The Rules are simple:
No God-modding
The character that you play we know you on RAF.
Keep it PG or thereabouts, okey?!
Let's start!
I'll give a loose profile, with openings for personality clashes. FunfunFUN! Remember: what happens in the S.O. STAYS in the S.O.
Don't abuse this thread for personal conflicts, please. Any opinions that we state in this thread are totally irrelevant outside this thread. If, for instance, I call someone a potential mortal nemesis, it is because I think that it would be fun to act out a fictional fight with them, not because I don't like them. I like all of you.
EstelorePersonality: Lovable, arrogant, potentially the nicest sociopath that you will ever have the good fortune to meet.
Species: Sentient humanoid embodiment of a star, impersonating a human.
Love interest(s): Toomin, Shanker, Tyler
Potential rival(s): Anna, Jayne, Claire
Potential mortal nemeses:RedBaron, Esplin 9466
May be my evil twin: Ken