"Ah," I said.
"I'll be right back. I have to go check on the progress of the Xittoli freighter." I said.
I walked towards my ship. And I saw the Xittoli freighter there already. The long, bulky, bluish-green craft had one row of large spikes running down it, and kept going even to it's underside. At first one wonders how such a vessel would land. But really, those large spike dig into the ground and fasten the ship to the ground.
I changed course to the Xittoli freighter. I walked up to the merchant Captain.
"Ah," he said, "Yoo' mus' be teh Reptilinoad that call'd oos oop to fetch his broder. I'm Ceptain Xert'qumin. I commaund the Xittol Imperial Freyghter Minopell-Z. At yoo service." He smiled.
"Yes," I said, musing about Xittoli laziness in speech, "I am Captain Vogefak. This is my ship the a Reptilinod Imperial Scout Ship Zetylon. My brother is inside. I will have my doctor bring him out."
After initiating my subcutaneous transponder, "Doctor. Please bring the body out." I said, unwilling to use the name.
Then I turned back to Xert'qumin, "Here are your instructions. You are to take the body to Gogen II Reptilinod colony. Then dispose of him there, until some Reptilinod wants to bail him. Then, you can make a profit. You are his captor, you name the price for his release. He is a dishonorable Qu'naH."
The Xittol shivered. Xittol knew well enough what Reptilinod did to those they viewed as dishonorable. That is why they would usually just as soon jump over a cliff than drive a hard bargain with a Reptilinod.
"Veri well, I will do thes." Xert'qumin said, knowing full well there was no way he couldn't.
"One more thing. If you so much as drop him off a colony early, or a colony later, I will chase you down and take my revenge, Xittol." I said, adding extra infliction to the last word.
As I walked away, I heard extra quakyness in his voice when he said: "Uh..but wait! There es anodah thing fo' yoo ser."
I walked back to him. "What!?"
He flinched, and chirped something into his communicator in Xittol, "Friii! Xe!vbeicheri di l!po."
Then, two forms materialized in front of him. It was....
Reptilinod Supreme Admiral Vekk, and Prime Sovereign Kikulon.