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The Galactic War: Rogue Element OOC
« on: October 24, 2012, 05:17:47 PM »
Galactic War:  Rogue Element

Galactic War Rogue Element follows the story of one ship and its base of operations during the Andalite/Imperial war.  It is an Alternate Universe, meaning the happenings of this thread will not affect anyone’s existing characters in other established threads, including those within the GESB.  Currently the thread is full, but if you have a serious desire to join and RP at a high level of quality at least a couple of times a week, feel free to send me (Ossanlin) a PM and we can talk about what the RP entails, what would be expected of you as a player, and if/how we can work you in if you're still serious about joining.

The Premise

It’s the height of the war with huge conflicts ranging all over the Galaxy.  There is a sect of rebel Yeerks who have been striving to survive and fight the Empire all alone.  The Electorate have known about the rebels for quite some time, but have been too busy with the Empire to pay any attention to them.  Word reaches them that the Rebels have supposedly engineered a potentially devastating strike on the Andalite Alpha-Defensive Position, otherwise known as the Alpha Line.  This false plot was engineered by Imperials and purposely “leaked” to the Andalites by way of a hijacked Rebel transmission signal routed through a Rebel-converted Imperial ship.  The Andalites respond to the perceived threat and all but wipe the Rebels from the face of the Galaxy.  The Imperials assault the Alpha Line simultaneously, resulting in devastating Andalite defeats and an ultimate withdrawal from the Alpha Line back to their Beta-Defensive Position.

One Andalite Captain, Ossanlin-Rethin-Sephirel…a friend to the rebels, is horrified by the genocide and the resulting tactical weakness that ultimately lost the Alpha Line.  He successfully absconds with his state-of-the-art Dreadnought Dome Ship and rescues those rebels taken as prisoners by the Andalite military.  With a new crew comprised of Andalites, controllers, and free species, the Tyrennian plunges into the unknown, finding an out-of-the-way abandoned planet that once hosted a great, warlike civilization.  Using the resources available, the Tyrennian establishes a small outpost and a rudimentary orbital space-dock, trying to carve out a niche in the harsh, unforgiving vastness of open space, all the while trying to remain off the grid.  Will the Rogue Element survive the days, months, and years to come, even with the sinister shadow that hunts them all?


This RP follows the stories of one rogue Dome Ship, the Tyrennian, and her primary command crew during the Yeerk/Andalite war.  The RP will be somewhat episodic in nature, perhaps best described as "Star Trek in the Animorphs universe."  There are nine command-crew slots, eight of which are currently occupied.  The ninth is not necessary for the RP, but will remain an open option if someone else wants to join and be a regular contributor to the RP.

This RP is currently in its second iteration, following the events of The Galactic War: Rogue Element ~ The Beginning.  The style of RP has been adapted to serve a smaller number of participants as player attrition/inactivity was a chronic problem in the first iteration.  That thread is locked and archived should anyone wish to reference it.

Quick Links

The Galactic War: Rogue Element ~ The Unsung War -- Currently-active RP thread.  IC posts only

The Galactic War: Rogue Element ~ The Unsung War Characters -- Quick-reference thread for active characters in RE:TUW

The Galactic War: Rogue Element ~ The Beginning -- RE Origin RP Archive

The Galactic War: Rogue Element ~ The Beginning Characters -- Archive of characters involved with RE:TB

.....Our fight, our battle, our struggle begins here.  Our unsung war begins now......
« Last Edit: January 31, 2015, 04:11:18 PM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2012, 06:04:24 PM »
Galactic War: Rogue Element


1.)   Rogue Element will be moderated and run by me.  I will have the final say in what goes and what doesn’t, but I will happily listen to the opinions and thoughts of everyone involved, and encourage everyone to contribute to plot ideas and general RP thoughts.

2.)   Anyone wishing to join MUST have a firm grasp of the English language and of how to write it properly.  Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar, Conventions…these are all important.  People make mistakes from time to time (myself included), we’re only human after all, but I won’t tolerate multiple or egregious errors without obvious efforts to improve.  Enough said.

~Profanity is allowed without restriction.  People swear in reality, and the characters of this thread will be given plenty of reasons to swear.

3.)   Posts must be made in third-person narrative style.  Present-tense is preferred, but past-tense is acceptable as long as the player does not switch between the two.  Pick one and stick with it.

4.)   Posts must be developed and inclusive.  No one-liners.  Each post MUST contain at least one decent, well-developed paragraph unless in-thread context demands a short post.  Quality is always better than quantity, but remember, quality without quantity is nothing.  Literally.

5.)  Be prepared to devote at least one to two hours per week to this RP as I will ask you to post at least twice per week on a regular basis.  Obviously exceptions can be made for real-life issues, however I am requiring this thread to be on the priority list of every player involved.  Multiple lapses in post frequency will not be tolerated.  If necessary, I reserve the right to control your character's actions in the event of your absence.  (Note that I will only exercise this right if necessary).

6.)   Original characters only.  You must build, develop, and otherwise flesh out your own personal character.  No canon Aniverse characters.  This thread will have character development, so you must be ready to live through your character in his/her situation if you want to join this thread.

7.)   Animorphs races ONLY.  Andalites, Humans, Hork-Bajir, or Controllers.  No original races, no time-lords, no saiyajins, no super space-powers.

8.)   Thread applicants must fill out a short character sheet (the format is given in the next post), and then submit it via PM for mod approval.  After a character has been mod-approved, applicants will need to submit an introductory/sample-post via PM to allow the me to assess writing style and grasp of English-skills. 

9.)   No power-gaming, no omniscience, no CHEATING.  It’s hard to cheat in an RP like this, but people find ways.  When other PC’s are involved, don’t call hits, call attempts.  ~~Extrapolation at the end of the post.

10.)   NO TROLLS!  I will not hesitate to report you if you're being an ass.

11.)   I reserve the right to nix any post.  You’ll just have to take my word on it, I’m fair, and you’ll have to trust my judgment.

12.)   This thread will act as an OOC (Out Of Character) thread where players may discuss facets of the RP or carry on non-RP conversations.  Only IC (In Character) posts are allowed within the RP thread.

13.)   The mod-run character reference thread contains abridged character descriptions of those involved in the RP for quick or new-player reference.  Do not post your character sheet publicly.  Keep a copy of your character sheet for yourself and I will keep my own copy of the one you submit.

14.)   Characters will change and develop in this thread, that’s half the fun…but if your character suddenly develops or uses an ability that was not listed on your character sheet, I reserve the right to disallow it.

15.)   Keep personal possessions and abilities reasonable.  No one has a toilet made of solid gold or the ability to make someone’s head explode with a thought.  We're talking about people who have no real home and are struggling to survive all alone against unthinkable odds in an unforgiving Galaxy...keep that in mind.

16.)   HAVE FUN!  Please do.  This thread is all about entertainment, character development, and cooperative story-writing.  Unlike the GESB, there will be action and violence, and probably a lot of it both in space and on the ground.  The rules may sound stuffy, but I'm not as anal as you might think.  Feel free to PM me with questions/concerns/character sheets…etc.  ^^

~~Extrapolation of PvP rules…  Proclaim that you attempt an attack and allow the other player to decide whether or not your attack hits them and how much damage it does.  This won’t come up much at the start as we will be doing mostly PvE, but please remember it for future reference.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2015, 04:30:32 PM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2012, 06:28:03 PM »
Galactic War:  Rogue Element
Character Sheet

Following is the format for the Rogue Element character sheet.  It is very simple, but that doesn’t mean your responses should be.  Please be as detailed and complete as possible.  We want real, believable characters with hopes, ambitions, desires, dreams, problems, morals, values, beliefs, ethics, etc.

There is only one open slot in the RP, the position of Squad Elite (First Active Security Officer).  This officer stands post inside the primary bridge entrance when not deployed and leads the primary security team.  He/She takes orders from the Security Elite (Head of Security and Communications).  At present, the position's responsibilities have been absorbed by the Security Elite officer, but the position can be re-opened if anyone has a true desire to join the RP.

Character Sheet

Name(s) (include both Yeerk and host names if you are a controller; include all three names if you are an Andalite):

Race (Andalite, Free Hork-Bajir, Free Human, Controller--Hork-Bajir, or Controller--Human):


Position:  (This blank filled in by the mod)

Physical Features/Appearance:


Skills/abilities (even basic skills like piloting or ship engineering should be listed):

Equipment/possessions (Andalite characters will automatically possess a basic field kit, explanation in next post):


Miscellaneous Information (Any other information we should have about your character that doesn't fit into one of the above categories):
« Last Edit: January 31, 2015, 04:40:01 PM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2012, 06:41:41 PM »
Galactic War:  Rogue Element

Quick Fact Reference, Abbreviations, and other Useful Information

Abbreviations and Definitions

[spoiler=ARC] ARC (a.k.a. “Ark”):  Apix Realtime Computer – The Apix Realtime Computer is a rather recent addition to the standard Andalite field kit.  It is capable of processing data about the user’s environment and personal status in real time.  It also functions as the user’s primary transponder and communicator.  It can accept thought-speech input as well as extra-sensory input from the user’s surroundings.  It processes the data accordingly and produces output in one or both of two forms:  thought-speech, and/or holographic visual representation via its matrix emitter.  The ARC exists in two pieces, the main unit is about the size of a smart-phone, and is capable of displaying rudimentary information on its utility-only screen.  Its second part is known as the matrix emitter.  The matrix emitter is a small, rigid, black, wire-like protrusion anchored over the ear that curves around the side of the user’s head to end in a small, widened tip at the outside corner of one of the user’s main eyes (which eye is up to the user).  The matrix emitter is capable of projecting a holographic display of varying opacity over the user’s eye that can provide visual representations of text and data, as well as HUD functionality.  The ARC processes environmental data in real time and then projects that data as a translucent overlay to the user’s environment.

The third, non-standard piece of the ARC is the command-com wrist-panel unit.  The command-com unit allows a mission commander to take partial control of the ARCs under his jurisdiction, regardless of the user's acceptance.  This allows the commander to see and hear visual, audio, and thought-speech readouts from each of his officers and warriors.  It also allows the mission commander to cause the ARCs under his jurisdiction to display visual, textual, or thought-speech output to their users, regardless of acceptance of transmission.  Several officers can posses these units within the same jurisdiction, but only the commanding officer's unit will have full functionality.  Should the commander's life-signs be terminated, his wrist-unit will shut down and the jurisdiction will automatically promote the next living officer in the chain of command to full functionality.  [/spoiler]  {See Also:  HUD, ASAR: HY-mode}

[spoiler=ASAR]ASAR (a.k.a. "Acer"):  Apix Shredder Assault Rifle – The Apix Shredder Assault Rifle is the pinnacle of personal beam-weapon technology developed by the Andalites thus far.  It’s a larger weapon, about the length of an Earthling M16a4 rifle, and it requires two hands to use.  The ASAR makes a distinct electrical whine when discharged, and sounds nothing like the standard hand-held shredder.  When not in use, the user generally carries the weapon by its stock-strap over a shoulder.  The ASAR is capable of four firing modes. 
Its standard mode is a single energy pulse.  The ASAR’s standard single shot resembles that of a standard handheld Shredder, but is in fact much more powerful, able to pierce walls and barriers that would stop a handheld.
Its second firing mode is sustained intermittent pulse (a.k.a. full-automatic).  In SI mode, the ASAR fires repeating single pulses in rapid succession.  More than ten seconds of sustained fire in SI mode will overheat the weapon and cause an automatic temporary shutdown until the ASAR cools sufficiently to allow for safe operation again.
The ASAR’s third firing mode is the hyper-yield pulse.  In HY mode, the ASAR automatically interfaces with the ARC and the ARC HUD creates a “virtual scope” for its user that processes range and interference from targets as well as targets’ current trajectories if moving.  At the same time, the ASAR feeds Shredder energy into the emission chamber until it reaches a state of hyper-charge, which causes the weapon to emit a soft humming noise.  When the trigger is pulled, the ASAR will unleash the brilliant, hyper-yield pulse all at once.  The HY pulse is meant for sniping purposes as the high-energy pulse can travel a very great distance before losing its lethality.  Only trained, skilled markspersons can snipe targets with any assuredness however, and the high demand on the ASAR’s energy cells requires a temporary automatic shutdown after about five measured shots to recharge the depleted energy supply.  {See Also:  ARC, HUD}
The ASAR’s fourth mode of fire is the sustained beam.  In SB mode, the ASAR emits a constant, high-intensity beam of Shredder energy that is effective at very close range.  Given enough time and sufficient proximity, it can eventually cut through something even as tough as hull-plating.  It is no more lethal than the standard mode at close range, so this really is meant for utilitarian functions like cutting and breaching.  Long, sustained usage will eventually cause lens fatigue which will sharply reduce the SB mode’s effectiveness until the lens has been given enough time to return to its original shape.
The ASAR’s final mode is not really a firing mode at all…it’s an energy cell overload.  If the ASAR is set to Overload mode, it will slowly build an exorbitant charge in the emission chamber, causing the weapon to hum and then to emit a high-pitched whine until the energy buildup creates a feedback arc.  At that point, the weapon will explode violently and with enough force to hollow out a five to ten meter crater in solid rock.  Of course it goes without saying that this destroys the weapon utterly and completely.[/spoiler]

[Spoiler=CO]COCommanding Officer – The next highest officer in the chain of command.  (For example, the Captain is the First Officer’s CO, but the First Officer is the Tactical Officer’s CO).[/spoiler]  {See Also:  FO, TO}

[spoiler=CQ]CQClose-Quarters  -- Usually refers to low-distance or even hand-to-hand engagements (including combat).[/spoiler]

[spoiler=FO]FOFirst Officer – Second in command.  The First Officer will take command of the ship if the Captain is incapacitated or unable to fulfill his or her duties.  The First Officer also supplies counsel to the Captain.[/spoiler]  {See Also:  CO, TO}

[spoiler=HUD]HUDHeads-Up Display – The Heads Up Display mode causes the ARC to project useful real-time information and data as well as a real-time environmental overlay in front of the user’s eye.[/spoiler]  {See Also:  ARC, ASAR: HY-mode}

[spoiler=IC]ICIn-Character -- Actions or communication taking place within the reality of your character inside the story.[/spoiler]  {See Also:  OOC}

[spoiler=IRL]IRLIn Real Life -- This refers to something that's happening in a player's life outside of the internet.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=NPC]NPCNon-Player Character -- Also referred to as cannon-fodder, these are characters in-thread that do not belong to an active human player.  (i.e. Environmental and Background characters who are run at need.)  These characters may be run by any thread player as needed.[/spoiler]  {See Also:  PC, QPC}

[spoiler=OOC]OOCOut-Of-Character -- Actions or communication taking place outside of your character’s reality and outside of the story.  (This should be limited to the OOC thread).[/spoiler]  {See Also:  IC}

[spoiler=PC]PCPlayer Character -- This refers to a character in-thread that is being played by a human player and participant in the RP.[/spoiler]  {See Also:  NPC, QPC}

[spoiler=PER]PERPost Edit Required -- When a post requires a change or modification, this notification will be displayed in the IC thread along with a notification of who needs to check the OOC thread for an explanation of what needs to be changed in their post.  These messages will be removed once the concern has been addressed.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=QPC]QPCQuasi-Player Character -- A special type of partial Player-Character which is operated by a mod or a mod-approved player, but is not considered an active PC (as far as depth and character limit) in the RP.  QPC's are shallower in some regards, and their personal viewpoints are not used.  PC's can interact fully with QPC's, but the responses given for the QPC will include only those factors which can be perceived by others, and will offer no internal monologue or unvoiced thoughts.[/spoiler]  {See Also:  NPC, PC}

[spoiler=RP]RP: Role Play -- Used to refer to the interactive story or the act itself.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=TO]TOTactical Officer – The Tactical Officer is responsible for plotting navigation and battle control of the ship.  The Tactical Officer has control of all the ship’s major weapons and is responsible for monitoring ship status as well as that of any satellite or enemy craft.  The TO also plots Z-Space fluctuations and is responsible for calculating Z-Space routes.[/spoiler]  {See Also:  CO, FO}

[spoiler=UGT]UGTUniversal Galactic Time -- This is the current Universal time-state used by Andalites (and arguably Yeerks as well).[/spoiler]  {See Also:  UGTS}

[spoiler=UGTS]UGTSUniversal Galactic Time Standard -- The system of time measurements used by Andalites.  (i.e. the length of minutes, hours, days, etc).  For the sake of ease (in the context of this RP), UGTS will be equivalent to the standard measurements of time on Earth.  (I apologize to the purists, but constant time-unit conversions would provide unattractive and unnecessary tedium.)[/spoiler]  {See Also:  UGT}

Thought-Speech Notation

Open thought speech is denoted thusly:  <Hello, my name is Ossanlin.>  -- Anyone within conversational distance can hear this.

Private thought speech is denoted thusly:  <<Hello, my name is Ossanlin.>>  --Only those to whom the communication is directed can hear this.
~Your post must be obvious as to whom the private thought-speech is directed at. *EX.  Ossanlin glances at Myitt.  <<On three...>>

Notes on the Andalite Basic Field Kit

An Andalite basic field kit includes one standard handheld Shredder with holster, one basic medkit*, one ARC, one independent secondary transponder/communicator, one implanted universal translator bio-chip**, and emergency rations.  The entire field kit (excepting the translator biochip) is kept in individual pouches around a belt at the Andalite's humanoid midsection.

*  Basic medkit includes a small dermal mender (skin-healer), a limited-use pain suppressant injector, a limited use anti-biotic injector, a limited-use synthetic adrenaline injector, and a compact energy-splint unit.

**The standard issue Universal Translator biochip is implanted before Andalite cadets leave the Academy.  It resides in the user's brain and can translate nearly any language intelligibly if it hears enough of it spoken.

Andalite Ranks and InsigniaHere

Tyrennian (Very) Simple Render with basic weapons systems and engine nacelle listingsHere

Tyrennian Basic Dimensions ListHere

Tyrennian Bridge Station descriptionsHere

Tyrennian Hangar Bay detail explanationHere

Tyrennian Bridge top-down renderHere

NOTEThis post will grow...more content will be added at need as we go.  Players might find it useful to check this post from time to time.

~This concludes the introductory posts, so you can now post in this thread with any comments, concerns, questions, or thoughts.  You can also express your interest in-thread if you are uncomfortable sending a PM.  Thanks for reading and I hope the Rogue Element can count on your support!  ^^
« Last Edit: June 28, 2013, 09:05:23 PM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2012, 09:01:02 PM »
Luke, should this maybe be the Rogue Element OOC thread? Or were you thinking of just starting in here? Feel free to move/delete this post if we all agree it's necessary :)

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2012, 09:04:11 PM »
You're right, I forgot to add the Interest/OOC part of the title.  >_<


Done.  ^^
« Last Edit: October 25, 2012, 03:45:14 AM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element Interest/OOC
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2012, 12:47:24 PM »
:B I guess this is where I should bring my problem, then. I want Keshin and Joanne to show up, but I don't see how. ;) Any suggestions? ^^ *Annoys everyone to death*

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element Interest/OOC
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2012, 12:55:45 PM »
Keshin might see a job opportunity somewhere.

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element Interest/OOC
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2012, 06:59:49 PM »
Can you imagine if Keshin and Joanne learned that the rebellion was in dire straits? They'd for sure either see a chance to bring POWs or rescuers back to the Empire rather than being trapped with the Andalite military, or they'd want to step in and help the rebellion--at a price, of course :) What do you think?

I'm absolutely interested, probably to start out as Myitt and Tara...but I was thinking earlier, Luke, we might need to start something out with "how did the rebels become betrayed by the Andalites' trust"...something set at the rebel base and anchoring our surviving/perishing characters, and the Andalites involved with the betrayal....what do you think? Or just skip straight ahead to the Corvus mission?

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element Interest/OOC
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2012, 07:15:04 PM »
Would that call for some different "prologue" characters before we go into our main characters? Like if I had a different Andalite character then, but afterwards I use claxter?

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element Interest/OOC
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2012, 07:31:43 PM »
Honestly I feel like the building phase is already a prequel to the main RP, and the Corvus mission is yet another prequel to that.  If you guys want to write up a fanfic or whatever to explain how and what happened, that's fine...but we've already stated where the RP is launching and I feel like that was already a bit of a's a bit late to go around changing things imo.  I was hoping to get things started in about a week, or maybe two.  Given the amount of time you guys get online anymore I don't think we could get all the way through that story in one week interactively.
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element Interest/OOC
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2012, 07:59:21 AM »
This is calling to me. -_-  Every time I go to say "totally interested" I remember that I can barely keep up with what I've got going on now.

:-X ...I'll see if something brilliant comes to me, character-wise.

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element Interest/OOC
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2012, 10:21:04 AM »
Yeah, we can write up what happened prior to these events in another document on our own, but we need to know what Andalite characters were involved in the whole discussion with the rebels prior to the rebellion being betrayed, and how the rebellion was betrayed and destroyed. The details of that situation are important for our motivation in the Corvus part of the RP.

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element Interest/OOC
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2012, 02:19:44 PM »
This is calling to me. -_-  Every time I go to say "totally interested" I remember that I can barely keep up with what I've got going on now.

:-X ...I'll see if something brilliant comes to me, character-wise.

You should definitely join, Steph! I miss rping with you. :)

Tara -- we could keep things relatively vague for now and flesh it out later, as we've done with some of our characters backstories. Maybe the rebels don't really know what happened or how they were betrayed (or by whom), and that comes to light later?

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element Interest/OOC
« Reply #14 on: October 26, 2012, 06:04:20 PM »
I hope you find inspiration and time,'re only the third person to express interest aside from the mods so far.
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