Author Topic: Our Summer Vacation...  (Read 37783 times)

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #810 on: February 08, 2011, 10:42:35 AM »
(((Jazar must stay alive till I come back from jury duty like all my characters)))
Jazar cried out in pain and dropped his weapon as the wolf bit his hand.  The goose wasn't enough to keep him down she he batted her off.  "Kildor, you won't get away with this."  He tried taking his weapon with his left hand to find the goose sitting on it and hissing at him.  "Drop the weapon and allow us to solve this man to man."
<What is going on?> Olivia asked both men.  She wanted to know who to fight but was unsure now.

<<Mistake number three,>> Jo said.  <<Running around Texas as a moose.  You really stand out.>>

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #811 on: February 08, 2011, 11:02:58 AM »
  "I'm not a man and neither are you," Kildor smirked, "we are yeerks remember, masters of the galaxy. We don't believe in mercy or second chances." Kildor pointed his gun at Jazar. "When your dead, all I'll have left to deal with is Ultor. Edward has surrendered, The Man is dead, I'm with the resistance."
  Kildor, with eyes and gun still on Jazar, spoke to Olivia. "I am Kildor. A yeerk. My host's name is Benjamin Rightly. He is involuntary. I am a member of the yeerk resistance and have saved All of your lives. You and the parrot once. Brian Twice. I tried to stop Josefina's infestation but couldn't prevent the yeerk commander of Texas, Sub-Visser two, from making her his host. The resistance believes that infesting sentient lifeforms is wrong. I do not hold those beliefs. Humans are nothing but primitive animals. Your culture is a disgrace. Fortunately for you, I hate the yeerks more than I do humans. I suspect I even hate myself." I know that I hate myself, Kildor thought, and I'm going to kill myself as soon as my personal vendetta has been seen through. "I am not saying all of this for your sympathy or because I am afraid of you. I'm not. You and your pet andalite aren't worthy of picking the fleas out of the hair of my pathetic host. I just want you to know me. Maybe to believe me. So that with your help I can kill, and kill, and kill, and end the entire Texas operation."
  Kildor was breathing heavily at this point and his finger had gotten dangerously tight on the trigger on the pistol pointed at Jazar. The intelligence officer looked around for a moment, took several deep breaths, and continued. "Ultor will be headed for the barn, if you want your rather sickening friend back, then we'd better hurry. I will kill this scum." Kildor gestured at Jazar casually, as if doing so would be nothing more than killing a fly on the wall.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2011, 11:11:11 AM by Unknown Steph »


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #812 on: February 08, 2011, 11:32:12 AM »
Olivia's head pulsed with the information that was going though her mind.  Jo's thought speak voice yell that she was a Sub-Visser confirmed what she and Tarry had suspected.  He mention that his host was involuntary so he was still scum but he knew it too.  Upon hearing about his hatred of humans she was glad that she was a goose at that moment.  <I can't believe you because Jo was by herself with the Yeerks for 20 minuets giving you plenty of time to rehearse that lovely speech.  As for Merlin he must live.  Only his Yeerk has to die.>
Jazar laughed.  "He's a voluntary host loyal to Ultor. "
Olivia let out a hiss.  "Your host then is the biggest scum bag I ever met."
« Last Edit: February 08, 2011, 10:05:23 PM by KitMayor Steph (Rad) »


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #813 on: February 08, 2011, 11:49:17 AM »
He heard bits and pieces of Kildor's little speech, but he was mostly distracted. Brian's heart was racing; stalking, hunting, winning... it was so exhilarating. But seconds after his victim surrendered, 'Jo' ran off, shouting out for Yeerk assistance. <<You want our help? You help us. Catch. That. Moose.>> Brain called out to the resistance member. He didn't trust him, but perhaps by feigning cooperation they'd get the help they needed to save Jo. <<And don't try anything stupid. This ain't my worst morph...>> He bolted, running through the woods, keeping pace with the moose. <<We're here Jo.>> What are we going to do?

Tarry tried evading the swings, but the parrot wasn't made to maneuver exceptionally well. He got hit by the man's flailing arms. He was able to right himself and managed to not hit a tree or the ground. <I despise you and your kind, Yeerk, and I have no intention of aligning myself or my allies with your plans. But -> "SQUAAAACK" <- we seem to have a mutual goal of eliminating the Yeerk inhabiting Jo; perhaps we should put our disagreements aside for the time being and focus on the current objective.> He flew after Jo and Brian, trying to keep up, but quickly falling behind.

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #814 on: February 08, 2011, 12:13:14 PM »
"Sorry Jazar," Kildor said with all the sencerity of hitler apologizing to any jewish person. Kidlor pulled the trigger, the roar was deafening, and looked at the bloody mess that Jazar/Merlin's face had become. "On the day of your big promotion too." Kildor bent down and picked up Jazar's dracon, tossing The Man's pistol into the weeds.
  With the pistol's report still ringing in his ears, Kildor ran to the car he and the others had been riding in and started it. The intelligence officer was driving down the bumpy dirt trail a minute later, he could see the moose, the wolf, the goose, and the parrot through the tree's and the bushes as he went.
  After a moment, Kildor pushed the pedal to the floor and the car shrieked in agony as the vehicle ramped over the small hills and bumps on the trail. The yeerk passed moose and morphers, his eyes concentrated on the barn. The car came within four hundred feet of the structure and he still didn't let up. Twisting the wheel violently, he forced the car into a sucidal roll as it slammed into the barn, ripping a massive whole in the wall.
  The world was insanity as the car rolled over and over and over again. The car was inside the barn now, slamming into several stalls and a few cows. Fortunately the car had been fitted with special emergency features of yeerk design to protect the sub-visser in case of a crash. Kildor had a badly broken arm as he climbed out of the window. The inside of the barn was chaos. All around kildor animals and humans alike were screaming, crying and running. Humans were fleeing out of the hole the car had made. One man, one of the two controller gaurds, lay dead under the car. Kildor grinned. He used his left hand to pull the dracon out of his mangled right arm. Bones were protruding from the damaged appendage. No matter, he was high ranking yeerk and could get a new host. Everyone who knew he was a traitor would be dead in minutes.
Ultor rarely felt fear, but with the wolf on his heels he was in a state of terror. Through moose eyes he watched in horror as the Town Car slammed through the barn in a death roll. Damn you Kildor Ultor thought. Tree branches and the rough, hear earth, were hard on his rapidly tiring moose body. <I will kill you all for this.> Ultor screamed in rage in terror. The barn was only five hundred feet away now.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2011, 12:15:56 PM by Unknown Steph »


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #815 on: February 08, 2011, 12:42:52 PM »
Olivia hissed at the man she had been left with.  <I'll demorph.  But I'll be watching you the whole time.>  As she became human, she took the dracon out from under herself to point at the man when she had hands.  "You wouldn't happen to have a cellphone on you."

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #816 on: February 09, 2011, 12:35:21 PM »
"No," Edward said, once Olivia was finished morphing "It was in the car, and Kildor took that... Are you going to kill me? I suppose so. If you are working with Kildor I imagine you hate yeerks as much as he does." Edward smiled a tired smile, "Of course, I am no controller at the moment. I am entirely yeerk free. An innocent by-stander at this point. I just want to sell my corporation and move to some snow covered Redoubt were no one will find me." Edward knew he was babbling, but he couldn't help himself.


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #817 on: February 09, 2011, 12:51:30 PM »
Olivia was surprised by Edward free giving away information.  "I don't want to kill humans unless they are helping the Yeerks like Jo's step-brother." She gestured to the body.  "I don't work for Kildor, I've never met him before today.  Is there a way that you can prove that you are not a controller?"

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #818 on: February 09, 2011, 01:01:57 PM »
Edward let out a hollow laugh, "That is the Ironic thing, if I were a controler my yeerk could prove it to you by oozing his way out of my ear. I am not a controler, however, and have no way to prove it to you. Everything I say or do could be a yeerk trick. Even killing another yeerk. I suppose you could hold me for three days until your sure I'm yeerk free. I'd even let you do it..."
  Edward decided that she wasn't going to kill him and slowly sat down on the ground, " I guess we are kind of at an Impasse, aren't we? I will tell you that Ultor, the yeerk sub-visser, was my yeerk. Then he infested your friend, Josefina, in the barn and I was as yeerk free as the day I was born. The Govenor, on the other hand, has a serious slug problem."


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #819 on: February 09, 2011, 01:17:55 PM »
"Even if we did hold you for three days you might still be a voluntary host," Olivia said.  "Though I might take you up on that offer."

Wintium had been taken from the barn and moved to a Yeerk controlled hospital.  With Sandresh by his side the whole time.  She kept looking at him all worried about his foot, leg and shoulder.


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #820 on: February 11, 2011, 01:56:14 AM »
Well so much for not doing anything stupid... Brian thought. He wondered what Kildor had hoped to accomplish by rolling his car into the barn... <<Shut up, mudwad. What? You think that since you're so big and bad with your new morphing host that we're all scared of you? Get over yourself. You ain't the only one with some extra firepower....>> What am I saying? He thought at the same time. He was actually more scared than he had been since the island, but apparently, the adrenaline made him a bit snarky. He hoped this didn't come back to bite him in the butt... er, tail. Brian wished that he could somehow morph Bear now. The wolf wasn't too tired... it was more of a 'hey, I've been running for a while' feeling. He still kept pace with the moose as they closed the distance to the barn. Occasionally, he snapped at Jo's hooves, just to... well, just because really.
Sean found himself twisting and untwisting the phone cord as it rang.


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #821 on: February 11, 2011, 09:25:35 AM »
<<Brian!>> Jo was never good at dishing out zingers like that so all she could really do was silently cheer Brian on.

(((This could really be Brian's knight in shining armor moment if you know what I mean.   ;) )))

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #822 on: February 11, 2011, 01:26:21 PM »
The car Kildor had rolled into the barn began to burn a little. "Nothing to dangerous," the spy laughed to himself. Kildor's right arm began to hurt really badly; it was a pain that would make most people scream and scream and scream. Kildor looked out the open doors of the Barn and saw Moose, wolf and parrot, rapidly closing the distance between where they were and where he was. The yeerk resistance member walked a few steps out of the door way so that Ultor couldn't see him, and leaned against the wall. As soon as the Sub-visser entered the room, Kildor would stun him.
The Moose was rapidly tiring and probably would have given up on running if not for the wolf snapping at its heels. The moose was angered by this lone wolf threatening it, and Ultor used that anger to spurr himself on. Unaware that Miriam and Laurence had long ago left the farm (against orders) Sub-visser two entered the barn, which was rapidly catching on fire, with hi hopes. "Hello sub-visser," Ultor heard a voice say, he was so distracted by this voice that he tripped over a car part and fell, narrowly missing the stunning beam of the dracon. <Traitor,> Ultor snarled, getting to his moose feet faster than he thought possible. In two steps he was on Kildor and knocked the Dracon beam from the man's hands with his massive Antlers. 


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #823 on: February 11, 2011, 01:48:51 PM »
"Why did you hit that Kildor guy?" Olivia asked.  "Seemed like he was helping us."
« Last Edit: February 14, 2011, 05:34:04 PM by KitMayor Steph (Rad) »

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #824 on: February 11, 2011, 04:13:17 PM »
Wintium was more than just a little nervous. After all, they had left without Ultor's permission. He tried to reason. Ultor was gone. So why couldn't he go? Ehh...when Ultor came back, he'd be just as mad as he was earlier. And that madness had put him here.

Laurence was fuming. He had been fuming the whole time. Look where he was trapped now. Pathetic! All because of those stinkin' Yeerks. If he could ever say anything about them....

<<You may have your chance to speak to Sandresh, human trash.>>

<<You know I do not-->>

<<Shut up and let me talk.>>

<<All right.>>

<<I will give you temporary control of myself, and allow you to vent your feelings to Sandresh. No questions.>>


<<If you do anything out of the ordinary, you will suffer. You do not know true suffering yet.>> Wintium was quiet. <<Now, you have control.>>

Oh, the freedom! Laurence just had to move a little bit, relishing the able to be in total control of his body parts!

<<Hurry up,>> the Yeerk warned.

"Miriam? I have something to say. This is Laurence. Wintium has given me permission to talk now." He took a deep breath, then jumped in. "If you have any emotions for me, forget them. You are a Yeerk. Yeerk scum. Look what your friend Yeerks have done to me. I'll admit that it was nice of you....but, forget it. I don't want anything to do with you. Yeah...that's it." Laurence lasped into silence once more.