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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2070 on: September 12, 2011, 04:46:36 PM »
Parker lets her down into the booth and sits opposite her. He takes her hand and runs his fingers along her arm, tracing the new design, "They're beautiful."

He worried about the fact that she was constantly changing, who knows what she may inheret down the line that may do more harm than good. He lets his worry melt away as he just sits there, enjoying her presence.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2071 on: September 12, 2011, 05:29:25 PM »
Keshin frowns at the man's bizarre, incoherent statement. It was apparently in no language their translator understood, not even a human language. But in curiosity he begins to follow the stranger. It was pretty clear that he at least thought Keshin would know what he was saying. <Kandrona, this is insane. Why are we playing this game?>

<Beats me, idgit. You're the one movin' the limbs here. You that desperate for a break?>

<....apparently. Curiosity murders the Yeerk, mm?>

Keshin then nervously mutters, "Mmm...I do not understand you. Could you please speak in English, Yeerk, or Galard?"
Mar watches Salem's progress carefully, but is quickly losing track of where Salem's going. His connection is slowly fizzling out. By the time Salem comes crashing to the floor, Mar's head feels like it is about to explode. Mar grits his teeth and mutters, "Yes, yes. First flights are always a bit difficult. But you will need to progress alone. I..."

Mar bites his lip nervously, unsure of whether he should explain the situation to the trader or not. It probably was not wise. But with a link clearly established Mar may have some leverage over him he knows not about. He could not alter the trader's heart as he theoretically can when close to Myitt, but he may be able to encourage one train of thought or another as he sometimes did in areas of great Influence. "...I am hindered by the mortal body I have entered the Bar inside. When I appeared, I deliberately masked my own connection to the Mass so as not to attract unwanted attention. This was a mistake."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2072 on: September 12, 2011, 05:58:09 PM »

<I hope that it does not come to that.>  Ossanlin continues to watch Efaen with his main eyes.  <You will still be under the guidance of our military.  You will maintain the rank of Warrior.  You are considered an agent stationed with the rebels.  Reven's orders will be followed unless you expressly and without a doubt detect that those orders would be counter-productive to our cause, that cause being the eradication of the Empire, would harm the Andalites in a significant manner, or would countermand orders you have received from me.  Do what you can to maintain your position, we have never had an agent inside the it is imperative that you attempt to remain with them.>

<You WILL contact me regularly.  You will send transmissions not more than two standard weeks apart.  If Reven is going to deploy you on a mission that will require transponder silence for a longer period of time, you will contact me beforehand whereupon I will be given a full briefing of the mission details.  The orders I give supercede any orders you might receive from Reven or anyone else inside the rebellion.  You will report to me and will not attempt to independently contact any other individual unless it is part of the mission, or involved in a mission assigned by Reven.  I assume you understand what I mean.  This assignment is a White Operation...informa tion is on a need-to-know basis.>

Ossanlin pauses a few moments before continuing.  <I'm certain they will not trust you for a very long time...but you are to do what you can to ingratiate yourself and earn said trust.  The more they trust you, the more they will be willing to reveal to you.>  Ossanlin pulls a semi-modified Shredder from the compartment as well.  <This shredder has been modified with extra heat synchs and a clear-carbon focusing lense.  It has the standard settings of a normal Shredder, but it can also sustain a constant, high-intensity beam for cutting and fusing.  It also has higher power settings that would allow you to burn your way through nearly anything.  The highest setting is akin to a stunt-fighter cannon.  It takes a great deal of time to recharge after it's maximum discharge, but the blast can obliterate a small ship.>

He holds the shredder out for Efaen as he continues.  <There is also a side-mission involved.  I know that there is another Andalite living voluntarily with the rebellion.  She calls herself "Tora", though I do not know her full name.  I assume that they will use her to try and integrate you.  This works to our advantage.  I want you to befriend Tora and learn her true identity and as much as you can about how she became involved with the rebellion.  I would also like you to attempt to find out what Andalite secrets she may have leaked to the rebellion.>

<You will not reveal the details of either of these missions to the rebellion unless it is absolutely necessary.  If Reven asks about your orders, you may simply mention that you wanted to join the rebellion for your own reasons and I granted you permission so that you might learn that not all Yeerks are Imperials.  You are not allowed to share any details or suspicions about Halcyon with anyone, no exceptions.  You are expressly forbidden from even revealing the existence of Halcyon to anyone.  Most of our own people do not know about Halcyon, and that's the way it will stay.>  He fixes Efaen with an intense stare before continuing.

<The manner of your acceptance into the rebellion will make you suspect without doubt, but once you develop a camaraderie, I believe that will not matter.  Halcyon will also allow you to send us messages without raising suspicion.>  He pauses once more before continuing.  <This is an important assignment do not trust me, I can see that in your eyes and your actions, but you cannot allow your own suspicions to cloud your judgment.  To be honest I would much rather send someone else, someone I know, someone I can depend upon, but this is the situation we've been given, and this is the best solution.  I hope that our shared goal of witnessing the end of the Empire will be enough to guide your actions properly in this endeavor.>

He falls silent, watching Efaen intently with all four eyes.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2011, 06:13:31 PM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2073 on: September 12, 2011, 08:18:10 PM »
~The Polkaris~
 Assured that the pirate would be fine, Ewa stood up and moved away from Van so she could see both Rathien and Catie.  She caught Rathien eyeing the cases of Vivalite and pursed her lips slightly.  What am I going to do about that? she wondered.  A moment to gather her thoughts led to a new question: What am I going to do now?
 Clearly, some degree of character integration was necessary for continued survival in this place.  It would help cover plans for escape.  Ogreon had shown signs of having a real plan, but he was gone now--very possibly dead--leaving only a new insert playing as a fresh-faced young woman seeking adventure.  Van had had no plans, so far as Ewa could tell, but the Vivalite represented an apparently significant source of capital that might be applied eventually.  Not that I can imagine being desperate enough to use it.  Of course if it was really helpful, it would have probably been harder to bring in.....
 Ewa laughed and threw up her hands.  "This is just all so ridiculous, isn't it?" she asked no one in particular.  "Ahh..." she lowered her hands and half smiled, as if reminiscing.  If nothing else, there is at least a crazy scape to enjoy with my last days.  "I think the bar is calling me."  Ewa danced lightly around Van's form to stand in the doorway and gave Rathien an arch look.
 "If you're going to insist on taking things that don't belong to you, make sure you put them to good use."  Her eyes traveled up and down his body.  "That would not include fixing your clothes."
 She turned to Catie, mirth mostly contained.  "Shall we?"
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2074 on: September 12, 2011, 10:40:55 PM »
Vogefac watched Artemis and Parker. Parker ran his fingers along the tattoos on her hand...

He looked to Claxter one more time, "Are you even aware of how and why they got together in the first-place? Is he a great warrior like Artem - Silver?"

Vogefac mentally cursed the preference of a byname. You're parents gave you a name when you were born. Unless your parents are disgraced, why would you dishonor them by changing your name?

Vogefac thought for a moment, "And one more question; does she have difficulty with her parents?"

Catie raised an eyebrow at Rathien's smile, "Lieutenant Catie Anderson. Nice to meet you."

Catie looked at Ewa strangely after the spontaneous outburst. But she seemed to calm down and suggested they leave to the bar, so Catie nodded, "Alright. Let's go."
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2075 on: September 12, 2011, 10:58:52 PM »
<I can only assume they got together by meeting here and getting along quite well. Why? Well, I'm not one to ask about why Humans grow intimate with each other. Though sometimes things just seem to click. Unfortunately not everything works out wonderfully in the end.> He said, thinking on how much he liked Efaen, but how they would be separated and he wasn't sure she felt for him the same way he felt for her. <She gets along fine with her parents, but she was separated from them unwillingly for so long that she didn't have a normal idealic life.>

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2076 on: September 13, 2011, 12:37:07 AM »
Silver watched as he traced her marks. "They had my powers all wacked up before they finally appeared." She looked at her markings and wondered slightly afraid of what her powers truly hold.

Jade stepped up beside Claxter and Vogefac over hearing a little of the conversation. "Her magick....I have never seen power stored like that. She had magick similar to mine but she carries all elements. does she deal with the power and not go insane?" She asked them curiously.
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Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2077 on: September 13, 2011, 06:59:05 AM »
"if the Doc were here right now she'd be shoving you towards the food," Gaz commented. "Since she's in the ship right now doing research on something, looks like that'll be my job. Come on, we can chit chat while Silver builds up her strength."

Inside the bar, Morgan and Julian were still chatting.

"So, what have you been up to these days, Julian?"

"I've been competing. Right now I'm reigning sword champion."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2078 on: September 13, 2011, 07:40:34 AM »
Vogefac looked at them again, once again disappointed at the information Claxter had given him. Obviously, Claxter was not a close associate of Artemis. But he knew just as much as Vigefac did. If he wanted to know about Parker...he might have to ask the man himself.

Then someone else came over to them and asked how Artemis controlled her magic.

Vogefac's eyeridges came down, "Magic does not exist. It is nothing but clandestine science. Artemis is a powerful warrior, but she does not have magic. However, in those terms, I have no idea how she manages to be so awe-inspiringly powerful. It is not often a Reptilinod Warrior is uncertain if he could take on an opponent, but I believe Artemis may be powerful enough to overtake me in a battle."

He remembered how she was the one that saved him - twice. He'd felt disgraced at first, that he should've been assisted by a female. But then as he got to know her he began to feel privileged that a great warrior like her had helped him, still just an inexperienced Sergeant.

"If you will excuse me.", Vogefac said to Jade and Claxter, and walked over to Artemis and Parker.

"Hello Artemis. Hello Parker. Once again, I apologize for the intrusion. I am not familiar with human customs, and therefore I do not know if I should be remaining absent from your conversation still. If you wish for me to leave you, please, just inform me. I will leave."
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2079 on: September 13, 2011, 07:51:07 AM »
Parker was about to ask more about her abilities, when Vogefac approached. Parker motioned to the seat next to him, "Not at all, please do join us."

He then looked back to Silver and asked, "So what happened with your powers?"

The bartender approached the table and Parker ordered a plate of food. The bartender stays awaiting any orders from the others.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2080 on: September 13, 2011, 08:48:49 AM »
Vogefac nods and accepts parker's graciousness. He sits, slipping his tail through the hole in the back.

"I will take a Vlethath steak, with a side of chevver berry dip and a rev'maak ale.", Vogefac said definitely.

Then he turned back to Parker, while Artemis ordered, "I would like to ask you...two a few questions. Would mind informing me of how you met?"
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Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2081 on: September 13, 2011, 09:46:01 AM »
Gaz was sitting at the table waiting for a bite to eat along with some rum.

Not long after they entered and sat down, Morgan turned and noticed them. He came over to the table and greeted them.

"Parker! It's good to see you. I'm glad to see you made it back here in one piece."

When Morgan saw Silver he suddenly seemed a little more timid. "Silver, I'm glad to see you again also. I hope that you can forgive me for..."

That was when Julian came over. "What's the idea of running off on me like that, huh? That any way to treat an old friend?"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2082 on: September 13, 2011, 09:57:17 AM »
<I am not really sure.> Claxter said to Jade. <I keep getting questions I can't answer properly. I will not say that magic does not exist, though as a member of a leading technological species I will say I prefer technology.>

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2083 on: September 13, 2011, 11:00:09 AM »
Silver smiled up at Vogefac as he sat down and she ordered some food before Gaz got pushy. She knew she meant well. Before she could answer Vogefac, her father walked up and greeted Parker excitedly. When he turned to her he looked sad and she felt that in waves from him. Before he could finish asking for forgivness someone she didn't know interrupted him. Silver slowly stood up, holding up a hand to the others when they would have gotten up to help her, and with all the strength she could gather, she stepped to her father and hugged him as tight as she could. "Of course I forgive you....youre my father."

Jade watched the whole exchange confused. The animal man was her father? This place made no sense to her and she sometimes wondered if she was dreaming. Although she was sure that not even Saijiin could enduce this kind of dreaming.
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Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2084 on: September 13, 2011, 12:19:28 PM »
When Silver hugged him, Morgan felt a wave if relief. He hadn't been sure what reaction to expect. The one he got was a surprise, but a pleasant one.

Julian's eyes widened when Silver called Morgan father.

"No way!" he exclaimed as he lowered his hand below his waist. "You can't really be telling me that's the littlest Morgan?"

Morgan chuckled. "Not so little anymore."

Julian thought a moment. "She obviously got her looks from Andromeda. Thankfully."

Morgan scowled at him, but there was no anger to it. It was something between friends.

Julian turned his attention to Silver. "Hi there. Name's Julian. Haven't seen you since you were a foal. I was at you birth celebration. Easy to spot in the pictures cuz I'm the handsome one."

"Nice to see you're still full of it," Morgan commented with a smirk.