Yes, they never said that morphing/demorphing wouldn't heal your wounds, though even after they had seen the morphs be reconstructed fully healed they did note that they still were not sure that it would heal their own body's wounds, they didn't actually test it out. One of the earliest confirmations that it will heal your original body is in MM#1 when Rachel demorphs and notes that scratches on her feet from earlier barefoot walking were now healed, however this contradicts Cassie's pointing out a scar on her hand in #7, The Stranger which was published not long before MM#1, which should just as well be healed away after demorphing (as well as the other odd artifacts of demorphing that Phoenix mentioned). I think that in order to make the series function according to a single, logical set of rules that make sense in application what KA should have done is make the morphs be created solely from DNA, and therefore healed with each morphing but the actual bodies of the morphers be only stored in Z-space then retrieved upon de-morph, then making sure throughout the storyline that the Anis never seriously injured their own bodies outside of morphs.