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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #9915 on: August 21, 2010, 12:23:40 PM »

~~ lol if silver didn't think she was going nuts allready that would deffinitely send her over. XD lol ~~
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #9916 on: August 21, 2010, 03:09:04 PM »
((Agreed. No action just yet ;)))

Salem grinned at Keshin. "You didn't try to chase down the Yeerks that were after me and try to turn me in. This'd be the least I could do," he whispered. He glanced up at Temrash and decided to continue in thought-speak. <<Besides, there are some things I want to talk to you about,>> he said, standing up and brushing himself off.

He sat down in the chair near Temrash. With his left hand out of sight between himself and the wall, he let a metallic black object with a red tip, about the size and shape of a cigar, slide from the sleeve into his hand. He dropped it into the space between the chair and the wall, feigning a loud coughing fit to cover the noise.

"Excuse me," he said offhandedly to no one in particular, rubbing his temple. Thought-speak always gave him a headache.

<<I dropped a sonic weapon beside my chair. Should be easy to reach. I think I can disrupt the force field for a few seconds, and probably disorient everyone who isn't inside it, too,>> He said to Keshin. <<I'll warn you before I try it. You can go for the weapon or just make for the door. Just point the red end at someone and think "shoot" if you grab it. Should be enough to at least knock them down, and you'll probably get three or four shots before it's dead. When I recover from the disorientation I'll try to help. I need to contact Al first, but if you want me to try to go sooner use the word... um... "radical" in a sentence.>>

He pulled his small, cell phone-like device from his pocket and began typing in a message to send to Al, in the Atazin galactic language, so that it wouldn't be understood even if intercepted. "You know," he said thoughtfully to Temrash and Hadrin, not looking up from his device, "chances are any hunter would have a bunch of standing targets. Why are you so sure they'd matter to you?"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #9917 on: August 21, 2010, 04:30:31 PM »
"Simply because one of his targets already does matter to me," Hadrin grates, his attention still on Justin's bleeding arm.  "And he was seen speaking to someone who very likely has targeted someone else, or everyone else, on the Mirage--which you likely have no idea about, human. 

"Not to mention Keshin has attacked our people before...he has also helped us, in the past.  You're absolutely right, his standing targets could be anyone.  They could be any of us, in fact.  I just want the truth, to protect my people, and preferably before I have to drag it out of him."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #9918 on: August 21, 2010, 04:34:15 PM »
((Kelly, did you already respond to my post on pg 657?  I was waiting for you...did I miss it?))
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #9919 on: August 21, 2010, 07:03:03 PM »
Parker gave his head a slight nod and said, "Sure." He pushed a small button on the back of his pack and out popped a strange device. It looked like a microphone with four legs that unfold like an umbrella. He handed it to her saying, "If anything goes down, and you don't feel safe in any way, press this button." He points to a subtle knob on the shaft of the microphone, "The device will create a shield-like bubble 8 feet in diameter. Nothing ballistic can penetrate the shield, no laser beams, nor any kind of weapon. Grenades of all kind bounce off of it. It only lasts for 2 minutes and it'll have to recharge. It's my only one, so take good care of it."
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #9920 on: August 21, 2010, 07:54:18 PM »
((Longest day EVER! 12 hours of work later......))

"Safe passage," Tamora says, nodding a bit and looking more interested in him all of a sudden, "Alright. And what do you want in return?"


<<So...>> Terenia echoes in private thought-speak, excluding Myitt from their conversation. Her stalk eyes automatically trail to the door she exited through, wondering how long she'll be gone. Her main eyes are on Corliss. She uncrosses her arms, rubbing the back of her neck nervously with her right hand as a pregnant silence stretches between them. <<I uh...suppose it is no use thanking you again, but...thank you. For everything.>>

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #9921 on: August 21, 2010, 08:12:37 PM »
Corliss looks down at the floor.  "Don't mention it," he says quietly.  "'ey, at least she doesn't seem as mad as I thought she'd be."  He smiles a little. 

Myitt steps back out into the room, holding a wrinkled single-piece black uniform designed for a human. 

"Alright, try this on, if you'd like," Myitt says, handing the uniform to Terenia.  "Why are you so interested in wearing an Imperial suit?  You'd look exactly like your sister."  She laughs, and then she pauses, shoulders slumping.  "You...don't really want to look exactly like your sister, do you?"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #9922 on: August 21, 2010, 09:03:27 PM »
Terenia' eyes light up when Myitt re-enters. She takes the suit, smiling an Andalite smile as she begins morphing human.

<Well,> Terenia says, sounding smug, <If Keshin has a hit out on me, I doubt he'd want to kill the wrong person on accident. Especially if the wrong person happens to be his client. Even if Keshin isn't acting on Tammy's dime, he probably doesn't want to ->

Terenia cuts off as her mouth fully forms, switching over to verbal speech, her preferred method, "He probably doesn't want to cause more trouble than necessary. Right?"

She looks from Corliss to Myitt, obviously pleased with herself, and waiting to hear what they thought of their scheme.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #9923 on: August 21, 2010, 09:13:27 PM »
"Well, no, I doubt he'd want to kill his own client for no good reason," Myitt says thoughtfully.  "Although I wouldn't put it past him to start trouble.  He doesn't always pause at the idea of a few extra casualties, if he's caught in a pinch."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #9924 on: August 22, 2010, 01:02:14 AM »
Silver looked at it with cpnfusion and awe. She was careful not tp hit the button and she nodded. "I will." She said and smiled. She sat up slowly and she wasn't dizzy so she was able to stand.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #9925 on: August 22, 2010, 01:17:14 AM »
Parker lightly helped Silver up, supporting her back. When she stood, he pulled her into him and gave her a relieved hug. He looked down into her eyes and said, "I'm glad you recovered nicely. I was afraid you'd be in that weird coma for days."

The Director an expected, disappointed eyeroll. Shaking his head, he replied, "Nothin'. You humans, you always think everything has to have a catch. Everything has fine print. No one in this universe could ever just help out another for the pleasure of helping out another." He downs the last shot of Redin and shakes the bottle, "That was really good. I should get a couple for later." He holds up two fingers to the bartender and points them to the bottle of Redin.

The BT puts two bottles on the bar, The Director grabs them and hops off his seat. He pauses and asks Tamora, "Would ya like to see your future potential ride?"
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #9926 on: August 22, 2010, 09:13:28 AM »
"It's better than advertising my presence," Terenia points out, looking a bit abashed. Dropping her gaze to the uniform, she holds it up to her. "It looks like it'll fit. Might be a bit small, but not terrible."

With the fumbling fingers of someone who does not change clothes often, Terenia begins to pull the uniform on, careful not to damage it in any way. Once the suit is fully on, facing the right direction, and zipped up she exams herself carefully. The sleeves are, indeed, a tad short. Her wrists and her ankles are showing. And this uniform is a bit cleaner than the one that Tamora is wearing. Those small details notwithstanding, there is now absolutely no way to tell the difference between Terenia and Tamora.

"Well?" she asks, spreading her arms and spinning a bit.


Tamora hesitates, glancing around at the bar. Despite the unruly nature of the establishment, she feels safer here than outside in the unknown. Besides that, Keshin or Terenia might enter the moment she leaves. Or, she reminds herself, they could be outside somewhere. Perhaps Terenia....or alone and you can finish the job yourself. The fact that she is weaponless strikes her as a possible problem, but she brushes it off for the time being.

"Alright..." Tamora says hesitantly, rising to her feet. She brushes off her uniform and glances back at the bartender, who is looking particularly surly. "I'll pay when I return." she promises primly. Without a sound the bartender turns away, clearly distrusting her, and continues wiping a glass dry. Tamora turns back to The Director and offers him a tentative smile.

"Shall we, then?"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #9927 on: August 22, 2010, 09:30:42 AM »
Silver smiled as he hugged her. Her eyes gave a little glitery look. "Well I can promise you I'm okay." She said.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #9928 on: August 22, 2010, 12:34:37 PM »
The Director returns the smile saying, "We shall." He heads outside and takes a right directly outside the door. He stops at his "Bug fighter" ship with barely noticable double doors. He puts the bottle he was carrying with his right hand under his left arm and started fishing for his key. He turned to Tamora and asked, "So what do you think so far?"

Parker nodded, reached for his helmet, letting go of Silver, and said as he put it on, "Well that works for me." He then walked towards the ship's exit.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #9929 on: August 22, 2010, 12:37:37 PM »
Corliss laughs.  "Spitting image," he says.  

"Yeah, and if you get caught in a flood, you'll be all set," Myitt says, crossing her arms.  "Hang on, I'll go see if any of our boots fit you."  She disappears into the storage room again, and after a few seconds of shuffling sounds and the clang of metal against metal, she returns with an old pair of black steel-toed boots.  

"Size 8.  The Empire spares no expense, of course," she says with a grin, setting them down in front of Terenia.  She stands back and rolls up her jacket sleeve, itching at the bandages that are still covering her scabbing wounds from a few days earlier.  A few days, but in this place, it felt like a few lifetimes.

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