Kildor clambered to his feet, his head beating like a drum. The risistance member tried to take a few steps but collapsed. "I suspect I have a concussion," he muttered, more to himself than anyone else. The Man was still laying on the ground, paralyzed from the stunning effect of the Dracon Beam. Kildor finally managed to stand, picked up The Man's pistol, and pointed it at the bodygaurd. Kildor thought he saw a glimpse of fear in The Man's eye. Nah he thought to himself. Kildor pulled the trigger of the pistol and sent The Man into the next world. The yeerk spy stared with grim satisfaction at his work.
Edward was running through the bushes and he couldn't believe it. He was actually running of his own free will. "I have to help my yeerk," the millionaire told himself as he ran. Edward scrambled through some bushes and saw the sub-visser morphing into what he thought was an elk. As he watched, a feathered missle hit him. Parrot and man collided with massive damage to Edward's face. Edward tried to bat at and other wise fend off the bird but it was hopeless. Somewhere in the calmer regions of his mind, one that was detached from the hell he was currently undergoing, he noted a snarling wolf. "I surrender," Edward screeched, "Please, for the love of god I surrender."
Ultor heard the gunshot and knew with a certian dread what it meant. The Man was dead, he had saw kildor stun him just before he hauled his broken goose body into the bushes. With Brian and the parrot here, he could only assume Jazar was dead as well. Edward was even now surrendering. <What a screw up,> Ultor thought to himself. The yeerk sub-visser knew that Kildor would expose him, but all was not lost. Ultor was fully moose.
The yeerk sub-visser turned his bulky moose body in the direction of the barn, where Wintium and Sandresh were waiting as well as the two armed human controllers that kildor had been out searching with earlier. Ultor didn't know how fast a moose could run, but he did know from Jo's memory that a moose was more than a match for one lone wolf, a parrot, and a goose. Ultor started to run, trying to get his body up to full speed, his only hope was that the morphers would be thrown off by the suddenness of his departure.
Ultor was not Visser three and did not have a hundred terrifying forms to fight with, as such, he decided to blow his cover and call for help as he ran. <To any yeerk, this is your sub-visser Ultor 431. I am outnumbred four to one and need help.> Ultor broadcasted this over and over, to everyone, as he ran.