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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1515 on: July 27, 2011, 01:04:39 PM »
"I agree with the Sub Visser. Your behavior doesn't fit an average Human's. I'm sorry if you've lost your morphing ability. The ability to change forms, however briefly, can be quite amazing. I'm not sure if our people have developed anything to reverse the effects of nothitism. Not that you'd be likely to trade anything to me for that ability again."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1516 on: July 27, 2011, 01:09:35 PM »
Zorish looks at Jocun in surprise. "You know more about the morphing ability than I do," he surmises. "I presumed that he merely chose the human form for some purpose that is yet to be seen." He glances at Serid, "Perhaps the War-Prince ordered him to do so to lure me into a sense of comfort. If one tail blade is unpleasant, two are practically intolerable." Curious, he purses his lips. "How can you tell he is a nothlit?" Zorish asks of Jocun.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1517 on: July 27, 2011, 01:36:10 PM »
"I don't know for certain, though you brought up some good points. Personally I'm not too bothered by tail blades. We're all civilized people here, I hope. As long as no one makes unprovoked attacks, we should all be able to enjoy ourselves."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1518 on: July 27, 2011, 06:44:36 PM »
Serid looks increasingly irritated by the moment at Zorish and Jocun's exchange.

Finally he snaps, interrupting their conversation, "Neither of you have any reason to believe that I am an Andalite or a nothlit. Humans are perfectly capable of bravery, good sense and formality."
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1519 on: July 27, 2011, 06:51:18 PM »
"In that case, I would tip my hat if I had one. You would be in the minority, I believe. What is your name, Human?" Jocun asked. He didn't really care what the guy was, and he wouldn't get anything out of making the guy admit to nothlitism or being fond of Humans in public. It seemed to be a touchy subject with the guy.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1520 on: July 27, 2011, 09:34:46 PM »

Ossanlin glances at the strange Imperial from the place where infested Andalites were supposedly the norm.  <It is a nexus of realities monitored and perhaps created by an independent being rivaling or surpassing the power of Ellimist and Crayak.>  He glances his main eyes back at Zorish.  <And this power is what decides who comes and where they go when they leave.  You speak of meddling with a power beyond your comprehension.>

He glances at Serid as he snaps at the controllers.  <<Calm, Warrior.  Do not allow your emotions to alter your judgement.>>

He moves his main eyes back to Zorish.  <I am not attempting to lure you into a sense of security, Imperial.  How many times have I said that it would simply be best for you and your host to leave and never come back?  If I thought that more tail-blades hovering around you would make you uncomfortable enough to leave, I would've done it already.  Why do you think I ordered you to remove the power-cell from your Dracon?>

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ____________


Rathien watches as both Van and Ewa mount the stairs of the rock-like craft.  The supposed pirate didn't even bother to close the door behind him.  Rathien grins to himself as he slowly mounts the stairs, looking around.  The craft was almost posh enough to belong to a Hegemon, except that the exterior was obviously more citizen-class.  The ship's sensors might manage to pick up traces of Rathien's presence, but he isn't too terribly worried about it.  Likely Van was so distracted by Ewa's presence that he'd only be thinking about how to get her into bed.

He moves through the lounge area and then moves off to the side as he watches Van go by, coming from what would normally be the crew quarters of the ship.  A sweet, sharp smell reaches his nose.  It might be too light or indistinct for a being with lesser sensory capabilities to pick up, but it was thick enough for Rathien to follow the trail.  He opens the first crew-quarters door and chuckles.  The smell is almost overpowering in here with crates toppled and cracked, liquid on the floor.  Rathien dips a finger into the pooling liquid, dabbing it on his tongue before spitting off to the side.  Just as he'd suspected...Vivalit e.  Probably contraband from the looks of it.  The pirate had taken a big hit on this.

He pulls an undisturbed vial from one of the intact crates and studies it.  He disarms his active camo, smiling to himself as he fades back into view in the crew room.  He walks forward and leans sideways in the doorframe, still examining the vial as if nothing else mattered in the Universe.  No one would see him unless they walked down the hallway, but the startlement would be an enjoyment in and of itself, unless of course the Beryllian had already detected his presence...he doubted that heavily.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1521 on: July 27, 2011, 10:02:55 PM »
Al nodded at Jasper, "Reassessing building plans... that kinda sounds like what Furka's done in the past, only we use it to put in trap doors or secret water slides, or to insulate with marshmallows. Secret entrances for... what, exactly?"

As he listened to the rest of their tale, he smiled. "That sounds a lot like Salem and I in a way. We could not stand each other at first, but as time went by, we got to be better and better friends. He's my main man these days." He grinned, "It seems like, if you spend enough time with someone, you kind of have to start to like them after a while. You'll lose it if you don't. Man..." He stared at Jasper's forehead, "I can't imagine sharing my head with someone I don't like. One little ship was bad enough."

He laughed when Jasper mentioned their oatmeal addiction, "Well, there are definitely worse addictions you could have, my friend. At least oatmeal's tasty. I've seen people addicted to some really messed up stuff in my time. This one guy had a thing for rhino poo."

He finished off most of the ice cream in two slow, savory spoonfuls, and slid the container, still containing about one large bite's worth of the stuff, back to Jasper. "So you guys kind of got lucky by getting here then, huh?" he asked, looking at them with interest. "What exactly were you planning on doing with a stolen Yeerk ship if you hadn't happened upon this place?"

The Malleon received the signal from the chamber Salem had given Terenia, and began to move towards the wire. As they did so, they began to scream. Their collective voices, all crying out in pain and fear, were strong enough to be "heard" by anyone nearby. It was telepathic- much like thought-speak, and though they were screaming, there were no distinct words. Though there was the sensation of a song of dread being sung, there was no distinct sound, even in the heads of those aboard the Skimmer. There was only the haunting, overpowering sensation that millions of voices were confused, panicked, and in agony. After a few moments, the effect faded away, leaving an aura of desolation and mourning in its wake, as the rest of the Malleon made their way up the 'wire.'

Salem smiled at Efaen, "It's a long story, actually. The short version is that it was a trade agreed upon between myself and the Electorate. The long version involves far more Andalite politics than would be interesting to hear about. Andalite technology tends to be difficult to come by for those of us who weren't born Andalite. Suffice it to say that I have spent a fair amount of time among your people."

He tilted his head- he'd never actually seen an estreen morph, but of course he knew of them. "I'm glad to hear that the Electorate is apparently making their trial programs with females a bit more widespread. I've spent years telling the Electorate that females are at least as capable as males, if not moreso."

He shivered as the 'song' of the Malleon began to wash over him. He was apparently near enough to catch a bit of the effect. Internally, his emotions were at war- on one side, the melancholy coldness brought on by the Malleon, and on the other, a sense of amusement that they'd actually done this. He very nearly burst out laughing, but managed to contain it to smirking up the ramp at Illim.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1522 on: July 28, 2011, 12:20:01 AM »
Sapttus blinked. "Secret entrances for the Yeerk Pool, of course. We don't exactly try to advertise..." he then allowed Jasper to resume his tale.

"Haha, you've got that right. Of course, we still drive each other pretty crazy some times... all puns intended." Jasper grinned. Sapttus rolled his eyes.

"That's... that's just disgusting. Yeah, you've got a point for sure. Breakfast cereal is certainly a lot more... socially acceptable. Oh gosh, that's just gross...."

Jasper snorted. "I'm not so sure about 'lucky' other than the fact that we didn't end up smack dab in the middle of a star." Sapttus said. "Truth be told, I'm still assessing whether or not this is a fortunate turn of events for us. At the least, his head hasn't been removed from the rest of his body, so for that, I am grateful. As he is, as well, thought that may go without saying. To answer your question though, we honestly had no plans farther than leave and don't get caught. We've succeeded so far. But now... we're still deciding what to do next."

<<I know what we're doing next.>>
<<And what would that be, oh one of infinite wisdom?>>
<<Pester Salem for that cure....>>
<<Well yes, obviously that. Though we mustn't be rude....>> Sapttus took hold of the ice cream.
<< you know I can't... it's just...>>
<<Oh, fine, fine.. but you say it though.>>

"Oh uh, thanks..." Jasper said, holding up the ice cream. "...but.. I dunno, I've got this thing about taking the last of anything. I just... I don't like to. It's this stupid little quirk of mine... But uh, someone's got to enjoy it, so here." He hands back the pint, smiling.

<<Yeah, 'cuz I feel just a bit weird now...>> Jasper said.
Sapttus simply laughed.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1523 on: July 28, 2011, 08:01:43 AM »
"Eh, chaa, the water could be taken to the drain, but just leave it there. For all we know, the compu-nyah might make a mess of the plumbing! Your clothes are taking a clean, and they will be completed on, anh, maybe the twenty minutes."

Van glanced off, his eyes glazed over with exhaustion, "I still have to add up my losses, but not now, of course. The real question here is... Ewa. Who are you? I didn't get the catch up on where you came from back at the Bar, chaa."

He relaxed, and sat down, adjusting a soft round pillow at his side. Leaning forward, Van explained, "Eyeball this: that a Mar-Not-Mar and other lookalikes exist, plus that creepy Rathien... Lord Rathien... Qurovangulsa-te. You know, you're not Beryllian. You kind of look like one, but I don't feel it, you take the get?"

Van bit his lip, and noted that a feeling of anxiety hung in the air. It was probably just his imagination, brought on by the poor state of the Vivalite. That green life-renewing drug would have sold for over 20,000 credits, where he was from. But, it was terribly strong stuff, too pure. In order to work right, it needed to be diluted a bit, which was no big feat. And, despite that, this was the best ratio that you could pirate, far better than the useless colored-water mixes that cheap marketers would hawk as the real thing.

"Mmm. You look sexy," Van chirped with a grin.

Ewa seemed very comfortable with her surroundings now, and Van could smell the scents of the homeworld all over her drying hair. She looked stunning, despite the less-than-fashionable "boots under bathrobe" look. Van thought she looked like a lady pirate.

Ewa certainly looked the part, knives in hand, just a bathrobe covering her supple, beautiful flesh. Van rather liked how the tie cinched her waist, establishing her sensual curves with a silky, blue sheen. She looked ready to take on a boarding party with her blades at the ready, shod in boots that were so clearly made for walkin'... Her hair looked like Beryllian hair, yet she wasn't one. Ewa's beauty both intrigued and disappointed Van. He didn't feel quite like he deserved her, which was ridiculous.

I just don't feel it. The "eyomi", that sixth sense. The smell-sight, as Humans called it. She doesn't give it off... The pirate wrinkled his nose, and hung his head, pretending to be disappointed about his losses. In reality, it was the fact that she so obviously wasn't of his own kind.

[*Qurovangulsa-te means, "That person above me in status, to whom I feel mild discontent"]
« Last Edit: July 28, 2011, 09:15:06 AM by pyrebird »
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Meglet, Meglet, Meglet! She came here to roleplay! And with these walls of text here, she'll go and post away!

[Congratulations to weathel for correctly guessing that it was the Dreidel Song!]

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1524 on: July 28, 2011, 05:11:11 PM »

Rathien listens as Van goes on in the other room, the words clearly audible from where he's standing, especially for his extra-sensitive ears.  The Beryllian was really coming on strong...if he asked her to his bed-chamber, Rathien might have to spoil the surprise of his presence and follow if only to disrupt him...or try to join them, though he figured neither of them would be amenable to such at this point in time.

Meanwhile he turns the vial over and over in his hands, peering into the green liquid.  So, this was concentrated even?  The pirate's losses were more than Rathien had first thought.  If diluted properly the Vivalite would've made a much large quantity.  This stuff was more or less green gold...more than gold actually.  Rathien runs his tongue over his fang again subconsciously as he continues to listen.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1525 on: July 28, 2011, 05:59:05 PM »
"Yes, Andalite, you've made your distaste regarding my presence abundantly clear," Zorish says dryly. He shoots Serid a curious look, but drops the matter for the time being. He has more important concerns. "A nexus of relities monitored and created by whom, I wonder," he frowns a little, then shrugs. "Something utterly beyond my ability to interpret, I'm sure you'll say, mighty Andalite."

<<Will you stop doing that?>> Tamora says fearfully.

<<Calling him Andalite? Well he is one.>>

<<You're egging him on,>> she says. <<He already doesn't trust you or like you and wants us to leave. Why make it worse?>>

<<Old habits die hard,>> Zorish responds. <<I was not brought up to show love for Andalites.>>

<<Or hosts,>> Tamora points out. Zorish has no response to that.

Zorish clears his throat and offers Ossanlin a thin smile. "My apologies An- War Prince. I can assure you that I am not here seeking out a new Imperial outpost. Or to harm anyone. I am merely enjoying a drink, and expressing my interest in your stories. If you would prefer I can seek out company besides yourself."

Terenia's eyes widen, and she jerks back at the telepathic onslaught. <<What the hell,>> she yelps internally. It takes all of her willpower to hold the wire steady, waiting for Salem's call that the microbes were gone. She swallows hard, feeling a sort of emptiness inside that reminds her of the moments after she had killed Tammy.

"Christ," she murmurs, glad that she is already kneeling. Mike's body feels unsteady.

<<Females make ideal warriors,>> Efaen agrees. <<We possess a greater aptitude for morphing, hand-eye coordination and our reflexes are faster. The latter of which is helpful when piloting a ship.>> She pauses as the Malleons scream reaches her, but otherwise makes no outward indication of having 'heard'. The next time she speaks, though, her own thoughts are softer, more pained. <<Who...what is creating that awful sound?>>
« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 01:16:15 PM by Terenia [Teach] »

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1526 on: July 28, 2011, 06:18:32 PM »
<<Dang, what was that? Sounds like something went wrong. Salem didn't mention the Malleon things being so broken up about having to leave.>> Derrel said.

"You know, it might be interesting to hear about the war from the side of Andalites. I've only heard it from the Yeerk's point of view." Jocun said.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1527 on: July 28, 2011, 08:16:51 PM »
Ewa's expression had fallen into a still calm as Van worried about someone and Rathien, sympathetic, but still removed from acute anxiety.  She smiled again when he told her she looked sexy.  She didn't feel particularly sexy at the moment, but she was very comfortable with herself and it was nice to be admired.  He's still worried about something.  "You kind of look like one, but I don't feel it".  Didn't understand where I said I was from.

"Actually, Van, I was thinking..."  She paused abstractedly and set most of her stuff down, joining him on the couch.  "You said there was something strange about the injured man.  And something you can't feel from me."  She paused, organizing her thoughts into sharable categories and words as she shifted to face Van.  "There was something very wrong about him.  Not the way his body was broken."  She stared intently into Van's eyes, watching for some indication that he understood what she was talking about.  That it was the same thing that had bothered him.  Ewa lifted a hand and placed it at the back of Van's neck.  It was an intimate posture, if not blatantly seductive.  And close to the central nervous system.  Now to make this definitive....

Ewa's eyes glittered mischievously and a playful smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.  "Maybe you'd like to help me forget about that for a while?"  At the same time she sent an unvocalized scream of terror and confinement and despair.  Hopefully neither of us is broken.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 08:00:16 PM by Fluttershy (AmberKatira) »
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1528 on: July 28, 2011, 11:37:33 PM »
<<What the bloody hell is that?>> Mike cries, his mind reeling. 

Even Corliss can feel the pull of the Malleons' agony, draining him.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1529 on: July 29, 2011, 07:00:56 AM »
Ewa listened to Van intently, and as time passed, an increasingly worried look clouded her beautiful face. Van glanced up, but she had moved, and sat beside him, her hips against his. Then, she reached around, and lightly touched his neck.

A hot shock raced through Van's nerves from that point, and caused a warm, tingling feeling. Van's face reddened, his palms began to sweat, and he felt his heart race, his chest tighten. Certainly her actions were subtle, friendly, but Van found them flirtatious, thanks to his belief that she was just out of his reach.

She posed a serious question, which brought Van back into reality. Her troubles centered around the injured newcomer to the Bar, and like Van, she was confused about his state.

"That man disturbs me," Van sighed, his voice deepening slightly, "His wounds were too many and too deep. Remember the 'piano'? I told you about the eyomi, the smell-sight, a sense that Beryllians have."

He paused, well-aware that he just abandoned his telltale accent. This was serious business, and there was no time for games, "Those wounds were real, and quite unnatural. Nobody should be able to talk in that condition, and he was losing too much blood to stay conscious. I almost wanted to poke him with the heat bayonet to cauterize those wounds, but the feeling of morbidity was..."

The pirate glanced off. He didn't want to admit that he was afraid, but at the same time, he felt a sense of security around this woman. He shifted his weight, and grasped her arm. It was obvious to the both of them that he was going to admit his fear. And, knowing that, Van easily understood her desire for comfort, to be taken away. At her voice, Van felt a sense of elation well up within him, and the tension loosened.

"Nichaa," he began softly, "I assume you want to explore the Captain's quarters?"

Van smiled playfully, referring not just to his room, but his body. The innuendo was delightfully suggestive, and he knew she would catch on. He had no idea they were being watched; a full-blood Beryllian would have noticed immediately, and would have been quick to defend his lovely acquisition. And had Van been paying any attention, he too, would have noticed the presence, lineage aside.

But, Van was caught up in other things, and his worries were quickly melting away. His senses deadened in that one aspect, and were set ablaze with passion.

Ewa, you want me that badly? Why, I would be honored! I would so delighted to have you. In fact, it's rather my style to get them first...
« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 07:36:46 AM by pyrebird »
I am a little Meglet, I came here to roleplay. And armed with walls of text here, I'm ready to go play!
Meglet, Meglet, Meglet! She came here to roleplay! And with these walls of text here, she'll go and post away!

[Congratulations to weathel for correctly guessing that it was the Dreidel Song!]