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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #30 on: July 03, 2008, 08:03:41 PM »
hey I promised I'd read your fic Claire...i really like it! :)
"I always considered myself a loner. I mean, not like a poor-me, Byron-esque, I-should-have-broughta-swimming-buddy loner. I mean the sort of person who doesn’t feel too upset about the prospect of a weekend spent seeing no one, and reading good books on the couch. It wasn’t like I was a people hater or anything. I enjoyed activities and the company of friends. But they were a side dish. I always thought I would also be happy without them."

- Harry Dresden/Jim Butcher, Ghost Story.

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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #31 on: July 03, 2008, 08:30:21 PM »
[You guys all rock, I'm sure I mentioned that, but your nice comments are making my day! :) I hope you guys can put up with my Australian grammar and spelling, even though the fic is set in California. Hehe, I can't believe I said "Burger King." They are Hungry Jack's over here. Anyways thats not the point.. On with the story, Jen there's something in there for you, you'll know it when you read it. I added your line as well. Tyler isn't in this chapter much, he requested something that shall be revealed soon enough. Okay, no more talking! More story!]

Chapter Five
Meeting Visser Three

A bunch of Hork-Bajir and Taxxon Controllers swarmed out of the ship, they were everywhere.

"I wonder what crispy-fried taxxon looks like" Jen whispered. I tried not to laugh.
They all seemed to stand at attention, and then he appeared.

<Visser Three> The Andalite said.
Visser Three was an Andalite. Or at least, he was an Andalite-controller.

"What the…." Rachel said. "Isn't that an Andalite?"

<Only once has a Yeerk been able to take an Andalite body.> The Andalite said. <There is only one Andalite-controller. That one is Visser Three.>

Visser Three walked confidently toward the wounded Andalite. There was something about him that seemed evil.

<Well, well.> Visser Three said.

<What have we here? A meddling Andalite?> Visser Three looked more closely at the Andalite's ship. <Ah, but no ordinary Andalite warrior. Prince Elfangor-Sirinial-Shamtul, if I am not mistaken. An honor to meet you. You're a legend. How many of our fighters have you shredded? Seven, or was it eight by the time the battle ended?>

The Andalite didn't answer. But I had the feeling maybe it had been more than eight.

<The very last Andalite in this sector of space. Yes, I'm afraid your Dome ship has been completely destroyed. Completely. I watched it burn as it fell into the atmosphere of this little world.>

<There will be others,> the Andalite prince said.

The Visser continued to taunt the Andalite, but Elfangor struck without warning.

His tail whipped up and over, so fast you couldn't really see it. The Visser twisted his head aside. The Andalite's tail blade missed the Visser's head by a bare half-inch. But it sliced into his shoulder. Blood - or something like blood - sprayed from the wound.

<Aaaaaarrrrrgh!> I could hear the Visser's howl of pain in my head.

At the same time, a blinding beam of blue light shot from the tail of the Andalite ship. It sliced into the nearest Bug fighter. Hork-Bajir and Taxxons scattered.

They destroyed the Andalite’s ship.

The Visser began to change, grow much larger. He turned into a huge monster-like creature, I wanted to look away but I just couldn't.

He picked the Andalite up, raising him high into the air. The Andalite struck again and again with his tail, but each strike was like a pinprick against such a creature.

Ugh, I couldn't take it anymore and I threw up.

"We have to get out of here!" One of us yelled, I was too distracted to see who it was.
Everyone got up and ran, Rachel tugged on my hand to get me to move.

Two Hork-Bajir were right behind us!
"I don't think so!" Issam shouted, using his telekinesis to make one of the Hork-Bajir trip. The Hork-Bajir stumbled into the other one, and they both fell to the ground.

"Nice job." I said as we continued to run.

We ran and ran, I lost the others but didn't care, I continued to run, out of breath.
Somehow I made it home, I barely even remember it.

The next morning I was woken up by strange voices in my room.

"Claire, Claire! Wake up!" The voices said.

I groaned and rolled over. "Gimme ten more minutes, Mum" I mumbled.

I heard laughing. "This isn't your Mum, now get up!" The voice sounded like Anna.

Suddenly my bed was freezing, so overly cold!

"Ahh!" I said as I leaped out of my bed.

I looked around, seeing Rachel, Jen and Anna in my room.

"What are you guys doing here?' I asked. "Now I'm freezing, thanks a lot Anna."

Jen made a small fireball in her hands, making the room warm.

"Thanks, that's a bit better." I got up out of bed.

"I see you slept in your clothes too."

"What on Earth are you guys wearing?" I asked, the three of them were wearing weird shorts and t-shirts. "Last night… Did it really happen?" I wondered.

'Oh yea." Jen said. "Watch this, and don't freak out."

"I won't." I replied.

"That's what they said." Jen said, jerking her thumb towards Rachel and Anna.

She closed her eyes for a second, and her mouth and nose began to stretch out, turning hard and beak-like.

"Ahh, what are you doing?" I cried.

Jen began to shrink, getting smaller and smaller, feathers were growing all around her body.

In a matter of minutes, she was a bird. To be more specific, she was a ****atiel. Her pet ****atiel named Orsino.

"Or..sino? Jen, you just morphed into your bird." I said slowly.

Jen flew up into the air, landing on my shoulder. <I did? Well I didn't even notice> She said, laughing in my head. That was so weird.

"Close your mouth, you're letting flies in." Rachel said to me.

I closed my mouth and shook my head. "Have you guys tried this yet?" I asked.

"Yea." Rachel said.

"I have too." Anna replied. "I morphed into my cat, Sprite."

I shook my head again, as Jen flew down to the ground and began to morph back to herself.

"Come on, Claire, the others are waiting for us downstairs. Grab some tight fitting clothes and put them on, and meet us down there." Jen said.

"Oookay." I muttered. I got changed into a pair of bike shorts and a cookie monster t-shirt I had for a year or so. I ran downstairs to meet up with the others.

"Mum, Dad, I'm going out" I shouted.
I met up with the others in my front yard, all of them wearing atrocious outfits, but mine was too so I didn't say anything.

I looked at everyone, realising someone was missing. "Where's Tyler?"

"We can't find him." Estelore answered.

"Right oh."

"So Claire, do you have any pets?" Issam asked. 

"Yea, A dog.. why?"

"You want to try out morphing?"

"Morphing.. Um, I suppose.'

We went through the gate, and into my backyard.
"Prince!' I called. "Princeee!"

Finally my dog came up to me, dusty and dirty.

"Be warned, guys. He likes humping people's legs." I warned, as he sniffed out at everyone. "Now, what do I do?"

"Just touch the dog, concentrate on him, and you'll acquire him." Mike answered.

"You've all tried it?"

"Yea, most of us." Tim said.

I did what they told me to do, I concentrated on my dog. He went into a sort of trance, not moving very much.

"Okay, now concentrate, think about your dog, think about Prince." Jen coached.

I shut my eyes, thinking about Prince. I opened my eyes, feeling the changes began.

"Whoa, whoa!" I said. My skin was changing, I was growing black fur all over my body. My face changed first, becoming like a dog. My mouth sprouted outwards and I found I couldn’t talk anymore.

I fell down on all fours, my arms and legs shortened, becoming dog's legs, I could feel a tail sprouting out of my… well you know where tails are.

I was Prince. I was my dog. And boy was I HAPPY! It was overwhelming. I barked. How odd.

« Last Edit: August 07, 2008, 04:16:45 AM by SuperClaire »
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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #32 on: July 03, 2008, 08:36:50 PM »
Hehe...Jen morphed Orsino. That was cool.
There's a method to my madness, I just haven't figured it out yet.

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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #33 on: July 03, 2008, 09:38:04 PM »
Haha, Prince is humpilicious
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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #34 on: July 04, 2008, 02:26:42 PM »
1. Hungry Jacks...eegads...ho rrible name change from Burger King.  I can hear the aussie accent right now ...

2. THANK YOU!  Haha, I was dying laughing at this whole thing, 'cause you know if given the chance, this little thing asleep on the desk in front of me is the first thing I'd morph ;)  My family now thinks I'm completely psychotic 'cause I really did laugh at my computer screen, and point, like it was the greatest thing since sliced bread ::) I'm a dork, I know.

Very good chapter!
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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #35 on: July 05, 2008, 04:41:26 AM »
[Hey, who wants to be the leader? Coz I don't. I'd get you all killed. Any suggestions? Oh and Nehal, wherever you are.. lol, I don't have your morphs yet...]

Chapter Six.

Learning to morph

It was so weird, I was seeing everything so differently and it kind of freaked me out. I looked up at the faces of my friends, getting lost in the morph. The real Prince barked and sniffed me, confused. I trotted along happily. I looked around, seeing an open gate. Without thinking, I raced outside.

"Ahh! Get her!" Someone shouted, and the others chased after me.

I went along the footpath, sniffing things. A person walked by with shopping bags. I had lost control of the morph.

"Oh man, Oh no!" Rachel said.

"Someone stop her!" Anna said.

That snapped me back to reality. I stopped what I was doing. In case you can't tell, yes, I was humping some random person's leg.

Tim grabbed me. "Sorry, this isn't our dog, it's the neighbours!" He apologised.

"You got control of your morph yet?" Mike asked, as we walked back into my yard.

Once it was safe, I concentrated on myself again, growing taller, losing fur, getting my arms and hands back, and I stood up.
I smiled sheepishly at everyone.

"Sorry guys!" I said.

"And so you should be." Anna said, and started to laugh. Soon enough everyone was cracking up laughing.

"I'll never live this one down, will I?" I asked.

"Alright guys." Mike said, in all seriousness. "I acquired AJ, my rabbit, this morning. We've all acquired animals, but haven't all morphed yet. I think we need to go to someone’s house and try it out."

"And we'll need strong morphs too. Big morphs." Issam said.

"But we have super powers." I said.

"Yea of course we do, but we can't let the Yeerks find out about us. It’s too dangerous."

"So off to my work then?" Mike suggested. "Since I work at the Gardens, a zoo and amusement park, I'm sure you all know it."

"Shouldn't we find Tyler?" I asked.

"We went to his house, his parents said they had no idea where he was."

"Okay, well we need him to come with us. Maybe we don't have to do this all straight away. I think our first priority should be to find Tyler."

"What, are you the leader now?" Ken asked.

"No… Hell no." I said. "I'd be terrible. You guys don't have to listen to me, I was just suggesting it. Because Tyler is one of us now, we need him here with us."

"She's right." Mike said. "We'll split up. Where does Tyler like to hang out?" He asked.

"I'm going with Estelore." I said. Me, Estelore, Jen and Mike went one way, while the others split up in two more groups, and we went looking for Tyler.

We swung past his house, but he wasn't there yet again. Estelore said he worked at a dog shelter, or dog hotel, whatever you want to call it. Where owners drop their dogs off for the night, and they get looked after.

"So you think Tyler will be here?" I asked as we walked in, seeing a bunch of dogs everywhere.

"He should be." Estelore replied. A dog, a Saint Bernard to be exact, came over to Estelore.

"Friendly dog." Mike said, patting the dog.

"Yea. He seems to like Estelore. Are you a dog person or something?" Jen asked.

"Can I help you guys?" A man came up to us.

"Is Tyler working today?" Mike asked.

"Yea. The last I saw of him he was around the back. It's that doorway over there. Go straight in." He pointed at a door and then walked off to do some other work.

We went through the door, the saint Bernard walking with us.
I looked down at the dog, wondering why it was walking free.
It ran off around the corner, so I decided to follow it.

It grew taller suddenly, an almost four foot tall dog. The legs changed first, becoming human legs. A dog with human legs. Now that's something you don't see everyday.

"Tyler?" I asked.

"Hey Tyler!" Estelore said, she came up behind me and gave Tyler a hug. "Where are your glasses?"

"I don't need them anymore." He grinned. "I've been morphing dogs all day!"

"We've all been looking for you." Mike said. "When do you finish work?"

"Oh, I'm not actually working today. I said I'd volunteer because I wanted to get some morphs." Tyler said.

"Okay, we had better go meet with the others at The Gardens. We said that even if we didn't find you that we'd meet there." Jen said.

I teleported the others to The Gardens and we met up with the others.

"Okay guys, follow me." Mike said. We followed him to a door that read "Employees only."

"We're not gonna get caught back here are we?" I asked.

"I sure hope not." Mike replied. "I like my job."

"What animals are back here?"Anna asked.

"Big cats. Who wants a big cat morph?"

"Ooo I do!" I said excitedly. Then I realised that I'd have to get in a cage with a lion, and realised how freaky that was.

"Who's going to go first? I really want the Liger to be my battle morph, he's only been here about a month, and he's so cool."

"You can go first then." Jen said.

Mike went up to the door that said "Liger exhibit." He paused for a second, and then walked inside.

"Oh geez. He's going to die." I muttered.

A few minutes later, Mike was back, with a smile on his face. "Well that was easy. He went into a trance straight away."
Because his encounter went well, I rushed to the Lion exhibit. "I'll be right back guys." I walked into the exhibit. I couldn't see the lion anywhere. I hoped he was sleeping. Oh please say he was sleeping.

"Grrrrrr" I heard behind me. I gulped and turned around.

The Lion was staring at me with its golden brown eyes. I stared back, I could barely move.
He lunged!
"Aahhhh Don't eaaaaaaaat meeeeeeeeee!" I yelled, as I teleported out of the way. 
I teleported again, right next to the Lion. I put my hand of it's back, acquiring it. Luckily it went into a trance. Phew.

I left the exhibit and met up with the others.
"He tried to eat me!"

"I had no problems." Anna said, coming out of another door. "I went and acquired a leopard!"

Ken appeared from a door to my left, and Tim a door further along the hallway.

"What did you guys choose?" I asked.

"Black panther. Man are they cool or what?" Tim grinned.

"Tiger." Ken answered. He was smiling too.

"Okay guys, what about you?" Mike asked the others.

"Polar Bear!" Estelore said.

"I was going to say that!" Rachel said.

"Alright, so two polar bears. Let's go." Mike led the way to the area where the bears were.

"Let's go in at the same time." Estelore suggested, and she walked in the exhibit with Rachel close behind.

"Ooo Black Bear!" Jen said, walking into another exhibit.

"Hey, where would the bulls be?" Tyler asked Mike.

"And how about the Gorillas?" Issam asked.

"We'll go there once the others are back. Nehal, what morph do you want?"

« Last Edit: August 07, 2008, 04:16:19 AM by SuperClaire »
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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #36 on: July 05, 2008, 07:53:52 AM »
Ooo, now Claire's humpilicious! 

Cool chapter :)
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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #37 on: July 05, 2008, 09:57:59 AM »
lol nice one

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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #38 on: July 05, 2008, 10:43:16 AM »
Kinda' funny: I AM a dog person. Dogs are addicted to my presence. ;D

Yaay! I hugged Tyler!  :happy30: :hug2:

This is FUN STUFF!! Nice, Claire!!
The universe is, instant by instant, re-created anew. There is, in truth, no Past, only a memory of the Past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. The only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.

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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #39 on: July 05, 2008, 10:55:52 AM »
Ooo, now Claire's humpilicious! 

Hahaha! Good one! I actually half expected that to happen after she mentioned how "active" the dog was, since she would get the same instincts when she morphed it. Either that or I really can see the future!  ;D

Great chapter Claire, I'm glad I seem to have a more active role now that I'm the guy who can get you all into The Gardens. As some of you know, I do work at a zoo, but it doesn't have big animals like that. I;d love to work at a place like The Gardens though. That would be awesome!

I honestly don't mind who the leader is. As long as I make sarcastic comments occasionally and get to use my power in cool ways, then I'm good.  :P Of course, I won't object to being made the leader either.
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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #40 on: July 05, 2008, 11:07:15 AM », Claire, you never WOULD live that down, mwahaha!

I'd volunteer to be the leader, but I dunno if you want someone who plays with fire having all the power ;)

This keeps getting better and better...hehe.
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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #41 on: July 05, 2008, 01:20:28 PM »
Ooo, now Claire's humpilicious! 


Yay! Chapter good! I mean Good chapter....
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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #42 on: July 05, 2008, 02:27:45 PM »
I've always found myself stuck in a semi-reluctant leadership role in all my activities at school and volunteer work, so I could plausibly lead, but I'll not mind it if someone else leads.
I am an extraordinary planner/strategiser, though. I'm good at thinking ahead and beyond.

This is all so terribly interesting!
The universe is, instant by instant, re-created anew. There is, in truth, no Past, only a memory of the Past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. The only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.

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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #43 on: July 05, 2008, 08:08:09 PM »
Yay, budding relationship between Estelore and Myself! ;D
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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #44 on: July 05, 2008, 08:50:10 PM »
You know it!

Thanks, Claire!
The universe is, instant by instant, re-created anew. There is, in truth, no Past, only a memory of the Past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. The only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.

-GNU Terry Pratchet, The Thief of Time