Author Topic: Our Summer Vacation...  (Read 40925 times)

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1050 on: April 17, 2011, 11:51:21 AM »
Kristen was demorphing as Sean spoke.  She was experimenting with the morph, seeing how she could control it.  But when Sean told her about the Yeerk pool, she froze.  <The Yeerk pool?>  She stammered.  <Isn't that dangerous?  Really dangerous?>  She continued the morph, and she was fully human before the feathers sank into her skin and the falcons eyes reverted to her own.  She blinked at her own visions.  Humans have such terrible eyes, she said with an internal sigh.
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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1051 on: April 17, 2011, 04:31:42 PM »
Chad said, "Well, I figured you said to get here soon, so I did." He said good morning to the others before going upstairs to put on other clothes. By the time he came downstairs, Olivia was laughing her head off and letting Kristen inside. "We're doing what? Why would he want us to go there? Isn't it like...well, dangerous?" Kristen echoed what he said, and Chad started to get a sick feeling in his stomach. What if something went wrong down there?


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1052 on: April 17, 2011, 06:23:37 PM »
"Yes. It's dangerous. Kildor.... He's got us in a really bad situation. He knows about not only Jo and Olivia, but about Brian and Tarry, too. He's..." He sighs and looks at Brian. ".. only keeping Brian's family safe because we're cooperating with him. For some reason, he wants us to go down there. Whether or not it's a trap, i don't think we have much choice. Besides, we don't even know what we're doing. I mean, we want to fight these Yeerks, but we don't know anything about them. I... I guess we could figure a lot of this stuff out from ... well, Jo's family, but... if we can believe even a third of what Kildor says, then maybe it wouldn't be good for us to tick him off. Maybe... it might even end up being a good thing for us." He didn't like what he was saying. Sean was probably just sending them all to die. Not that that was the worse that could happen down there.... He began drumming his fingers on his thigh. "Or maybe I'm just crazy. I don't like this, but what are we going to do?"


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1053 on: April 17, 2011, 06:56:55 PM »
"I'm Wintium 4456, head of complex management," Wintium said.  He also spoke for Sandresh so she didn't say dumb.  "And this is my host's wife, Miriam, form channel 2, her Yeerk Sandresh 85942 is head of new media."

Olivia was gasping for air and calming herself down.

"The worst thing that can happen is that the Yeerks get morphing host," Jo reminded.  "War over.  Planet over taken."
« Last Edit: April 17, 2011, 08:37:55 PM by Chris (Rad) »

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1054 on: April 17, 2011, 09:36:44 PM »

<The yeerk pool will be the most dangerous place on your planet.  The entrances are controlled and there may be several thousand yeerks in the complex.  We do not know anything about the pool.  Kildor will continue to hold Brian's family hostage to keep us doing what he wants.  As soon as we stop doing what he wants, he will have Brian's family infested.  He will eventually ask us to do something we cannot do. Also, if Kildor is discovered, Brian's family will be infested anyway.  We should try to rescue Brian's family.>

Tarry felt his heart speed up.  Odd, I am not that anxious.

<Kildor was lying about why we are going to the yeerk pool.  He said that he wanted us to destroy records that show you are human.  When I asked him what he intended to do about the yeerks who already know you are human, he said that they would be eliminated, but he said that he cannot get to Wintium, the yeerk that has Josefina's father.  Wintium will know that you are human.>

<It is not you Kildor wants.  It is your ability to morph.  You are just as useful to him as controllers.  If he can find a way to infest you, he will.  He would only need to arrange to have his people infest you, instead of a yeerk who is loyal to the empire. >

Tarry was breathing too quickly and he was shaking slightly, but he maintained his composure.  What is happening to me?

<I believe we should try to rescue Brian’s family.  I do not like the idea of splitting our people up, but we could send three people to get Brian’s family to safety while we meet with Kildor.  We have to meet with Kildor to keep him from having the yeerks take Brian’s family.>


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1055 on: April 17, 2011, 11:35:53 PM »
So they save his family and not mine, Jo thought.  What makes his family more important than mine?  "I would like to go with group going to Brian's house."

Olivia was wondering if Jo was getting too entangled with Brian's family.  "I think me and Jo should go to the library as well as Brian.  It's what Kildor is expecting."

Offline Horsefan1023 (Seal)

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1056 on: April 18, 2011, 08:48:57 PM »
Kristen nodded.  "I agree with Olivia,"  She offered.  "As far as we know, Kildor doesn't know about Sean, Chad and I, so you don't have to make excuses for one of you being gone.  Besides, I, uh, can't really go to the library like this," she pointed out, glancing down at her leotard.  She looked up at Tarry and frowned slightly.  There was something a little off...was he shaking?  Is he okay?  Kristen decided to keep an eye on him--no use relying on your Andalite-more-or-less-leader if he was flipping out or something.
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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1057 on: April 20, 2011, 01:29:22 PM »
Illmant was Terrified of Visser three and barely manage to get out, "I am Illmant 7892, head of Emergency Medical and Field Evacuation."
The Hork-Bajir Controller watched the yeerk general with a special feeling of dread. "I bring the injured back to the pool so that they may be saved and made to work for the Glory of The Empire once more."
<Good.> The Visser said once the three had finished introducing themselves. <Now you will tell me why I shouldn't have the three of you executed for Gross Incompetence. After that we will talk about why I feel that one of you is a traitor to the cause. How else could such rampant chaos exist?>
Kildor looked at his watch, he was beginning to wonder if the humans were coming. If not he thought to himself casually, I will destroy the Wickersham family completely. Starting with the little boy. That out to relieve some stress.


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1058 on: April 22, 2011, 12:18:46 AM »
"I'm going to the library. That's how to keep my family safe. We have to do what Kildor wants. I think Sean's right. If we have to go down there, we're going to have to do it together." Brian decided quietly that he would be in the library, and ultimately the Pool, no matter what.

"How would we 'get them to safety'? Kildor is watching that place like a hawk. We can't get inside without him or his people noticing, and then, we'll make an enemy of him for sure. He ... might be our one and only ally in all of this." Sean didn't like admitting to that, but... there was that chance, however small. "Guys... whatever we're doing, we have to go soon. Can't keep him waiting...."


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1059 on: April 22, 2011, 10:14:20 AM »
Wintium spoke softly despite the Visser's anger.  "I beg your pardon sir but could you clarify what you mean by incompetence.  I will address each issue as you name them."  <<If he finds out about Sandresh's sorry love for you human, he won't just kill the Yeerk but he will kill the host as well most likely.  I'm afraid that you won't get a chance to say good bye.>>

Miriam stayed in the back of her mind, though she did have the desire to reach for Laurence's hand but she knew better.  That hand belonged to the enemy now.  For rich or poorer, in sickness or health seemed easy now.  This situation was never covered in pre-marriage consoling that's for sure.
<<I believe that Laurence is with us in spirit,>> Sandresh tried to comfort.

"Where are Brian's family going to go that is safe?" Olivia said.  "I don't think this apartment can hold that many more people.  We need to think this out before y'all go in but we don't have much time."

"I think I know how to get inside," Jo said.  "But it's not nice.  When I was running from Ultor I morphed roach.  It takes a while to get used to though."

Offline Horsefan1023 (Seal)

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1060 on: April 22, 2011, 05:14:47 PM »
Kristen wasn't that bothered by bugs, but it still made her uncomfortable.  "I acquired a fly last night," she said, then remembered she had said nothing about her trip to the zoo.  "Oh, right!  I went to the zoo last night and got some more morphs.  I thought they might be useful.  But what would we do even if we got inside?"  Kristen bit her lip.  The others had a point...there wasn't that much they could do.
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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1061 on: April 23, 2011, 08:14:26 AM »
Laurence remained quiet, not saying anything for two reasons. First, he didn't want Wintium to have a lapse which could make the Visser angry at them, and second, he wasn't ready to say anything about possibly not having a chance to say something to Miriam. The possibility of never having a chance to talk to her came off cold to him. He wished he could turn his eyes to look at her, but they remained focused on the Visser.

Chad frowned at the mention of ****roaches. He didn't like them whatsoever, and to get him to morph the insect would be a problem. Of course, not that they didn't have problems all ready. "If we went to the Yeerk Pool, would Kildor then not go after Brian's family?"

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1062 on: April 23, 2011, 11:22:22 AM »
<For now, but eventually Kildor will have us do something that we cannot do, or Kildor may decide that it is easier to control Brian's family while they are controllers, or Kildor may be discovered and Brian's family will be taken regardless of what we do. If we are going to get Brian's family to safety, we must do it now.  Kildor does not know about Sean, Kristen, or Chad.  That gives us an advantage.  We will not be able to keep that from him if we go to the pool.>

Tarry was starting to feel hot.  The normally white patches around his eyes turned to pink.

<Kildor will not be able to put a large gaurd around Brian's family without drawing too much suspicion. He only had two human guards there last night.  He may have more nearby, but I doubt he has had time to prepare a decent surveillance.  The longer we wait, the less likely that becomes.>

<Kildor has the typical yeerk mentality. He does not want to be our ally.  He wants to control us.  Either he needs us, and will not try to destroy us even if we do this, or he is planning to destroy us already.  Taking Brian's family will not alter our relationship with him except that he will no longer have control over us.  I will say again that it would be easier to control us if he were to infest us, and he wants us to go to the yeerk pool, where it will be easiest for him to do so.>

<I do not know where we will take Brian's family, but anything will be safer for them then their current situation.>


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1063 on: April 23, 2011, 03:10:49 PM »
"Tarry, why are you turning pink?" Olivia asked with concern.  "It that normal?  Please tell me that's normal."

Offline Horsefan1023 (Seal)

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #1064 on: April 23, 2011, 04:47:17 PM »
Kristen frowned.  She was right--Tarry was shaking.  And he was turning pink.  "No, that's not normal," she said worriedly.  She glanced over at the kitchen, and saw a black powder spread over the counter.  She walked over to it, and examined it.  "Tarry!"  She cried.  "That's coffee powder!  Caffeine is toxic to birds!"
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