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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3015 on: January 25, 2012, 06:01:29 AM »

Raile closes his eyes a moment and then nods.  He moves to sit where Garreth had been seated just a moment before.  He crosses his legs in the traditional seated-meditation position and closes his eyes once again, trying to meditate, to open himself to the Force.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3016 on: January 25, 2012, 06:42:16 AM »
Garreth sits directly in front of Raile, mirroring him. He holds his hands out before him like catching the warmth of a fire. He closes his eyes and begins his own concentration. He speaks low and soft, "Now, let's work backward. Think about being on the run, being hunted down, and the injustice of having to hide while Evil corrupts the Republic. Let out the frustration you've stored."

As he speaks, he centers himself and feels the Force flowing through him. He gathers the feeling within him and forces that to flow in one direction. He aims it forward, through his hands. A dim light shines from his hands and washes over Raile.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3017 on: January 25, 2012, 06:53:29 AM »
Zorish stumbles his way to his ship, only dimly aware of Parker's continued presence alongside him.

When he reaches the vehicle he stares at it for a long moment before remembering that he needs to issue the command to allow himself entry.

"Computer, Open Hatch," he calls in Yeerkish. The computer identifies his voice and genetic signature, obediently opening the hatch and sliding out the ramp. As soon as the ramp touches down on gravel Zorish turns and takes a seat, the long climb up and into his ship seeming too difficult at the moment.

"Ugh," he murmurs, drawing Tamora's knees up to her chest and looping his arms around them. "Damn this body."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3018 on: January 25, 2012, 07:46:57 AM »
Parker watches as Tamora reaches her ship, commands it to open in an odd language, but then just curls up at the foot of the ramp and curses. He says, "Miss, I hope you forgive me for this, but you've come too far already." He reaches down and picks her up, reaching under her knees and holding her back. He walks her up the ramp and deposits her onto the ship's floor. He leaves the ship saying, "Sleep well."

He then heads back to Salem to ensure he too is safe.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3019 on: January 26, 2012, 12:09:41 AM »
A young man enters the bar. He wears a dark green shirt with dark brown sleeves and collar. He wears normal jeans indicitive of 21st century Earth. His blonde hair is short and neat, and his olivey irises thin as he walks in, leaving mostly pupil. He stares in disbelief at the creatures walking around him

One second he was walking around in his house; the next, he arrived here, and walked in the bar. He ran back outside and looked around. Ships...they looked like something from science fiction. And...more people. What was this place?

"What is this place!?", he whispered to himself. Of course he couldn't answer himself. He had no idea...and he didn't feel like asking the locals. So he store there like an idiot, frozen with fear...

And thus was the nature of Kaleb's first visit to the Galaxy's Edge Space Bar.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3020 on: January 26, 2012, 12:28:36 AM »
Salem immediately rolled to his side and pushed to his feet. Had he hit Rathien? He thought he saw some dust fly up in front of him, though whether from Rathien or from his own weapon blast, he wasn't sure.

In response to Jocun's question about whether the blast might disable the cloak, he simply called to the Yeerk, "Combat cloak." Essentially, he was trying to say that this particular mechanism was designed to be tough under fire. He couldn't allow his attention to waver any further- Rathien was very close, and from the sound of the beeping, very still. Even so, however, he allowed himself a slight smile at Jocun's taunting of Rathien.

"Not good enough, hunter!" Salem called, getting in on the action. His weapon-arm wouldn't be usable for much longer. He pushed himself to his feet, allowing a bright orange cylinder, about the size of his fist, to fall to the ground. As he stood, he backpedaled and thought-spoke a command at the cylinder, causing it to begin spewing a thick, acrid, purple-hued smoke. It would obscure him- normally, he'd take this opportunity to escape, but he had no idea from which direction Rathien was watching him. Besides, now seemed as good a time as any to end his worries with this hunter once and for all.

He re-holstered his weapon- it wouldn't be much use in a moment, limp gun-hand or no- and pulled the bandanna that was draped around his neck up and over his mouth. Strapped into the bandanna was a breathing apparatus, which could serve as a gas mask, among other things. He dropped into a low, ready position and sent another thought-speak command to activate a small "patch" sewn into the back of the right knee of his pants. The device would burn hot and bright, setting up what amounted to being almost a miniature electromagnetic storm. It would only last a minute or two, but during that time, it should disrupt the proper function of most electronic devices within a few meters of Salem. This included Dracon Beams, he knew from experience, and most of his own equipment. He hoped it also included Rathien's cloak, to some degree.

He dropped into a low, ready stance and used his left hand to grab a piece of equipment from his belt. It looked somewhat like a piece of nylon rope, a little longer than his hand, with a large ball-bearing on one end and a metallic ring around the other.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3021 on: January 26, 2012, 12:51:44 AM »
As Parker walked back to Salem's position, Thor spoke up inside his helmet, <Sir, there's an EM field in the direction you're heading. Though your armor is shielded from its effects, your SEMTEX grenades will be non-functioning.> Parker replied aloud, "Thanks for the warning."

He continued further, switching his visor to IR when he saw the column of smoke. Thor tagged the profiles seen with the vitals taken before. He could identify Salem within the smoke column. The two other forms standing afar from Salem were obviously Keshin and the man from earlier, though they weren't close enough for their vitals to be scanned.

Parker looked around to see if he could verify any body temp signatures. Hopefully the cloak this assailant was using wouldn't hide that as well. Parker called out as he entered the smokey area, "Salem, this is Parker entering your vicinity. Don't fire."

He removed his Battle Rifle from his right side and scanned the area.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3022 on: January 26, 2012, 09:52:36 AM »
"Hey, pirates were exactly what the old place needed," Myitt says with an easy grin, letting her legs sprawl out in front of her under the table.

She leans back and nurses her drink. "I mean, honestly, it's not like we're all common criminals."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3023 on: January 26, 2012, 08:58:40 PM »
"No!" Ewa snatched her arm back an leaned away, though her feet didn't move.  No, you do not get to smile at me like I'm the one who's not making sense, no, you don't get to play that game, do not get to treat me like I'm hurt, or damaged--oh god what's wrong with me--no, you are not an android, you're.... no, no that's not right, none of it's right, and no, I do not want to sit down.

"No," she said again, more forcefully this time, her voice weighted with an icy edge.  She crossed her arms over her chest and breathed in slowly through her nose as she tried to rise above the slightly hysterical gibberish of her thoughts.

"Not good enough.  Try again."  She glared at Al with all the implacable force of a winter storm.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3024 on: January 27, 2012, 08:29:14 AM »

Rathien continues to wait.  He holds his Entroper, but the strange armored individual is back too quickly for an effective shot.  Not to mention the fact that Rathien himself was probably in the blast range.  This was not going well...he had misjudged how these others would react.  Three against one, not great odds though he relished the thought of fighting all three simultaneously.  Such an act would be most challenging, and very satisfying if successful, but it was not either of the others' times to go any more than it was Tobias's.  Such collateral damage was...undesirable.  He had hit him though...the agony of turning away would be great this time.  Tobias was weakened.  Far from helpless, but weakened all the same.  Rathien might never have such a good chance again.

One more thing he might try...he growls in a feral manner and launches into a series of back-flips to pull him further away from all three individuals, and then dials his Entroper up to its medium setting and fires at the ground underneath Salem and Parker.  The energy of dirt and rock breaking down into baser components in an instant causes a fairly decent explosion, earth fountaining a good thirty feet in the air.  Through the cloud of dust he can't see what has happened to the armored individual and Tobias just yet, but perhaps the confusion might allow him to dart in and disable Tobias, or abandon the situation depending on the first glimpses he would catch.  Time seems to slow as his predatory response blasts chemicals through his body, giving him enhanced senses and reaction time.  He waits for the dust to clear enough for his piercing eyes to punch through the fog, and to decide what to do next.

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ _


Raile brings up his feelings again.  At first he holds back, not wanting a repeat of what had happened in the bar, but Garreth had said the technique required him to do as much as possible.  He allows his anger to boil forth and the ground begins to vibrate around him as the Force reacts to his brightly-burning emotions.  He feels the energy from Garreth waft over him again, but more focused this time, directed at him instead of the interaction being little more than a by-product.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2012, 09:57:05 AM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3025 on: January 27, 2012, 09:39:14 AM »
As Parker aims down sight, he glances to his motion detector for any signs of where the target might be. Suddenly movement! It moves away, but moving none the less. He aims in its general direction and fires three quick three-round bursts in a wide ranged circle, then a final burst within that circle. Thor detects an energy discharge and warns Parker, <Sir, jump now!>

Parker jumps straight in the air just as the ground beneath him explodes outward. The force hits his shields and propels him further upward. Parker, seeing no heat signatures, switches to normal vision and aims forward, in front of the affected area, to land. He crouches as he hits the ground and takes a knee, rifle at the ready. His shield blinks out and lights on his joints begin to flash. Parker kneels, panting, scrutinizing the area for any tell-tale signs of an invisible presence. He looks for drag marks in the dirt, crushed grass, whatever he can find. Parker begins a mental countdown for when his shields should recharge.

Garreth continues to focus while moving on to the next step. The ground shaking doesn't alarm him any and continues to speak calmly, "Now think about the lives lost, your brothers. Killed unjustly by the soldiers they once lead. Feel the anger you feel towards that loss." He gathers more of his energies and pictures it lancing toward Raile. The light from his hands begins to grow in intensity; but only slightly.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3026 on: January 27, 2012, 10:55:35 AM »
The enemy fired a shot, but missed, and by firing gave away his location. Jocun quickly fired a shot where the enemy's shot came from. If only he wasn't armed, Jocun could rush in and tear him in half. All that! He had to control his morph's powerful, Taxxon level urges. It was such a good morph for close quarters combat, but the urge to kill was powerful. Thick hide, strong bones, and short but sharp quills made it hard for anything not armed with a dracon beam or some such to do anything to him. He thought about seeking cover, but couldn't afford to take his eyes away from the enemy's location.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3027 on: January 29, 2012, 11:38:16 AM »
"Everyone needs a pirate or two," Chris says, grinning easily as he leans back against the vinyl of the booth. "I still think I need to get myself an eyepatch or something to complete the look." He eyes Illim's living metal hand. "Or maybe a peg leg. Hey, if I ever accidentally-on-purpose blow off my leg will you donate some of your ship?" He gives Illim an innocent smile.

<<You will do no such thing,>> Keslin murmurs, knowing full well that Chris has no intentions of doing so. <<I rather like all of your limbs intact."

If Zorish notices Parker lift his host's inebriated body he pays no mind. By the time he is placed on the cold, metal floor of the ship Tamora has lost the battle for consciousness, sinking into a dreamless, drunken sleep. Zorish realizes that the hatch is still open, and the ramp extended as well.

<<Tamora, wake up a second,>> he orders his host. <<I just need to lock us in and turn the cloak back on.>>

No response. His host is thoroughly unconscious and Zorish gives a small internal sigh. Great, he thinks. We're perfectly safe unless anyone decides to take a tour of the giant Imperial ship that left its front door wide open.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3028 on: January 29, 2012, 10:31:53 PM »
"Yes, thank you," Serid nods politely to Myitt, and his eyes track slowly to her casual but affectionate touch on Daniel's hand, which has curled around hers in return. For some reason, their actions make him uncomfortable, and although he says nothing, he squirms a little in his seat. If he is fully honest with himself, half the reason he would like a drink is that it would separate Myitt from Illim a moment.

Illim smirks at Chris. "First of all, it's her ship that got donated for our arm, not mine." He squeezes Myitt's hand gently, his eyes darting to her warmly a moment to convey his thanks yet again. "Second of all, yes," he agrees, grinning broadly at Chris and Keslin, tone enthusiastic. "You definitely need an eyepatch. And one of those long coats, you know? And boots. You'd look smashing."
« Last Edit: January 30, 2012, 07:58:36 AM by KitsuneMarie »
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3029 on: January 30, 2012, 01:34:34 AM »
"You're quite welcome," Myitt says with a lingering smile, nodding at Serid.

Her attention quickly turns to Illim and Keslin and Chris, as she squeezes Illim's hand gently.

"Oh, you must promise Tara and me that you'll start wearing a bandana and sporting a parrot on your shoulder. Parrots are necessary for pirates, or so I am told, in human cultures." Myitt leans back, still letting her free hand clutch Daniel's, but smiling smugly and letting her free hand rest on her lap. Easy access to her weapon.

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