Author Topic: Our Summer Vacation...  (Read 40921 times)

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Offline gorillaman16

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1020 on: April 12, 2011, 05:39:09 AM »
"No I don't really know him but I know who he is. Was he at the search party yesterday because between you and me a lot of weird stuff happened there. This kid Brian he was at the search party and he told me to leave and get home as soon as possible and he said he would contact me if he needed me but why am I telling you this you need to find your son."
Marco: Now do you see why it's crazy to think we can beat the Yeerks? I mean, come on: We can barely beat zoo security.
Tobias: (now stuck as a hawk) They'll come. The Andalites will come. And until then...
Jake: (nods and wipes tears) Yeah. Until then, we fight.


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1021 on: April 12, 2011, 01:58:38 PM »
Jo wanted to go back to school but instead she was trying to mix Edward's and Olivia's DNA so that she didn't look like Olivia's sister or a man.  She didn't even like having Edward's DNA in her blood.  She wished that she could unacquire him some way.

Olivia was trying to find the best outfit to hide her morphing suit and still be in half Josefina morph.  She hadn't gone shopping for this size yet.  "I guess I have to roll up the pants so I can walk."  She looked at the clock.  She knocked on Brian's door.  "Remember that I'm driving and be ready."  She walked past the empty bird cage "Tarry, where are you?"  She was trying not to sound shrill but she had thought of several ways this mission could go wrong.  "I just want to get this over with."

(([2:04:35 PM] J: I'm gonna have to go now...and I think I won't be back till Thursday.
[2:04:46 PM] J: So could you post for Chad?
Here goes nothing...
[2:06:59 PM] J: I'll forgive spelling mistakes =P
Thanks for the vote of  confidence. ::) )))

After having gotten home through his window, Chad was glad to find out that he hadn't been missed. Because he had turned on his stereo on loud, he would theoretically not have heard anyone knocking at his door. Theoretically. He wasn't sure what was going to happen when the others went to meet that Controller. Kildor? Yeah, that was his name. He spent much of the night looking at the night sky and asking himself questions about what the other morphs were doing tonight but he eventually drifted to sleep.  The next morning he eats breakfast close to the phone in case Dad calls.  But he was pushed out the door for school before any calls come for him.  He walked in to the school and did what he did every year.  Where was Brain?  What had happened last night?  Questions like that in your head make it hard to concentrate on anything school related.  As he was changing classes he heard a pile of books drop.  When he looked where the sound had come from and saw Kristen with books all over the floor around her and his father helping her with them.  He walked over.  "Hi, Dad, what's up?"

Wintium knew that being shot at didn't make the best first impression of his operation.  He looked over the crowd to make sure that Sandresh was in her place far away from the Visser before trying to get close to the Andalite controller for himself.

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1022 on: April 12, 2011, 06:22:28 PM »
"Thanks," Kristen said, accepting the books from Mr. Black.  She hesitated, though, frowning slightly at the word choice.  Library?  Now?  Give me something to do this afternoon?

"Oh!"  She said, louder than she intended, thinking she understood.  She flushed slightly, glancing at Shaun.  "You're looking for Chad?"  She said hastily, covering up for herself.  "I saw him walking towards..." she trailed off as Chad himself walked up.  "...and now he's here.  Obviously."  She adjusted her books so that the corner of her history book wasn't digging into her stomach.  "Hi, Chad."
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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1023 on: April 12, 2011, 09:52:55 PM »
So this is that kid Brian was talking about... Sean realized. From what he remembered, this Shawn didn't know anything dangerous. He figured the safest thing he could do was just tell the truth. Well, sort of. "That really does sound weird. I ... wouldn't know if he was there or not. He doesn't live with me. I'm uh.. just here to give him his lunch money for the week. That's still my job." He grinned, as if that might be funny, rather than awkward.

At just that moment, Chad showed up. That was good. "Oh there you are. I was hoping I might catch you between classes. Um..." He realizes that he's just admitted to coming to give Chad some cash, so he figured he should follow through, since they had an audience. Begrudgingly, he pulled out his wallet, that he just happened to remember to grab before heading out the door, and opened it to find a single twenty sitting inside. His shoulders slumped ever-so-slightly, and he handed it over to Chad. "Here you go. Hopefully this'll be enough for the week.... Oh, and don't forget about studying at the library after you -" He faked a cough, looking Chad in the eyes. Please understand me... "Get out of school. I'll see you there." Sean clapped his son on the back, hoping to be pulling of the 'involved father' look while avoiding the 'annoying father' look. He wasn't sure he'd succeeded. Regardless, he waved goodbye to the three high-schoolers and headed back outside.

A single eye slid open. Brian glared at the clock. He still had another ten minutes. Why was she waking him up now? Why is it that all adults think that sleep is a bad thing? "Okay, okay, I'll be ready..." he said. But he hadn't bothered to remove his face from his pillow, and thus, it was simply a muffled groan that Olivia might have heard.

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1024 on: April 12, 2011, 10:22:28 PM »
Kristen glanced at her watch.  "I'd better go," she said, her suspicions confirmed as Mr. Black seemed to try to tell Chad to get out of school.  He mentioned the library again.  "Class will start soon."  She started walking towards her class, mind spinning.  What with all the Yeerk business, she hadn't gotten the chance to fully clear out her binder yet.  When she got into science (she'd come straight from history, so she still had her book) she quickly dug through it.  Just junk...junk...aha.  Something her mom had signed.

Kristen hesitated for a little bit.  She didn't want to do this...but...she quickly took a piece of paper out of her binder.  Her teacher was new, so he wouldn't know her handwriting yet.  She did her best to imitate her mom's writing, though, as she wrote a note excusing Kristen from class for a dentist appointment.  When it came to the signature, she turned both papers upside down.  I watch too much TV, she thought, the advice of a TV character (a conman) drifted back to her about forging signatures.  "...Your own style will always come into play.  But if you turn the papers upside down, it just becomes lines to follow."

A passable imitation was produced.  Kristen glanced around.  The raucousness of the classroom and her own status as pretty much nobody made sure that nobody had really seen what she'd done.  That being said, she quickly tucked the paper her mom had signed back into her binder.  She decided to wait a little while before giving the teacher her note.  Probably while they were looking through the textbook for damage.  Kristen squirmed in her seat slightly.  This better work...she thought up a cover story.  A office said this was the only convenient getting appointments in...
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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1025 on: April 13, 2011, 10:54:14 AM »
   Visser three had spent only a few moments in Ultor's office before he had commandeered the Texas operations entire Technical crew to search the office for hidden nooks, secret crannies, and to rip Ultor's computer apart piece by piece to be studied for information. The Visser asked how long it would be before he would know the contents of the machine, he was told that it would take at least six hours to go through the whole thing. The Visser had raged and fumed at this response, <If it isn't done in four hours,> the Visser Snarled, <I'll feed whoever is working on the machine to the Taxxons.>
   The second stop on his tour had taken the Visser throughout the pool complex, he even seemed pleased with the Defense turrets being installed by the pools. After the viewing of the defense turrets though, things took a turn for the worse as the Visser became tired of his guide's incessant babbling. <Silence Fool! I had no desire to listen to further talk from you.>
   "Of course Visser, but if I may point out-" the man began to respond pointing at some obscure feature in a nearby security station. With a thought-speak sigh, the Visser lashed out with his tail and the man's head rolled to the floor.
   <Can we finish with the pelminaries then?> The yeerk General roared. No one answered so the Visser Continued, <Bring me the three highest Ranking controllers that remain of the Traitors administration.>
   Regalis had been in the Employ of the Visser for a rather short time, but it was already longer than many people lasted. The hork-bajir controller had been absorbed into the Visser's Elite Blue band gaurds almost the second Visser three had laid eyes on him. Ultor had been very upset and apologized to Regalis repeatedly after they were out of ear shot of the Visser. A week later, Ultor had gone back to Texas to die whilst Regalis had remained in California.
   Upon hearing the Visser's order, Regalis had hustled off to find the five or so highest ranking controllers. He was the most suited of the Visser's guards for the task, having helped Ultor run the complex.
   The Hork-bajir Controller was told that Wintium, Sandresh, and Illmant were the top three ranking controllers, and that Edward, the former Sub-Visser's host, was still around and quite active in the complex. Regalis had a human Controller scamper off to find the three he wanted.   


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1026 on: April 13, 2011, 02:02:49 PM »
Wintium was called to see the Visser and so was Sandresh.  He didn't know why she was being called.  As he saw her coming, he brought her close in an almost lover style.  "If you mess this up the Visser will have your head rolling across the floor.  This is a warning not a threat."

Sandresh couldn't help be feel threatened by the words but knew that it was the truth.  <<We need to keep our cool.>>
<<You were the one that proclaimed your love,>> Miriam said.  <<Do you want me to handle this.>>
<<No,>> Sandresh said sharply.  <<He might notice that a Yeerk isn't talking.>>

Kalsha was glad to see that Kildor had the privilege to great Visser 3.

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1027 on: April 13, 2011, 08:07:25 PM »
There it was.  The textbooks were handed out, and they were told to check for damage.  Kristen scurried up to the teacher's desk, note clutched in hand.

"Mr. Perickson?"  She said.  He looked up at her from where he was working on his computer.  He already seemed stressed by all the kids, and it was only second period.  She handed him the note.  "I need to go soon."  He frowned up at her for a heart-stopping moment.  "Why are you going to the dentist office now?  On the first day of school?"  Luckily, she had the story ready.  "I have a cavity...and it really hurts.  This was the only time soon that the dentist could get me in, he's really busy lately."

Mr. Perickson studied the note.  Kristen tried not to blush.  She tended to do that when she was lying to someone.  Eventually, with a resigned sigh, he handed the note back to her.  "Fine.  You can learn expectations and everything from a friend."  Kristen thanked him and scurried out of the room, breathing a huge sigh of relief once the door was closed. the library.
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Offline gorillaman16

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1028 on: April 13, 2011, 09:06:20 PM »
Shaun was sitting in math which he really didn't want to be in at that moment. Mr. Walace called Shaun up to the front and told him he was leaving and that his mom was here to get him. How is my mom here to get me. I thought she was on a trip. He saw his mom waiting for him by the doors so he walked to her. "I thought you were on a trip?" he asked confused. "It was finished early now let's go i'm not in the mood for this I just want to take you home."

Shaun looked confusing at his mother who didn't seem happy but that was normal but something wasn't right about this. "You couldn't wait for me to get home from school?" She looked at him while they walked, "No this could not wait you need to be brought home so that we can spend time together." Shaun stopped walking "You just said that you wanted to take me home not spend time with me." Just then a van pulled up and his mother pulled out an alien like weapon and there were two huge aliens in the van. "Shaun get in the van or face the consequences." Shaun turned and ran behind the van, his mother jumped into the van and told them to follow him. Shaun ran around the corner of the building and ran into Chad's dad again. "Please help me my mom is trying to kidnap me in a big white van and there are two aliens in the van and my mom had this weird gun. Can you please just help me?"
Marco: Now do you see why it's crazy to think we can beat the Yeerks? I mean, come on: We can barely beat zoo security.
Tobias: (now stuck as a hawk) They'll come. The Andalites will come. And until then...
Jake: (nods and wipes tears) Yeah. Until then, we fight.


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1029 on: April 14, 2011, 11:28:38 AM »
Sean was walking through the parking lot, back to his car, when he heard tires squealing. He turned to look, and saw that kid with his name come running around the corner and plowed into him. He was lucky he hadn't fallen. The van must have needed to turn around first, because he kept hearing alternating tire squealing and back-up warning signals. It would only be half a minute or so before it came tearing through the parking lot. He looked at the parking lot. He wasn't the only person there, though there wasn't anyone else paying attention to him and Shaun. Without any sign of warning, he shoved Shaun backwards into the bushes, hoping he'd have the brains to hide their till it was safe for him. "Get down. Stay down." He says, and without another word, he resumes walking casually towards his car. His heart beat a little faster. Surely not even the Yeerks would start shooting or grabbing random people in the parking lot of a high school. He wasn't sure what they wanted this Shaun kid for, but frankly, that wasn't his concern.

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1030 on: April 14, 2011, 01:19:11 PM »
Shaun did as Chad's father instructed and stayed down in the bushes. The van sped past looking for Shaun they circled the parking lot and when they didn't see him they left the school and drove off into the distance. Shaun waited for a signal for him to come out.
Marco: Now do you see why it's crazy to think we can beat the Yeerks? I mean, come on: We can barely beat zoo security.
Tobias: (now stuck as a hawk) They'll come. The Andalites will come. And until then...
Jake: (nods and wipes tears) Yeah. Until then, we fight.


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1031 on: April 14, 2011, 09:22:24 PM »
Sean tried to not look at the van in question when it came blaring past. Thankfully, it soon drove off. He was relieved that the spur-of-the-moment plan had worked, and that Shaun was safe. It wasn't that he didn't care, but couldn't. Once in his car, he backed up, and exited the parking lot in the opposite direction that the van had. Chances were, Brian and the others were still at his place. That had been the plan, at least....


With surprising swiftness, Brian slammed his palm down on the alarm clock's snooze button, and then more gently flipped the little switch to shut off the source of his early-morning frustration. After dressing, he dragged his feet out the door and plopped on the couch. "Sean back yet?"


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1032 on: April 14, 2011, 11:32:32 PM »
Jo turned around from a reflective surface with Olivia's hair with Edward's rat like features soften slightly by Olivia's DNA.  "I haven't seen him," Jo said to Brian.  "Does this morph make me look like a dude?"

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1033 on: April 15, 2011, 02:41:58 PM »
Chad knew that Sean wanted him to go to the library--and the sooner the better--so he decided to go fast. But how? He racked his mind for every option possible. Unfortunately, nothing was coming to him, and he sighed. His next class was English...Mr. Burton taught that class. He'd also taught Chad's English class last year. As Chad got closer, he had only one idea he could think of. Now to see if it would work...
It was the ordinary blah, blah, blah talk that came at the start of each class. Chad never paid much attention to them, as he had all his books that he needed. However, this time around, after sitting down, he sank down in his chair a little bit and held his stomach. As Mr. Colson droned on about bringing all their books to class, Chad groaned once and grimaced. The kid sitting next to him looked at him once. Chad ignored him. At least he would have some credibility when he said something a few minutes. By the time Mr. Colson was done with what was expected from the students and was going to introduce the texts, Chad raised his hand, biting his lip, hating himself for what he was going to do.
"Mr. Black?" Mr. Colson said.
Chad frowned. Mr. Colson always called the students by their last names; Chad wasn't a fan of it. "It's just that...well...I feel real sick now. Like, I'm gonna throw up. I don't know, I think it''s something I ate last night. Is it okay if I like, go to the bathroom? I'll try to be back really soon...or maybe I could call Mom or something..." he trailed off.
"Really sick, Mr. Black," Mr. Colson said.
"Yeah, well I feel really sick. Is it okay?" Chad bit his lip again, feeling nervous.
His teacher stared for a few seconds before filling out the pass and handing it to Chad. He said nothing, which was customary for him. But now, it made Chad feel that Mr. Colson knew something. He left the room quickly and headed to go outside. But then what? Should he go to the library now? What about Kristen?

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1034 on: April 15, 2011, 04:04:18 PM »
The Visser waited with what passed for him as patience until Sandresh, Wintium, and Illmant arrived. The yeerk General met them in the conference room that the sub-visser had used to host meetings. He figured this might make them feel more comfortable. <Greetings,> the Visser said in surprisingly cheery thought-speak. <I'm glad you could all join me today. Which one of you is the highest ranking in this room?>
After the Visser's departure, Kildor quitely slipped away to the motor pool and grabbed what he was begining to think of as his Van. The tunnel  that led to the library entrance was a few miles in length and Kildor's injuries were not conducive to walking. Technically, the tunnel was not meant for vehicles of any kind, but the controller in charge of vehicles was to frightened to oppose him. Kildor marked the man's face. I'll be sure to kill you in the uprising as well Kildor thought. The list was getting almost to long. Kildor and the van set off down the tunnel, hoping they wouldn't be missed.