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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2415 on: October 21, 2011, 10:23:31 AM »
<Yes, that's true,> Corliss says, a bit guiltily, his palps drooping.  <What shall we do, then?>

Mike's gaze tracks Tamora and Zorish briefly over his new pint of beer. 

Bloody hell, he thinks.  And I thought my relationship was ****ed up.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2416 on: October 21, 2011, 07:03:14 PM »
<<Looks like the issue's taken care of itself,>> Illim remarks as he watches Zorish stagger away to the far end of the Bar, not too far from where Serid sits.

He watches with amusement as Serid sniffs with distaste and turns his back on the Yeerk. <<Wonder if that's from the Imperialness or the alcohol?>> he snorts.

As it turns out, the Andalite's irritation and disgust is from both. He sighs, drumming his fingers on the table a moment before stilling them. He is ready to be gone from this place.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2417 on: October 21, 2011, 07:17:32 PM »
<<You know him better than me, man.>> Derrel said.

After a short time of more sitting around, he decided to get up and approach Mike again. He felt maybe he could get more info about the base, and maybe start making acquaintances.

"Sorry for getting in your business earlier." He said as he sat near the guy. "But while you're not with Corliss, maybe we could talk a bit. Host to host. What's it like being at the base? What do the Humans do around there? What about the aliens? You guys aren't going to have some kind of embarrassing initiations for the new guy, are you?" He said. He spoke low enough that Zorish shouldn't overhear them.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2418 on: October 22, 2011, 12:49:44 AM »

Ossanlin furrows his brow again in thought.  <So she took you...but how could she manage to take a host besides that which she was given to communicate, and against the other's will at that?>
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2419 on: October 22, 2011, 12:55:03 AM »
<Do?> Terenia asks, sounding confused. <What else is there to do when you're a Yeerk in a pool other than swim in circles and squeak at one another?>

Zorish finishes his water and sets the tumbler down. His eyes track as he loses focus on the world around him, drawn in by Tamora's emotions. Even though she is no longer speaking, per his demand, he can still read her every thoughts, feel her every feelings. The experience is making him incredibly uncomfortable.

<Terenia's first host was a friend of hers from the Academy. She was with her when she became a Yeerk and was the only one willing to serve as her host. The officers aboard the ship did not have a steady enough supply of Yeerk nutrients to keep her pool-bound constantly,> Efaen's main eyes tighten as she mentions the officers; clearly they were incompetent. <She monitored my schedule for weeks without fully letting on to her host what she was doing. Eventually she tracked me down while I was alone, used her host to knock me unconscious...I admit, I was never a strong physical warrior, and her previous host was quite strong. While I was unconscious Terenia injected her former host with a sedative and transferred while it was taking effect. By the time Warrior Jennor was free enough to react she was barely conscious.>

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2420 on: October 22, 2011, 01:41:38 AM »
The pilot watched as the man's girlfriend stomped away. Well, sloshed away would be more appropriate, but he could tell she didn't want to converse anymore. It seemed as though she wasn't sure whether to leave or stay. After she had plopped down into a nearby booth, the pilot was about to speak to the man, however he was cut off by a young man blabbering on about hosts and aliens. This sparked his interests, as none of the aliens he knew of were parasitic. Of course every world has its parasites, but the way he talked about being a host seemed extremely different. He wasn't sure if he wanted to stay and eavesdrop, or talk to the inebriated woman. She didn't look too intent on being part of any conversation, however why else would she remain?

He asked the bartender for a glass of water. The bartender placed a glass of light brown liquid in front of him. He looked incredulously insulted at the bartender. The bartender then rolled his eyes and replaced the glass with a glass of clean water. He spun slowly in his chair and stood, both glasses in hand. He rose and walked over towards the drunken woman. He sat opposite her and placed the clean water glass in the middle of the table. He talked from under his hood asking, "You seem upset, mind if I inquire as to what troubles you?"
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2421 on: October 22, 2011, 02:34:15 AM »

Ossanlin shakes his head a moment in thought.  <That is unacceptable...she should never have had the chance...she should've been under constant supervision given her knowledge and potential danger.  At least you are free now.  Under the circumstances I cannot provide you with the proper ceremony, but as soon as I confirm your records with the Homeworld I will request they be updated to Warrior status.  I have yet to receive notification of the return transmission in regard to your recovery.>  He gives Efaen a slightly questioning glance before continuing.  He had thought she had been a Warrior already...she had certainly passed herself as one.  Even if she was not telling the truth about her records, it would not do to have an aristh deployed on such a dangerous mission.  She would be a Warrior regardless of verity.

<I will also share these details with the Electorate.  Obviously the ship you were stationed upon requires a status inspection at the least...that is if the commanding officers involved with Terenia aren't already disgraced for her loss along with a morph-capable Warrior.>  He withdraws his hoof, surveying the lake again.  <It will be good once things are as they should be again.  At least as far as is possible.>

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ____________


Rathien ****s an eyebrow at the strange being.  "You claim to have the ability to transcend universes as well?  Forgive me for being overtly skeptical, but I've been under the impression that this technology is not widely available...or entirely believable by those who have not experienced it firsthand."
« Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 02:39:58 AM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2422 on: October 22, 2011, 11:59:33 AM »
At first Zorish does not respond to the stranger that takes a seat across from him. Dimly he registers the newcomer's arrival, but he is lost in thought, flipping through Tamora's extensive memory bank. After a few moments, though, the distinct feeling of being watched makes Tamora's hackles stand up and her eyes regain focus.

"What do you want?" Zorish demands, either ignoring or having not heard his initial question. One hand trails down to his Dracon Beam protectively.

<It is my belief,> Efaen says stiffly. <That Terenia was able to succeed due to the unacceptable arrogance of the ship's officers. They regarded female warriors as obscene and thusly thought of myself an her previous host, Jennor, as no more than children. They certainly did not think of them as a threat. Terenia even less so, being not only female but a human child.>

Efaen sighs deeply through her nose slits. <I would welcome some normality myself,> she admits, <but I sense that such a thing has ceased to exist for me.>

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2423 on: October 22, 2011, 05:44:17 PM »
The pilot feels her awareness increase and become guarded. Her body language suggests she may be reaching for a weapon. He didn't want a confrontation in unknown space, so he waved his hand in front of him, his ring and pinky curled. Using his Jedi training, he attempted to manipulate her mind. Hopefully in her drunken state, this woman would be more open to suggestion. "There's no need for hostilities," he lowers his hand and finishes his sentence normally, "I only wish to inquire towards your disturbance."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2424 on: October 23, 2011, 12:34:12 AM »
Silver gave a soft giggle as Parker remembered Thor in her fathers ship. "I dont mind. He will be glad you are back" she said softly. The wind brushed along her skin bringing news of a newcomer. His aura was very different than the rest. She put the information away for now, still weak and wanting this time for her and Parker.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2425 on: October 23, 2011, 03:17:34 AM »
Parker turned and carried Silver back towards The Cursed Pride. On his way, he just caught sight of a cloaked individual entering the bar. He noted his entry, otherwise, he kept heading towards the ship. With the crew busy, he let themselves inside. He entered the bridge and went immediately to the console he placed Thor originally.

On the screens, Thor's image appeared; his usual entrance of kneeling in his animal skin apparel, leaning on a short-handled hammer, then standing tall within the screens, leaning the hammer upon his shoulder. His eyes remained stoic and his voice, projected through the ship's speakers, was even, "Hello again Parker-821, it has been some time. I apologize I was unable to prevent your being stranded. The commands were sent straight from Gaz's person, rather than from this bridge."

Parker tilted his head and nodded, "Indeed it has old friend. It's great to see you after all this time. You're usual theatrics, you haven't changed one bit. Don't worry about that, I'm just glad to be back."

Thor returned the small bowing gesture given by Parker and replied asking, "Do you wish to re-install me within your armor?"

Parker straightened with anticipation, "I do, provided you haven't become too attached to the crew here."

Thor looked at the crewmen of the bridge and smiled, "Though they have kept me busy and entertained, it is with you that I belong. We should continue to find a way home."

Parker replied, "Well Thor, finding a way home sounds like a far way away. None of their ships can move in our Slipspace, unless you've found a way to modify their engines." He looked to Silver and continued, "And you know, sometimes Home finds you."

Thor bowed his head slightly, giving an unsaid reply to Parker's question towards the modifications, while continuing to listen. He straightened again and replied, "Very well, though I do hope that we continue to find a way, even if our chances are low." With his last piece said, his image disappeared. Parker leaned backward, supporting Silver now with his torso and placed his hand on the console. Thor transferred back into his armor, and Parker replaced his hand upon Silver, standing straight again.

The familiar and greatly missed feeling of the A.I.'s presence filled Parker's nerves, sending a chill throughout his body. Parker shook his head, expelling the pent up energy it caused as Thor spoke within his head again, <Welcome back SPARTAN-821.>
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2426 on: October 23, 2011, 01:47:38 PM »
Zorish's scowl deepens, but he rests his hand on the cracked plastic of the booth rather than his weapon. "It's none of your business," Zorish snaps.

<<He's right, you know,>> Tamora pipes up, <<You don't have to be such a jerk.>>

<<Shut up,>> Zorish snaps, in no mood to be reprimanded by his host. He looks back up at the stranger, raising his eyebrows at the cloak. "I'm sorry, I'm not in the habit of speaking with those I can't identify."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2427 on: October 23, 2011, 03:58:59 PM »
Jocun finally made it back to the Space Bar. His armor was torn apart, and he was missing his rifle. After the portal closed, he sat on the ground in kind of a daze.

<<Safe. Never before have I been happier that I was born in a time of relative peace.>>

<<Uh huh.>> Simon said.

He might have sat there longer, but his hunger pushed him forward. He needed Kandrona, and luckily the portal placed him near his ship. He entered it, and made his way to the pool. While he began to feed, Simon changed clothes. He put on a tee shirt and blue jeans instead of the colorful Hawaiian shirt Jocun had on once before. He sent a message out that the mission was accomplished, and he was back. He grabbed a communicator and almost grabbed a dracon, but decided against it. They were still trying to maintain a low profile in a place that disliked Imperials. He was tempted to stay in the ship, but also felt like having a strong drink.

"You want me to stay here, Leader? Or am I dismissed?"

"Do as you'd like, Simon. The security on this ship should be enough to keep me safe. Just stay in touch."

"Yes sir."

He left the ship and made his way to the building. Inside he could see two familiar faces. Serid and Zorish were both unfriendly. One because he hated Imperials, and the other because she didn't take to him very quickly. He didn't want to sit with Serid, and Zorish seemed to be in a bad mood. There was another Human controller in an Imperial uniform that wouldn't pass inspection, armed with a dracon. Who knew what allegiance he actually had? Simon ordered a drink and found a chair in the corner where he'd have his back to the wall. Compared to what he'd been through, even talking with the Andalites from before would have been cake. He hoped the others were ok. He hadn't come out exactly when they did, so for all he knew he could be waiting a while for them to show up.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2428 on: October 23, 2011, 11:52:31 PM »
Corliss' tone is one of wry amusement.  <Yes, well, this particular pool does have a computer hookup, you might've noticed,> he replies smoothly.

Mike looks up at Derrel in surprise.  "Oh, hey there mate," he says, then amends with a sheepish smile, "I mean, mates.  Uh.  Yeah, we don't force you into anything embarrassing, like hazing or whatever, if that's what you mean.  It's just a period of observation, for our benefit and your own.  You get used to the place within certain set parameters, at your own like, comfort level...and we make sure you aren't going to ruddy kill us."  He idly sips his beer.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2429 on: October 24, 2011, 01:37:37 AM »
The pilot remarks, "You couldn't identify me even if you could see my face. We've never met before. However I understand your meaning." He lifts his hood, revealing his head. He looks to be in his later twenties, he has close cropped blonde hair, though the top of his hair is about two inches long. The hair on the right side of his head seems a tad longer than his left for some odd reason. He has a kind face, though he has a fairly thick scar running down his forehead, over his left eye, and halfway down his cheek. His left eye is completely white, it is obvious he couldn't see out of it; though it tracks perfectly with its counterpart, almost as if he can. His "good" eye is green, but when he looks away, it almost seems to shift to blue when viewed at an angle. It's an odd discoloration brought on by his trauma. He smiles to the woman, showing his dimples, in hopes of calming and disarming her.

He rests his hood against his back and places his hands upon the table, showing his lack of hostility. He says with a slightly concerned look, "I apologize if I've put you off; but I was hoping to find out a little about where I am. I thought engaging in a conversation with you instead of just outright asking, would've been the more polite course." He pushes the full glass of water he brought a little closer to her, "That paired with a gift of good faith, of course."
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