I think that if you're looking at a body count, it should be the kills that the animorph MAKES, not one's that they're responsible for.
If you're asking for a body count, it means: You shot him, he's yours. A solider gets a body count, not the soldier's seargent, not the solider's general, but the solider. A fighter pilot has a death count, not the navigator who relayed the enemy position.
You bite, you slash, you claw, you kill; you get the count. Not, you order, you scheme, you mention; you get the count.
Indirect doesn't matter when it comes to a body count. If you wound someone, and then they get shot because they weren't fast enough to run away, the person that ended their life gets the kill, not you.
When talking about tallying a body count, only the life you physically stopped counts.