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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2055 on: September 11, 2011, 11:25:32 PM »
<<I wouldn't mind being in control for a longer period.>> He said. He was happy there were games, though if there was any fun to be had in the skimmer, best save it for later. <<I'd rather be in the bar.>>

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2056 on: September 11, 2011, 11:37:26 PM »
Al smiled cautiously at Sami, "Hey. Something that wants to... kill him? That doesn't sound good." He listened interestedly as the creature she'd come in with spoke with Jocun, then shook his head. "Dealing with situations like that... it's not really what I'm good at," he said. "If you want, I can run and ask my friend Salem if he'd be willing to help. If he goes, I'll tag along, but I don't know how much help you expect me to be."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2057 on: September 11, 2011, 11:59:33 PM »
Grun had hopped to the side of the tree trunk when Sami had moved him and watched as she read what Larry had written. He could see sadness in her eyes and watched as she went towards the bar and talked to people. She seemed to be asking for help and Grun knew that they would need a way to Larry. He spread his wings and began flapping towards the edge of the forest.

Grun landed on a very strange tree. In fact anyone could see that it wasn't a tree at all when they got close to it. It looked like a lot of vines had grown out of the ground and spiraled themselves around something. The vine tree had a diameter of ten feet all the way around. It was obvious that Larry had created this for his scent emanated from it, but it also was clear that he had not been here in a long while.

Within the confines of the vine structure was a portal that was a blue color and flashed randomly with a white light. Grun knew what was inside the vine tree and knew that it would lead to the land of Sanctuary. He cawed once as loudly as he could to Sami. He then began pecking at the vine tree, hoping that Sami would understand his motives.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2058 on: September 12, 2011, 12:51:49 AM »
Noah nodded to Jocun at his perception. Clever, didn't think he'd pay any attention to my eyes while I look like this. She looked over toward Al as he spoke and got mildly closer to him but keeping her distance as she looked him over.

"Are you a tactician? Any knowledge of anything that neither of us know? The more the merrier i say, we can make you useful as long as Sami thinks it's ok." She said trying to control her voice so it didn't growl with its deep edge, but couldn't fix it entirely. Noah looked back over her shoulder to her jacket and clothes that had fallen when she spoke to Jocun. She let out a sigh and walked back over to it. She began to fumble with it again trying to get all the corners to the center and locked in her jaw. She got two corners but failed to gather up the other too. She growled her frustration staring intently at her clothes while she did it wanting to shred them. Noah didn't know when she would get to shift back because she would be out for awhile, unless she got two people to give her energy while she shifted back. Then she would be able to function and not pass out without draining anyone too much.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2011, 12:53:23 AM by Twilight_Pixie »

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2059 on: September 12, 2011, 02:22:31 AM »
Silver cast her gaze down and took a soft breath. "We were fighting against a threat. A vampire of sorts. He had list his soul to this void and tried to take Vogefac. He succeeded for a bit and Vogefac had clawed my stomach and face. But once he realized what he had done, he did everything he could to make it right and would not forgive himself. If it was not for my allys I would still be missing my soul within the void.....the vampire had gotten to me as well...." She explained with a sad and distant look.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2060 on: September 12, 2011, 05:57:14 AM »
<<An internal communicator?>> Efaen asks, taking a step forward with interest. Her time with Visser Three has resulted in a bit of an aversion to injections of any sort, but now is not the time for her to be turning away her prince. Not after plans are finally moving forward.

<<I do not have a preferred location,>> Efaen says. <<I suppose my arm will be suitable.>> She glances at the injector, then back up at her prince. She does not trust him, and the last thing she wants is for him to be injecting her with biotechnology. No choice, she reminds herself, taking another step forward and holding out her arm. If he wished to destroy you he had many opportunities already.

Terenia sighs internally at the lack of response. At any other time she would be irriated, but she is simply too tired to bother. She moves her small, Yeerkish body in small half-circles around the pool, wishing for the first time in awhile that Yeerks were capable of true sleep.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2061 on: September 12, 2011, 07:08:53 AM »
"Hope so," Illim nods, swiveling his head to look at him. This, of course, makes him lose the level, so he abandons the game. "Darrel was glad for the opportunity to meet him, anyway."

He smirks, glancing out the window. "I hope I didn't give Reven a false impression about Myitt's and my interaction. I wouldn't say she approved of me. Her parting words were 'Have a nice life.'" His smirk becomes a broad grin. "Bet she'll be surprised to see me again."

<<Alright, yeah,>> Illim tells Derrel, though he doesn't relish the idea of giving up control for too long, despite what he has told his host. <<Just a minute longer. Maybe Corliss'll wanna come with us.>>
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2062 on: September 12, 2011, 07:20:24 AM »
Parker smiles slightly, less worried and he's happy as he can be about the situation. He says, "Well, at least you're better now, and there's less chance of him freaking out in the future."

He walks over to his helmet he had dropped. He bends over and picks it up, still keeping Silver level and above the ground. He looks nowhere but in Silver's eyes as he walks into the bar and finds an empty booth and asks Silver, "How does this look?" He doesn't want to tear his gaze away, nor let her out of his hold, but knows that in this surrounding, he'll have to do both for their safety.

Remembering Gaz, he makes a mental note to retrieve Thor from Morgan's computer system. Hopefully he hasn't gone through early onset Rampancy because of his absence. Although with all of the new data available to him, Parker was sure he was keeping himself as busy as an A.I. can.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2063 on: September 12, 2011, 10:44:43 AM »
Jocun stood by, waiting for someone to talk about where their had been taken. He heard a bird calling with what seemed like purpose, and glanced out the door to see him pecking at an odd tree. Still, he waited.

<<Corliss is kind of a stick in the mud, though. Unless it's in regards to Terenia.>> Derrel said. Truthfully the only person in this group he actually liked much was Illim. Corliss was a mood killer, Terenia was a whiner, and Efaen just hated everyone.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2064 on: September 12, 2011, 11:33:41 AM »
The edge of Sam's mouth twitched up as she tried to smile, but couldn't. "Of course I searched the area." She pointed back to the stump. "All there was was a note in the dirt about him being taken, and that random stump with some items he had been holding for Noah and I." She noticed Noah stumbling over her things and picked them up for her, bundling everything up into a noce parcel that would take a bit to unravel, before setting it back down in front of her face. "That would be very helpful, Al. The more, the merrier, as Noah said. Plus, if your friend Salem has any knowledge of magic and such, that would be wonderful. There was an intense smell and feel of it near the stump." She heard Grun's call and turned around once more. "Look!" She pointed at him, pecking the vines away from a swirling blue portal of some sorts. "That should take us to Larry!" She smiled at them all, glad she had found a way. "We need to get to him as fast as possible! Please." Her eyes pleaded as she looked back and forth between them and the portal.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2065 on: September 12, 2011, 11:49:01 AM »
"I suppose this demands investigation. We can't just have portals opening up around here to grab random people." Jocun said. "I'm going to run to my ship and grab some things. I'll be back shortly."

He rushed to his ship to grab a weapon and some armor. The armor could expand to a certain degree to accommodate his morphing while still being resistant to attacks. He would also need to send a communication to his people about what he was doing, though even if they wanted to help it would be an hour before they got here in force.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2066 on: September 12, 2011, 01:59:29 PM »
Noah listened to the conversation going in and out of focus still agitated by her clothes. She stepped back as Sami neared and perked up as she tied it in a knot for her. Noah couldn't help but smile, though, it looked fierce rather than joyous. She grabbed her clothes in her mouth with east and sort of trotted over to Sami's side once more. When she pointed out the tree, Noah looked over feeling foolish that she hadn't noticed before, especially with the strange scent coming off of it.

Looking toward the portal, she realized how bad of an idea it would be for her to enter as a leopard. She needed to shift back, but didn't know how to ask to leach energy off of 2 people. Noah sat staring at the portal with a puzzled look upon her features staying motionless as the conversation proceeded behind her.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2067 on: September 12, 2011, 02:08:34 PM »

Ossanlin nods and moves the injector into position.  <Very well, I apologize for the crudeness of the procedure, but the chip cannot be absorbed through the skin like a med-spray.>  He grips Efaen's arm with his free hand and plunges the hypodermic needle into her arm.  He pulls the trigger and a secondary, smaller needle extends through the outer needle and injects the contents of the vial into Efaen's arm.  As the device withdraws, it automatically seals the wound with a quick cauterization, and Ossanlin moves it to the loader to be sterilized.

<Good, the chip will take approximately ten hours to fully adapt to your DNA and implant.  This chip will also give you access to is our most-guarded encryption known only to a select few.  I will not go into details regarding how the encryption works due to the risks involved.  Suffice it to say that it is virtually unbreakable.  I want you to use Halcyon ONLY when you feel there is something that we need to know that you do not wish the rebellion to hear.  In order to use it, you must direct a private thought-speech at yourself stating "Halcyon encryption, transpond."  You must also have your general communicator active and then speak your message privately to your comm.  The Halcyon chip will automatically modify what your communicator receives and the communicator will record the message.  You must then command "Halcyon encryption, terminate."  Once the chip deactivates, you must record a standard Sinuulpor-Lenkett encrypted message that is at least as long as your Halcyon-encoded message.  The communicator will do the rest.  Again I want to stress that you must only use Halcyon under circumstances where privacy is a necessity.  For all other communications please use the standard Sinuulpor-Lenkett encryption.  The rebels most-likely have the means to decrypt Sinuulpor-Lenkett, so do not say anything you do not wish them to hear.>

Ossanlin moves to the storage area and removes one of the comm devices adapted to interact with the Halcyon chip.  He holds it out to Efaen.  <The chip will not work with regular communicators, this one is specially adapted to work with the embedded Halcyon chip.  Architecturally it is almost indistinguishable from a standard comm.>

<If you fall victim to infestation, the chip will detect the differences in your body chemistry and will automatically erode the portion of itself that allows you to access Halcyon, but the locator and health monitor will remain intact.  This physical response cannot be controlled by the Yeerk, so there is no danger of the failsafe not functioning.  The infestation will also trigger an emergency distress signal that will immediately notify me of your infestation.  You cannot be infested for any reason Efaen...not even temporarily.  Do you understand?>

Ossanlin pauses to allow Efaen to absorb the information.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2011, 02:20:43 PM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2068 on: September 12, 2011, 04:28:02 PM »
<I have no intention of ever allowing a Yeerk slug in my head,> Efaen says stiffly, her facial expression betraying her disgust. <The last five years have, if nothing else, allowed me to appreciate my autonomy.>

She takes the modified comm link from him, clipping it to her holster alongside the long-forgotten Imprerial communicator that Terenia had brought with her to the bar. As she adjusts the holster she fixes Ossanlin with a stalk eye.

<I would sooner die than be reinfested,> she professes.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2069 on: September 12, 2011, 04:31:21 PM »
Silver smiled and looked into his eyes as he carried her in. "Yeah this is fine. Ill be fine once I eat something. Don't worry." She said gently.

Jade followed them into the bar glancing to Silver to be sure ofher condition. Not because she doubts her healing spell but because she wasnt sure of the two magicks mixing.
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