Author Topic: Our Summer Vacation...  (Read 37387 times)

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #435 on: December 06, 2010, 03:44:25 PM »
Ultor made a snap decision to take it easy on Alpha, he was a good second-in-command for what it was worth, even if he was needlessly nervous. "I want you make your way to the complex, I have a hunch that their is alot more going on with these andalite raids than anyone is willing to admit. You are to report to the complex and meet with Jazar. He is newly promoted and is working directly under you. I have made it his man task to aprehend this human girl with the ability to morph."

"Yes sir." Alpha3462 put the phone on the reciever and prepared to go to the complex. He grabbed his cigar that he partially smoked and second one as well. He then opened up his desk and grabbed a gun and put it in his breast pocket. He left his office and closed the door behind him using a cornea scan and voice recognition. He waved at Jasmine then said: "I'm gonna be gone for a while. If anyone asks say I went to the zoo." "Yes sir."

Joel proceded to the lobby and outside. After leaving the building he starts smoking his cigar and enters his limo. The limo driver asks him: "Where to boss?" "Rendevous point 3. I'm in a hurry too." "Yes sir. We should be there in 5 minutes."

They leave and arrive at the area in 5 minutes and Alpha gets out of the limo and enters the building. He immediately sees Jazar and says: "I've heard you got promoted. Bravo." His demeanor changes abruptly and becomes very authoritative. "We need to talk."


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #436 on: December 06, 2010, 05:04:12 PM »
"Yes we do," he said.  "It would appear that my host's stepsister came in contact with a morphing cube while cruising near an area where we had bugfighters tracking Andalites not too long ago.  A customs agent has disappeared that might be conected but we can't be sure."


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #437 on: December 06, 2010, 05:18:12 PM »
"Finally..." Sean muttered, lugging Olivia's new wardrobe to the register. He checked his watch after setting his load down. "It's about four now. We'll head back to my place before going to the zoo." Sean looked up real quick, something coming to his attention. "Oh! Be right back!" he says, as he runs off towards the clothes. He's only there for less than two minutes, literally, and he comes jogging back with a small wad of clothes. It was hard to tell what it was that Sean had grabbed, but when the cashier began ringing up the items, the large black-and-gray baseball jersey and pair of black bike shorts were made obvious. "They might be useful..." he said to Olivia. ".. For my gym workout." he told the cashier, who really couldn't care less.


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #438 on: December 06, 2010, 06:19:50 PM »
Jo tried not to look like she was pacing but there was not much else to do while she waited for Mr. Black.  Finally she thought she would try contacting Tarry.  <Hello, Tarry can you hear me.>


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #439 on: December 06, 2010, 09:35:12 PM »
"Yes we do," he said.  "It would appear that my host's stepsister came in contact with a morphing cube while cruising near an area where we had bugfighters tracking Andalites not too long ago.  A customs agent has disappeared that might be conected but we can't be sure."

Alpha sighs and smokes more of the cigar. "So you lose not only a morphing cube but 2 people including a morpher?" He walks away thinking and cussing then he comes back. "Ok.Let's think this through. First of all where we're you looking? If your host is the stepbrother of this morphing girl then why are you giving me nothing but vague details about her, or are you hiding something? What else do you know?"


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #440 on: December 06, 2010, 10:19:38 PM »
"I know very little to about Josefina," Jazar said.  "My host's mother got married just before the summer.  We have infested her father for more information on Jo.  She moved here right after the marriage and hasn't any normal hang outs.  We tried to infest her but she managed escape."


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #441 on: December 07, 2010, 04:44:41 AM »
"I know very little to about Josefina," Jazar said.  "My host's mother got married just before the summer.  We have infested her father for more information on Jo.  She moved here right after the marriage and hasn't any normal hang outs.  We tried to infest her but she managed escape."

"What about her mother? Has she been infested? You have little information? This Jo girl has a last name. Get the last name and find out where she goes to school. You obviously been to her house and she would have school mates. Infest them. She either has the cube or has it hidden somewhere. Logically she wouldn't fight alone so she may or may not have allies. She probably wants her father back but knows she can't get him. She also has the power to morph so she would want something to fight with, and something to spy with. Where is the closest zoo and pet store?"

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #442 on: December 07, 2010, 01:10:29 PM »
OoC: I'll post a Tarrade post as soon as RAD tells me where Jo is!

BiC: Ultor stood from his desk chair and then three himself onto the couch in his office. <Your going to get caught up in your lies you know. The Visser will get to you eventually.>
   Ultor snarled inwardly at his host, <Silence Human! You know nothing. The Visser was once a great yeerk warrior; smart, cunning, brutal, he was their when the empire was born. Visser three was the major reason we were able to form our pact with the taxxons, and with the intelligence his host provided, why we were even able to break past the Andalite defense of earth. Unfourtunately, he seems to have gone mad in the interim. I may speak Ill of him, but I Will not tolerate it from you.>
  Edward, the human Edward, seemed to withdraw from him and try to put up mental Barriers to hide his thoughts and feelings. Ultor smirked slightly, at the thought that he had hurt his hosts feelings. <Do not be to upset, I have to feed today and I think I will do it now, you will be free for a few hours.>
  Ultor god up and went to his desk, pushing a red button underneath. Two Hork-bajir entered the room. "I am going to feed, when I am in my private pool one of you will escort my host wherever he wants to go, inside or outside of the complex, and bring him safely back to me after five hours. The other one of you will stand directly in front of my office door and allow no one except Visser three himself into the room. Not even Alpha is to be let in."
  "Yes Sub-Visser," the two hork-bajir replied with a salute. Ultor walked over to the wall to the left of the couch and, moving a painting, pressed another red button. In the opposite corner of the room the floor opened up and the sub-vissers own private pool emerged from the floor. Ultor walked over to the pool, bent over the murky water, and began disengaging from his host. He pulled himself out of every nook, every crack, every cranny, until he was completely disengaged from his host. Ultor felt a sadness course through him as he left the beautiful brain that allowed him so much freedom, made him so much bigger than himself. Ultor wriggled and squirmed until he was free of the ear canal and in the life giving waters of the yeerk pool. The yeerk gave a mental sigh of pleasure and began to bask.


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #443 on: December 07, 2010, 10:20:02 PM »
Sean pulled up to the entrance gate for the apartment complex. Instead of punching in the number himself, he asked Olivia if she remembered it from earlier in the day. "You'll want to memorize it sooner rather than later." he said.
___________________ ___________________ _____

"Anyways, the meeting isn't until seven, so we've got about three hours before we have to leave." Benjamin said.


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #444 on: December 07, 2010, 10:34:07 PM »
<Mr. Black,> Jo said happily then she looked over at the clone of herself that stood next to him.  <Hide Olivia quick!  That is Olivia right?>

"It's me," Olivia said as she put in the code and held the gate open for Sean and Josefina.  "What am I hiding from now?"

<The Yeerks are looking for me,> Jo said with a nervous quiver in her thoughts.  <They know I can morph.>



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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #445 on: December 07, 2010, 10:42:26 PM »
Alpha continues to smoke waiting for the answers to his questions.


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #446 on: December 07, 2010, 11:54:38 PM »
Sean had begun to pull through the gate, but he hit the brakes suddenly in reaction to Jo's remark. Fortunately, he wasn't going fast. He had so many things he wanted to say, some harsh, some sympathetic, and some analytical. But he couldn't say anything, because everything tried coming out at once. He stammered. Finally, he managed to spit out, "Get in the car!" He wasn't frustrated at either of them, (well, maybe Jo slightly...) but he was rather frustrated with himself, because he couldn't manage to interpret his own thoughts and feelings on this.

He tried to calm down as he drove the short distance to his building. He felt that he'd be able to sort through this once he was inside and free to talk. Sean grabbed the bags from the thrift store and hauled them up the stairs to the second level, unlocked the door, and went in. He held the door open for Olivia and his newest house guest. I'm pretty sure I'm breaking an rental-agreement policy or two here...


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #447 on: December 08, 2010, 12:25:49 AM »
Jo sniffed the bags of clothes, That really needs to be washed.  <I went home from the coffee shop to find a Yeerk welcoming committee in my living room.  My step family is controllers and dad might be one too now.  I might have made things worse for us by morphing to escape.>  Jo ended on what might have a question mark but was really afraid of what Olivia and Mr. Black would think.  <I'm really sorry for morphing and what I said at the shop.>  One advantage of this morph is that I can do real puppy eyes.  She did her best lay on the sad, pleading look as she said, <Can you forgive me?>

Olivia took a tight colour matched outfit out of one of the bags and demorphed.  "You were running for your life.  What's to for give?"


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #448 on: December 08, 2010, 01:07:55 AM »
"You know that's unfair." Sean said. That look... how was he supposed to stay mad at that? "I'm not mad at you, Jo; I'm worried. We can only fight so many people here, y'know. TARRY?" Sean called. The bird must have gone in the other room... and he really wanted Tarry there for this. "How long have you been in morph, Jo? Either way, you should go ahead and change back now." He held up the bag. "We just bought clothes for you...."


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #449 on: December 08, 2010, 01:28:17 AM »
<Thank you so much,> Jo said feeling a bit guilty because he had bought these clothes for Olivia.  <I would pick out an outfit if only I had thumbs.>