Elfangor: Marco, you said you wanted a mother. Well, she's busy with the Yeerk Empire. Here's some humour to make you feel better.
Thank you, Mr. Wizard.
Elfangor: Rachel, you said you wanted a heart. Well, why have a heart, when you can just stop one out of your enemies?
Rachel: Thanks Mr. Wizard!
Elfangor: Tobias, you said you wanted feathers. Well, it turns out you had feathers all along!
Tobias: Gee whiz, thanks Mr. Wizard.
David: I don't think there's anything in that big black bag for me.
Elfangor: No, no there is not. Try again in twenty books or so.
Ax: You're gonna eat lightning, and you're going to crap thunder!
Cassie: I'll take my hawk to go, please.
Post Merged: December 08, 2010, 02:45:48 PM
Jake: Alright, mom! I'm going now. See you in a few hours.
Mom: Jake, it's cold out. Make sure you take a sweater!
Jake: I'll be in the Yeerk Pool, mom! I don't need a sweater!
Mom: Do you WANT to catch a cold, Jake? Get the sweater nana knitted for you last year.
Jake: It'll just rip once I morph!
Mom: Then where your winter coat!
Jake: Mom! I can't show up in the YEERK POOl with a winter coat. That's embarassing!
Mom: Jake, don't make me tell you again. Put on something warm.
Jake: No.
Mom: Then it's up to your room, young man. No saving the world for you tonight. You're grounded!
Jake: But...but Rachel and the others...
Mom: They'll just have to take on Visser Three by themselves, tonight. Now, march!
Jake: (Walks up to his room) None of the other Animorphs have to wear a sweater....