Author Topic: Prologue: Origins  (Read 26264 times)

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Offline Brad the Brit

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Re: Prologue: Origins
« Reply #30 on: March 27, 2009, 08:19:47 PM »
yes start us off ;D

Offline Seryna

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Re: Prologue: Origins
« Reply #31 on: March 27, 2009, 08:43:57 PM »

How is Brit friends with the others? We should know this before we start to make sure we have some thing to reference.  Let us know.

I'll polish up our starting post.

Offline Kit Cloudkicker

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Re: Prologue: Origins
« Reply #32 on: March 27, 2009, 08:48:37 PM »

Offline Damien

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Re: Prologue: Origins
« Reply #33 on: March 27, 2009, 10:00:48 PM »
Yes, I guess Damien would just be a neighbor who got dragged into the animorphs since it wouldn't fit his personality to make 'friends'. And I just noticed my character is the youngest.

And by the way I do know that 5'12" is 6' I am currently counting how many people point that out, surprisingly you are the second (I have had that same description forever).
« Last Edit: March 27, 2009, 10:11:29 PM by Damien »
That'sssss a very nice possssst you have there... It'd be a sssshame if something happened to it...

If you get the reference above you will get a cookie, an imaginary cookie, but a cookie none-the-less!

Offline Breekan1

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Re: Prologue: Origins
« Reply #34 on: March 27, 2009, 10:16:43 PM »
This looks like it has a lot of potential! I love stories with a sense of doom.

If you all will have me, my character is as follows:

Name: Reece Steel
Age: 17
Description: African-american, with a round, friendly face and the steely build of a swimmer. He keeps his head shaved, and dresses sharply- buttoned shirts, crisp slacks, slick shoes, etc... He's tall, about six feet and two inches. His eyes are bright, vivid green.

Personality: A wise-ass, but charming enough that people don't notice. Is very friendly and fun to be around, and as a result gets away with a bit more than he should. Teachers are more lenient when grading him, and whenever he finds himself in a tough spot he excels at talking his way out of it. He's never gotten so much as a parking ticket, though he's not a very attentive driver.

Story: Captain of the men's swim-team and recently-crowned homecoming king. Can be seen volunteering with local kids, tutoring, coaching little league, etc... Isn't quite sure what he's going to study for college- plans to go to the state University. He's currently seeing a girl named Sandra, whom he has dated for one year. They plan to get married some day, the way kids their age always think they will.

Some time last year, Reece was involved in a hit-and-run accident. He didn't look back. He's spent most of his life since trying not to look back. Uncannily astute observers may have noticed a slight weariness around Reece's eyes in the following months- the sense that he was hiding from something, avoiding it. Unfortunately, Reece's loved ones are not uncannily astute observers. His parents (a very successful dentist (his mother) and a community center drama coach (his father)) are proud as peaches of their "star" son (and only child) while Reece's easy-going nature and pseudo-star status naturally keep him at a distance from his friends. Reece has done everything he's been able to to forget the incident- his greatest fear, other than himself, is that Sandra might somehow find out what happened and be subsequently horrified.

Offline Breekan1

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Re: Prologue: Origins
« Reply #35 on: March 27, 2009, 10:22:28 PM »
Hey Brad- what do you think of our characters being friends, perhaps having met through our parents (since they are both medical professionals)?

Alternatively, anyone who may have been a "theatre kid" in middle school might know Reece through his father?

Offline Seryna

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Re: Prologue: Origins
« Reply #36 on: March 27, 2009, 10:33:34 PM »

Marvelous. Jess told me to expect you.

The RP has started...  if you would like to join, feel free for the first few days. Raven and Archaeobabe, I hope you come.  I would love to write with you again.

Scene One

At two fifteen PM on an otherwise ordinary Tuesday, the school bell rang out, freeing the hundreds of students within from their lessons.  As the swell of students spilled out onto the concrete walk ways, a great many of them began to follow the walkway to a busy street in front of the school.  There was a bus stop that could transport one home as well as several fast food joints for a quick bite to eat.  There was another business slowly being brought online over the past few weeks- a stand alone lot where the old gym had once been.  The tired building had been given a complete make over, right down to the lighted business board that read 'The Sharing: Lock - in Pool party tonight'.

An extremely tall young man at 6', Damien, hustled at the start of the mill of students, ignoring them for the most part. Beside Damien, Brit, was trying to recall if the registration for the Health class taught at the local collage (with a waiver, likely obtained by his father) was starting tomorrow after school or the following Wednesday. 
An extremely short student suddenly shoved Damien aside, laughing as he cut in front of Damien to run up the sidewalk.  In his wake, two more students jostled Damien and Brit aside as they chased after the other.

Just behind Damien and Brit, two young women were walking together, discussing the upcoming project for AP History.  They had been given a brief write up of a 1500 word essay assignment that day in class:
The purpose of the AP World History course is to develop greater understanding of the evolution of global processes and contacts, in interaction with different types of human societies. This understanding is advanced through a combination of selective factual knowledge and appropriate analytical skills.  For the purpose of this assignment, use your knowledge of the past world wars outcomes (including action by such organizations as the UN) to propose a working outcome for the departure of foriegn forces from Iraq'.

The two young women, Kasey and Torrence, thought the assignment had seemed a bit daunting in class. 

Just a few steps behind them a spectacular being also was walking- perhaps she intended to catch up to the girls to join in on the conversation.

Eddie, a wheelchair bound young man, was playing it cool  a few feet behind Alice. Perhaps he was hoping to have a chance to finally speak to Alice and broach the topic that had been burning in his mind.  Nearby was another young man named Reece, who was perhaps heading over to the Sharing to volunteer to set up for the Lock in.

Whatever was currently on their minds was briefly interrupted when a display of violence that unfurled with startling speed.  the two larger boys that had shoved past Damien and Brit had caught the smaller teen and flung him to the black top of the Sharing parking lot.  Laughing cruelly, they repeatedly knocked the smaller boy over as he tried to stand back up.

Humiliated, the boy repeatedly shouted. "Come on, Mike! Quit it!"

"Quit it!" The larger boy- easily a foot taller than the smaller boy's 5 ft- and much more muscular - mocked.  The second boy crowed with laughter and then stomped his athletic shoe down on the smaller boy's hand.  The boy gave a cry of pain, cupping his hand to his chest.  he glared at the two with impotent rage as the two bullies closed in on him.

"Hey, now!"

A fourth voice- much deeper and older- cut across the parking lot, attached to the fit older man jogging across the parking lot.  The man approached the smaller boy and helped him to his feet, glaring at the two bullies all the while.
"You two clear out!" He demanded curtly. "Don't even think of coming to the lock in tonight, Mike."

Reece and any one who kept up with volunteering immediately recognize this man as Greg Rady, a man who was the driving force behind many fund raisers.
"Aww Greg, come on-"
"No." The man cut across him. "I'm very disappointed in you. You get on out of here before I think to mention this to Julie."

Scowling, the two bullies mutter as they move away from the scene.
"I think we'll let this slip to Julie, any way."'Greg' said to the smaller boy, who grinned desprite his humiliation.
"She'll be at the Lock in."

The boy's face suddenly clouded. "That's tonight? I can't come."
"Why's that, Branden?"
"Uh... there's some stuff at home..."
The older man's face softened with understanding.

"Well, I hope you reconsider. I was just coming out to add that the lock in is free to whoever registers n the next hour."
"Oh, really?"  Branden's face lit up.

"Really." Greg looked past Branden to those who were watching. "How about it?  Free pool and Panda Inn is catering. We have a sheet of sponsors within - for every hour you stay up, its five dollars towards impoverished school students.   Hey, Reece-"  Greg stepped closer, grinning broadly.  "I'm surprised that you and your friends haven't signed up already."

Offline Breekan1

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Re: Prologue: Origins
« Reply #37 on: March 27, 2009, 10:55:37 PM »
Reece laughs. "Now, when we say free pool, are we talking splish-splash or billiards? Because I'm always keen for some splish-splash but if we're talking billiards I'll need to stick to the sidelines."

Offline Kit Cloudkicker

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Re: Prologue: Origins
« Reply #38 on: March 27, 2009, 11:10:22 PM »
Kasey stops on the sidewalk to listen to Greg's spiel. She turns to Torrence and asks, "Want to go? I've been craving Panda Inn for weeks."  She pauses, then continues with a smirk, "Plus, I heard that guy Evan from AP Calc is going to be there."

Offline Seryna

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Re: Prologue: Origins
« Reply #39 on: March 27, 2009, 11:19:02 PM »

Greg gave a laugh.
"Both, but feel free to stay inside if you didn't bring your swim fins, Reece."

Torrence glanced over at the sign, silently reading about the Lock in.  "You know, my cousin in Ohio mentioned this once.  Said she stayed up all night playing racquetball and riding a sugar high- and Panda Inn's orange chicken can get us there pretty fast.  You don't think that they take our cell phones, do you?"

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Re: Prologue: Origins
« Reply #40 on: March 28, 2009, 12:23:02 AM »
Earlier, during school-hours:


I am in my advanced-math class, which is my second-favourite after music, working through a quadratic equation and simplifying a complex boolean-algebraic logic-structure. I was much happier dealing with fixed answers than I was in more-creative lessons like English - Yuck.

Another reason I was happy, was that this girl I kinda liked was sat in a class across the small quadrangle from me, and I could see her quite clearly through the windows of both classrooms... Okay, so she was technically kinda young for me, but she was still beautiful and smart and I couldn't help how I felt about her. I kept getting distracted and watching the way her hair followed the movement of her head... so gracefully... hmm... Anyway, moving on: I had work to do.


Eddie was looking at me again. My human hologram wasn't especially pretty, quite plain actually, yet I got such attention from the older boy in the wheelchair - When he thought I wasn't looking, anyway. If I'd really been human, I might never have noticed, but it's difficult to hide something from a Chee when we can seem to be looking one way but actually be looking another.

Perhaps I should start a conversation with him, instead of waiting for him to start one with me... Maybe next break, depending on circumstances...



I stalled by my locker after class, waiting for Eddie to show up. I could tell he liked me, even without relying on my Chee sensors, and he inevitably turned up just around the corner to 'spy' on me as I left school for my home. Sometimes I was too fast for him, and a dissapointed Eddie would just slouch off home by himself, but today I wanted to actually get a conversation out of him for once, so as I said; I was stalling for time by my locker.


I snuck along in my wheelchair to the locker corridor used by Alice's year and, after turning around backward, slowly wheeled backwards and stuck my head around the corner to see if Alice was still by her locker... She was! A nervous excitement ran up my spine above the paralized point as I watched her, apparently unseen. This was the non-academical highlight of my day, just daydreaming while watching Alice. I guess to most people she looked kinda average, possibly dull even, but for some reason she drew my attention - I didn't much care why.


An unseen smile crossed my holographic-face when he finally arrived, as I knew he would. I followed my usual routine and left the school, keeping tabs on Eddie with my sensors to make sure I didn't lose him. I started to walk toward the park - My usual route home - He wasn't far behind, but was still trying not to be noticed by me.

Offline Brad the Brit

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Re: Prologue: Origins
« Reply #41 on: March 28, 2009, 10:40:00 AM »
Brit looked at the poster. The Sharing party looked fun. he grinned before comeing to this town a year ago he had never even heard of The Sharing. as far as he could see it would be harmless enough. And a free pool that couldent be bad. he saw Torrence and Kasey looking at the same sign.
"So are you girls going?" he asked stuffing both hands into his jacket pockets.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2009, 10:55:11 AM by BRAD the BRIT »

Offline Breekan1

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Re: Prologue: Origins
« Reply #42 on: March 28, 2009, 10:58:47 AM »
Reece nods. "Sounds great, Greg. The guys had some shindig planned for tonight, but if I can get Sandra to tag along I'll be there." Reece removes his phone from his jacket pocket and begins to text Sandra.

Offline Damien

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Re: Prologue: Origins
« Reply #43 on: March 28, 2009, 12:00:48 PM »
Damien stopped when the scene of violence erupted infront of him. A small part of him wanted to help, however the majority of his mind shut off the want to help and enforced the feeling of just wanting to get home. In fact he actually spaced out and snapped back to reality when the 'fight' ended.

Damien breathed deeply hearing the question. Well... he didn't have anything else to do, should he...? "I-,"he stopped and bit his lip,"I guess... I could, come?"his voice sounded awkward, even to him. "When is it?"
That'sssss a very nice possssst you have there... It'd be a sssshame if something happened to it...

If you get the reference above you will get a cookie, an imaginary cookie, but a cookie none-the-less!

Offline Seryna

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Re: Prologue: Origins
« Reply #44 on: March 28, 2009, 03:28:38 PM »

"Excellent." Greg replied to Reece with a nod. "I'd love to meet Sandra."
  He turned to the more hesitant young man who'd questioned him.  "The doors don't lock until 6, but there's people already inside.  If you want to get into the gym or play racquetball, you might want to hurry.  I heard the sign up sheet is filling up fast.  See you inside!"

After updating the sign, Greg turned and began walking towards the building.  Branden glanced shyly from face to face, his expression hard to read.

Torrence studied the updated sign before responding to Damien.  "I'd like to." She admitted. "I haven't played racquetball in like... years.  You're up for it, right Kasey?"