Hu hesistantly thanked Nichole -- who accidentally hit his nose while handing him the weapon. But Hu, naturally, didn't make a big production of it. He was invisible, after all.
Hu swore to himself not to use the weapon, preferring his claws and his satchel. He knew that he could use the Cryos Crystals to freeze the floor, make it slick. He knew he had plenty of vine bolas, Vanishing Powder, Disorientation Dust. . . . But he couldn't help but feel unease, knowing that Bened probably would be there.
Was he a Controller? Or was Smilodite physiology so alien that their brains couldn't accomadate the Yeerk or something? Hu knew none of the answers to these questions. He remembered the Devolution Draught. And what his master told him about it. . . .
"Remember, Hu, my son," he had said, "this potion is probably the most volatile of all. Its danger doesn't lay in its production, but its consumption. Devolving is a nasty process. It is important to remember that you must force your mind to remain present. Control the savage instincts, do not allow them to consume you. Many a Smilodite thought they could handle this, and, as a result, become quite literally monsters to themselves and others. Its permancy is varible, but it does rely on emotional triggers or stress. But take heed of this warning, my student, the effects are known to be long-termed, so don't take it lightly. . . ."