Author Topic: Memoirs of a RAFian  (Read 600781 times)

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3495 on: July 23, 2014, 09:38:47 AM »
Ah. And, yeah, sorry, that last chapter came out heavier and somewhat darker than I thought.

Get Me the RAFians!*

The RAFians had recieved Officer Veritias's call, and sent Parker, Yarin, and Broken to investigate. Broken was needed for his expertise in a variety of magicks, making him able to identify any in use. Yarin was needed for his technological expertise, to see if something was admiss technologically. Parker was there for his tactical skill, and his suit tech.

Yarin, being the only one who could not pass for human ordinarily, had to wear an ID mask. The mask projected a human form, rather like the Chee, only more flawed, in that lightning strikes can cause the hologram to be disturbed momentarily. Yarin wasn't a big fan of wearing them, finding them unfomfortable and . . . obvious.

"I thought the human populace knew about sentient nonhumans," Yarin groused as the trio made their way to the location.

"They do." Broken said, consulting a pocketwatch.

"Then why must I wear this? It feels like I put a slab of rock to my face!"

"Oh, stop your grousing," Parker chided. "You know very well that the Knights are still a persistent problem in human-alien relations. And that they're recruiting."

Before Yarin could reply, Broken spoke, "This is the place."

It was a large, square, bricked building. It was clear that this was one of the older buildings in the city, and the neighborhood was pretty much on the poverty line. These were clearly not the 1%.

"Sixteenth floor." Yarin said. "Apartment B-329."

"It's the seventeenth floor, actually." Parker said, consulting the address given to them.

"Yes, but you humans always leave out the thirteenth floor, which I never understood."
Yarin pointed out. "So, in all honesty, it's the sixteenth floor."

"It's an old superstition," Parker told Yarin as they entered, showing their Marks to the officer at the door, who let them up.

"It's ridiculous," the disguised Nyac said, as they rode the clunky elevator.

"I suppose Dino might be interested to know that her triskaidekaphobia is, as you say, 'ridicuolous'." Broken smirked. "She might even eat you for it."

"Very funny," Yarin said sarcastically.

"Seriously, Yarin, don't Nyacs have a superstition around numbers as well?"

Yarin said nothing.


Meanwhile, while that was going on, Kelly had heard what had happened at Arnold Durham's birthday party, being friends with one of the parents that attended. From the mother's description of the events, Kelly was suspecting that something inside th dummy took control over Gabby at the point when her eyes fluttered.

"What do you think, Cloak?" she asked.

"I think since Broken is on another call, we get our other magic expert -- while she's still available -- and go check it out." Cloak said, decisively. "Hey, Faerie! Come here for a moment, please."

They told the faerie was was going on, and she was onboard. Then the three told the mods what they were investigating, and they didn't seem to think that there was anything to it, but allowed it just the same.

They made it to the address when they saw that Gabby was having another . . . another "episode".

* Anyone get this joke? It's a "Sam and Max" reference.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2014, 09:43:26 AM by CloakedFigure »

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.


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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3496 on: July 23, 2014, 01:27:48 PM »
They skip thirteenth floors? :orly:

Offline Cloak

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3497 on: July 23, 2014, 01:32:59 PM »
Yes. At least in America, I believe. I may be wrong. But the whole "13 is an unlucky number deal" is a widely-held superstition by some here, and so they thought it would be unlucky to have a thirteenth floor, so they skip straight to the fourteenth floor from the twelfth. There is no thirteenth floor -- ah, technically.

But that's my extent of knowledge on it.

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.


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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3498 on: July 23, 2014, 02:05:31 PM »
You Americans are weird. :P

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3499 on: July 24, 2014, 05:08:27 PM »
I do not, and can not, deny it Saffa. Sorry that this took so long, needed to rest a bit.

Evaluation Escalation

KNOCK, KNOCK. Broken had rapped on the door in the most professional-sounding way he could. There was movement within, and Officer Veritias answered the door. "Ah, good. You answered our requests promptly."

Without preamble, he launched into the story as the RAFians entered the small aparment. It was hard to believe that two people live here. Kat interjected with information the Officer struggled to remember, or nearly left out. Vinny watched it all, as if it was an interesting tennis match.

No one seemed to notice that the doll's eyes seemed to tract the RAFian's movements. No one except Yarin, who trained all six eyes of his though they appeared two and human. He seemed to be sensing something.

"I know that this goes against procedure normally," Veritias said, "but . . I--I believed this is your guy's jurisdiction."

"Hmmm . .  ." Parker said, thoughtfully. "Gabe, I know that your heart's in the right place, but--"

"Not only that, Parker," Yarin interrupted, looking intently at the doll, which just continued to lay there limply. It still wore that vapid, expressionless face -- as if it couldn't move it. But Yarin narrowed his eyes as he understood the truth. He had sensed it, and he had read it. "Gabe Veritias has some good instincts."

"What do you mean?" Broken said.

"The doll has a mind of its own. A fully sentient mind."

"How do you know this?" Kat demanded, frightened for her son's safety.

"Ma'am, I am a telepath. This doll's mind is also too complex, too murderous, to be merely a neophyte mind." Yarin said. "Not to mention on full of profanity it certainly didn't learn from a child."

Suddenly, a notion occurred to Broken, and he he was repulsed by it. "Soul transference."

"What?" Parker said. From his tone, he was skeptical. A good skeptic can keep a team grounded if utilized right.

"Worse, voodoo soul transference, if I'm not mistaken. And I sincerely hope that I am." Broken said. What was remarkable was the doll remained static, though his game was up rather quickly due to these experienced RAFians. Then Broken addressed Kat, "When did you appropriate the doll?"


"When did you obtain the doll?"

"A week ago, after lightning struck Joy's Toys." she answered.

"Lightning-struck toy store," Broken murmured. "Only one reported death . . ."

"So," Parker said, losing his skepticism, following Broken's thoughts, "you mean --"



"What the . . ." Faerie said, seeing dummny and ventriloquist spewing some vile, abominable, hateful diatribes. The girl's eyes had a slightly glassy look to them that only the most observant would ever be able to notice.

"She really isn't such a hateful girl," Kelly said, "something here is wrong."

". . . and you all can go straight through the Veil and rub a monkey's head --"

Cloak's eyes widened at this comment because it was then he knew for sure that whatever this was, whatever happened, it was Realm Walker related. He was using an ID mask (projecting his "normal" projection of a human with short black hair and glasses), so his shock was obvious, for all to see.

"What? What is it?" Mrs. Durham asked, urgently.

Cloak paid her no attention, as Gabby was garnering the Elements Master's full attention. His face quickly translated from shock to pensive pondering. If he was right in his assumption that this episode Gabby was having was Realm Walker-related, then there was only one who would dirty her hands with such a scheme.

"Don't worry, Sarah," Kelly said, attempting to smooth out Cloak's faux pas, "he just gets really 'inner monologue-y' sometimes."

Cloak knew what action must be taken. He removed his ID mask in a reckless manner, and shouted something that sounded far more like a tiger snarling, which could sound similar to the Beast saying "Namine" or "yamete".

Gabby's eyes flickered, semingly coming out of a long sleep, as the dummy's head twisted to look at Cloak. Cloak registered that there seemed to be hatred in those wooden eyes. Cloak suspected who this puppet used to be, though the dummy itself doesn't remember. It was just a tool of Malice right now. Of this, Cloak was sure.

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.

Offline Cloak

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3500 on: July 25, 2014, 09:17:11 PM »
New book ideas! (Yes, I am aware that Book CCCLXIV is essentially a rehash -- on the surface).

  • Book CCCLXI: "Dial-A . . . Everything?!" -- The Monstrotrix and Parasitotrix are merged and reformatted.
  • Book CCCLXII: "Planetary Amalgamation" -- An unscrupulous alien is violently ripping parts of living planets apart to make up his own cobbled together.
  • Book CCCLXIII: "So Childish" -- The inner children of the RAFians and others becom corporeal.
  • Book CCCLXIV: "Isla de Muerte" -- Someone decides to use black magic to fuse the forgotten Black Lantern ring detris and the remnants of the old Technarch transmode virus to try an attain an impossible goal.
  • Book CCCXV: "Can of Worms" -- Now that the Technarch have been resurrected, they go after Galvan Prime, Encephalus IV, and Anur Transyl. . . .

Remember, all these titles are subject to change.

Hmmm . . . is Saffa deliberately avoiding this book, because of the heavy "Child's Play" and "Night of the Living Dummy" influence? *shrug* Eh, maybe I'm looking in it too deeply.

Facade Fail

Suddenly, Gabby's eyes glazed over again, and she spoke. "Don't speak nonsense to me, you stupid tiger!"

Cloak did not bristle, did not bridle, the remark. He knew for sure that she was not in control over her faculties. It was the dummy. The dummy was the conduit.

It spoke with an elderly afflection to it, as well as an ornery tone. "What are you looking at, cloak-for-brains?"

"You're not fooling anyone." Cloak said. "Leave the girl's mind."

The dummy repeated what Cloak said in a mockingly way. Cloak was not amused or impressed. He just stood, arms folded with his eyes boring into the dummy.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer." she said, snottily.

"Yep," Faerie confirmed. "She definitely isn't acting of her own accord."

It was always difficult to discern when Faerie's being sarcastic to when she's being serious. Cloak had hoped she was being sincere in this instance.

"Oh, you Dwellers think you're so Veiled* smart," Gabby said, but the words weren't hers. In fact, her face went more lack that it was before and the emotion showed on the dummy's face. Though the lip syncing was horrible. "You know nothing. You can't get me to stop using this little meat puppet."

"Malice," Cloak said, recognizing the language and word choice. "Using a ventriloquist dummy to communicate transcorporeally over a distance? I'd say 'clever', but the reality of it is really revolting."

"Um, what?" Faerie said.

"Don't worry about it," Cloak said dismissively. "The facade is over, she knows and we know it. There is no point in prolonging this charade."

The dummy stood up on his own as Gabby fell, her eyes starting to roll up jnto her head ever so slightly. She'd be fine physically, but psychologically? That is a different story all together.

"I don't know what your scheme is, Malice, but it ends here."

"Does it now?" she replied coyly, through the dummy. Cloak was at a lost how she did it, as he could not sense any metal that would have been tech of any sort within it.


Meanwhile, at the Alexander residence, the RAFians were still taking inventory of the situation.

"So, that doll is actually the receptacle for that -- for a want of a more approriate term -- man put his . . . his soul into that thing?" Parker said, his skeptical nature not alowing him to believe such a thing easily. Then he reminded himself of the other ludicrous lunacy that he and the other RAFians had to put up with for the past year. It wasn't so farfetched then, in fact, it was a little tame.

"Hard to believe such a man even had a soul to begin with." Yarin noted dryly.

"Ma'am, have you son step away from the doll," Broken said, authoritatively. He didn't like using that tone. Vinny easily obliged, which caused "Bucky" to twist his head suddenly and say, in his childish voicebox, "Hi! I'm Bucky! Wanna plaaaaaay?"

Ordinarily, it would be a phrase of little concern. When Bucky did that, it was creepily sinister. Vinny retreated further away. The RAFians narrowed their eyes as they prepared themselves for a fight subtly, with practiced ease.

The doll-man still pretended, almost as if he hoped the ploy would work. It didn't. Yarin could easily read the man's mind. Yarin telepathically discovered the reason why he didn't abandon this futile facade, and when the Nyac did, he laughed.

"Newkirk, you honestly think you're immortal?" Yarin snorted. "You're in a doll's body, but that doesn't make you immortal, or impervious to pain."

The doll's brow furrowed ever so slightly.

"Wait -- he thought if he put his soul into a doll then he would be . . . that's a Horcrux, not soul transference!" Broken scoffed.

The brow furrowed somewhat deeper this time.

"Oh, give it up, Jerry!" Parker said, attempting to goad him by using his hated given name. He did not like how "common" he thought it was.

"Yes, Jerry." Broken said with deliberate emphasis.

Then the doll, then Bucky, abandoned all pretense and roared, "It's 'BUCKY', you son of a --"

But Broken wasn't paying attention, because he said as soon as Bucky spoke, "Imperimenta!"

* Realm Walker for "damned".
« Last Edit: July 25, 2014, 09:19:31 PM by CloakedFigure »

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.


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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3501 on: July 26, 2014, 10:48:59 AM »
Haha, no. Just had a really busy and tiring week. But good to come back to new chapters. :D

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3502 on: July 26, 2014, 12:10:05 PM »
Ah.  And here's a new book idea.

  • Book CCCLXVI: "Hostage Hybridization" -- A madman is using a unique way to make human/alien hybrids for his own purposes.

Title is subject to change. And, yes, I am quite aware that I'm about 300 books away from where we are now. And I have every intention on writing them, as long as I draw breath. Maybe my Creative Writing facilitator was right in comparing me to Stephen King, I guess.

Confrontations and Surprises

Broken's spell missed. Naturally, Bucky shouted something profane about Broken and his mother, but, then again, the serial killer-in-a-doll's-body wasn't the brightest tool in the shed. The low-brow always resort to slurs and lower-class insults because they can't (or have the capability) to think of something more refined.*

Broken was even bothering to pay attention to this trollish doll's potty mouth, and instead changed tact and shouted, "Stopza!"

It missed too. Broken quickly saw the problem in this, as did the other two. Bucky may not be a match for them in terms of sheer power, but he was a small target. That mean it was harder to hit him accurately.

"Parker, can you track his heat signature with your armor?" Yarin asked quickly. Kat and Vinny had backed into the corner, terrified. They were not as accustomed to this as the RAFians had become. Officer Veritias offered comfort them, assuring them that the RAFians knew what they were doing.

"He's a doll, Yarin! He doesn't have a heat signature!" Parker protested.

"Not yet anyway," Broken said, thinking fast. He realised that Bucky must have told Vinny his secret first . . . revealed his true identity to him first. . . . The boy was in danger. He quickly strode over to Vinny, pull a small amulet to be worn by the neck. "Vinny, this is imperative. It's very, very important. You must wear this."

He handed over the amulet to the boy's smaller hands.

"Why?" Kat demanded.

Broken scanned the room, and could not see the doll. That did not mean that he was nit within earshot, so he whispered as quietly as he could. "Bucky revealed himself to your son first. He may want to get inside him. This amulet carries the power of Tas Ren**, it will prevent it from happening."

"What?!" Officer Vertias boomed indignantly. "What fool left the door open?!"

"What?!" shouted everyone else assembled.

Yarin closed all of his eyes and focused his powers like he had never done before. He heard the thoughts of all assembled (except for Broken and Parker, the Mark prevents that). Yarin was distraught to discover that Bucky was no longer there.

"He's no longer here. We must go after him!"

"Not quite yet," Broken said, glancing briefly at Vinny. "I think one of us should stay behind. Just in case he comes back. If its okay with you, Mrs. Alexander?"


"Malice, you haven't any leverage here," Cloak said.

"Don't I?" she spoke through the puppet, her voice sounding male and like Slappy from Goosebumps.

Cloak narrowed his eyes, irritated that Malice would still be so cavalier about overlooking the flaw in her plan. "Malice, did you forget that your proxy is made out of wood?"

"Oh, dearest me," she said, remotely putting the dummy's hand to its mouth, in an obviously insincere gesture of shock. "Whatever will I do now?"

Cloak ****ed his head ever so slightly, and raised an eyebrow. Malice knew this fallacy in her proxy, this liability. Yet she still went for it. Why? His feline curiosity was baiting him to ask, but his RAFian experience was telling him better.

Then a thought occurred to him. Maybe that's why she did this. Maybe she was trying to bait him into doing something stupid, something foolish (which wasn't a stretch by any margin, Cloak has done stupid and reckless things before).

"Scared to make an example, coward?" Malice pushed, and Cloak became even more certain of his speculations. She wanted him to do something. Destroy the puppet? But why? There had to be a deeper reason. There had to be something.

"You are scared!" Malice taunted with a gleeful sneer.

"So says the person hiding somewhere talking through a puppet." Cloak retorted scornfully. "I mean, seriously, Malice, if I didn't know any better I'd say that you were using the Millennium Rod."

"Get the feeling that we're just spectators?" Faerie muttered to Kelly.

"Hey, it's my first time out in the field in a while. I just assumed this how things went." Kelly replied.

"Just do it, you coward!" Malice said, finally getting impatient, and inadvertently showing that she wanted Cloak to destroy the puppet.

"Oh, enough of this," Faerie said, getting just as impatient. "Expellocorpus!"

Nothing happened.

"Guess it wasn't a spectal possession, then." Faerie said.

"You miserable Dwellers and your crude Marks!" Malice said. "They are such a deux ex machina. . . . Or maybe five."

It wasn't a subtle hint. But it was shocking nonetheless. Cloak managed to piece everything together from that one honking hint -- thought the term "spoiler" might be more accurate. Malice had killed the Abominus Five, had somehow harvested and merged their deux ex machina, and somehow installed it into that dummy. She somehow used it to speak, see, and hear through, as if it was one of those rare neural parasites.

"Will you snap out of it?" Faerie said, testily, addressing Cloak, "It's getting away!!"

* I will confess that it is a bit hypocritical for me to type that, as I've been guilty of dropping F-bombs and the like when I'm furious and livid.

** "Tas", according to Rick Riordan, means "bind". "Ren" was the part of the soul concerning identity in Egyptian mythology.

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3503 on: July 26, 2014, 01:28:49 PM »
New chapter, methinks.

Unneeded Competition

Bucky was at the house of the man who taught him soul transference, after Bucky discovered that he had a nosebleed. The man, who Bucky quickly rendered paralyzed, demanded to know what was happening.

The man explained that he had been in that body too long, and it was becoming more and more human. Bucky did not take this well, and demanded to know how to get out of this mess. At first, the man refused to tell him, calling Bucky an abomination, an aberration, a sin against nature. Bucky easily counters this telling him, "Oh, don't give me that sanctimonious crap. You knew that I was a serial killer when you taught me."

"I didn't would pervert my teachings like this!"

"Oh, bull," Bucky said, cavalier, "you didn't care as long as you got your cash. Such a pity you didn't know how dirty it was."

Then Bucky's cavalier attitude mutated into one of unbridled anger. "Now, tell me how to get out of this!"

The man clammed up, which caused Bucky then kick him hard in the teeth, knocking out the front teeth between his canines out.



"I said --"

"You can only transfer your soul into the one you first revealed yourself to," the man said.

"You better not be bullsh--"

"It is true!"

"Ah, okay, Doc. Looks like I got a date with a six-year-old boy." Bucky said, then killed the man. Before he left, he addressed the corpse, "Bye, Doc."

A short time later, Bucky ran into the Malice puppet, and both are revealed to be animate. Bucky doesn't like this much, and sort of forgets that he's on a time limit*, and had to get over to the Alexander residence and transfer his soul into the boy on time.

"Who the f*** are you?" the doll said.

"Mind your tone, doll, when talking with a superior being." Malice said, through her dummy.

Sparks flew immediately, as rage overtook all thought in Bucky's head.

* Sorta referencing "Child's Play 2" here.

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3504 on: July 27, 2014, 08:41:00 AM »
New chapter. Remember the next book will be out-of-continuity.

Death Battle! Bucky vs. Malice Proxy

"'Superior being', you?" Bucky said. Then he laughed a psychotic little laugh. "You're nothing but a hunk of wood."

"The puppet is only my proxy," Malice sniffed.


"Now get out my way, you worthless Chucky knockoff."

"You don't tell me what to do."

One could almost hear the beginning of the "Death Battle" music and the phrase "FIGHT!" showing up on an nonexistant screen in boldfaced, red, underscored lettering. It first started out a rather funny slap fight. Then the two began to grapple like Greco-Roman wrestlers. It was quite fortunate for them that no one was watching.

"Wait a second . . ." Bucky said during the fight, recalling his time limit. It was about time, really. But Malix made the puppet continue to pummel him, until she realized that Cloak may not break the puppet, but this brash, reckless living doll could.

"I . . . don't . . . have . . . time . . . for . . . THIS!!" the possessed doll raged.

Malice didn't fight back, now that she realized that this possessed doll would do what Cloak would not. She had used the ventriloquist dummy to "incubate" the deux ex machina, enabling its true use to Malice. She had experimented with the deux ex machina using the last bit of her Concoction amongst other potions and devices. The deux ex machina held no sentience, no mind of its own, but it also no longer held the memories, the wisdom, the valor, the skills of the Realm Walkers that made it up. Though they can be useful at times, the deux ex machina is not Realm Walker souls. Not exactly -- more like the sheut or the ka in Egyptian mythology. Once the "incubation" period was over, Malice surmised, she could use the deux ex machina a the ultimate spy, able to infiltrate living and inanimate things as she sees fit. The RAFians may be immunized from it, but she supposed that the buildings of RAF did not.

The dummy's body began to show damage as Bucky whaled on it with some porcelain statuette that was standing a doorway. He managed to do this unseen by the cover of darkness. After Bucky's rage abated for the moment, the porcelain statuette was broken into many pieces and the dummy was sufficiently destroyed to be beyond recognition. Bucky found this funny as he laughed the psychotic laugh.

But he was taken aback by the multicolored energy that emerged from the doll's body and immediately went into his doll body. "Hey! Hey!! Occupado!"

"No!" Malice snarled.

Bucky looked around, but knew it came from his head. He didn't immediately associate with Malice because the voice that came out of the dummy was male.

"No, I couldn't control its direction! I couldn't control its next host!"

Bucky called her a profane name for a female, continuing, "No one can control the Buck."

"Oh, shut up, you simple-minded fool."

Then the bickering started, though from that point on, it was mental bickering.

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.


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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3505 on: July 27, 2014, 10:52:16 AM »
That could make someone explode.

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3506 on: July 27, 2014, 09:18:09 PM »
Don't forget how Malice's schemes usually pan out, Saffa. ;) New chapter.

Contest of Wills

<Back off!> Bucky said, mentally. Although he did call Malice a disrespectful term for females, a term of which the serial killer was so partial. He was struggling with Malice for control of the doll body. His time limit was quite forgotten, though unaware that full integration with the deux ex machina would make that just a minor inconvenience or do something else to change up the rules.

The doll looked like it was going into convulsions, so both Bucky and Malice kept it to the shadows. It would have merely looked like a doll with malfunctioning mechanics to the everyman passerby.

"I will not!" Malice was speaking through her device, but it was being translated into mental speak to Bucky. "My proxy was absorbed into you, so that makes you my new proxy by default!"

<I am not your proxy or whatever the hell that is,> Bucky snarled, managing to clenches fists and keept them clenched. Bucky was proving himself to be quite a willful foe. Malice was actually concerned that he might be a tad too willful. But he wasn't so willful to expel her from the doll. Then merest idea, it was so absurd it was laughable.

But she was so overconfident that she failed to notice how Bucky, despite Malice's efforts, managed to close his eyes of his own accord, close his mouth and clench his teeth. He was managing to willfully assert his control over Malice, who refused to acknowledge that she overlooked something.

But there was no denying the fact that she lost control over the doll body to Bucky. She could still see what he saw, hear what he heard, smell what he smelled, feel what he touched (though in a distant way). But she could no longer control what the doll did, what the doll said. Those were all firmly planted in Bucky's sphere of control.

Malice was livid. How dare this Dweller soul not submit to her will? How dare he resist her? A superior species? The superior species? Now her sphere of control over the doll body had shrunken to just a mere passive, indirect way. The humiliation of it! The indignity! This Dweller would be made to pay! She would make him writhe for such insubordination!!

"Ah," Bucky said aloud. Fortunately for him, he was alone. "Alone at last."

"I'm still here, Dweller dolt."

"For how much longer, Princess Hag?"

Malice did not become any less livid.

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.


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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3507 on: July 27, 2014, 10:15:09 PM »
Now I'm actually rooting for this guy.

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3508 on: July 28, 2014, 03:48:27 PM »
That'll change soon enough. Don't forget, he is a serial killer, after all. He just hasn't got around to serial killing yet, is all. ;) Or trying to, anyway.

Malice Loses Her Touch

"Stop! Stop this right now!!" Malice demanded, but the integration process was proceeding quickly, and against her wishes. She had been locked out of his mind -- she could still access all the sensory input but Bucky's mind could no longer hear her infernal nagging and grousing. "Listen to me, you brain-dead simpleton!"

But it was no use, as Bucky laughed, psychotically rapturous. "Don't mess with the Buck!" He used a more profane word than "mess" though. Then Malice lost touch with the doll -- literally. She could no longer feel what Bucky felt.

"This cannot be happening." Malice muttered mutinously. "This simply cannot be happening. There is no way that a simple Dweller's mind and will is superior to my own."

Then she suddenly lost all olfactory connection with the doll.

"No!" Malice snarled. "Abominus is intergrating with the Dweller's soul and mind, but instead of giving me more control like it should, I'm being blocked out!"

Then she lost all auditory input from the doll, all she could do was see what Bucky saw.

"It's happening too quickly." Malice said, now really concern. She was unaccustomed to not being in control. "The integration process is proceeding faster than it should --"

She lost visual imput. And she lost it.

"Of course," Malice said, with dawning realization, once she calmed down (Mauler didn't even react). "The Dweller and Abominus must be kindred spirits. That's the reason that the integration process is proceeding with great expediency."

Meanwhile, Bucky stopped, froze. He pretended to be a doll again, in front of some people, as he felt a surge of strength from nowhere. How was he to know what it was, though? That the intergration with fused remains of the Abominus Five had fused to him? Not only the doll body, but his very soul? That it simply knocked up his power level somewhat? Bucky didn't gain any special powers, but the clock seemed to have been reset for him to get to Vinny, not to mention that he was a little bit faster, stronger, and durable, but that could be because his doll body was becoming human.

Once the couple had past, calling him an ugly doll (to which, Bucky, with a subtlety unthinkable of him, gave the couple an obscene gesture which they did not notice at all). Bucky seemed to be a bit more clever and whatnot, which was odd as the Abominus Five were not very clever at all, and neither was Bucky. Maybe he was just lucky.

"Imma be a six-year-old boy again," Bucky cackled quietly, as he made his way back to the Alexander residence, unaware of how much harder doing such will be. Though the full benefits of this intergration were fleeting at times and fully unpredictable.

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.


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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3509 on: July 28, 2014, 03:54:42 PM »
This is getting soooo weird.