Author Topic: Our Summer Vacation...  (Read 38886 times)

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #840 on: February 14, 2011, 05:42:16 PM »
"Becuase he wasn't..." Edward said exsasperatedly! "He isn't helping you, he is simply killing the sub-visser so he can gain your trust, drag you down to the yeerk pool village thing, and trap you." Edward was using his whole body to talk now, flailing his arms dramatically. " Kildor is aide to the yeerk that is the direct leader of the invasion of earth, Visser three. Ultor knew he was Visser three's man, but he didn't have enough power or a good enough reason to get rid of Kildor. Kildor will destroy you AND your friends. He is the common enemy and a brilliant actor."


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #841 on: February 14, 2011, 08:54:07 PM »
"Keep your hands where I can see them," Olivia said.  "Once again you know I can't believe anything you say.  I should tie you up."

Offline donut

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #842 on: February 14, 2011, 10:04:31 PM »
Tarry almost fell out of the sky in relief.  Brian had fired.  FOCUS!  We're not done yet. He looked around.  The elephant lay on its side. The controller who had helped them was unconscious in the burning barn.

<Let me go now, and I will release your friend and slip away quietly, never to bother you again.>

He knew better than to trust the yeerk, but they could save Josefina.
<Sub-Visser, demorph and leave the human. You...>, he hesitated, knowing he was agreeing to something he could not do, <will be allowed to leave.>

<Brian, you did well, but we are not finished yet.  Keep the dracon beam on the elephant.  when he finishes demorphing to human, put it on the stun setting.>  Tarry quickly explained to Brian how to adjust the dracon beam, in the simplest terms he could.

<After we handle the Sub-Visser, we will deal with the controller who helped us.>
« Last Edit: February 14, 2011, 10:18:28 PM by donut »


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #843 on: February 14, 2011, 10:21:37 PM »
<<What?>> Jo was surprised to hear Tarry say that.


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #844 on: February 15, 2011, 01:55:13 AM »
Brian wavered. Between the weariness from morphing, demorphing, remorphing..... and the nausea of seeing Jo's leg simply disintegrate, he could hardly see straight. In some corner of his mind, he was confused by what Tarry said... Let him... go? But... we can't...  He began forcing himself to breathe deeper, which cleared his mind somewhat. He fumbled for the Dracon, which he'd dropped in the hay as he dove out of the way of the charging elephant. He blinked his eyes to clear the colored blotches from his vision and reconfigured the settings as he was instructed. He stood up and pointed the laser gun again, with an attitude that displayed him as ticked off more than threatening death.

"Just get out of her head now and I won't go get the salt shaker.... "

Post Merged: February 15, 2011, 02:28:53 AM

"...what the..." Sean said. He muted the TV.


Sean got up and followed the sound. He found himself looking out the balcony door at a large white bird. "... Do I know you?"

<Oh thank goodness it's you! I wasn't sure if I remembered the address right, and I - >

"Gah! Geez, even if you're prepared for it, it's still just... too weird.... Sorry. Kristen?"

<Yeah, it's... it's me. I hope you don't mind me coming here like this. I figured I should check in with you guys, since I was out of town last night. I heard you caused quite a scene at the zoo.>

"Wait, what? They know it was us? How did -"

<It's okay.> Kristen interrupted before Sean blew a fuse.  <I just... well, I assumed it was you guys running around the zoo hours after closing. Unless there's another bunch of people raiding the exhibits, or ... never mind. Where are the others?>

Sean explained to Kristen what had happened over the past... 36 hours? .... How Jo had discovered her family was infested, how Brian had been asked to help with the 'search' at a Sharing meeting, and how they had all left to watch each other's backs.

<But.. they haven't come back yet? They've....> Kristen felt out of place suggesting that Sean's judgment was off. <Maybe we should go check on them....>

Sean had been debating this the whole time they'd been gone, but he didn't want to ruin things by showing up out of nowhere. and he didn't want to look like he didn't trust the others to manage themselves for a simple reconnaissance mission.... "Okay, let's go."

Within a few moments, a Canadian Goose was being followed by an American White Pelican as it flew north. In a couple more moments, the two birds could be seen flying unnaturally close together headed south.

<..I don't know why! I just wanted to go north!>

<Well, at least you got over that. It took you long enough....>
« Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 02:28:53 AM by Bear »

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #845 on: February 15, 2011, 08:36:12 AM »
It took a minute or two to make his decision, he was quite sure the Andalite would kill him. No Andalite had made a deal with yeerk since Seerow, the one good Andalite. Really though, he had no choice, it was either demorph and die or simply be blasted by a dracon beam. <I should just stay in here to make things difficult for you, Andalite. You and your kind are the meddling fools of the galaxy. I don't believe the human could kill his friend, he is not like us. He is weak.>
  Ultor didn't really understand why he was co-operating, maybe he was just tired of trying to win the chess game. Maybe he just wanted to lay down his king and surrender. <You win, human> ultor said to Jo as he began disengaging from his hosts brain. A moment later he was deaf and blind, laying helpless, death all around him.
  Maybe  Ultor thought, the Andalite will keep his word, just maybe he'll have some of the honor his kind always went on about.


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #846 on: February 15, 2011, 08:49:42 AM »
<<I wouldn't think that is a weakness,>> Jo said to the departing slug.  <<I considerate it a strength.>>  When Ultor was laying on the ground, Jo wanted so much squish him beneath her fingers.  But Tarry had made a deal.  "He needs to die, Tarry.  They all do."

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #847 on: February 15, 2011, 09:12:42 AM »
Kildor's eyes snapped open, and for an instant he was disoriented and his host had control, "G-get o-ou-out of my HEAD YOU FILTH. Look what you've done to my body!" Joseph Rightly, the real Joseph Rightly, screamed. Kildor quickly clamped down on his host and stuffed the man back in the corner of his mind where he belonged.
  <Silence you fool,> Kildor snapped internally, <You'll get us both killed.> Kildor tried to look around the room, he was in so much intense agony he couldn't stand it. The yeerk spy wanted to die, though that was arguably against the wishes of his belligerent and hostile host.
  Kildor forced his eyes to focus and they landed on a freed Josefina and a rather vulnerable Ultor. "Kill him Jo," Kildor yelled, "If he leaves here alive he will kill you and all of your friends." Kildor wondered what she would do.
  The yeerk resistance member was half sitting, half laying against a wall and desperately wanted his dracon back, he felt so very vulnerable without it. Besides, he was a planner, a tactician, not a kill or a fighter.
"You probably should tie me up," Edward agreed good naturedly, "I would tie me up if I were you. The only problem is that kildor could be betraying and killing your friends as we speak and we should probably get to the barn." Edward was tiring of the situation, tiring of the stress of the fight, "You have to trust someone some time."

Offline donut

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #848 on: February 15, 2011, 10:01:01 AM »
Tarry watched as the yeerk demorphed and left Jo's body.  He swooped down and picked up the Sub-Visser in his beak.  He knew the Sub-Visser could not be allowed to escape.  The yeerk knew everything.  He bit down.

The two halves of the slug fell to the ground and writhed for several seconds before lying still.  Tarry had prepared for the rush of emotions-guilt, shame, regret, self-contempt, even pity for the yeerk.  He felt.....nothing.  No, not quite nothing.  He felt relief.  The yeerk leader was dead. Jo was alive-and free.  Brian had handled himself admirably for his first fight. No one had died. Yes, relief.

<Yeerk,>, he said with contempt as he turned his attention to Kildor, <you helped us so we will not kill you, yet, but you will come with us and explain yourself.>


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #849 on: February 15, 2011, 01:40:32 PM »
"I had a healthy bit of distrust before I touched that crazy Andalite cube," Olivia said keeping the dracon pointed at Edward.  "Don't take it personally.  I think I'll hold on to the gun for now.  If you try to run or do anything stupid I will shot.  I hardly ever miss."

"He'll need help," Josefina yelled.  "He's badly hurt."  Ultor's dislike of Kildor lead Jo to trust him.  But as bad a this was she had information about the Yeerks that Ultor foolishly shared with her.  "Where's Olivia, Edward and Jazar, I mean, Merlin?" she asked those around her.  Being alone was how she got in to this mess in the first place and now Olivia was alone.

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #850 on: February 15, 2011, 03:38:13 PM »
Chad may not have payed attention to it any time, but now he did. Maybe the hawk made him smarter....or maybe it was the hawk in him thinking now. Whatever. It was when he saw pelican and a goose flying close to each other. Something was fishy about it....could it be his friends? Or was it some weird bird pairing? Chad wasn't sure how long he had left in morph....He would have bitten his lip, but he couldn't. Instead, he began closing the distance as fast as he could. Uhm...what should I say? Oh well...I'll He wasn't sure why he didn't think, but when he was just a few yards away, he said, <If you're...well, a talking bird, you do know that you look weird flying together.> He rolled his eyes. What he was saying sounded weird. <And if you're some ordinary bird, you still look weird.>


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #851 on: February 15, 2011, 05:41:36 PM »
Brian stumbled over to Jo. He was a little disoriented, and had trouble walking the short distance. He stood there awkwardly, not sure what to do. "I'm so sorry... " He said. About blasting your leg off, about biting you so hard, about leaving you alone... He cringed once Tarry's deed was done. It wasn't that he disagreed with it, it was just....

Brian looked pained. Which he was, actually, but this was mostly worry. "Oh crud, we left them out in the woods. I thought she was coming! Let me... I'll go.... Will you be.. Gah, do I go check on her, or what?" He was confused. He didn't really want to leave Jo again, but ... He thought he could trust Kildor to not infest her again or anything stupid like that. "Okay, I'll be right back." he stares hard at Kildor. "You try anything, and you'll be the first to see how well I can handle angry bear instincts..." He was a few levels beyond ticked off, and didn't mind showing it. "Don't let him touch this." he said to Jo as he handed her the Dracon. "And... don't point it at your leg." He gave a half smile, which slowly grew into a wolf smile once more.

<<Um.. doesn't he know that geese fly in flocks? And...well, what would a real pelican be doing here in the summer?>> Kristen said privately to Sean.
<<What? It's not my fault the schools haven't covered ornithology yet.... >> he replied. Now including Chad, he said, <Agh! Talking bird!>

Kristen giggled in thought-speak.

<I guess that's a good point, Chad. We should spread out a bit more... I wonder how far we can go and still talk. What are you doing out here Chad? Tell me your mother knows that you're out...>
« Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 05:53:19 PM by Bear »


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #852 on: February 15, 2011, 11:07:50 PM »
Jo wanted to tell Brain that she understood why he did what he did.  If she could have taken her her own legs off to stop Ultor she would have.  In fact she wanted to thank him.  But Kildor's host body, Joseph Rightly, was in need medical attention.  Why did she know the host's name?  Had Ultor thought about it?  "It's ok, Brian, really.  Tarry, do you know how I can help Kildor?"


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #853 on: February 16, 2011, 12:55:05 AM »
Kildor's injuries:
A burning piece of wood had fallen on Kildor's back, and he could feel his cloths starting to burn
badly broken *right* arm from car crash. Various cuts and bruises, I assume.
a large tree branch clubed him in the head..... "I suspect I have a concussion,"

"Juff fftay thayffff..." Brian said. He looked mostly like a werewolf now, with a mostly wolf head, complete tail, and paws on the ends of arms that bent the wrong direction for a person. He fell over all of the sudden, and repeated himself. <Just stay safe.>  He stepped over to Kildor and looked at him briefly. <It's just some mild burns on his back, but you may want to clean the muck and gunk off that spot there. Um... yeesh. I don't know how you're dealing so well with that arm like that but.... okay, you probably aren't. Treat him for shock first. Lift his legs about a foot and help him get his breathing under control. And... find a couple long sticks or something. You need to lay one on top of his arm, and one on the bottom, all the way from his bicep to his wrist. Tie them with.. something... so that he can't move his arm at all. Geez man, you're lucky it ain't stickin' through the skin.> Brian seemed to partially forget that he was talking to a parasitic alien during all of this. His BSA first aid training was kicking in. <Get something clean to stop the bleeding there, there, and there, and don't let him fall asleep.> He looked up, realizing how much he'd just dumped on Jo. <Oh. Sorry. Worry about his bleeding and breathing first. Help him calm down. Keep him still. I'll be right back....> Brian darted out of the burning building, hoping his friends had the sense to get out of the barn before beginning on the first aid. The wolf wasn't tired. He just wanted to run.

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #854 on: February 16, 2011, 11:21:10 AM »
Just what on earth is his problem? Chad thought to himself. He's never cared so much....He started to frown, but couldn't. <Yeah, spread out...I don't know how far we can go.> After a few seconds of silence, he said, <I didn't tell her, okay? She never really said that I should stay home...and I didn't come to get a lecture from you.> He was quiet once again. <What are you guys doing out?>