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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #45 on: July 05, 2008, 08:51:21 PM »

There's a method to my madness, I just haven't figured it out yet.

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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #46 on: July 05, 2008, 08:59:52 PM »
Ken, you really need to resolve those nausea issues....

Also, we should probably reserve our posting about it for the OTHER thread, so as to stop interrupting the continuity of the story.
The universe is, instant by instant, re-created anew. There is, in truth, no Past, only a memory of the Past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. The only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.

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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #47 on: July 05, 2008, 09:25:22 PM »
Haha okay guys, yea you better start posting in the other thread.

You're out of control! :P

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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #48 on: July 05, 2008, 09:44:33 PM »
Will you hurry it up and post another chapter then?  ;)  kidding lol...had to though
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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #49 on: July 05, 2008, 11:59:24 PM »
That was amazing I can't wait to see what happens next!

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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #50 on: July 05, 2008, 11:59:58 PM »
Will you hurry it up and post another chapter then?  ;)  kidding lol...had to though

There's a method to my madness, I just haven't figured it out yet.

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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #51 on: July 06, 2008, 12:02:31 AM »
LOL, great chapter Claire. Humping something is always hilarious, haha ;)


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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #52 on: July 06, 2008, 08:22:48 AM »
I agree with Est and Claire. Discussion should be kept to the other thread or the Fanfiction Feedback thread.
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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #53 on: July 06, 2008, 11:00:06 PM »
[Gah, I was in a mental block with my idea about the Yeerk Pool, About to start writing the flashback, and my brain gave up on me! So, I'm improvising.. Nehal, sorry but I can't wait forever for your morphs, so Osprey is now your bird morph, hope you don't mind.

Oo Edit: I just thought of some cool ideas for the next chapter, guess we won't be going to the Yeerk Pool just yet... Oh and guys, as much as I love your feedback, could you please remember to post it in the other thread, so the story doesnt get too interrupted, thanks!]

Chapter Seven

Bird morphs

We all met up at Tim's house, he had a big garage in his backyard that was great for meetings.

Ken told us about the Yeerk Pool, he said he had read Elfangor's mind and learned a lot about the Pool.
After discussing that, I realised we needed bird morphs, since we had to walk around everywhere, and flying would be simpler.

"I think we need bird morphs." I said to the others. "This running around from place to place is getting ridiculous."

"This girl from my school.. whats her name... Cassie that's it, her parents have a a barn filled with sick and injured animals." Ken told us.

"Well we can't exactly sneak in there, and do you even know where she lives?" I asked.

"Um.. I kind of forgot." Ken admitted.

"Alright, theres this place near my house, exotic birds and stuff. We'll go there first and if we don't all find a bird morph, we'll check out Cassie's barn." Issam suggested.

"That's a great idea." Tim said.

"Hey, can't I just use Orsino as my bird morph?" Jen asked.

"Bird of Prey would be more useful, faster, stronger than a ****atiel." Mike said.

15 minutes later we were at the bird place, looking around.

"You need some help?" A woman with a falcon sitting on her shoulder came out from a side room.

"Ken, check if shes a controller." I heard Anna whisper in Ken's ear.

He seemed to be concentrating. "She's not" He whispered back.

"Wow, nice bird." Issam said. "Can I pat him?"

"Sure go ahead. He's a peregrine falcon and his name is Sam." The woman smiled as Issam patted the bird.

He must have acquired it, because the bird seemed really calm. Ken walked over and patted the bird too.

"Sam really likes you guys." The woman said.

"Hey, isn't this bird Australian?" I pointed at a really gorgeous bird.

"Yea, thats a Wedge-Tailed Eagle."

"Ooo can I pat him?"

"Actually it's a she. I name all of the birds here, she's called Nicole."

"Right. So can I pat her?"

"Since you guys seem nice, I'll let you." She opened the cage for me, and I reached in. The bird didnt seem to mind at first, but got a bit agitated, moving away from me.

I finally got to touch it, and patted it gently. I concentrated on the bird, acquiring it.

Mike chose a Harris Hawk, Rachel chose a White Bellied sea eagle, Tyler chose a Crested eagle and Estelore chose a Harpy eagle.
The others couldn't find any that they wanted to acquire, so we left to go to Cassie's farm.

We snuck in, luckily no one was around. We had seen a man in a truck leaving earlier, so we came at a good time.

"I like this bird." Jen said, pointing at a bird in a cage. "Red Tailed Hawk." The bird had a broken wing.

"So if you morph it, it won't have a broken wing right?" I asked.

"Yea, it shouldnt be hurt, since I'm just acquiring the DNA." Jen replied. We found a set of keys and opened the cages that we needed.

Tim acquired a Golden eagle, while Nehal chose an Osprey and Anna chose a Common Black hawk.

"Well we all have bird morphs now, this will be a lot easier." Tim said.

"We should get a seagull morph while we're here." I pointed at a couple of cages, where three seagulls were sitting.

"Good idea, they are everywhere and less suspicious." Jen said.

"Yea, shouldn't we practice flying or something?" Anna suggested.

"Yea, for sure." Mike agreed.

"It's Morphin' Time!" Tyler yelled.

"I can't believe you just said that." Estelore said, shaking her head at him.

I concentrated on the Wedge-Tailed Eagle. My arms were itchy all of a sudden, feathers were sprouting on them, they stretched out and became giant wings.

"Claire, that looks awes-" Tim began to say as his face stretched out into a beak.

Estelore had started to shrink before any other changes began, it was a weird sight to see.
Tyler had giant talons as his feet and Mike was almost all bird, just his head hadn't changed.

Now I was shrinking, and my legs and feet were the last things to change, must have looked really weird.

I looked at Jen and suddenly wished that I hadn't. She had no feathers on her arms yet, it looked like a bone was sticking out. Gross, but I couldn't look away at first, until the feathers began to grow.

Once I was finished, I looked around at everyone, I had an urge to flap my wings and fly away from all the noises around me, and the other birds.

<Don't lose control of the morph again Claire> Anna said, making everyone laugh.

<I knew I'd never live it down> I said. If I was human I would have rolled my eyes.

<Hey, I have a question. How do we fly?> Nehal asked.

<I have absolutely no idea> I admitted.

<The bird knows how> Mike said simply.

I flapped my wings awkwardly, and eventually I got off the ground and flew out of a high open window. The others flew out the same place as me, Tim only just fitting with his morph being larger than ours.

<This is awesome!> Issam yelled excitedly.

<I know! Wooooo hoooooo!> Anna shouted.

None of us were shutting up. We kept yelling about how cool it was. We flew over our houses and all around town.

<How long has it been?> I asked nervously. I didn't want to get trapped as a bird, can you imagine if that happened?

<One hour, 13 minutes.> Mike answered. He had the bright idea of strapping a watch to his left talon. He would have looked suspicious though.

We stopped on the roof of a fast food joint and demorphed. Mike demorphed quicker than any of us.

"How'd you demorph so quickly Mike? And you looked alot better than us, we make morphing look gross." I said, making a face.

"I don't know." Mike shrugged.

"I'm hungry, aren't you guys?" Tyler said.

"Yea. But look at what we are wearing, we can't exactly walk into McDonalds looking like this." I gestured to our clothes.

"You're right." Jen nodded in agreement.

We remorphed to seagull to be less suspicious and flew to our homes to have lunch.

We all said we would meet tomorrow, after we had all finished with school and work and family commitments.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2008, 04:18:37 AM by SuperClaire »
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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #54 on: July 08, 2008, 06:55:06 AM »
[Okay, here goes, into the world of other peoples POVs...I decided to go with Ken's and Tim's POV, there will be more of Ken's soon, and others too..
Edit: Sorry this is a shorter chapter, I didn't realise since my Word isn't working on my laptop..]

Chapter Eight.
The blue box


I was at school when I saw him. A kid holding the blue box. He had blonde hair, and brown eyes, and a look on his face that suggested he had an attitude. I freaked out and started to walk over to him, but another boy stopped him.

"Hey David, I told you to hide the box, man."

"Sorry Terry." David said sarcastically.

Terry had dark brown hair and brown eyes, and was wearing a Coca Cola baseball cap. They looked similar, like they could be related or something.

I decided I had to talk to them, so I did. "Hey, what's that box? I could.. uh.. pay you for it?" I searched in my pockets for money, finding only 3 dollars.

"Uh, no thanks." Terry said, looking at David.

"Wait, it looks really cool, you sure I can't buy it from you."

"Sorry man, we're not interested." David replied, and with that they both walked away.


My phone went off as I was leaving work. It was a text message from Ken saying "Guys, we have a problem. We need to meet up earlier. Anyone who can come, meet me out front of my school."

I got home, put down my bag and everything and opened my window. I morphed to Golden Eagle and flew to meet with Ken.
Issam, Ken, Estelore and Rachel were all there.
"Hey guys." I said once I demorphed. "What's going on?"

"Some kids at Ken's school have the blue box!" Rachel answered.

"What blue box?" I asked.

"You know, the morphing cube, that Elfangor showed us." Ken said. "The guys are called Terry and David."

"Ah, of course. How did they get it?"

"I read their minds. They found it at the construction site."

"Well I could go to the kids locker, phase in and get it. Easy." I suggested. "And if needed, Issam could use his telekinesis."

"Good idea." Issam said.

We went back in the school yard, looking for Terry and David.
Estelore made us all invisible, I hadn't known that she could do that, but it was cool.

Finally we found Terry and David, they were cutting class and were standing in a hallway at their lockers.

"You gotta keep it hidden. Or you'll have more kids asking about it" Terry said to David.

"I know, I know." They both walked towards us, but of course couldn't see us.

Once they were out of sight, I walked up to the locker and walked inside it. It was a small locker, but it didn't worry me.
I phased back out almost straight away.
"It's not there. Rachel, go and stop them before they get too far away!"

Rachel nodded and used her super speed to go and catch up to the guys.
We followed, much slower behind her. We stayed invisible, Rachel was the only one who could be seen.

"What do you want?" David demanded.

"Nothing, I just want to talk." Rachel said. Suddenly I heard Ken's voice in my head. He was projecting his thoughts to us.
<In the bag, The cube is in David's bag.>

Issam used his telekinesis to lift the bag into the air and in his arms.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" Terry asked.

"Here, Rachel." Issam said, and Rachel zoomed off with the bag.

"Who said that?" Terry asked, looking around.

"You shouldn't have done that, that bag had valuables in it." David warned.

"We know." I said, making Terry and David glance around, trying to see the source of the voice. "Boo."

"Ah, so the girl has some invisible friends huh. Well that's just perfect." David said.

He came right up to me, about to punch me in the face.

"He can see us?!" I shouted.

"Yea, I can see you." David said smugly.

I punched him first before he could do anything. I felt bad for about a second, since the kid was half my size.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?" Terry asked, running to David's side. Pretty sure he was unconscious too..

"Uh.. sorry?" I murmured.

Well, Terry soon got his comeback. He must have had a power too, coz he was suddenly jumping all over the place crazily like a squirrel on steroids, and then it all went black.

*Authors Note: Yes, David has a power. He can see heat signatures of living things.. basically. It's not very strong and very limited, but I thought you guys ought to know.
Yes, Terry has a power. How to explain it I don't exactly know. He effects gravity around him, making him be able to jump better than the average person, but it's also limited.

« Last Edit: August 07, 2008, 04:19:18 AM by SuperClaire »
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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #55 on: July 08, 2008, 08:52:21 PM »
[Glad to see you were surprised by David. And ugh I'm on my laptop again with no Word.]

Chapter Nine:
Controllers in the family


After we dragged Tim out of the school hallway, we decided it was time to go home.
Rachel had zoomed off ages ago, she was going to hide the box without telling us where it would be.
We splashed some water on Tim, and he finally woke up, asking what had happened.

We walked our separate ways home, I considered flying but decided just to walk. I ran into Tyler and Mike, who were discussing who would win in a fight between Batman and Spiderman.

"Spider-man." I said, interrupting their conversation.

We walked past the community centre.

"Hey, here's a free flyer." Some guy was standing on the corner handing out flyers to people as they walked past.

"Sure." I looked at the flyer in my hands. "The Sharing?"

"What's that?" Mike asked.

"It seems it's kind of like the boy scouts." I replied.

"Never been into the boy scouts." Tyler said.

I threw the flyer into a nearby bin. 

"Hey, isn't that Ken's brother?" I asked the others, as I saw Ken's brother walking out of the community centre.

"Yea, CJ I think."


I was laying on my bed with music in my ears, but nothing I did would make it stop.
I could hear my Mums thoughts, my sisters thoughts, everyones thoughts! even the neighbour next doors thoughts! It wouldn't go away! I groaned and put a pillow over my head. I could still hear everything!

<Dinner Time> I could hear my Mum thinking it, but since she was downstairs I couldn't hear her actual voice.

I took the music out of my ears and went downstairs to have dinner. I had a massive headache that wouldn't go away, everyone thought way too much!

CJ walked through the door a few minutes later and I was putting the spaghetti in my bowl.
<The Sharing... great idea.. got me this host.. convince.. family to join.. brother...>

Hang on one moment.. That wasn't my brothers thoughts. I concentrated on my brothers thoughts, trying to ignore everyone elses.
<Nooo! Not my family, not Ken! Please, I'll do whatever you want, leave my family alone.>

Oh no, Oh god no. My brother.. a controller? No! This couldn't be happening! I nearly dropped the bowl I was holding.
"I'm gonna go eat this in my room." I mumbled as I raced up the stairs to my room.

I put down the food and started to pace my room. I kicked at the clothes on the floor angrily.
I pushed all my books off of my desk. I was so angry!
I sat on my bed with my face in my hands, until I started to hear my brothers thoughts, he must have come upstairs.

"Hey, Ken!" He shouted to me.

I quickly hopped into my bed and pretended to be sleeping, trying to block out his thoughts.
My brother soon left the room, realising I was "asleep".
I soon discovered I had tears running down my face. I reached over to pick up my mobile phone and dialled Anna.


I sat in the kitchen, watching the news. "Heads.. ripped open" The reporter said about some murder that happened recently in Los Angeles.
"Why are you watching that, Anna?" my Mum asked.

"Oh, its news." I replied.
The phone began to ring, so I reached over and picked it up before my Mum got the chance.

"Hey, Anna, this is Ken, can I come see you?"

"I'll ask." I held the phone receiver. "Hey, Mum can Ken come over for a little while?"

"It's a bit late..."

"It's only 6!" I protested.

My Mum shook her head.

I coughed and said bird quietly into the phone. I went up to my room, and Ken flew in through the window about 10 minutes later.

"Hey. What's wrong?"

"My brother...he..he's... a controller." He replied sadly.

"Oh my god!" I said, giving Ken a hug.


Two birds flew in my window, I was startled. "Whoa!"

I looked more closely at them. "Anna.. and probably Ken, right?" I lived closeby to Anna so I wasn't totally surprised why they were both here.

<Yea> They answered, and demorphed.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We need to call a meeting, but we can't meet at my place, since... my brother.. and Anna's Mum won't allow it, so can you call the others?" Ken said breathlessly.

"Sure, no problems."

"Oh no." Ken muttered. "It's happening again, I can hear everything! Stop thinking guys!" He put his hands over his ears.

"Are your parents home?" Anna asked me.

"Just my Dad, but I think he's sleeping."

"He's... not sleeping Claire. Oh man.. Oh no.. not him too.." Ken said.

"Huh?" I asked, confused.

"Your Dad... my brother. Both of them are controllers."

"No! I don't believe you, not my Dad, never!" I almost shouted.

"Quiet!" Anna hissed, rushing to put her hands over my mouth.

« Last Edit: August 07, 2008, 04:20:11 AM by SuperClaire »
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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #56 on: July 09, 2008, 04:40:15 AM »
Chapter Ten
Sylar kills



Me and Terry were walking home. We just cut into an alley way.
"I told you to hide that box" Terry was raging. "Because of you, some idiots have it."

"Shut up, man." I shouted back. "How was I supposed to know that would happen?"

"Hey, who's that?" Terry asked, pointing at the end of the alleyway.

"How should I know." I said, rolling my eyes. I turned to look. It was a man wearing dark clothing and black cap, and he was walking towards us.

"It's just some guy, who cares?"

"It's not just some guy, he's freaking me out." Terry said nervously.

"He's probably some drug dealer, let's just ignore him."

The guy came closer to us, we walked a bit faster to go past him as he stood still.
I turned back to look to show that I wasn't afraid.

"Hey dude, what do you want?" I demanded.

The man stayed silent.

Suddenly I was slammed against the fence behind me.

"Holy $%@^" Terry shouted, and started to run.

"Hey man don't just leave" I yelled.

The man turned to look at Terry, waving his hand slightly. Terry slammed into the fence next to him and crashed to the ground.
My eyes went wide, as the man turned back to me.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I fumed. I tried to fight the guy, but I couldn't move. "What are you doing?"

He grabbed me by the throat, and with his free hand he pointed at me. I screamed as he started to cut my head open.


I heard my cousin screaming, but I could barely move. I finally managed to stand up.
"David! Noooo!" I shouted when I turned to look at them both. It was disgusting.
I started to run, but I was frozen in place by the crazy guy.

I turned around to look at him, that was about all I could do at first.
I leaped into the air and jumped over the guys head, landing behind him. That was hard though, and tiring, my power wasn't really that strong.
I ran towards a fence beside me, getting ready to try and jump it, or at least climb it. I started to climb it, and fell back to the ground. Crap!

The guy must have had telekinesis or something, because somehow I knew he was doing this. He walked over to me, and pointed his finger at me the same way he did to David.
"Aahhhh!" I felt my forehead being cut open.


I was walking home with Tyler, about to cut through an alleyway.

"What the hell?" Tyler said, pointing at a guy lying on the ground closeby without the top of his head.

"I think we should get out of here." I said quietly. I grabbed Tyler's arm and made us both invisible.

"The guy's still over there!" Tyler was still pointing. A man wearing dark clothing had just killed another boy.

"Okay, yea we definately have to get out of here."

We walked away, quickening our pace. Tylers phone made a noise in his pocket.

"It's Claire. We need to meet up at her house, her backyard to be exact. It's important."


We walked into Claire's yard about 20 minutes later. Everyone was scattered around the yard and were talking amongst themselves.

"Some guy killed some kids in an alley way." I told the others.

"Who killed who?" Claire asked.

"Some guy.. killed these two kids, a guy with blonde hair and a guy with brown hair. One looked Ken's age and one was about Rachel's age."

"Oh my god, you mean Terry and David? We just got the morphing cube from them." Rachel said.

"Well they're dead." I said.

"Their heads... were ripped open." Estelore cut in.

"No way! I heard about that earlier, on the news. Some guy in Los Angeles killed two people two days ago. A man and a woman.. The only survivor was their daughter.. Molly Walker I think her name was." Anna told us.

"That's pretty heavy." Tim said.

"Why did he kill those guys? I don't get it." Claire said.

*Authors Note: This chapter takes place at the same time as the last post. Around 5:00 or so, thats why it says meanwhile at the top of the post.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2008, 04:21:08 AM by SuperClaire »
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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #57 on: July 09, 2008, 05:32:01 AM »
Chapter Eleven
A message from the future


"Okay, so why was this meeting called?" I asked.

"There's something I need to tell you all." Ken said. "My brother, CJ, he's a controller. It happened recently too, because he wasn't a controller yesterday. Claire's father is also a controller."

"And I have no idea when he became a controller." Claire added.

"Okay, we need to think of how or when they became controllers." Issam said.

"Yea.. Well my brother.. he's been hanging out with.. wait! He joined some group a week ago. He said something about becoming a full member.. and I heard the Yeerks thoughts.. something about The Sharing giving him a host.. my brother."

"The Sharing?" Tyler asked. "Didn't we walk past them or something?"

"Yea, they were handing out flyers.. I should have kept it." Issam considered.

"So we need to find out who these people are." Nehal said.

Tim nodded. "Yea, thats a good idea."

"Right okay then." I said. "How do we exactly go about doing this?"

"We need a plan for starters." Jen said.

"For sure." Anna agreed.

"Oh guys, Oh my god, I can't believe I didn't mention this earlier." Ken said suddenly.

"What, what is it?" I asked.


"The Yeerk Pool. The Andalite, Elfangor. I read his mind, and I learned all about the Yeerk Pool." Ken continued to explain about the Yeerk Pool.

"Okay, first things first, the Sharing, we infiltrate." Issam suggested.

"I think we-" Tyler started to say, but then he froze.

"Tyler?" I asked. I looked at everyone else, realising they weren't moving. I looked at Claire, thinking that she must have done it with her powers, but she was frozen too. I heard a noise, so I spun around to look.

"Claire?" I asked, completely confused. Claire was standing there, her hair different, a bit longer I guess, she looked older.

"Hi Mike." Claire said.

I looked back at the Claire that was frozen. "How are you doing this?"

"I come from the future. I have a message for you." She told me.

"The future? Seriously?" I smiled. "Well what's it like?"

"I can't tell you Mike."

"Oh, and why come to me? Why not your younger self?" I pointed at the frozen Claire.

"I can't risk the space/time continuum. I thought it would be best to come to you."

"So, you said you had a message for me?" I asked.

"Yes. Save the Andalite, save the world."

"Andalite? What Andalite?"

Future Claire went on to explain that there was an Andalite in trouble at the bottom of the ocean that needed help.
"Not only the Andalite, but you need to save a cheerleader."

"Hang on, what?"

Future Claire explained that a cheerleader would be attacked in a couple of weeks at her high school Homecoming game in Texas.
It was information overload, and I was so confused.

"Just remember. Save them." And with that she disappeared and everyone was moving again.

"-should get bug morphs." Tyler finished.

"Wait! Claire! I don't understand!" I shouted at nothing.

"What?" Claire gave me a strange look.

"You just came from the future. I have to save a cheerleader, and an alien." I said seriously. "And you had a sword!"

« Last Edit: August 07, 2008, 04:22:03 AM by SuperClaire »
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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #58 on: July 09, 2008, 07:14:36 AM »
Wow, this fic is moving by so fast! Can't wait to see how it all ties in ;D


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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #59 on: July 09, 2008, 08:54:57 PM »
[Okay, I decided to continue rotating between POV's, its getting a bit easier.. So I thought we'd get to the sharing in one post, but apparently not. I promise, I promise Russell will be in the next post, and if I say that once more without it being true, you can smite me XD....]

Chapter Twelve
Fly morph


"Okay, so I came from the future?" Claire asked slowly, and then she grinned. "That's awesome."

"I don't get it." I muttered.

Mike went on to explain everything "Future Claire" told him. It was a bit hard to believe at first.

"Okay, so we need to save an Andalite, as soon as possible, and we need to save a cheerleader in just over a week." Mike finished.

"Oookay" Anna said.

"Like I was saying, guys, we need bug morphs." Tyler insisted.

"That's a good idea." Issam nodded.

"Where are we gonna find some bugs? You think Cassie might have some in that barn of hers?" Tim said.

"Yea, I'm sure." I laughed. A fly zoomed past at that very moment. What are the odds?

"How are we gonna catch a fly?" Jen asked.

"With great difficulty." Claire said. "Wait, I've got an idea. Hang on a second."


I froze time, making everyone stop moving, including the annoying fly. I picked it up out of the air.. gross.
I made time go back to normal.
"Got him." I said, and started to acquire the fly. While it was still in the trance, I passed it to Mike, and everyone acquired it.

"I don't wanna morph a fly!" Tyler whined. "I'd rather morph a scorpion!"

"Yea, we can get other morphs when the moment arises, but for now, flies should be fine." Mike said.

"The flyer said that the next Sharing meeting was tomorrow. Starting at midday." Issam said.

"Should we practice our fly morph?" I suggested.

"Yea, who wants to go first?" Tim asked.


"Not me." Anna said.

"I'll go." I shrugged.

I concentrated on the fly, and soon enough I started to shrink. My eyes changed, it was like looking through a thousand TV screens. I was glad I was small by the time extra legs protuded through my chest, and I grew a weird mouth that looked oh so disgusting up close.

"Gross." I heard Rachel say.

"Where'd she go?" Claire asked.

"She's there!" Mike exclaimed.

"Don't lose her!" Issam said.

"Jen? You in control of your morph?" Nehal asked.

"No, she's in search of dog poop." Tyler said.

<Yeeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaah!> Jen exulted. <This is great, guys!>

"What are you doing?" Estelore asked.

<Man, this thing flys like a rocket, come on guys, you have to try it out.>

Everyone else morphed to flies. Not a very nice sight to see, but it was really fun once you actually were a fly.

<Whoooooooo hoooooooo!> It was insane.

After some more flying practice, we all went back home. We had to get up early and meet up in the morning, and then we were going to go to The Sharing.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2008, 04:23:41 AM by SuperClaire »
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