First of all, Rachel's new nickname has already been brought up for discussion.
Secondly, I would love to know what kind of discussions went on at Scholastic when they were debating (hopefully with K.A. and Michael) about how to edit the books. Like, who suggested Storm? Did they have to vote on using that name? Did they ask K.A. what she thought?
Was it brought up? Oops, must have missed it. My bad.
And I agree, it would be interesting to know the update process went about and how everything was decided.
On another note, I think the loss/changes of the 90s pop culture references is something that will probably cause the most debate among fans, not only because those will probably be the most significant changes, but because they might not be as cool/similar to their original counterpart, especially if the changes are as terrible as substituting Xena for Storm.
I do think everyone appreciates the fixing of KASUs and spelling/typos, though.