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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1560 on: July 31, 2011, 08:25:24 PM »

Ossanlin makes a face at Jocun's "preservation of the species" bit.  <So you mean there were cowards who were too pathetic to destroy themselves and so instead handed over all of our secrets, technology, and our freedom in exchange for an existence worse than death?  And not only that, they condemned their children to a life of slavery and servitude?  It's so wonderful to know that such cowards exist amongst my race.  I do so hope that if you're telling the truth about your reality that the rebels come up with an Andalite-oriented quantum virus.>  Ossanlin takes another drink of his mint-water.  <Though I suppose you've already adapted our technology.  Still I would rather see my Homeworld as a barren wasteland devoid of life than as a festering pool of sludge for maniacal, greedy Imperial offense.>  He pauses, taking a few deep breaths, trying to allow his ardor to cool.  The Homeworld utterly infested?!  It was ludicrous and the thought fills him with an indignation more powerful than he's felt in quite some time.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2011, 09:02:42 PM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1561 on: July 31, 2011, 08:53:16 PM »
Catie laughed and turned to the bartender. She wondered if he had anything from her universe.

Just then she heard a crash. She turned around and saw Larry, a reptilian creature on the ground..and a chair smashed a few feet away from it.

"Hey...that's a Reptilinod! There were no Reptilinod on our ship!"

She ran over to Larry, "Did you throw did you hit it if the chair is over there?"

Right now Catie was just more bewildered than scared or upset at Larry for throwing a chair at something randomly.


Faintly, Vogefac heard wood crash near him. His eyes opened momentarily, then they closed again...
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1562 on: July 31, 2011, 09:35:33 PM »
"I believe you misunderstand me. It wasn't cowardice that caused some Andalites to not be killed. They were captured, and prevented from killing themselves. I don't think there has ever been a report of more than a sparce few Andalite who actually sided with the Yeerks before the war was over."

"I'm sorry if this news disturbs you. I'm sure it would disturb my own people if things went the other way. Andalites have always been a proud people."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1563 on: July 31, 2011, 10:11:01 PM »
Terenia nods, wincing as she removes the line from inside the Skimmer's power source and stands. "Maybe," she mumbles, Mike's face still ashen from the telepathic onslaught. "But does he have anything we want?" She inspects the small container, not nearly as clear as it had been moments before. "I don't trust a god damned thing he says, and anything he gives us I trust even less."

Efaen remains expressionless, but caution enters her tone. <<You think that my people are over-estimating their reach? Our might is strong, and our power great. There are perhaps a few among our ranks who do not truly deserve their titles, but those are all weeded out eventually. Do not think me a fool, human. I am aware that our government, like all great governments, contain flaws. We are also incredibly effective at detecting these flaws and eliminating them.>>

Zorish makes a point of allowing his laughter to sound particularly girlish, putting his hand to his mouth to cover the sound, as though in embarrassment. In truth, he is noting the man's flush and initial tongue-tied manner with interest. Flustered men often say the most interesting things, he notes.

"Yes, my host," he lowers Tamora's hand and flashes Jasper a smile. "I am a Yeerk, of course. I thought my uniform was a dead giveaway." She indicates her Imperial issued one-piece with a lazy gesture before turning to answer Al's question.

"Oddly enough, I came here seeking my own murderer," Zorish muses, the smile never leaving his face, even when he brings his glass up to sip from it. "It seems that I was killed. It also seems that the killer did a poor job of the deed, as I am clearly still here." He laughs at his own jest before continuing. "Regardless, it seems as though the trail has somewhat dried up for the time being. I located those I was searching for and am afraid to say it was less enlightening than I had hoped." He shrugs. "Instead I have decided to spend my time getting to know the sort that would flock to this, er, fine establishment." He lifts his glass to the bar at large, as though offering a toast.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1564 on: August 01, 2011, 12:02:56 AM »
Ewa continued to breath slowly and began to feel almost grounded again, if tenuously.  Thievery and peeping and flirting, she thought with a tinge of amusement.  It's positively lighthearted.  Still, she was worried that Van hadn't followed her yet.  What if something happened to him?  What if whoever this is just waits for a quiet, unsuspecting moment and tears you apart?  Her stomach knotted, but she managed to mostly push the dark thoughts down and away.  This was a silly situation.  Silly.  And it suddenly seemed like a good idea to keep someone as dangerous as Rathien nearby.  Silly.

"Something else to do?" she asked archly, looking down at him still crouching on the floor.  Ewa glided into the room and sat down next to him, crossing her legs.  She was careful not to get between him and the door, but not to corner herself either, or sit too close.

"Let me see that," she requested, holding out her hand for the vial of Vivalite.  "I bet I can do something with it you can't," she challenged with an open smirk. 
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1565 on: August 01, 2011, 01:40:41 AM »

Rathien watches as Ewa moves to sit on the floor in front of him.  How had he gotten himself in this type of situation?  He had never gone to such great lengths to garner the attention of someone before.  Well, that wasn't necessarily true but mostly it was.  Nothing but a robe...

He smiles at Ewa and then glances down at the vial again, flipping it a few more times before reaching out his hand, proferring the Vivalite to her, a bemused expression crossing his face as e looks up at her again.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1566 on: August 01, 2011, 01:46:31 AM »
Larry was embarrassed that he missed, but felt that it would be dishonorable to lie. He shrugged "I missed, he was already down anyway. He looks like the River Beasts of Kurast. Be careful they can spit poison goo"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1567 on: August 01, 2011, 09:54:26 AM »
When Ewa left for the hall, the room cleared up, as the sensation of her alluring presence lifted away. Van furrowed his brow, not sure whether he should follow her, but perhaps she needed time alone.

Alone, Van thought, Had she been another Beryllian, maybe her feeling of 'brokenness' wouldn't have been so bad? Or if she was Human, it would just be confusion... But loneliness? Broken? Terror, I suppose. She's just trying to relax, probably more afraid than I am. I guess the only thing I'm afraid of is that Hunter, and even then, he isn't quite a Lord, either.

"Mm, it's not bad when he isn't around," Van said to himself with a grin.

But, with Ewa removed from the room, another feeling took her place. Van picked up on it suddenly, and frowned. He recognized it. Just one look at the guy, and his 'scent' registered in his mind. And now, he was here.

The Pirate stood up to get a better feel of it, and then widened his eyes in alarm: He's in the hall, isn't he?! The Vivalite- no, Ewa!

Van grabbed his gun, and quietly stalked his way into the hallway, knowing that causing a ruckus could give Rathien the upper hand. The world seemed to slow to a halt when he finally spotted Rathien. He was, luckily, concentrating on Ewa, and perhaps nothing more. How advantageous.

The Pirate raised his gun, powered the heat bayonet, then stuck the tip of it close to Rathien's head. The heat alone would be noticeable enough to tell Rathien he was in a rather undesirable situation.

"So, Mirwindzhensa-ge," Van said measuredly, "I didn't think you would be so bold. A thief of two kinds, and a Hunter! What a nice surprise."

The gun made an audible beep, indicating it was loaded. Van figured a shot was superflous, but reassurance of a threat was always a good way to get a target to think twice about making a move. Besides, with Ewa right there, and Rathien so close, a shot easily could pass through him, and hit her, too...

It wasn't so much a bluff, but more a show of exactly whose ship they were on.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2011, 12:53:06 PM by pyrebird »
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1568 on: August 01, 2011, 01:05:01 PM »
Al laughed softly at Jasper's rambling. "You're a bit of a whiz with the ladies, you know that?" he said with a wink. Though his words were mocking, his tone was kind. He turned to Zorish, "'Flock to' is such a heavy term. I don't think most of us are actually here by choice. This place is odd like that." He grinned and looked her up and down, "It sounds like you're already noticing how odd it is, though. You're not looking half bad for a dead chick."

At the sound of yelling and someone throwing a chair out the door, Al turned and looked, then rolled his eyes and turned back to Zorish and Jasper. "What the heck is going on over there?"

Salem caught the look on Illim's face- it was obviously not a friendly one- and lost a bit of his willingness to laugh. He'd hoped, at least, that Illim might start to be reasonable.

The guy is hanging around Corliss, he reminded himself.

With a small sigh, he turned back to Efaen, "Don't get me wrong, Warrior, your race has plenty to be proud of. You're one of the most amazing species I've ever encountered. But the Yeerks have managed to rise from minor annoyance to galactic plague right under your noses, and I just can't see the Andalite war machine turning the tide now that the Yeerks have an established empire, if it wasn't able to before, when they were weak. Not without some major changes." He sighed. He was getting a sense of deja vu from this conversation. He'd had it with other Andalites a dozen times before, most often with very little success.

"Andalites certainly deserve respect, but then, so do the Yeerks. Like them or hate them, Efaen, you can't deny their accomplishments. Without respect for their abilities, they will never be overcome."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1569 on: August 01, 2011, 01:24:48 PM »

She raised an amused eyebrow, "Actually, I know his species. He's a Reptilinod. And don't worry, they're not poisonous. They're warriors, but they're not poisonous."

She knelt down next to him, "He's out. He's almost awake, but...not really. What I wouldn't give for some expergicene...I wonder how he could've gotten here. Did you see him beam in? Or fall?"


Vogefac heard two people talking. Human he could tell.

He tried to speak but he couldn't move his mouth. Instead he opened his eyes a centimeter and looked up at them. The girl was looking at the man, so Vogefac looked at him too. He tried to convey the emotion of confusion in his eyes, but the fact was Reptilinod aren't very emotional. So he just stared at the man through barely-open eyes.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1570 on: August 01, 2011, 01:35:18 PM »
When Catie said she recognized the creature and called it a 'Reptilinoid' Larry realized he made a mistake. "I did not see him appear. When I opened the door he was lying there."

Larry noticed the Reptilinoid staring at him and he began to feel uncomfortable. Catie seemed to want to help this creature, but he still felt vulnerable. Larry leaned down to whisper in Catie's ear "Are you sure you will be all right without my protection?" he asked with urgency in his voice, attempting to subtly remind Catie of why he was leaving the bar in the first place.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1571 on: August 01, 2011, 01:51:54 PM »

"I'll be fine, Larry. I told you, my weapon could take down an elephant at the setting it's on now. Don't stress."

She looked and saw that the Reptilinod was looking at Larry. She turned back with a smile, "On the other hand, maybe I could come to protect you?"

Still smiling, she turned back to the Reptilinod, whose gaze had shifted to her.

"Hello, my name is Catie. I'm from the Alliance starship Urtahn. Can I help you?"


Vogefac noticed that the man seemed unsettled. Vogefac's newfound omnipotent powers were fading slowly. He could hear the mind of this, Larry as it sought to understand just what Vogefac was and ascertain how dangerous he might be.

Then the girl looked at him. After making one last remark to the man, she turned back. Vogefac looked at her. Alliance? Oh great...

"I am...Vogefac. Commodore Vogefac of the Reptilinod...Imperi al...," he coughed with the effort of speech, "...Imperial Mother-Ship Zetylon. No, I do not need your help."

Vogefac decided to use his Ke-powers before they completely left him. His eyes glowed. Bright yellow. Then the glow spread to the rest of his head, covering his horns...his neck...his shoulders and back spines...his lower back and arms...his legs...his feet. A large noise like gale-force winds emitted from him. all faded away.

Vogefac pushed himself up like nothing had ever happened - even his injuries and unconsciousness.

"As I said, I am not in need of assistance. I...I was blessed with the power of the Ke. But now it is gone. At least I was able to heal myself..."

He looked around, "Have you seen a Cheetah around anywhere?"
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1572 on: August 01, 2011, 02:01:37 PM »
Larry smiled slightly at her joke of protecting him "I think I can handle myself, I am the Slayer of Diablo you know?" He began to walk away and took no notice of what was happening behind him with the strange Reptilinoid and was completely oblivious of the creature healing itself.

As he was walking he looked down at his vest and realized badly slashed it was. Perhaps I'll grab that black leather vest I saw he thought to himself as he took off the vest and threw it to the ground.

He walked up to the portal, which from the view of the bar would look like a hole of blue light. Larry took a deep breath and walked through the portal, to a place that would haunt his nightmares, forever.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1573 on: August 01, 2011, 05:18:49 PM »
"Yes, my host," he lowers Tamora's hand and flashes Jasper a smile. "I am a Yeerk, of course. I thought my uniform was a dead giveaway." She indicates her Imperial issued one-piece with a lazy gesture before turning to answer Al's question.

<<Well, of course I knew that...>>
<<Yeah, but, she doesn't know you know that, y'know? You'd... kinda have to tell her for her to know... that you know...yeah, something like that.>> Jasper rambled.
<<Just like she said, her uniform tells me more than I need to know. You were correct; we aren't of such significance that the Empire would waste any time or personnel to locate us, but there is a chance that Zorish here wouldn't hesitate to take us back if we present ourselves as easy bounty.>>
<<So... just... keep quiet about you still? Okay... we certainly have plenty of practice there.>>

In response, however, the two simply nodded in acknowledgement.

"Oddly enough, I came here seeking my own murderer," Zorish muses, the smile never leaving his face, even when he brings his glass up to sip from it. "It seems that I was killed. It also seems that the killer did a poor job of the deed, as I am clearly still here." He laughs at his own jest before continuing. "Regardless, it seems as though the trail has somewhat dried up for the time being. I located those I was searching for and am afraid to say it was less enlightening than I had hoped." He shrugs. "Instead I have decided to spend my time getting to know the sort that would flock to this, er, fine establishment." He lifts his glass to the bar at large, as though offering a toast.
"Sounds like me.. minus the whole 'seeking your own murderer' part. I've kinda settled here for the time being. There's plenty of company... whether or not that's a good thing is up for debate, I guess. There's some pretty crazy people here." He says, gesturing to the flying furniture across the room... "I don't even want to know...."

<<Hehe, 'crazy people' indeed.>> Sapttus said.
<<You are fully aware that I lumped you in that category, too, right buddy?>> Jasper joked.
<<Of course. I don't even have to tap your thoughts for that one.>>

Al laughed softly at Jasper's rambling. "You're a bit of a whiz with the ladies, you know that?" he said with a wink. Though his words were mocking, his tone was kind.

"Yeah, right, and I'm the Easter Bunny, too..." he says sarcastically, yet still obviously embarrassed by his facial spasm. <<Curse you and your oaties!>> He just wanted to move on.

The partial carved-walnut elephant was progressing rather nicely, even if slowly. A small pile of chippings had grown on the napkin he'd laid out for ease of clean-up.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1574 on: August 01, 2011, 08:04:22 PM »
Ewa leaned forward to accept the Vivalite from Rathien, strangely struck by his puzzlement as he looked at her.  Is he wondering why.... haha, no, he probably just can't think of a way I can live up to my boast.  She wasn't so sure herself.  I guess if it's not amusing enough I could always stick it in--damn it, I'm not even wearing real clothes.  Scratch that.

Her fingers brushed his briefly, carefully, as she took the vial.  She was just leaning back and rolling it across her fingers--getting a feel for the balance--when Van appeared in the doorway with a gun to Rathien's head.  Ewa let out half a sigh of relief, Thank god he's okay, before she froze.  Her eyes jumped back and forth between Van and Rathien, waiting for something terrible to happen.
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