Author Topic: The Asylum  (Read 9598 times)

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Offline DinosaurNothlit

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The Asylum
« on: February 14, 2009, 03:17:57 PM »
The Asylum was a large complex that had been built near Sacremento, California, and looked like a cross between a hospital, a psych ward, and a nursing home.  Sterile rooms, dull hallways, but at the same time, a few odd nick-nacks that made the place feel a little more like a home than most hospitals.  And that's because, for many creatures, that's what it was.  This was where the misfits of the galaxy were sent, those too hopeless to live on their own.  Andalite vecols, poor souls of various species who had been trapped in horrifying mid-morphs, Yeerks and Taxxons who for whatever reason couldn't gain the morphing technology, and even the odd mentally-unstable Leeran.  The misfits of the universe gathered here simply because there was nowhere else for them to go.

Living within these walls was a young female Andalite who seemed, at first glance, to be perfectly healthy.  Her name was Torashan-Kuirkell-Shralin, but most of the other patients here had simply shortened her name to Tora.  She didn't look like there was anything wrong with her, but she was still considered a vecol by her people.  You see, she had a mental condition that, while uncommon, was not unheard-of among Andalites.  Most Andalites have some psychic sensitivity, which allowed them to percieve and send thought-speak.  But Torashan had a version of schizophrenia that intensified and perverted this psychic ability, leading her to recieve any and all thoughts that came her way, not as spoken words, but as vivid hallucinations.  She could not distinguish the thoughts of those around her from reality.

She had been shunned from society, like most vecols on her home world.  But for her, that was not enough.  Andalites projected their thoughts too harshly for her fragile mind, their words like a painful cacophony of images to her warped perception.  So she was moved to earth, to live among humans, where their thoughts were just the slightest bit gentler.

Still, she'd had no idea how to take care of herself.  She wandered around in the countryside for a while, lost and confused, never knowing what was real and what wasn't, or where she was, or what she should be doing.  So she was eventually put in the Asylum, the one place where she might actually find some semblance of belonging.  Or at least, where she wouldn't hurt herself or anyone else.

At the moment, Tora was in a huge grassy courtyard surrounded by the brick walls of the Asylum building.  Everyone in the Asylum was here, the Andalites running on the grass while everyone else sat at picnic tables with trays of whatever their species ate.  It was lunch hour.  And Tora hated it.  The Asylum's wardens always herded everyone together to eat, and while the social time was good for most of the patients, it was all Tora could do to withstand it for the hour that it was required.  She stood off in a corner, away from the crowd, holding her head in her hands and rocking back and forth, as she ticked off the seconds and minutes until she could go back to her room where she could be alone again.


((Welcome to the Asylum.  ;)  Anyone is free to join!  You can play a warden or a patient, of any species you like, or perhaps even a canon character if you so desire, so long as there's a reason for whoever you play to be on earth and in the Asylum.  You can post your character descriptions in paragraph form as I have done, or in a list format, just be sure to include a) Your character's name b) their species and c) what they're doing in the Asylum))


1.  No godmodding, powerplaying, or Mary Sues

2.  If playing a canon character, please stay accurate

3.  Try to write well, and preferably more than a sentence per post, but I'm not a huge stickler for grammar

4.  This last rule is probably the most important, so listen carefully . . . have fun!

Offline Chad32

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Re: The Asylum
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2009, 05:07:15 PM »
Name: Zoshonel
Race: Howler
Reason for being there: One of the many Howlers left after book 26, who changed from wanting to kill to wanting to kiss. So he came to Earth to show Humans the passion of love. Unfortunately, as Howlers can be intimidating, the police were called and he eventually wound up in the Asylum. Diagnosed with a mental instability that causes him to want to make out, and make love to, anything that moves.

(How is that?)

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Offline DinosaurNothlit

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Re: The Asylum
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2009, 05:33:50 PM »
((Hehe, that looks great, Nohensen.  Don't ask me how I knew, but I had a funny feeling that someone was going to play a Howler.  ;)  Go ahead and post whenever you're ready.))
« Last Edit: February 14, 2009, 05:35:53 PM by DinosaurNothlit »

Offline Chad32

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Re: The Asylum
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2009, 05:47:35 PM »
Zoshonel woke up in a white room with padded walls. He was somewhat depressed that the Humans had put him here. They did a psyche evaluation and found him to be a danger to himself and others. He didn't even know what that meant. Many Humans fled from him, but he once found a place where Human females would kiss him in exchange for Human currency. Mostly green, decorated paper. With all the recent aliens showing up after the Yeerk forces were defeated, his appearance hadn't been overly shocking.

He told the law enforcers that the last woman he kissed was enjoying it, but they still sent him here and gave him medication. They wouldn't let him leave, but since he needed a place to stay anyway, he didn't fight too hard to get out. The nurse that brought him food kept talking about wanting to remain professional when he asked if they could kiss. He didn't know what that meant either.

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Offline AcreLorraine

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Re: The Asylum
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2009, 10:24:16 AM »
Name: Darren
Race: Changeling
Reason:  Interdimensional criminal and conman who is now in hiding as a warden in the Asylum.  His training and abilities allow him to become who he needs to be and create personas when he needs to.  At this moment, he is hiding at the center.  His premise is that nobody would suspect him to live with the misfits of the galaxy.

(think "The Pretender", but not as noble.)
I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly.

It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations.

Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result.
 Winston Churchill 

Fanservice?  What fanservice?  This is author service, I don't care if the fans like it or not.

Offline DinosaurNothlit

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Re: The Asylum
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2009, 10:44:43 AM »
((Interesting.  Is "changeling" a race, or a profession?  IE, did your character naturally have this ability, or did it come about through technology?

Oh, and post whenever you like.))

Offline Chad32

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Re: The Asylum
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2009, 12:38:22 PM »
Zoshonel was allowed outside of his room for exercise. There was a large grassy area with a bunch of different aliens. They had several different things to exercise with, and he went to the jungle gym. climbing around on the bars felt pretty good after being cooped up in the room. He also ate some meat. He also flirted with some people, but was scolded for it by the same nurse that was in his room before.

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Offline AcreLorraine

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Re: The Asylum
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2009, 10:56:30 PM »
((Race from star wars actually.  Zam Wessel, the assassin from episode two was one.))

Darren walked from room to room, handing out medication and monitoring several patients.  He smiled a bit, thinking how several of the more hyperactive patients had had their medication swapped out with sugar pills.  The place was overmedicating anyway.  He knew he wouldn't get caught because he had swapped the bottles and not dosages.  several other nurses and wardens would get the heat, it might be him too since medication delivery was usually decided randomly according to whoever annoyed the boss the most.  Today would be a fine day.
I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly.

It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations.

Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result.
 Winston Churchill 

Fanservice?  What fanservice?  This is author service, I don't care if the fans like it or not.

Offline Damien

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Re: The Asylum
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2009, 03:38:18 PM »
(May I add characters later on?)

Name: Damien Marce and Lispion 3124
Race: Human/Yeerk
Reason: He was one of the few humans who had received the morphing technology while he was a controller. Ironically his yeerk was apart of the yeerk peace movement. The morphing technology affected his body strangely causing him and the yeerk to blend into one being. His yeerk was unable to leave Damien's body and had lost the need for Kadrona Rays. To other people this has caused him to have 'multiple personalities', when he tried to explain no-one believe him since his three-day limit for Lispion was over. He is still able to morph but the process has became painful instead of the normal painless morphing, the only good thing that has came out of this is that he is able to surpass the two-hour limit for morphing. He is still just a teen and is currently age 16. He lives in the asylum with his pet husky, Blizzard, who had somehow became sentient after the yeerks were defeated. Damien and Lispion suspect it has something to do with the the morphing technology. He is sometimes spotted talking to his dog.

Name: Blizzard
Race: Husky
Reason: He had became sentient after the yeerks had left in defeat. He can communicate in thought speak but only communicates with Damien and is well aware of Damien and Lispion's situation. The only reaosn he is at the asylum is because Damien didn't wouldn't go willingly without Blizzard.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2009, 03:51:37 PM by Damien »
That'sssss a very nice possssst you have there... It'd be a sssshame if something happened to it...

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Offline DinosaurNothlit

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Re: The Asylum
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2009, 03:46:41 PM »
((Interesting character, Damien.  And yes, you are welcome to play multiple characters if you like.  Post whenever you're ready.))

Offline Chad32

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Re: The Asylum
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2009, 03:50:14 PM »
"I don't want any medicine." Zoshonel said when the warden came to deliver it. "Medicine implies that I am ill, and I'm not. So I don't want any."

He doubted the medicine did anything, and one dose actually made him hyper. He didn't trust it. He wanted out, but he also felt sorry for many people who were inside. He felt that their lives must be sad.

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Offline Damien

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Re: The Asylum
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2009, 04:04:09 PM »
(I forgot to add the part about Damien's husky and was adding while you posted...)

Damien walked slowly through the grass with Blizzard. <I wish I kept my big mouth shut about sharing a mind and body with oyu Lispion,>Damien said inside his head,<then we would have to spend out time in this place, I want to go home...>

<I honestly don't know how to respond to that...>replied Lispion,<And oyu mean we should have ept your big mouth shut, I could have stopped you>he teased.

<Yeah, yeah, you had to rub that in huh?>Damien muttered. Blizzard just seemed to ignore the two even though he could pick up on their conversation. <...Lets go get something to eat, deffintly not coffe, for some reaosn I"m already jittery.>

<Yeah taking medication for something you don't have does that to you,> Lispion reaplied.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2009, 06:44:06 PM by Damien »
That'sssss a very nice possssst you have there... It'd be a sssshame if something happened to it...

If you get the reference above you will get a cookie, an imaginary cookie, but a cookie none-the-less!

Offline DinosaurNothlit

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Re: The Asylum
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2009, 04:17:04 PM »
Torashan watched Zoshonel with a curious stalk eye.  He was a newcomer here, she knew.  She'd never seen a real Howler before, only the ones that came from the minds of others.  Of course, it was entirely possible that this one, too, was just another figment of someone's imagination.  Normally, that would have been Tora's assumption, but there was something that told her that he was real.

And that something was the multitude of images that had flooded into Tora's field of vision the moment Zoshonel had come within range.  It was like he remembered things that . . . no, no living creature could hold that many memories.  He must be one of those species with a collective conscious.  But one image seemed to dominate above the rest.  Standing in front of Tora, as plain and as detailed as if they were really there, were a pair of humans, a tall boy with brown hair, and a short, black girl.  They were doing what humans called 'kissing.'

Tora watched the pair of hallucinatory humans for a while, interested.  She'd never seen a kiss before, but somehow the emotion behind it was plain to see.  They were in love.  Was the Howler in love, too, Tora wondered?  And if so, what was he doing in a place like this?  This prison was no place for lovers.

Tora saw Damien walk by, and looked away from him, moving off towards the other end of the courtyard.  Tora had occasionally seen him during meal times before, and she didn't like him.  She didn't know him all that well, but she simply didn't want to be around him.  Not only was he a controller, which was automatically a strike against him for any Andalite, but his thoughts were the interconnected thoughts of two different individuals, and that duality of mind was often painful for Tora to experience.  So she stayed away from him.

Which just happened to bring her closer to the Howler.  At this range, his memories were overwhelming, but Tora managed to put up with it.  Her curiousity overcame her fear, and she said, <Are you real?> just as one might talk to a figure in a dream.

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Re: The Asylum
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2009, 04:34:46 PM »
Damien glanced at his right and noticed an andalite. For some reason she always seemed pained and confused whenever he came even close to her... no wait... anyone, he wished he knew what was wrong with the andalite but noticed that see seemed to avoid him.

<She knows you're a controller,>Came a new thought speak, almost as if it had read his mind. Damien glanced down at his pet, he was looking back with intelligence in his eyes.

"Don't do that, its creepy, almost like you can read our mind,"Lispion said using Damien's mouth. Damien was mentally exhausted, he didn't know why, maybe he really was becoming insane. He was about to pass out, that is why Lispion took control. "Something is wrong with Damien," Lispion told Blizzard, the husky.

<Could it be the medication?> asked Blizzard tilting his head the way dogs seem to do. <Drugs have different effects on different people, and considering he doesn't need it and he has became fused with a yeerk it could be having unseen effects on his mind...>

Lispion sctached his/Damien's chin,"It could be... I have a feeling it is somethign else... anyway I'm going to go get somehting to eat for us,"Lispion muttered meaning him and Damien. "Be right back," and with that Lispion jogged towards the food area.

Blizzard nodded and glanced towards the andalite and howler, they sparked his curiosity, slwoly he rotted towards them, being careful to appear as awandering pet dog. He wanted to know why a perfectly healthy looking andalite, and a creature that appeared to be made out of lava, were doing here.
That'sssss a very nice possssst you have there... It'd be a sssshame if something happened to it...

If you get the reference above you will get a cookie, an imaginary cookie, but a cookie none-the-less!

Offline Chad32

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Re: The Asylum
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2009, 05:22:06 PM »
"Yeah, I'm real." Zoshonel said to the Andalite. He placed a hand gently on her cheek. Touching an Andalite's face with a hand was how they kissed, which he had learned from another Howler through their collective thoughts. "What are you doing here? You don't seem to be all there. You and other must be lonely, cooped up in here and not be let out." He took his hand away after speaking.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2009, 06:07:02 PM by Nohensen »

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