Author Topic: Why keep seperate?  (Read 1511 times)

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Offline Andalite_Shorm

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Why keep seperate?
« on: March 26, 2012, 10:59:49 AM »
I know it says in every 3rd book or so of Animorphs that the friends all try to keep seperate in school in case the Yeerks put two and two together, but I don't exactly see the point.
I mean, 1st off... And this is slightly out of context, they say they wree never really friends before, but that is slightly untrue since Marco and Jake are best friends, Rachel and Cassie are best friends, Cassie has a crush on Jake, whichshe would have had to have known him at least a bit before deciding. Tobias was new so he doesn't count, sadly DxD Rachel hates Marco's jokes... Then again, Marco seemed to make his jokes very open in class so that could be the case...
Ok, second, there are only four humans in the school, Jake, Marco, Cassie and Rachel... There are six "Andalites" (well, obviously one is real) so no Yeerk would make a connection "Oh, hey, there are four kids that seem pretty close at school... There are 6 Andalites... IT'S THEM!" x3
Last of all, in school there wiuld probably be 6 friends in a group anyway, so why not suspect them? :3

Ok, I'm trying not to pick holes here but I'm unbelievably bored and in a very Animorphy mood XD I SWEAR I'm not being a jerk lol :woot2:

Offline Chad32

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Re: Why keep seperate?
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2012, 11:21:21 AM »
They didn't want to suddenly seem like a big group right after almost getting caught at the construction site. sure Rachel and Cassie are friends. Marco and Jake are friends. Jake and Cassie have a secret almost-an-item thing going on. If all five of them started hanging out together right after six kids were seen running away from the scene of Elfangor's death, it would raise suspicions. Though after things cooled down a bit, it would be more okay to start hanging out more. It wouldn't be totally out of left field, since they all have some connection to Jake.

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Offline Alan Fangor

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Re: Why keep seperate?
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2012, 02:33:32 PM »
I agree, I also have always tought that was an excessive caution. Maybe they weren't a very definite group before, but they know each other pretty well, and nobody could think that it's suspect if Jake Berenson, his best friend, his cousin and her best friend (and Jake's alleged girlfriend) start seeing each other at school. They would not have seemed more strange than any other group of kids. And I don't believe there are many Controllers engaged to control dozens of groups of innocuous teenagers.

It's like the matter of not talk on the phone : it's improbable that some Yeerks spend their time to listen thousands of human conversations, but in this case, perhaps is better to be cautious.

Anyway, all this adds a kind of intriguing paranoia to the story.

Offline Estelore

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Re: Why keep seperate?
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2012, 04:03:43 PM »
We always interpreted as an illustration of the fact that the Animorphs really don't know what information the Yeerks have, or how diverse and widespread their observation networks might be. Especially after the Animorphs meet the Chee and discover that spy network is, it isn't unreasonable for them to believe there might be a corresponding set of spies for the Yeerks. Obviously, to older readers, it's kinda' obvious that just hanging out at school wouldn't really be a reasonable giveaway (considering that if anything was going to give them away, it would probably be something more like Tom noticing Jake sneaking out of the house at night, or something similar)... but the paranoia adds a touch of realism in the form of highlighting just how vulnerable and easy targets the Animorphs feel themselves to be.
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Offline DinosaurNothlit

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Re: Why keep seperate?
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2012, 05:03:22 PM »
They didn't want to suddenly seem like a big group right after almost getting caught at the construction site. sure Rachel and Cassie are friends. Marco and Jake are friends. Jake and Cassie have a secret almost-an-item thing going on. If all five of them started hanging out together right after six kids were seen running away from the scene of Elfangor's death, it would raise suspicions. Though after things cooled down a bit, it would be more okay to start hanging out more. It wouldn't be totally out of left field, since they all have some connection to Jake.

To add to this thought a bit, I've actually always kind of wondered why the events of the first book didn't carry over into later books more than they did.  The Yeerks knew that a bunch of human kids had been wandering around the construction site, right?  Even if they didn't turn out to be the "Andalite bandits," the Yeerks must have known that those kids were almost certainly witnesses to a bona fide alien encounter.  So they had a very strong motive to find out who they were, infest them, and make darn sure they weren't spreading the word to their friends.  Especially given the lengths they went to, in book #14, to cover up the existence of an alien artifact that nobody even knew what it was, it's a bit odd that the Yeerks would just let that whole thing drop.  Chalk it up to a KASU, I suppose.

Going back to the subject at hand, I agree that they were probably being too paranoid, at least after the Yeerks stopped looking for the kids from the construction site.  But at the same time it's safer to be paranoid than a controller, and it definitely added to the atmosphere of suspicion and distrust that made the books so interesting to read.

However, another thing to keep in mind is the various other, well, 'extracurricular' activities the Animorphs have been involved in.  So yeah, the Yeerks may never have just been like "Hmm, those kids are hanging out a lot, that seems suspicious!"  But when you start adding in the fact that they tend to skip classes together . . . and those skipped classes roughly correspond with Andalite bandit sightings . . . and then there was that time in book 12 that Rachel showed up in Chapman's office wearing those weird bearskin boots that looked a little too realistic . . . and then there was that other time in book 29 when Rachel and Jake's cousin spazzed out at the school dance . . . and suddenly it kinda does seem suspicious that those particular kids are constantly hanging out.

Thus, maybe it's not so much about the Yeerks putting 2 and 2 together, and more about them putting 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 together.  Maybe every little thing that the Animorphs could do to keep themselves a little further off the Yeerks' radar, could have done them good.

Offline Snakie

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Re: Why keep seperate?
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2012, 12:41:27 AM »
It is heavily implied more than once (outright stated, actually), that many of the Yeerk rank and file suspected that the "Andalite" bandits weren't andalites at all long before they were ever actually found out, but everyone was too afraid to suggest to Visser 3 that a small band of humans were running him ragged.

So K.A. seems to aknowledge that anyone really willing to look at the evidence could see they were human.

Furthermore, Visser One realizes that the bandits don't kill humans essentially ever.  Wouldn't THAT have been readily apparent to anyone as well?

Offline MissySelenity

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Re: Why keep seperate?
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2012, 06:10:29 PM »
It did seem a bit silly, hiding the fact that they were friends. Sure I could understand the beginning with them being cautious after what happened but why not hang together without the fear of being discovered after the first few weeks? They could have just pretended to be a regular group of friends, plus Jake and Marco were already best friends like with Rachel and Cassie. There is also the fact that Rachel is Jake's cousin, so no surprise they would know each other.

Offline Tim Bruening

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Re: Why keep seperate?
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2015, 07:24:48 PM »
We always interpreted as an illustration of the fact that the Animorphs really don't know what information the Yeerks have, or how diverse and widespread their observation networks might be. Especially after the Animorphs meet the Chee and discover that spy network is, it isn't unreasonable for them to believe there might be a corresponding set of spies for the Yeerks. Obviously, to older readers, it's kinda' obvious that just hanging out at school wouldn't really be a reasonable giveaway (considering that if anything was going to give them away, it would probably be something more like Tom noticing Jake sneaking out of the house at night, or something similar)... but the paranoia adds a touch of realism in the form of highlighting just how vulnerable and easy targets the Animorphs feel themselves to be.

Book 45: Marco attempts to call JaKe after 11 PM, and gets Tom!  That ought to make Tom suspicious that his brother was up to no good!

Offline Chad32

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Re: Why keep seperate?
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2015, 07:35:54 PM »
Staying seperate is one of those ways to keep a low profile, and keep from getting caught, that wouldn't matter much realistically. Jake is the younger brother of a controller, and his first name really is Jake. Cassie is the daughter of the woman who runs the Gardens, and how many wildlife rehabilitation clinics are there in that area anyway? Even if V1 didn't want to tell them about her host's son.

Their half-brained attempts at anonymity are kind of face-palm worthy.

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