-aback. Maybe she was wrong. No time to think now though. "Thank you." She gently took it from him, smiling softly as she pushed a bit of hair out from her face and tucked it behind an ear. Well, this is a bit odd. Even where I come from, this has the same significance. But why.... She pushed her thoughts away and brought the rose to her nose, closing her eyes and breathing in its intoxicating smell. Then she sighed softly and opened her eyes. She slipped the rose under the cloak. "All right, now what?"

Offline General Squall Leonhart

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1615 on: August 10, 2011, 12:23:25 AM »
Sami Chee had accepted his rose and even seemed to be flattered by his statement which gave him confidence. He smiled slightly and said "Now we find a healer for your wound. Although I am not sure we will need one." Upon closer inspection Larry noticed it wasn't as serious as he initially though it to be. "I can stitch this up for you myself if you would permit me too." Larry said as he opened the door for her to walk through.

You should see my other Gunblade. ;)

Bazing Angel is my Flaming brother.......No, no, no he's NOT gay, just Flaming. :P

Offline SamiChee

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1616 on: August 10, 2011, 12:29:56 AM »
Sami nodded and stepped cautiously in through the door. Her eyes seemed to glow for a moment as they adjusted to the slightly gloomy interior. She stepped to the side of the door so that he could follow her through. She almost bumped into a table, but barely caught herself. She had grabbed the wall and pulled herself closer to it so as to not be in anyone's way. She looked back to the door for the man who was going to help her.

Offline General Squall Leonhart

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1617 on: August 10, 2011, 12:33:50 AM »
Sami Chee walked into the bar and almost stumbled before catching herself and pulling herself closer to a wall. It seemed that her vision was not used to the gloom of the bar. He walked into the bar and offered his arm to Sami Chee if she wished to allow him to escort her through the tables to the actual bar itself.

You should see my other Gunblade. ;)

Bazing Angel is my Flaming brother.......No, no, no he's NOT gay, just Flaming. :P

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1618 on: August 10, 2011, 12:45:58 AM »
Al grinned at Zorish, "You know, you Yeerks are kinda the masters of the whole 'what you see isn't what you get' bit, but you never really seem to be ready to be on the receiving end of it." He glanced over as a new woman stumbled into the bar, bleeding from a head wound. Moments later, the bar's next-most-recent arrival, the previously injured humanoid, appeared and began speaking with her. He kept an eye on the woman's transformations and their conversation as he continued speaking to Zorish and Jasper.

"This place is a crazy mishmash nexus of universes. I actually don't think anything's a safe assumption here," he said, before adding as an afterthought, "except that the booze is good and the customers colorful. Those have been constants since I got here. For example," he briefly allowed his hologram to dim, though only in his face. The result was a transparent version of his human face superimposed over his grinning Chee form. "I'm not remotely human." He quickly brought his hologram back to full strength and reminded himself to glance around for Rathien. He shook his head slightly as he realized Salem now had him actually trying to be slightly paranoid.

He smiled at Zorish and nodded towards the newcomer, "I guess a first aid kit might be required equipment at this bar, too." He turned to the bartender, "Hey, can I have a couple of clean towels please? One wet, and at least one dry. Not planning on giving them back, but I'll pay for them." The bartender grudgingly obliged, and Al grabbed the towels and walked over to Sami.

"Hey. That's a nasty-looking cut." He held out the wet towel with a smile, "This might at least help you get yourself cleaned up. I think there's a washroom back there, too," he nodded towards the back hallway. "And I figured these might make a decent temporary bandage," he said with a shrug, holding up the two dry towels. "I'm Al, by the way." He winked at Larry, "Glad you seem to be feeling better. What do you two call yourselves, if you don't mind my asking?" He smiled, "You two know each other?"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1619 on: August 10, 2011, 12:50:28 AM »

At that moment Catie walks into the bar upset at her luck; she had not found Ewa or Van. But she smiled mischievously as she saw Larry with another girl.

"Hey Larry. I see you've made a new friend."
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