Thanks ^_^ for answer and for trying reading, Shanker.
I'll try to translate it when I'll have more time, but I think I'll need some help ^_^' Translating from other language to our own language is always easier than the contrary :p
Shanker (and other people who gonna try to read it), if you don't understand something, feel free to ask. I know it's difficult for you... Look, it's difficult for me to read Remnants in English, for example! lol I'm not always sure I understood everything... But I can't keep looking in my dictionary for each word, each expression >_< I'd like to know English as I know French T_T
"Je suis la jeune fille"... very interesting ^_^' Why didn't you learn word like "bonjour", "au revoir", "a bientot", "j'ai mal a la tete" or "mais pourquoi ont-ils reelu Georges Bush ?!" ?