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Claire Voskamp: A Heroes Journey
« on: June 07, 2008, 04:23:47 AM »
Well Here goes, My joyful fun of transfering my Heroes fanfiction onto the New RAF. I'll leave all my authors notes and what not, but I won't transfer all the posts you guys did with your opinions and all..

Hey everyone, I decided I am going to make a Heroes fanfiction and post it here for all to see.
I haven't posted spoilers in this first chapter, but I will be following the Heroes storyline from Season One, so if you don't want to see spoilers, keep on moving.
I hope you guys enjoy this.

Heres the story. Heroes goes on pretty much as usual. But there is a new edition to Heroes. Me. Yep thats right.
I thought it would be awesome to be in Heroes, so here goes. I will soon discover that I have powers, in the next chapter.

Chapter One: Discovery.

I woke up on a Monday morning, expecting the day to be the same as any other, and boring. I had nothing planned as usual. I got out of bed, it was late as usual, and both of my parents were out, probably at work.
"Hello?" I asked, as I walked towards the kitchen. I got no answer, I didn't really expect one anyway. I made a coffee and my breakfast and went into the lounge room.
"Hmm what should I watch?" I asked myself. Yea, that's right, I talk to myself.

I looked for my heroes DVD's, but they weren't there. "What? Where's heroes?" I got confused. They were there yesterday. I didn't think my sister would take them from me, even if they were hers. Fine then. I grabbed a Futurama DVD and watched that instead.

After breakfast, I got dressed and got ready to go for a bike ride. I put the alarm on and walked out the back door. I was looking down, choosing a song on my ipod, when something caught my eye. Hang on.

I looked up, and my jaw dropped. What the!?! My neighbour's two storey house was gone. There was another house there. That makes no sense! I blinked a few times, then just stared. I walked down my drive way. Holy damn. My street had completely changed overnight. I looked around everywhere. Holy damn. A man walked by, walking his dog.

"Excuse Me!" I said.
"Yes?" He asked. He had a slight accent, maybe American.
"Uh, this might sound like a dumb question, but what city is this?"
He looked at me strangely, like I was an animal in the zoo or something. "New York. That's central park over there."
"What?? You're kidding me!"
"Are you alright?" Again with the strange looks.
I started to rant and rave to myself. He quickly walked away down the street.
Holy crap. I was in NEW YORK. I tried to calm down.

"I have always wanted to go here. And now I am here! Wait, my parents! Where are they?" I rushed back inside and called their mobiles. I tried my Dad first, my Mum wasn't good with keeping her phone on her. The phone didn't even ring.

"What's going on? I'm in New York, and I'm alone. But the house is here? Oh man, I am so confused." I searched the house, and it looked exactly the same as usual.
"That's it!" I quickly locked up the house again, and got my bike out.

I rode down the street, quickly coming to a busy street. I was amazed at everything I saw.
I saw a sign in a window. "Vote for Petrelli." It read.
No WAY. NO WAY!! It also had a photo of Nathan Petrelli. I figured it was just some crazed heroes fan who decided to put those up everywhere.
I kept riding my bike, eager to see more things, and maybe find out what was going on. I must be dreaming. If so, what a kick ass dream!

I rode and rode, seeing all these cool things, and the buildings were HUGE in the city. So different compared to the ones in Adelaide!
"G'day mate!" I yelled out. People turned to look at me funny, but I just grinned. This was just awesome!
I saw something across the road. Nathan Petrelli walking into a building, with signs all around saying "vote for petrelli" Hmm those cars are on the wrong side of the road.
"Geez Claire as if you think of that." I muttered. "It's America, duh!"
I crossed the road carefully, not used to the cars driving on the right side as opposed to the left side.

I walked into the office like room that Nathan went into. Someone brushed by me. I stopped and stared yet again. It was Peter. Peter Petrelli. Walking right by me. I thought I was going to faint!
"Hey, girl!" A security guard said. Uh oh. "What are you doing in here?"
"Uh.. I need to speak to Nathan Petrelli?"
"Well he's busy, so move along, please."
"Aw okay." I walked out slowly. I stayed near the exit.
Wait a minute, this reminded me of an actual heroes episode. Episode one of season one.
No way. I'm seriously in heroes?

"Claire you are INSANE! Hmm that's what Marco would say. Okay, I should stop talking to myself on a busy street. Alright. I'm in the show heroes. Oh geez, I've actually become a loony. Yep I am officially a crazy person."
A kid walked by at that moment, staring at me.
"What are you looking at?" I said.

He poked his tongue out at me.
"Psh. American children." I muttered, making myself smile.
Then a thought crossed my mind. OH THE ELLIMIST (Yea I say that instead of Oh my god these days)

Sylar was in heroes. I mean, duh of course he is. But hello, so am I! WOW!
Ok, that's great and all, but he's totally evil and would take my brain in an instant. Oh wait, why would he want my brain? I'm not a hero..Wait! Oh wow. I need to find out if I have powers!

Hmm what would they be. I stared at a rock on the floor. Move dammit! I kept concentrating. It didn't work. Okay, Okay. Maybe not telekinesis, but I'm sure I have something else.

I almost didn't notice as Nathan and Peter came out of the building. I gaped as they walked past. Holy crap. This was so crazy.
Peter was telling Nathan something. I remembered this conversation. Peter was explaining that he thought he could fly.

"Why the hell would I understand that you think you can fly?" Nathan said loudly.
"Because you're my brother." Peter said. Nathan's phone began to ring.
He was speaking to his Mum. Yea I know, I'm in America now, its Mom. Whatever.
"She got arrested." Nathan said.
"Arrested for what?" Peter asked.

They began to quicken their pace down the street.
I kept following them, slowly riding my bike. They caught a taxi and got into it.
"Wait!" I yelled a little too late.
Oh well, at least I knew where Nathan worked.
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Re: Claire Voskamp: A Heroes Journey
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2008, 04:25:33 AM »
Okay everyone here is Chapter two.
I still don't think theres spoilers yet, but they will be coming! So be warned.
It was really hard to find a way to meet another character, so I had to skip the events of episode 2 and 3 and go straight to episode 4.

Chapter two:

As I rode my bike back towards my house, I realised I was kind of lost. I was lost in my thoughts until I noticed a young girl across the road. She was in the middle of the road, and a bus was coming towards her.
"Hey!" I yelled. I put down my bike and ran towards her, suddenly I was speeding across towards her. I grabbed her and took her to the other side of the road.

"Whoa how fast can you run?" Asked the girl, she looked around 10 years old.
"I, um, I don't know!" I was a little freaked out. I realised my bike could get stolen.
Alright, I may as well try this speed thing, I mean what could go wrong.

I concentrated, and sure enough I sped really fast across the road to my bike. I was so fast that the street became a blur. Wicked. I really did have powers.
Hmm I wonder if I can use the super-speed while I'm on my bike.
I zoomed really fast suddenly and I wasn't expecting. I came to a sudden halt.

"Phew" I said. I decided to go a fairly normal pace, because I wanted to find my house. I saw a newsstand, so I went over to it and looked around. And, I saw the comic that I wanted to see. I pulled out some money from my pocket.
Great, Australian money.

"Uh can I buy this comic?" I asked. It was the 9th wonders comic that Isaac Mendez created.
"Sure." I gave him a five dollar note.
"Hey, this isn't right!" He said.
"Sorry!" I yelled as I hopped on my bike and sped away.
I finally found my way home.

I sat down on the couch, trying to remember the exact plot of heroes. I knew I had to find the other heroes. I wanted to learn more about my powers. I had a dream where I had super-speed, but I never thought it would happen to me really. I also dreamed of some other powers, maybe I could have those too!

Suddenly RAF came to my mind. Would I still be able to access it from the heroes world?
Aha! Of course! I had joined an RP on RAF, maybe my powers were the same as those powers. I know it was a dumb thought, but it could work out.

I concentrated, and suddenly I created an illusion of my Mum and Dad walking through the door.
"Mum? Dad?" I asked, believing it was real at first. They didn't answer, and suddenly they disappeared. Oh wow. I can create holographic projections, just like in the RP.

I didn't feel any different. But man, was this cool or what. I knew I had to meet up with the others, But I didn't know who I should go to for help. Maybe Peter or Mohinder.
I knew Isaac Mendez lived in New York, and he painted the future and all, but since he was a druggie, I didn't think he would be the best person to see.
I figured the best thing to do was find Mohinder.

I racked my brains, but I couldn't remember exactly where I would be able to find him.
I remembered that Mohinder went to find Nathan and try and tell him about his abilities, but I wasn't sure when that happened.
I decided I would wait there tomorrow to see if he turned up.

The next day I sat in front of Nathan's office for hours, but he didn't turn up. I wasted an entire day, and then I finally remembered what day Mohinder actually spoke to Nathan. It was tomorrow. Luckily I had nothing better to do. I guess tomorrow would be the day I meet him.

I went back to the office and sat down, not knowing how long I would have to wait or if it was even worth it. Finally I saw Nathan coming out of his office with another guy.
I then heard Mohinder's voice. "Mr Petrelli! Excuse Me Mr Petrelli!" He yelled as Nathan was about to get into a car. I got up and stood closer to them so I could hear what he said.

One of the security guys stopped Mohinder.
"Mr Petrelli, I must speak with you!" He said hurriedly.
"Thanks for your vote." Nathan said, getting into the car.
"Your life might be in danger!" Mohinder yelled. That made Nathan step back. "I believe someone may be targeting you!"
"Can you be a little more specific? 12% of the electorate already opposes me."
"Does the name Sylar mean anything to you?" Mohinder asked.
"I'm sorry, I didn't get your name" Nathan said.

"Suresh, Dr Suresh."
Nathan said something quietly to his guard.
"Sir I'll have to ask you to leave."
Mohinder yelled out about abilities such as mind reading. I knew he was going to say those things. "Please, it's very important that you listen to me!"
Nathan's security guards made Mohinder leave. He began to walk away.

"Wait, Mohinder!" I yelled out.
He stopped and turned.
"I know what you were talking about. I'm one of those people."
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Re: Claire Voskamp: A Heroes Journey
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2008, 04:27:42 AM »
Chapter Three:

"What do you mean?" Mohinder asked me.
"I think you know. I don't know how to explain it." I said. 'I have abilities. Sort of like the ones you just mentioned. My name's Claire."

"I see." He said. He didn't look entirely convinced.
'Look. I'll show you, but not here. Too many people around."
"Okay, come with me then."

We went to Mohinder's apartment building.
"I'm not even sure how I got these powers, I mean they just kind of appeared." I told Mohinder. "I will show you my super-speed, it's the easiest to control."
"You mean to say you have more than one ability?" He asked.

"Yea, I think so, I mean I'm trying to learn how to use them right." I quickly sped across the room and back, taking less than a second.
"Whoa. That's an amazing ability."

"Thanks, Yea I think so too." I smiled. "I wonder what Nathan Petrelli can do."
"I'm not sure either."
"Well I think you went about it all wrong, no offence, the way you went to speak to Nathan. Nathan Petrelli is running for congress, he's not going to listen to you." I said.

"I feel like an ass. I've never been so humiliated in my life." He said, pinning something to the map of the world.

Eden walked through the door at that moment. "Well what did you expect him to invite you in for tea?" She said. She looked at me, confused.
"Oh, Eden, This is Claire." Mohinder said.

"Hey." I said. Now I didn't know what to do, I really didn't know whether Eden was a bad person or not.
"This came for you while you were gone." Eden said. She was holding a small box.

Mohinder put it down on a table and opened it. He pulled out an urn.
"It's my father's ashes." He said, sitting down. "You know I haven't shed a single tear since my fathers death? Even when I claimed his body." He looked up at Eden. "They showed me three John Doe's before they finally found him."

Eden crouched down beside Mohinder, so I moved closer towards them.
"My father was misfiled."
"I'm really really sorry." Eden said.

"At least he didn't die in vain, not with his son here to continue his work." I said.
"What am I even trying to prove? I've used these theories, the map, this Sylar, all of it! Just to validate a relationship that ended a long time ago." He placed the urn on a table next to him.

"I think I should go back to Madras for a while, to scatter my fathers ashes."
"What about me?" I asked. "What do I do while I wait?"
Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Since I was closest, I said "Do you want me to get that?"

"I'm looking for Chandra Suresh." Said the voice at the door. I knew it was Peter Petrelli, but I decided not to say anything.
"He doesn't live here anymore." Eden said loudly.

"The guys at the Petrelli campaign gave me this address, They said he came by this morning." Peter said, through the door.
Mohinder went and opened the door. Yep, it was Peter, and he was holding Chandra Suresh's book.

"Are you Chandra Suresh?" Peter asked.
"No. That was my father."
"Your father wrote a book, about people with abilities. I think I may be one of them."
Mohinder looked back at me. "Well you came to the right place."

Mohinder let Peter inside. "Hey!" I said. "I'm Claire. You think you have abilities?" I tried to hide my excitement.
"Well, yea." He said.
"Cool, me too!"
"Well, I keep having these.. um.. dreams, where I can fly. I sort of flew, the other day, I can't explain it, and I can't really control it yet. My brother Nathan can do it too, and I know this painter, Isaac, who can paint the future."
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Re: Claire Voskamp: A Heroes Journey
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2008, 04:31:56 AM »
Okay I tried to put a bit more detail in it, but I don't think i succeeded. I'll keep trying.

Chapter Four:

Peter sat down on the couch, and Mohinder directed me and Eden into another room.
"Do you think he’s telling the truth?" He asked quietly.
"Well I'm not a mind reader. But I think we should believe him. I mean, if I can do what I can do, who's to say he can't?" I said.

We walked back into the other room.
"It was a pleasure to meet you, um, good luck with the whole flying thing" Eden said, shaking Peter’s hand.

Eden walked out the front door, leaving the three of us.
We had a long conversation, well most of it was Mohinder and Peter. Mohinder got even more skeptical as we went along, since Peter couldn't imitate my powers, probably because of the whole alternate reality thing.
We went to the train station and caught the train to Isaac’s apartment.

It was going to be a loooong train ride, and I knew all the things that they would say, Mohinder being skeptical and Peter trying to convince him, so I zoned out for the whole time, putting my iPod in my ears. The thing I hated most was the whole standing on the train thing. I hate standing in trains and buses. Damn busy New York.

We got to Isaac's apartment, and Peter knocked on the door. I knew this was going to be a waste of time, but still I let them go here anyway. Isaac never answered, he was inside painting the future. We went back to the train station.

Mohinder was beginning to think Peter was crazy. I probably would too, but I already knew that he wasn't.
Oh I almost forgot. Future Hiro visits Peter.. But when. Geez my bad memory I should know this kind of stuff. The important things.

The train jolted suddenly. Peter was standing in a different spot in the train. No ways, future Hiro came. Damn, I wish I got to see it.
"Hiro? Where are you!" Peter was yelling. "I don’t understand."
Mohinder walked over to Peter, I followed close behind.
"Peter, are you alright?" Mohinder asked.

"The cheerleader." He muttered.
"Look, I know you won't believe this, but someone named Hiro Nakamura just stopped time, he must have teleported here, and he told me to save a cheerleader.” Peter said quickly.
"You're right I don't believe you." Mohinder replied.
"He was right there!" Peter said, pointing to the spot they stood.
"And then he teleported away?"
Peter walked back to the end of the train. We followed.
"He stopped time somehow. He talked to me, He knew who I was. He says we all meet up sometime in the future, I guess."

Mohinder gave Peter a strange look of disbelief.
"I know it seems crazy, but I know what I saw."
Mohinder's expression didn’t change.
"He said something bad is about to happen. We can stop it. But first we have to.." He sighed and put his hands to his face. "Save a cheerleader."
"A cheerleader?" Mohinder asked.

"Hey Claire?"
"What?" I asked.
"You're not a cheerleader are you?" Peter asked.
"You gotta be kidding me. Do I LOOK like a cheerleader?" I replied.
He looked at what I was wearing. A My Chemical Romance t-shirt and kind of baggy jeans.
"I guess not. Anyway, I know this seems impossible." Peter said.

"Impossible, It sounds mad!" Mohinder said.
"Do you believe me?" He turned to me.
"Well if this guy did come to you, there's no way to prove it. If he stopped time and all, only you and him would know."
"Please, Just… He said I had to go back to Isaac, the painter." Peter turned back to Mohinder. "He's gonna know what we have to do, So let's just go back to his loft. Alright, If the answers not there, I promise you I will take you to the airport myself. You can go back to India, and you'll never have to hear from me again."
"You'll fly me there yourself?" Mohinder asked. "There are no answers. Go home Peter."

He looked at me. "Uh.. Purple monkey dishwasher?" I said lamely.
Mohinder gave me a strange look. "You too, go home." He walked off of the train.

"What?" Peter asked.
"Look, Peter, I believe you." I said.
"Well why didn't you tell him that?"
"It's a long story, that's even crazier than your story." I admitted.

"Will you come back to Isaac's apartment with me?" He asked. "Your family won't be worried will they?"
"Ah.. I don't think so. But yea, I will come with you."
Lucky I had brought a jacket, New York was cooooold! I quickly pulled it out of my bag and put it on.

We got to Isaac's place yet again. This time he had better answer, I completely forgot if he would or not. Plus, I wanted to meet him.
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Re: Claire Voskamp: A Heroes Journey
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2008, 04:36:48 AM »
Yay I got this done in a night! I wasn't sure if I could make it, but I did! Anyways, no real spoilers still, I don't think, but they will be coming.. quite soon, just you wait.

Chapter five:

"Hello? Isaac?" Peter said loudly. "Come on" He said to me, walking into Isaac's loft.
It was raining outside, I was glad to finally get inside away from the cold.
"You doing okay?"
"Go away man." Isaac muttered.
"Isaac, We need your help."
"You need help? Ask Simone."

Peter looked down at the floor.
"You already took her." Isaac said. "What else do you want from me?"
"You painted me. A picture of me flying. Okay, it was real. It happened, I flew."
"I'm telling you I believe you."
Isaac turned away from the window to look at Peter.

"You can paint the future." Peter said.
Isaac pointed his finger at Peter, but didn't say anything, until he looked at me. "Who are you?"
"Oh, I'm Claire."
"Isaac, whatever's happening to you, it's happening to me too. And Claire."
He walked closer to Isaac. "And I don't know why, but I'm supposed to see you. You're supposed to have the answer."

"Is that what I sound like?" Isaac said, shaking his head. "No wonder she left me. I don't have any answers."
"You're supposed to know where we have to go."
"See for yourself."
Me and Peter wandered over to look at the paintings.

I saw a painting of Hiro and Ando, with a homecoming banner behind them. Aha. Homecoming. I couldn't wait for that. We would save Claire from Sylar.
There was a painting of Claire, looking scared.
Isaac stood close by, watching us as we looked at his paintings. They were so awesome up close. There was also a picture of an eclipse, slightly hiding another painting. Peter moved the eclipse painting out of the way.

Ah this painting. I remember this. It's Claire running away from Sylar and all you can see is a huge shadow behind her.
"It's her. The cheerleader."

Peter started to organise the paintings and put them on the wall.
"Oh wow." I said, looking at a painting. "I think this is me."
There was a painting with me in it! I couldn't believe it. It was me, slightly blurred because I was running.
"This is amazing!" Peter said, he had finally put the paintings in an order. "Look it's telling a story, like a comic!"
"Yea its pretty cool." I said, not bothering to look, because I was distracted looking at the painting of me.

"This girl, she’s running, and is that me?" Peter asked Isaac.
"Why would I paint you?" Isaac replied.
"And these two guys. I think we're all trying to help her. The cheerleader. Who is she?"
"I don't know."
"But you painted these."
"I was high."
"So what happens next, Where is she?" Peter asked.

"She's in Odessa, Texas, She goes to Union Wells High School, she's 16 years old, her name is Claire Bennet, her best friends name is Zack." I sighed.
"Whoa! How do you know all that?" Peter asked me.
Aw crap, I said that out loud!
"I must still be high." Isaac said.
"Ah, well like I said it's a long story, and you won't believe me, trust me."
"But you're like me! Is that another one of your abilities?"
"Well not really.."

"I want answers, I want to find out how to stop the bomb. Do you know anything about that?" Isaac asked me.
"Uh.." I had no clue what to say.
I didn't want to tell them how I knew, it would be insane. They wouldn't believe me.
"You don't get it, this is all connected. We are all connected. This thing you painted, if this bomb is true, We're all dead! These are the key to saving us!"

"Something's gonna happen to this girl. We need to know what. Claire what else do you know about.. Claire." He asked, looking a little confused. "Are you sure that's her name?"
"Yea I'm sure. But, look that painting isn't finished. Isaac, you need to finish it!" I pointed at a half finished painting, with another shadow of Sylar's.
"Even if I wanted to I can't!" Isaac said. "I'm out of drugs. I'm out of money to buy drugs."
"Can't you just finish it without shooting up?" Peter suggested.

"If you got some cash on you man, that's another story. Call it a commission."
Peter sighed and stared at the painting. I could tell he was thinking of what to do.
His expression changed suddenly. Aha, he was taking on Isaac's ability. He looked a little freaked out.

"I saw it!"
"What?" Isaac asked.
"I saw something.. In the.. Uh.. canvas." Peter said, looking for a paintbrush. "In the picture. This painting" He pointed at it. "I can finish it!"
"You can paint?"
"No." He said, taking off his sweat shirt. "No, I can't. But, I drew the future. After I saw you the other day. It was only stick figures, but it came true."
Isaac moved closer to see what he would paint.
I was excited too.

Peter closed his eyes. When he opened them again, they were completely white. He looked at the painting and began to paint.
"That is so cool." I said.
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Re: Claire Voskamp: A Heroes Journey
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2008, 04:41:44 AM »
Alright everyone, this could classify as having some spoilers in a way.. and the next chapter will have spoilers for sure.

Chapter Six

Finally Peter finished the painting. We all bent down to see it closely.
It was Claire Bennet. With blood all around her. She was dead. Even though Peter said he couldn't paint, it was still awesome. Yea I know I shouldn't say that, it's a painting of Claire dead. But still.
We got back up, staring at the painting.
"How'd you do that?" Isaac asked.
"I don't know." Peter replied.
"We have to save her."

Isaac's phone began to ring. "Ignore it. It's the wrong number. Some Japanese guy keeps leaving messages."
Peter looked back at the phone. He picked it up.
"Hello?" He said. "Who is this?" He switched hands.
Isaac looked over at Peter.
"My name's Peter Petrelli. I have a message for you." He said.

"Save the cheerleader, save the world." Peter said into the phone.
Isaac went closer to Peter.
"Tell him about the guy from the future." Isaac said.
"He is the guy from the future!"
"Hiro Nakamura, from the future, who speaks English and carries a sword stopped time to tell me that I have to save the cheerleader. That's all I know." Peter said into the phone.
Isaac went back to the painting to look at it.
"Get to New York, when you can. We'll talk." Peter said, then he hung up.

Isaac and Peter moved the painting over to the wall.
"You're sure about where she lives?" Peter asked.
"Yep. Union Wells high school are having their homecoming soon."
They put the painting next to the others.
"These fit together like scenes from a comic. But there's one missing. What was right there?" Peter asked.
"I used to have a painting about that size." Isaac looked thoughtful. "Simone has it."
"Simone." Peter said.

"She took a bunch of my paintings to sell. It's with them."
"What was it of?"
"I don't remember." Isaac sighed. "I was high."
Peter walked away. "Then we need to get it back." He grabbed the phone.
"Tell her the guy from the future said you needed it. I'm sure she'd love that."

After the phone call, Peter looked at me.
"Want me to take you home?" Peter asked me. "It's kinda late."
"Sure, thanks. That'd be great."
"Bye Isaac." Peter said.
"See ya" I said.
"Bye." He replied.
We walked out of his apartment and went home.
"I'll call you sometime soon." He said, walking away, leaving me at my house.

I was really curious about something, I went on the internet, because I wanted to see if I could access RAF. The page loaded. Far out, I did not expect it to work. Hmm. I decided to tell everyone that I was in New York.

Since everyone on RAF is crazy, I figured this would fit right in. I went to the "So Hows Life?" thread and posted.
Since I had a long day, I was pretty tired so I went to sleep earlier than usual.

The next day, I didn't really expect Peter to call me, so I decided to go exploring, I mean, this might be one of the only chances I will get to explore, so why not.

I went over to Central Park on my bike, I rode for hours. I even visited the Statue of Liberty, and yea, it is as cool as you would think. I bought some warmer clothes, since the weather was quite cold and I wasn't used to it yet.

Luckily I had found some money hidden around the house, I don't know what I would have done without it. For lunch I got Taco Bell, which I had always wanted to try.
I sat down in my room, and I thought about my family. Where were they while I was here? Was life still normal back home? I mean, the freaking house is here in New York, how is that even possible?

Peter called me the next day.
"Can you come and meet me at Isaac's loft?" Peter said.
"Sure. No problem." I replied.
"I've seen the painting. It doesn't look good."
"Oh yea?"
"It's me, a painting of me. It looks like at 8:12 tonight, Something bad is gonna happen to me."
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Re: Claire Voskamp: A Heroes Journey
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2008, 04:46:47 AM »
Finally, I pulled myself out of my mental block!
SPOILERSSSSSSS well I'm pretty sure anyways. Doesn't matter, if you haven't seen Heroes season one episode 9, I don't recommend reading this chapter just in case.

Chapter Seven:

Okay this wouldn't be easy to do. I met Peter at Isaac's house.

"We have to get to Odessa, as soon as possible."
"Luckily I found some money then!" I said.
We went to the airport and booked a flight. I had a couple hundred dollars from my parents room, but if they found out, they would kill me! I guess I didn't have to worry about that yet. It took a while to get a flight, so we waited at the airport for what seemed like forever.

We got to Odessa, hours later. The flight was long and boring, but it was still cool, I even got a window seat.
"Thanks for coming along" Peter said.
"It's alright."

We took a taxi from the airport to the "Burnt Toast" Diner, so we could meet Hiro and Ando. But only Ando was there. We told the taxi to wait for a little while.
"Ando?" Peter said. He went over and shook his hand. "Hey, I'm Peter Petrelli."
I shook his hand too. "I'm Claire."

"I'm so sorry it took forever to get here. I couldn't get a flight, and the taxi's in this town. We still have time. Where's Hiro?" Peter asked.
Ando told us to go inside the diner.

He showed us a picture of Hiro.
"Hiro travelled back in time to rescue Charlie. I told him it wasn't a good idea, Peter Petrelli might call, but he insisted." Ando explained.
"What happened to her?" Peter asked.
"She was killed."
Peter put the picture back on the wall.
"We were sitting right here." Ando pointed at the seat, walking towards it. "It all happened so fast. The next thing we know, she was dead, and the killer was gone in a flash."
He said something else in Japanese.
"What?" Peter asked.
"Boogeyman." Ando said.

"Hiro said maybe it's the same man that is going to attack the cheerleader. I told Hiro that it's too risky but Hiro says a man who is too afraid to use power, does not deserve to have power."
"I know when and I know where the cheerleader gets attacked. I have to stop it." Peter took a picture out of his pocket.
"Is this you?" Ando asked.

"You have a power right?" Ando pointed at Peter. "Super strength? You bend time and space like Hiro?"
"No.. I kind of absorb the abilities of others." He looked at me. "Except yours."
I shrugged.
"And only when they are close." Peter continued. "Truthfully, When I'm by myself I'm not really anything." Peter looked at the clock.

"We got less than an hour." He said. "It happens at 8:12. We have to go."
Peter grabbed his jacket. "You coming?" He asked Ando.
"No. I will wait for Hiro. Without him I am not really anything either. Maybe you should wait too." Ando held out the picture of Peter.
"There's no time." Peter said, grabbing the picture. "I have to save the cheerleader. Let's go." He said to me.

"But Peter!" Ando said. Peter stopped to look at Ando.
"You die."
Peter looked back, but kept walked out of the diner. We went back to the taxi and got in. We made our way towards to school.

We finally got there with a little bit of time to spare.
"You go that way." I pointed. "I'll go this way."
"Should we really separate?" He asked.
"It's just for a little while."
I walked off by myself. I knew I wouldn't be able to help from where I was. But I knew Jackie died and I thought I would stuff up everything if I saved her. So I had no clue what to do.

I tried to remember what was going to happen. I remembered finally, I knew that Peter met Claire without realising, so I walked back to where I originally left Peter. I didn't want to rush, I wanted to make sure I didn't tire myself out.
Peter was walking away from Claire by the time I got there.
"That was Claire you idiot." I said.
"What? It was?" He pointed at a display of newspaper articles and pictures. "Are you sure this isn't the girl?"
"Jackie Wilcox. Nope she's not. Anyways I just came to point that out. I'm going this way now." I said, walking off.

Peter must think I am so weird. But then again, who doesn't?
I looked behind me, and he was walking through the doors at the end of the hallway.
I went to go and find the girls locker room. I hid down another hallway, because I remembered that Sylar could be anywhere.
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Re: Claire Voskamp: A Heroes Journey
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2008, 05:59:14 AM »
EVEN MORE SPOILERS!! Don't read if you haven't seen up to Season One Episode Nine! This ones exciting!  :)

Chapter Eight:

I finally got closer to the girls locker room, I could hear Claire and Jackie arguing from a distance. The lights went out.
"Public Schools suck!" Jackie said loudly.
Where the heck was Peter. I forgot what he was doing, maybe I should have told him to come with me. Oh well.
"Hello?" I heard Claire's voice.
"Stop it, you're freaking me out!" Jackie said.
"I thought I heard something."
"You're imagining it, let's go."

I had to pick my moment, I didn't wanna run in there and start screaming about Sylar, they would think I was a crazy person and probably run away from me.
"What is your problem?" Jackie said. "What the hell?"
Jackie kept talking loudly. Oh noes. I saw Sylar from where I was hiding. Time to move.
Aw crap Aw crap Aw crap. My mind was racing. I had to do something, but I knew there was no way to help Jackie.

Sylar grabbed Jackie and held her up by her throat. Claire lunged at him, but he hit her, making her slam against some lockers. She landed at a bad angle, and her arm was broken. Now it really was time to move.

I threw a hologram around me so that Sylar could see it. It was a hologram of Sylar. I thought it would be the perfect disguise.
This was such a bad idea. I sped towards him, and punched on the side of his face. I knew it was a bad idea. Terrible actually.

He tried to hit me, and missed as I sped slightly to the left, but he got me on the second try. I flew back, hitting the lockers not too far away from Claire. I fell to the floor awkwardly. Ouch. I put my hand up to my lip, I tasted blood, I think I bit it when I fell down. I looked down at my hand, and saw blood.

Jackie was screaming, so I knew in a few minutes Peter would come running.
Sylar covered her mouth so she wasn't as loud.
Sylar started to take Jackie's brain. You know, he points his finger and then you get the scar on your head. How else to describe it? I don't know.

I rushed over to Claire, She was putting her arm back into place. I made sure my hologram was only visible to Sylar and not Claire.
"Are you okay?" I said quietly. "It's alright."

Claire got up. Sylar looked at us. The hologram was still around me. I considered putting it around Claire but I didn't. His eyes went from me to Claire. Claire's face was healing itself.
"Run" Jackie managed to gasp. Sylar dropped Jackie, and she fell to the floor. Sylar stopped and stared at us.
"Let's get out of here." I whispered.
We both ran out of the locker room. Down the hall Claire bumped into Peter.

"Claire?" He said, looking at me. Then he looked at the other Claire. "Are you Okay?" She was covered in blood.
"Peter!" I said. "We gotta move."
"Run! Go!" He yelled, seeing Sylar. Sylar stood at the end of the hallway.

"Keep going, Run!" Peter stopped to look at Sylar. I stopped too.
"What are you doing? We gotta get out of here." I said.
Sylar threw lockers toward us. I got out of the way, but one of them hit Peter. He began to run. "Oh now you run" I said. Sylar walked towards me.

Okay I decided to run now too. I was a second behind Peter but not for long with my super-speed. We caught up to Claire, who had kinda fallen down on the steps outside.
Peter helped to pick her up.
"Run" Peter said, and we all ran up the stairs.
We got to the top. Sylar was still only walking towards us.

We all looked back at him.
"What is it?" Claire asked Peter.
"Go to the stadium, okay, find people, find light, he doesn't want to be seen!" Peter replied.
"What about you guys?"
'Don't worry about that, just go!" He said.
"I'll stay with you, Peter." I told him.
"No, go with her. Find people."
"I wasn't asking you Peter. I was telling you. I'm staying here." I said.

"Go!" Peter said to Claire. She just stood there. "GO" He yelled, pointing.
Claire ran off. Then suddenly, pretty much out of nowhere Sylar appeared. I was closer, and he hit me. I fell back.

Then he lunged at Peter, and both of them fell off of the ledge to the ground below. I looked down at them. I stood up, slightly limping in pain. Geez what a wuss. I started walking, then used my super-speed to get down to where Peter and Sylar lay.

I knew Sylar got up and walked away sometime soon. I stood back, hidden behind a column of the building. Sure enough Sylar began to get up, he looked at Peter, thinking he was dead, and ran away, limping. Once he was out of sight, I went over to Peter.
A noise to my left startled me. It was Claire, coming out of the school building.

We both went over to Peter. He coughed a couple of times and tried to sit up. He twisted his leg back into place. Gross. He groaned in pain. His face was healing.
"How did you?" Claire asked.
Peter looked around. "Where is he?"
"I don't know, he ran away before I got here."
"I saw him go that way." I pointed.
"Go get some help okay?"
"Okay, I'll be back."

She started to run off.
"Hey, what are your names?" She asked, turning to look back at us.
"I'm Claire" I replied. "This is Peter."
"My name's Claire too." She said.
"Are you the one?" Peter asked. "By saving you did I save the world?"
"I don't know. I'm just a cheerleader." She ran off to go get help.
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Re: Claire Voskamp: A Heroes Journey
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2008, 06:02:25 AM »
Okay hopefully from now on I don't have to warn you guys about the spoilers coz there will probably always be them from now on.

Chapter Nine:

"Geez Peter, you took a big fall." I said. It was easier than asking if he was okay, which I kind of felt was a stupid question even though he healed.
"Yea. I must have absorbed her ability. Which I don't get coz I didn't absorb yours."
"Yea." I tried to help him stand. "Ugh, You're too heavy." I got his blood all over me. Gross.
"Thanks" He said.

"So you saw Sylar get away?" He asked.
"Yea. I knew following him wouldn't do me any good."
"Uh huh." He looked at me. "Sorry."
"For what?" I asked.
"Well for one, dragging you into this mess, and for getting blood all over your jacket."
I looked down at it. It started off as a clean blue jacket. Ugh. It was now red and blue.
"I kinda volunteered. Well not for the blood, but you know what I mean."
I took off the jacket and threw it away in a nearby trash can. No point in keeping it.

The police got there a little while later.
"Ugh your foot! How did you not notice that?" I said.
He quickly put it back into place, as it was twisted off to the side.
"Put your hands on your head!" A police officer yelled to Peter.
I looked around "Me too?"
"What the hell? What's all that blood?" One of them said.
"What? This isn't what you think." Peter said.
"He didn't do anything wrong." I said.
"Alright hands up!" The cop yelled.

Peter got handcuffed and taken towards the car.
"He didn't do anything." I protested. "Look I have no where else to go, can I go with you?"
I got directed to the other car, away from Peter.
And so we were taken to the police station, but I wasn't able to see where Peter was taken. The police questioned me, and asked about all the blood. I didn't have a logical answer, so I couldn't help.
I sat in the waiting room for ages. I eventually fell asleep, leaning back on my chair.

I woke up, with people around me in the waiting room. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to leave, but I left anyways. I took a taxi from the police station to the school again.
"Thanks" I said, paying the cab driver.
I went into the school and looked for Hiro and Ando. I knew they would be there but I didn't know what time. It was already kind of late, no body had woken me up until now.

I finally saw them walking along. I was glad I had met Ando the other day, or they would think I was crazy.
"Ando!" I yelled, walking over to them. "Hey!"
They stopped to look at me.
"Hey." I said.
"Hello Claire." Ando said. "This is Hiro."
"Hey." I shook his hand. "Nice to meet you."

His phone began to ring. "Hello?" Hiro said, pausing. "Yes? Mr Isaac!"
I had completely forgotten about this. I had no way to tell Peter where I was or who I was with, but at least I could meet up with him later in New York, or call him sometime.
Ando said something in Japanese. Hiro turned around and replied in Japanese.
Ando kept talking in Japanese. I got annoyed.
"What?" I asked.
Ando got on the phone, speaking in English, telling Isaac to meet us at the Bus Depot later on.
"Can I go with you?" I asked.
"Okay." Ando said.

We all got into their car and head off towards the Bus Depot. We waited for quite a while.
Finally his bus came, and out came Isaac. Hiro and Ando went towards him. I stayed where I was at first.
"Hiro Nakamura?" Isaac said. "I presume."
Hiro did the Star Trek sign that he always seems to do. I got up and walked over to Isaac.
"Claire?" He asked.
"Hey." I said.

We all drove to the Burnt Toast Diner, I knew we were going to end up there again.
Yay Food! I was so hungry by this time. I can have some waffles!
"This hasn't even got to the printer yet!" Isaac said, looking down at the comic Hiro gave him. "It's incredible! You really went to the future."
We all sat down at a table.

"Jumping through time.." Isaac began.
"And space. Your power very strong too."
"I'm not so sure about that. I can only do it when I'm chasing."
Hiro and Ando looked confused.
"Uh. Stoned. On Drugs. Uh, what else did you see there?"
A lady came by to give us menus. I lunged at it and grabbed it.
"I saw the bomb." Hiro said. "It exploded the city and destroyed many things. And I saw you."
"What about me?" Isaac asked.
Hiro looked at Ando and he nodded.

"I saw you on the floor. You were dead. With your head cut off."
Isaac ran his hands through his hair. "Okay, the man who cuts off heads. He's taken care of."
"He's caught." Hiro said.
"That is very good news." Ando said. "Hiro lost a friend. The brain man killed her."
"Wait a minute." Isaac pulled a book out of his bag. "I painted this two days ago. Sober. Is this your friend?"

"I'm getting waffles." I accidentally said out loud. "Uh be right back." I went to order waffles.
I left them to talk, I didn't have much to say anyways.
"Quite recently, I painted a picture of a man.. exploding." Isaac said, as I came back to the table.
"How do you stop an exploding man?" Hiro asked.
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Re: Claire Voskamp: A Heroes Journey
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2008, 06:05:18 AM »
No spoilers in this.

Chapter 10:

So I finally ate my waffles. I was still in Texas and I was wondering about how I would get back 'home' to New York.
Isaac, Hiro and Ando decided to go to a hotel. I didn't really want to go, I kind of wanted to start heading back to New York as soon as I could.
"I'm going to go for a while, I'll probably meet up with you later, maybe not." I said, putting my bag on my back.
I gave Isaac my phone number just in case.
I could go straight the airport now by taxi, or I could go to the bus depot.

I called a taxi and got one to the city. I figured I would stay for a while and then go back to New York.
I went to grab some food at a nearby fast food restaurant. I passed by the high school as I walked to the fast food place. I ate the food, trying to figure out what to do next. I left the restaurant and stopped outside, searching for my iPod. I was looking down, so I didn't notice that Eden came out of a car and walked towards me.

"Hey." She said.
"What?" I looked up. "What are you doing here?"
"You need to come with me." She was using her power against me! No!
"No." I said, but it was like my legs wanted to walk to the car. I tried to super-speed away from her, but it wouldn't work. I looked around, and sure enough there was the Haitian standing there.
I got into the car.
"Now you need to sleep." She said.
I fell back on the seat, falling asleep, I couldn't stop myself.

I woke up suddenly. I was in a brightly lit room. I looked around.
"What the *beeeep*" I said. I looked down, seeing that I was wearing a white t-shirt and white pants. Creepy.
I was at Primatech Paper! Noooo!
I also remembered something. Sylar was caught! That means he was here too! Whoa oh's! That also meant Eden would be killed soon, even though technically she shot herself and all.

I paced around the room for a while. I tried to open the door which was locked. It wasn't as bad as Sylar's cell, but I knew I probably wouldn't be able to get out anytime soon.
I sat down on the bed in the centre of the room. I was bored as heck.
The door opened. My eyes shot to the door. In came Noah Bennet. AKA Claire's Dad.
I could see the Haitian standing outside the door.
I stood up.

"What do you want?" I asked.
"I hear you have an ability. Don't try to use it, it won't work. Not with my friend here."
"I already know what he does. He steals memories and stops people like me from using abilities." I said.
"You do? You have super-speed am I correct?"
"No." I said lamely. Like he didn't know already, I was careless and I let Eden find out about my abilities.

I concentrated on using my ability, it wasn't going to work, but I decided to try anyways.
If the Haitian wasn't there, I could have easily sped outside and gotten away.
"You know, I helped save your daughter. And this is the thanks I get?" I said, holding my hands outstretched.
"Yea, and you wouldn't have been able to do it without abilities. Come with me." Noah said.
"Fine." We walked out of the room and into another room, with a desk.

"Sit down" I stared suspiciously at the chair. Oh man Oh man Oh man.
I sat down. There was some weird thing in front of me. It had about 10 buttons on it, all random colours and in random spots. Looked like a kids toy gone crazy.
"What is it?" I asked. Noah sat down on a chair on the opposite side of the desk.
"It's to test your speed and agility."
"Oh yea?" I asked.

"All you have to do, is hit each button as they light up." He explained.
"Do I have to?" I stared at the contraption.
"Yes. It will give you a slight shock through the back of the chair if you miss a button."
"Aw man." I said.
"You ready?" He asked.
I grumbled and then said "Yes."

A blue button lit up. I pressed it. The buttons were lighting up quite slow at first, but it began to get quicker and quicker until I had to use my super-speed to keep up. I got tired out because I had to rush so quickly. I missed a button. The shock ran through my back.
"Ah!" I cried out. It startled me but it didn't really hurt. "I'm finished." I told him

Noah shut down the machine.
"That was weird." I said.
Some one else walked in the room that I didn't know. Looked like a doctor.
"Okay Claire, I'm gonna need to take some blood."
"No!" I protested.
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Re: Claire Voskamp: A Heroes Journey
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2008, 06:08:10 AM »
No spoilers really. This chapters probably boring.

Chapter Eleven:

For the next few days I had to do all these stupid tests for my super-speed. I hadn't said anything about my other abilities yet, but I was getting really sick of having to use super-speed all the time, it was tiring me out heaps.

I fell asleep during one test! That's how bad it was getting. I wondered if it was possible for them to find out I had other abilities through my blood tests. Probably not, but who knows?
It would have to show something considering my abilities can’t be absorbed by Peter.

"Claire." A doctor came in to talk to me. "Your DNA –" They went into long talk about DNA and my blood test. I glazed over, having no idea what they were on about.
"Claire?" They asked.
"What?" I said, snapping out of my daze.
"Super-speed isn't your only ability is it?" Noah Bennet said, as he walked into the room.

"And you think that why?" I asked.
"Your DNA is quite similar to Sylar's, in the way that he has taken on other abilities."
"Well, the conclusion is that you have other abilities."
'You can't prove it." I said.

"You could show us."
"Not gonna happen." I said. Okay so it was kind of obvious now that I had other abilities, but since they had no idea what they were, I could keep them hidden for now.
Noah left the room.

I figured it was nearly lunch time, I had no other way to find out the time except when food came.
I decided to try something out.
Because I hadn't really tried all that hard to escape yet, as I was waiting for the right moment, I usually got the food brought into my room. This time they would be in for a shock.

I sat in one corner of the room and stayed very still and quiet. Someone came in to give me lunch.
"What?" They muttered, looking around the room. The door was still open, how easy it would be to leave. I had thrown a hologram of an empty room. If they came over here, they would find me, because I couldn't make force fields or anything like that, but for now I was safe.

They pressed a button on the outside of my room but stayed at the door. It was a security thing I guess. I couldn't get out if that damn person wouldn’t get out of the way. Two security guards came in a couple minutes later with Noah Bennet.
"How did she escape?" He asked
I tried to keep as quiet as possible. I didn't want this plan to backfire.
"Walking through walls?" He said. "Could it be invisibility? Maybe she's still in this room."

"Go on, check!" Noah said.
The two guards came in the room, getting closer to where I sat. I slowly stood up, as quiet as I could. I slowly crept towards the door. I was a second away from the door, when Noah decided at that moment he would walk into the room. He walked straight into me.
"What the?"
Damn. I was a second away from getting the heck out of here.

Of course, my little stunt made everything worse. I had revealed an ability and I was careless once again. I had to do more tests to show all my other abilities. I guess co-operating would be easier, but I didn't want to.
During a test, on a treadmill, I got tired and I jumped off.
"Hey what are you doing?"

"I'm sick of this!!" I yelled. "I'm leaving!" I went over to the door, which was of course locked.
I knocked over the desk in the middle of the room in anger. I felt really tired all of a sudden, and the floor rushed up to meet me. Everything went black.

I woke up in a room with bright blue lights. I was laying down on some weird table thing and I had weird cord like things stuck to my head. There was a machine next to me, making random beeping noises.
"What the *beeeep*" I said. I tried to sit up but I couldn't.
A little while later, Noah Bennet and the Haitian walked in.

"How are you Claire?" He said.
I just ignored him and tried to sit up again.
"You're finally awake, that's a good sign."
"What?" I said. "How long was I out?"
"Two days."

"Two days?? What? Why?"
"We're not sure yet."
"What’s this machine?" I asked.
"It's measuring your resting rate."

For the next couple of days it was more tests of course, because of my stupid fainting spell.
I began to plan my escape. I had thought of half a dozen ideas that I knew would fail somehow. I needed a better escape plan. I knew Sylar was here, and that he escaped soon but I wasn’t sure the exact day or anything like that.
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Re: Claire Voskamp: A Heroes Journey
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2008, 06:10:34 AM »
Spoilers, yes i think so.

Chapter Twelve:

I was being tested again, but that's nothing new. Sometime during the day the guards went crazy. It must have been Sylar escaping. I heard thuds down the hall. I looked at the guard that stood in my room, and I threw a hologram around me, to look like I wasn't there. I watched as Sylar walked past my window. He looked right at me, but I knew he couldn't see me. He looked at the guard, who rushed out of the room, holding his gun.

Sylar used his telekinesis to throw him backwards and the guard fell to the ground. He continued to walk down the hall. I kept the hologram around me, and walked out of the room, stopping on the way out to pick up the guards gun, just in case. I followed Sylar down the hall, trying to be quiet. He walked out of the building, and kept going.

I decided not to follow him, I already knew he would go to the Bennet house, but Claire wouldn't be there. I had to get back to New York, as soon as I could. I went into the office parts of Primatech, and I found all my stuff, in my bag, including my shoes.
I walked out of the building, trying to find a clothing store to get out of this slightly weird outfit. Sylar was wearing clothes stolen from Primatech, but I didn't know where to get them.

I rushed into the first clothing store I saw.
I got changed and paid for the clothes. I walked out and caught a taxi to the airport. I had lost track of how many days I was stuck at Primatech. I checked my phone. I had missed a couple calls from Mohinder. I guess I'd call him when I got back to New York.

I took the quickest flight to NY, so I didn't have to wait all that long.
I got back later that evening, and as soon as I was back home, I crashed on the couch and fell asleep almost instantly. I woke up in the middle of the night and moved to my bed. I would call Mohinder tomorrow.

I woke up in the afternoon. The first thing I did after breakfast was call Mohinder.
The phone was busy a few times but finally he picked up.
"Hey Mohinder. It's Claire. Sorry I took so long to reply to your call."
"That's fine. I need to speak with you. In person if that’s alright. Where are you?"
"I'm at my house, in New York. I could come to you."
He gave me the address and I got a taxi over there.

I got there about half an hour later.
"Hey." I said. He let me in.
"I've been trying to call people, the people just like you. I'm sorry I left like that, in such a hurry."
"I did seem kind of crazy." I admitted.
"Well now everyone seems to think that I'm the crazy one, I've tried to call a lot of people, and most of them hang up on me. Until earlier, I got a message from a man named Zane Taylor."

That stopped me in my tracks. I knew Sylar would kill him, but I knew there was no way we could get to his house in time.
"I'll go with you." I said, before he even had time to ask.
"All the way to Virginia Beach?"
"Yea, I will go with you. I have nothing better to do."

Mohinder got his stuff ready, and I made sure I had warmer clothes. Mohinder drove us all the way to Virginia Beach, taking up most of the day. On the way there, I explained to him that I didn't want to reveal my powers to anyone unless we knew 100% that we could trust them. I wanted to keep my brain a little while longer, but I didn’t tell him that.
Finally we got there. Oh. My. God. I was going to actually meet Sylar.
Freaky and cool at the same time.
Mohinder pressed the door bell.

"Hello? Zane Taylor?" He asked.
I tried not to yell out "Oh my god Sylar!" It was tempting, real tempting.
"Yes." Said Sylar. "You must be Dr Suresh. Come on in." He opened the door for us.
"Who are you?" He asked me.
"Uh I'm Claire. Mohinder's.. friend." I said. We walked in carefully, there were weird puddles everywhere on the floor.
"Can I get you some tea?" Sylar asked us.
"Sorry it took us so long to get here." Mohinder said.
"No, it's no problem."

He peeked his head out of the door in the kitchen. I knew the real Zane Taylor was dead in that kitchen, but what could I do?
"Is Earl Gray okay?" He asked.
"Yes that'll be fine." Mohinder answered.
I stared at one of the puddles on the floor, trying to think of one good reason this power was useful in any way. I really couldn't come up with anything.
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Re: Claire Voskamp: A Heroes Journey
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2008, 06:13:53 AM »
Chapter Thirteen:

"You sounded rather alarmed on the phone." Mohinder said. "You seem to have calmed down some."
"I had a kind of epiphany about it this morning."
I kept my eyes on the puddle. I didn't want to accidentally burst into laughter because Sylar was so good at playing nice. The puddle was quite interesting. I think it used to be a lamp?

"I guess you want to see my ability." Sylar said.
That made me pay attention. I'd love to see something getting melted. Psh yea right.
"Yes, I'm quite anxious to document it."
Sylar picked up a toaster and put it on a plastic sheet like thing. "You might want to stand back. That looks like a nice jacket." Dun dun dun.. I thought.
He melted the toaster. What can I say. Bravo. Awesome. I tried to not laugh. It was hard.

"My god." Mohinder muttered.
I said nothing, trying to keep a straight face.
"You wanna see it again?"
Mohinder smiled. Yay! An excuse to break free from the straight face.
"Gee, that's useful." I said, rolling my eyes. Sylar gave me a look. I shrugged.
He sat down across from Mohinder.

"I'm very interested on how you control this ability." Mohinder said.
"It's like riding a bike for the first time. At first it's a little wobbly. And then I discovered something. A kind of peace. A sense of purpose. That can only be described as destiny."
Mohinder pulled something out of his bag. "I'd like to take a DNA sample."
"From me? Okay, sure." Sylar said.
Mohinder handed him the swab thing. "Just swab it on the inside of your mouth."

Sylar grabbed it and looked at it, then looked into the kitchen. "The tea." He said, pointing. "If you'll excuse me for a second." He got up and walked into the kitchen.
"Of course." Mohinder said. He then spoke more quietly to me. "Are you sure you don't want to tell him about your abilities?"
"I don't think it’s a good idea yet. Keep it down though, I don't want him to hear."

"I just swab it on the inside of my cheek?" Sylar asked from the kitchen.
"Yes that's right." Mohinder said, standing up. He walked slowly towards the kitchen. I stayed where I was, no reason to get up. Mohinder made it to the kitchen.
"There you go." Sylar said, handing him the swab. "DNA sample."
"Thank you. You know, you should be careful about who you talk to about these abilities, Zane."

Sylar came back to sit down next to me.
"There are people that won't understand, or try to hurt you." Mohinder continued.
"Why would anybody want to hurt me?" Sylar asked.
Oh, I could think of a few reasons. But that's just me.
"I don't know yet, but I do know this, there are others out there, like you."
"Really? How many others?"
"Dozens. And those are just the ones I know about. With more time, and research I could find hundreds, thousands. But you're the first one who's returned my phone calls. But I am going to find them, All of them."

Sylar stood up. "I could go with you. I could help you. Think about it, these people could need convincing. Who better to do that?" He looked at me. "So you're not, like me?"
"No." I said. Mohinder shot me a look, but I ignored it. There was no way I was going to admit that I had abilities to Sylar.
Mohinder smiled at Sylar. He believed him.

We worked out that we would go to Montana, to meet a woman named Dale who had super hearing. I knew what Sylar would do, and I would try and stop it.
I sat in the back seat on the way there and I fell asleep during the trip.

We got to Dale's house later that day.
"Holy crap!" I said, getting out the car.
"What is it?" Mohinder said.
"Snow!" I burst out into laughter and I didn't know why. I picked up some snow.

I couldn't let snow distract me, no matter how cool it was. I realised how cold my hand was, and I dropped the snow.
"Before we go in, I just wanted to say thanks." Sylar said.
"For what?"
"For, you know, bringing me with you. You didn't have to do that."
"I'm glad for the extra company."
"I believe in fate, Mohinder, and karma. And I'm not just saying that because you’re Indian."

I turned away so they couldn’t see my face, I was trying not to laugh.
"I mean, you really came to my rescue. I won't forget that."
I stared at the snow, getting an itch to make a snowman, and Mohinder and Sylar went ahead, walking into the garage. I realised that I should be following them, so I did.
"Excuse me!" Mohinder said loudly. "Excuse me!"
Dale was welding something, with a helmet on. She took it off.

"Oh." She said.
I could hear the rap music coming from the headphones.
She took them out of her ears. "Rap music. Can't stand it, but it's the only thing I found that cancels out the –" She paused. "Can I help you?"

"We're looking for Dale Smither?" Mohinder said.
"You found her."
"Oh, of course. I'm Mohinder Suresh, and this is Mr. Taylor."
"It's Zane, actually, just Zane." Sylar said.
"I'm Claire." I said, and I wondered how many freaking people I had to introduce myself to.

"I left you several messages this week."
"Yea, I got em." Dale said.
"Uh, I believe I can help you with what's happening to you. I'm sure you have lots of questions."
"Yea, only one. How'd you find me?"
"You gave blood, eleven years ago, signed a consent form for it to be used in the Human Genome Project."
"You dialled the wrong number." She said.
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Re: Claire Voskamp: A Heroes Journey
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2008, 06:16:21 AM »
First things first. To everyone who's read this, and commented, you all rock. Thanks for the feedback.

Chapter Fourteen:

"Look, I know what you're thinking right now, that you've got nobody to talk to, nobody that understands what you're going through. But that's not true. I..I understand." Sylar said.
"Yea?" Dale said.
Sylar looked at Mohinder and he nodded. Sylar went over to the table and emptied a jar. He put a wrench into the jar. And then he melted the wrench.

"Damn." Dale said. "That was my best wrench. So there really are others, huh?"
"Yes. I'm proof of that."
"That's why we're here." Mohinder said.
"I thought the headaches at first were gonna kill me. I'd lie awake at night thinking that my head was gonna explode. A ****roach crawling across my neighbours floor was like a marching band parading through my house."
"I'm sorry, it must be quite a burden."

"A burden?" Dale laughed. "Hell no. This is the best damn thing that ever happened to me. Well now that I've learned to control it. I'm like superman or something. I can hear rain coming from 40 miles away. I can even hear someone's moods, the tiniest change in a heartbeat." She looked straight at Sylar. 'Yours for instance."
Sylar looked uncomfortable.

"It's racing kind of fast. You nervous about something?" Dale asked him.
"Um, no, I'm just excited to meet somebody like me."
"Well, if you've come to take it away from me, you're gonna have a hell of a fight on your hands."
"I can assure you that we only want to help." Mohinder said. "I'd like to perform a few tests, some questions really, that's all, shouldn't take more than a couple of hours."
"I'm kinda backed up today."

"We can come back in the morning." Mohinder said.
Dale nodded. "Okay." Then she walked away to get back to her work.
We drove to a motel, after stopping at a diner on the way to get dinner.

"We could get three rooms." Mohinder said.
"Why? I mean, why the extra room, can't two of us share?" I said. I obviously didn't want to share a room with Sylar, but this idea was easier.
"I'll share with you." I said to Mohinder. "I'll sleep on the couch, I don't mind."
Mohinder walked into the motel office to get us the rooms.

He parked the car in front of our motel rooms.
We all went to the boot of the car to get our things.
"You know, I have to admit Zane, when you first offered to help, I was cautious." Mohinder admitted.
I quickly grabbed my stuff out of the boot.
"In what way?" Sylar asked.
"I don't know you, You don't know me. It could have been a disaster. But you made a difference today. Here's your key."
I just managed to see the evil look in his eyes once he grabbed the key.

"When you told that woman Dale you could help her, is that really possible?"
"It's only theoretical at this point. But I am working on an inhibitor."
He said some stuff I didn’t quite understand.
"We can offer these people understanding, control, or if needed, elimination of their ability."
"Elimination? You make it sound like a virus or a plague." Sylar said.
"I'm sorry. I didn’t mean to imply. It's just not all of these people exhibit the same set of skills that you do. They could be dangerous."
I realised how funny that was. Mohinder was still clueless but I didn't think it would be a good decision to tell him about Sylar.

"My father had to learn that first hand."
"Hows that?" Sylar asked.
"He was murdered. By a man named Sylar."
Whoa oh's.
"What happened, to this Sylar?" He asked.
Oh gee I don't know YOU'RE STANDING RIGHT THERE!! I thought to myself.
"I'm not sure." Mohinder said.

"He just got away with killing your dad?" Sylar asked. It was like he was almost talking in third person. Weird.
"I only know he's gone, locked away. What does it matter? Even if I could come face to face with him, what difference would it make? Justice can never really be served."

I considered somehow ending this conversation, but since I wasn't talking there probably wasn’t anything I could say.
"What a shame." Sylar said. He turned away. "They're out there. I can feel them. So innocent, so unaware of what's happening to them. We'll find them. All of them. Together. The three of us." He looked at me.

He was probably wondering why I was even there with Mohinder. Sooner or later he'd probably figure out who I was.
"It's our destiny." He said.
I rolled my eyes when he looked back at Mohinder.
"I'm gonna call it a night."
"Yea." Mohinder said quietly.
"Catch you in the morning." Sylar opened his room and walked in.
I followed Mohinder into the room.

I went and laid down on the couch, trying to stay awake. I couldn't fall asleep, I knew what Sylar would do, and I wanted to try and stop it. I think I fell asleep a couple of times, but I kept waking back up. I thought I heard the door opening in Sylar's room. A few minutes later, I got up. I looked over at Mohinder, who was asleep. I left the room as quietly as I could. Our motel wasn't all that far away from Dale's house, and since Mohinder had the keys to the car, Sylar must have left on foot.
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Re: Claire Voskamp: A Heroes Journey
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2008, 06:19:52 AM »
Okay, in this chapter I use my hologram power, and It speaks with Dale's voice. I know that I probably wouldn't be able to do that with voices, but I couldn't think of anything else, so just deal with it. Plus *SPOILER* one girl in season 2 can create voices, and her power is holograms/illusions or whatever so, I technically could do it too.

Chapter Fifteen:

I knew that this was the worst idea ever, and that going against Sylar was just stupid. But I had no other choice, because I didn't want to do nothing. I wish I had brought that gun along, the one I picked up at Primatech but I had left that at my house. It probably wouldn't have done that much good anyways.

I looked around, I couldn't see Sylar anywhere, and thank god for that. I began to walk away from the motel, once I was in darkness, I would use my speed to get to Dale's house as soon as I could, who knows he could already be there.

I started to think of what I could do. The odds didn't favour me, I could even die tonight if I wasn't careful. I had bought a lighter a couple of days ago, which I wish I had done earlier. If I could manipulate, but not create fire, then a lighter would be good to bring along wherever I go. But other than that, I had no weapon but my powers. I was going to get my ass kicked and I knew it.

I got to Dale's house a bit later on. I couldn't see Sylar anywhere, but the thing is he was probably hiding in plain sight. If I could get there a bit earlier than him, I could warn Dale, and try to get her out of there. I walked into the garage, still no sign of Sylar, so I hoped I was there before him. I finally saw Dale, working underneath a car. She was sure to hear me coming, as I remembered that she couldn’t hear Sylar coming because he didn’t make any footsteps.

She came out from under the car, taking her headphones out of her ears.
"What are you doing here?" She asked me.
"Look, you need to get out of here. You're in danger."
"From what?"
"One of those guys you met, Zane. He's not who he says he is. You have to leave, or he'll kill you!" I said.
"How do you know this?"
"Look, it's a long story, but I don't want your death on my conscience, so please, get out of here before he kills you!"

"Alright, I'll go up to the house." She walked away, looking at me strangely.
"Good, stay there." I had no idea whether she believed me, but I had to take that chance. I went back over to the car. I sat close by and made a hologram appear. It was a hologram of Dale working underneath the car. I knew this was a good idea. I just hoped it worked.

I knew what happened originally, so I decided to keep it as close to that as possible. I was hidden by the hologram, I stood close to the hologram of Dale, but as far as anyone was concerned, I wasn't there.

Holo Dale got up from underneath the car. She took her headphones out of her ears, and looked around, scared. She looked into the darkness.
It was then that I saw Sylar standing there. I was pretty scared myself. I had to make sure I didn’t let this hologram slip just yet.

I had practised this many times before. I was able to project voices but only short sentences, I hadn't perfected it. Some words sounded awfully close to my own voice, but I was still able to make a sentence or two come out, it was pretty much me talking, but I somehow was able to project my voice to sound like other peoples voices, just enough. If this stuffed up, I was screwed.

"Funny, I didn't hear your footsteps." The hologram said. Her voice sounded so close to mine, it was scary.
"That's because there weren't any." Sylar said, stepping out of the shadows.
"That sound, in your heart. What is it?" The hologram said. Again the voice was so close to mine. That was all I would be able to make her say. It was just enough.
"Murder." He said. He pointed at her head, making the red line of blood appear. This wouldn't work for very long and I knew it. If he went to take her brain, he would realise that she wasn't really there and that she was a hologram.

I screamed, basically in my own voice, but I made it seem like the hologram was doing it. He leaned down, and went to take her brain. His hand went straight through her head.
I came up invisibly behind him. I kicked him in the back, making him fall straight down. The hologram of Dale disappeared as he landed. I made myself look like Dale, keeping the hologram on me.
"How are you doing this?" He said, getting back up.

He came closer to me, and tried to punch me. It was extremely hard to use two powers at once, but I managed to speed slightly to the left, making him miss.
I used my super speed to punch him in the face a couple of times. He tried to punch me back, hitting me in the side of my face hard. I fell backwards, but quickly got back up.
My hologram wavered for a slight second, but luckily he didn't see.

I stood up, and walked closer to Sylar. His eyes watched me curiously, waiting to see what I would do next.
Just when I was about to make my move, he used his telekinesis on me, making me slam back into a wall. I fell down on the ground, and I managed to slightly sit up, but it was too hard to get up so quickly.
He walked towards me slowly, and I almost freaked out. He was going to kill me.
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