yeah, but that's the animal fighting, with animal tactics and animal battle understanding.
With the pairing of human intellect, Tobias was able to gain enough speed, and choose the right H-B to take them out without getting hit.
Also Tobias struck when the fight was in full swing. Not many H-Bs were staring at a bird in the sky waiting to strike when they had 5 other targets right in front of them.
Tobias was the perfect scout/artillery fire.
I think Cassie's morph was perfect for her nature and her position on fighting. Wolves have no choice but to kill. They can't hurt or maim, they kill or run. And that fits Cassie perfectly. She either doesn't kill at all, or she takes out whatever will kill her.
A lion would have been a bad choice because it's too flashy. A lion couldn't stalk it's prey unless it was surrounded by grass. A tiger can duck under cover without having to worry about its hairdo giving itself away. It has approx the same power and speed, but a tiger can be sneakier
Yeah, Rachel's change in battle morph was one of necessity. Her elephant is too big in many situations. Also the elephant can't manuever very well, it's very slow. Sure an elephant can gain speed, but it takes a bit. The bear is more versitile than an elephant.
I found Marco perfectly suited to the gorrila, the gorrila is big and powerful, but it can have fun and be funny when it wants to. Marco never really wanted to be a part of the fighting, so it's understandable why he would choose a less than lethal choice, plus Big Jim can still be a crack up.