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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #4425 on: April 15, 2014, 06:19:52 PM »
" apologies."  Rathien withdraws his hand after shaking Gallant's.  "I can be off-putting...sometimes I indulge my animalistic side to a fault."  He grins wide, clearly showing his fang-like canines.  "After all, when you get down to it, we're all animals, and animals are more than forward with their desires.  I can pass myself off as refined, but it's hard to force a wolf into so-called civil conformity."  Rathien drinks from his fourth glass, slowing down a bit.  "But if that answer is too existential for you, let me give you another.  Life is short and liquor makes it quicker, so I don't waste time."  He smiles again, raising his glass toward Gallant before taking another sip.

"This place is a...what did he call it?  A dimensional nexus or some such.  A bunch of...mulitiverses.. .converge here, thanks to him."  Rathien points at the BT with his thumb.  "He controls who can find this place, and I can only guess that this is how he entertains himself."  He shrugs.

He arches his eyebrow at Gallant.  "A Temser is a...well a Yeerk special forces operative, if you will.  And usually a commander of Yeerk forces to boot.  Our lovely friend has shown enough intelligence, ruthlessness, and fanaticism to be chosen for that role by her tyrannical imperial government."  He smiles at Elriss.  "In short, she's deliciously dangerous."
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #4426 on: April 16, 2014, 05:41:08 PM »
"She seems delicious in general to me, although quite interesting in her presentation of this government of hers," Gallant says, putting his arms behind his head and lazing about in his chair. "She implies that I can join the place, though I'm no native--- and Dread Lord knows what that means. They're either lax in their entry requirements or there is a highly specific...less than desirable one."

"As for multiple universes, doubtless we are from different places," says Gallant with some interest. "So you and the Temser come from the same general area, then. There are no Yeerks nor Andalites where I live--- Only humans."

Gallant's expression shifts to one of slight worry. He must be very, very far from home. And he had no idea how he was to get back, even if he was entertained by his present company.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #4427 on: April 16, 2014, 07:01:37 PM »
Rathien chuckles as Gallant mentions "joining" the Yeerks, but raises his eyebrows as the man mentions that there are no Yeerks or Andalites where he's from.

"No Yeerks and no Andalites...interes ting.  I assume then that she didn't explain what a Yeerk is."  He flashes a look at Elriss before moving his gaze back to Gallant and continuing.  "The only way you'll 'join' the Yeerk Empire is if you allow yourself to be infested by one of them.  Yeerks are brain parasites...they enter hosts, usually through the ear canal, and insert themselves between the host's skull and brain.  Once enslaved, the host has no bodily control save that which is allowed by the Yeerk."  He glances at Elriss again.  "I doubt the Temser's host is voluntary...many hosts would kill themselves if given the opportunity.  Elriss's host is likely no different."  He moves his gaze back to Gallant.  "So unless you wish to be locked inside your own mind, I doubt you'll want to take her up on that offer."
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #4428 on: April 17, 2014, 08:12:15 AM »
In the time it's taken the armored man to draw his swords, Vixen has skittered backwards far enough to keep himself just out of sword range, and he stands stock straight, staring alertly straight at the man. The tips of his antlers pulse with white light.

"Whoa, whoa!" he yells. "Calm down! I wasn't attacking you!" He eyes the swords warily. "Man, you better put those things away. You're gonna put somebody's eye out." He rolls his eyes and mutters, "Give a guy a sword and suddenly he thinks he's ready for a duel." Speaking up, he addresses the swordman, "Why would I attack you? I've got nothing against you. If I'd wanted to hit you I would have. You were standing like three feet away."

Elriss listens to the conversation between Rathien and Gallant with growing interest-- and soon annoyance. Is Rathien trying to ruin her fun?

She reaches out to take Gallant's arm. "Don't listen to the idiot hunter," she says with a sweet smile and a slow drawl. "It's not nearly as bad as he makes it sound. Our arrangements are mutually beneficial."

<<Bull****,>> spits her host.

<<How much better has the quality of your life gotten since you met me?>>

"It's just that some people find it a little... off-putting at first," she continues. "But everybody has something to gain from us. For example," she turns an icy gaze on Rathien, but her voice remains sweet, "the idiot here might learn how to keep his mouth shut."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #4429 on: April 17, 2014, 02:10:35 PM »
Rathien turns his winning grin on Elriss.  "Oh come now, sweetie...if you truly have nothing to hide, why get upset when I enlighten the man?  Or didn't you really want him to know the absolute truth about your 'offer?'"  He chuckles a bit.  "Don't be ashamed of who and what you are, love.  Just accept your own parasitic nature...I don't remember saying that I have a problem with it."  Rathien tilts his head sideways a bit, still smiling winningly at Elriss.  "I just thought this attractive gentleman should have all of the pertinent information."  He takes another small sip from his tall glass running his tongue over a fang, his mind still running wild with the possibiities regarding Gallant, Elriss, and himself.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2014, 02:13:29 PM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #4430 on: April 18, 2014, 01:45:09 AM »
The man stood straight, leaving his stance, and lowered the smaller of two swords. The large sword, that seems as though a normal person would need two hands to wield, he keeps aloft, ready to strike. "You show little regard for those you 'have nothing against'. Shooting such an attack so closely next to one you've only just met and insulted. First you call me a liar stating my declarations of my situation are false, belittling my speech pattern even though we can understand each other perfectly, accusing me of misleading you in a tale of fancy, calling me a jester that performs with some sort of minstrel troop, and now you dare degrade my skills as a swordsman thinking me some child with no control. I am no fool, I speak plainly, I am not a liar, and I am no unwieldy child waving about a stick. I have held a sword since I was five. I have trained and lead armies of men. I have slain Bullette ((Bew-lay)), Hounds of Hell, countless undead, Dragons, and even a ten-headed Hydra. So hold your tongue and trouble me no more. I will have no more council with you for I have had quite enough of your folly."

With his last word, the man lowered his second sword, replacing them both upon his person. He then walked to the bar and ordered a beer. The bartender placed a large tankard of ale before the man and stood expectantly. He reached into his apron, withdrew a pad, and wrote upon it, "Cash or Tab". The man reached into his cloak and pulled out a single coin. The silver-looking coin cracked with electricity. He asked, "I assume you know its worth?" The bartender nodded, took the coin. He then circled the word "Tab" and put the coin along with the pad into his apron. The bartender went back to drying glasses as the armored man began drinking. He kept his eyes moving about the room and kept his left hand next to a group of throwing knives near his knee.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #4431 on: April 21, 2014, 12:21:43 AM »
Elriss flashes Rathien a smile, somewhere between cold and sensual. "Of course I believe in being honest, Mr. Rathien, But some things are best eased into. We in the Empire like to refer to it as 'tact.'" She flutters her eyelashes, "Now maybe that's beyond someone who can get by on good looks alone, but for the rest of us, it can come in handy." She leans close, her voice growing steely again, "Maybe you'd be better able to learn if we stopped all the pretense and assigned you to one of our people."

Vixen blinks after the man's tirade, slightly taken aback. "Hoo, man," he mutters to himself as he watches the man sit at a stool. "Touchy about his LARPing." He stands for a moment, indecision running through him. The man had said he'd slain 'undead,' and whether he was telling the truth or simply holding onto the swords for fun, one who would fight against the forces of darkness would be a help, especially in this place.

After a moment, he wanders over the the bartender. "Hey, what've you got that's, like, crazy fantasy themed around here?" he asks. The bartender simply stares at him. "Like, y'know, fairies and knights in shining armor and and wizards and all that?" Vixen presses. When the bartender again fails to move, Vixen sighs, "look, I'm just trying to figure out a good drink to buy my friend over there. Got anything dragon-themed?"

Without waiting for another word, the Bartender moves over to the newcomer, pouring him a tall glass of some thick, cloudy, golden liquid that seems to be steaming, even though the glass and liquid are ice cold.

A face appears behind Vixen, out of the shadows, out of the darkness. It's a small boy... or perhaps an artist's impression of a small boy. Its head is almost perfectly round and utterly smooth, its short reddish-brown hair appears to be painted on, and its large, perfectly round eyes are too large for its head.

"It hurt us, Genwa," a voice whispers, seeming to come from the ghostly apparition and the shadows and nowhere at all. By the time any of the patrons has had a chance to look more closely, however, the thing has disappeared, leaving only a chill in the air.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #4432 on: April 21, 2014, 07:02:51 PM »
The armored man glances at the glass, then to the bartender who nodded toward the reindeer. He exclaimed, "And I can not be bought." as he used the back of his hand to slide the glass across the counter back to the reindeer. He looked over toward the Elf talking to two other Humans. They looked rather enveloped in their conversation. He returned to his drink, finishing it. The questions running around in his mind were starting to pile up, clogging his thinking.

He asked toward the bartender, "Where am I? I don't know much of the Planes; but how is it that I went through the Gate and neither Moridan nor the dragon followed?" When the bartender merely gave him a silent, blank stare, he slammed a fist on the counter. He yelled out, "I am his protector! How am I to fulfill my oath if I don't know where he is? He will certainly die without me. With the way he acts out? He won't survive the first tavern he enters." He moves his hands in about stiffly and in an obvious pattern; paired with his gestures, he begins muttering aloud strange nonsensical gibberish. Inside the palm of his hands, an orb of green liquid begins to materialize from nowhere. As he gestures, his face begins to contort with frustration. He jerks his right shoulder a few times downward, his armor having caught in itself. He frees the movement of his right arm as the orb of liquid dissolves into nothingness. He grits his teeth and gives a primal growl. He grabs behind his back underneath his cloak and pulls a dagger. With a frustrated yell, he throws the dagger, sending it straight toward an unmarked bottle. The knife breaks the bottle and settles into the wall. The knife then unsticks itself from the wall and flies handle-back at he who threw it. The man catches it and places it back behind himself. The bartender raises his eyebrow at the man and ****s his head slightly. The armored man reaches into his cloak and takes out a few more coins, slamming them on the counter. He then marches outside, exiting the very same door he entered.

His eyes linger on the giant metal housings parked in front of the building and his eyes darken. He looks to the right and sees trees, blessed nature. His eyes soften and he lets out a sigh. He walks toward the tree line, placing a hand upon the symbol on his breast plate. He begins whispering to himself with half-closed eyes.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #4433 on: April 21, 2014, 08:08:35 PM »
Rathien chuckles again, sipping from his glass.  "Your people couldn't handle me...not that you'd ever get the chance."  He moves to ever-so-slightly drag one of his claws down the side of Elriss's face and under her chin.  "I don't even need my weapons."  He grins wide again, clearly showing his fangs.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #4434 on: April 23, 2014, 03:56:25 PM »
"What in the world was that, precisely?" states Mar, looking from Ike to the reindeer. The reindeer eventually re-enters the Bar, leaving Mar and his companion outside. Mar looks about awkwardly and then says to Ike, "....I think I will talk things over with that reindeer. It needs to understand it is a bad idea to attempt to kill people at random."

Mar wanders over awkwardly to where the reindeer is seated, and then crosses his arms and says to the reindeer, "I have little idea what you detect about me, but I mean not a soul in this Bar any harm. I came here..." Mar rubs his head, a twinge of irritation from his Father running through him at this line of thought. "....I came here to find an old friend. A....A paladin, I think."

Mar knew that wasn't quite right, and that there was something odd about him being a paladin--- but delving into it further seemed like a horrible idea.
Gallant raises an eyebrow, glancing at Elriss with something between amusement and irritation. "You were trying to deceive me into putting a magic creature into my skull that would deprive me of all ability to control my body? My, you're a tricky one."

Gallant turns towards Rathien with a bit of a smile, although it's clear he finds the Replicant-ish man very unnerving. It was something about the veiled threats in everything he said--- Noble he certainly was, in that respect. "Thank you for clearing that up, good Mirwind. Do you know anything of this war between Andalites and Yeerks?"
« Last Edit: April 24, 2014, 01:40:02 AM by Shenmue654 »

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #4435 on: April 23, 2014, 06:41:54 PM »
Rathien arches his eyebrows.  "I do, yes indeed."  He allows his eyes to rove over Gallant's body again.  "But information is precious, is it not?  That first bit was a freebie...but what do you offer in return for more, sir Regale?"  He smiles lasciviously.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #4436 on: July 25, 2014, 08:45:14 PM »
Engoa walks into the bar. The bartender raises an eyebrow at the new comer, why would he recognize the alien woman walking into the bar, her tail swinging from side to side. Bartenders are a dime a dozen, and they hardly ever lasted long. Engoa looked up into the rafters, idly hopes that somewhere deep in the shadows a familiar face might appear. Its been a well over a decade since she stood here, longer perhaps even. Memories are a tricky thing. The bar doesn't feel the same, it seems smaller and smells worse. There are rules posted on the wall, she disregards them.

Engoa crossed the room in a few strides and sat down on a bench, prepared to drink alone.

"What will you have tonight?" the bartender asks.

Engoa looks around, overwhelmed and starts heading back towards the entry.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #4437 on: July 25, 2014, 11:17:11 PM »
Rathien's eyes dart toward the newcomer as she walks in.  He finds his curiosity increasing, though he can't just walk away from the possibilities at hand.  He leans forward and places his elbow on the bar, leaning his head on his hand as he smiles winningly at Gallant.  "So?"  He winks at the man.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #4438 on: July 25, 2014, 11:47:53 PM »
Engoa jumps, startled by a voice behind her.  She turns to face the sound. He leans on his elbow, looking mildly confused as their eyes connect. He seems vaguely familiar, like deja vu. If she passed him anywhere else, she might not recognize him, even now she's not sure who it is she is looking at; can't quite put a name to a face.

"Do I know you? I feel as if we've met before, but it seems a lifetime ago." she says without breaking eye contact.

Uncomfortable with holding his gaze, she looks around the bar, several people are staring. Some seem to spark memories, many do not. Unsure of what she is doing, or why, she walks back towards the bar. The bartender places a cold beer before her, she wonders who ordered it.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #4439 on: July 26, 2014, 08:50:31 PM »
Rathien's pointed ears perk as the female newcomer addresses him.  She'd seemed introverted..perhap s this wasn't the case.  He shrugs at Gallant and turns his piercing blue eyes instead to look at the woman who'd spoken to him.  "Evening."  He crosses his ankles in front of his bar-stool, smiling.  "I'm afraid we've not met before...I certainly would remember a woman such as yourself."  He sips from his fourth glass of miruvin, the silvery-clear liquid swirling around inside the tall, fluted crystal glass.  "But that shouldn't stop us from meeting now, should it?"  He chuckles a bit, still smiling.
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