Personally, at this stage in the game, I'd say it'd be better to keep anything y'all want to partake in in PMs and email format only.
I think it sucks some major monkey balls that the eBooks are gone, but, I'm not too upset, I figured it was coming. Scholastic has done their song, RAF's gotta do the dance, and it'll all blow over eventually. Any changed made (per the last portion of the blog post), may have some effect on RAF, but they'll never be able to stop us from having our little community, whether we have eBooks or not. And who knows? Maybe they'll release Animorphs in eBook form at some point, and we'll be able to purchase them for RAF, or from RAF (provided, of course, that the sales be forwarded to Scholastics).
But, yeah, if you're gonna discuss something... I'd highly suggest doing so in a discreet, private way, to safeguard yourself.