Author Topic: Memoirs of a RAFian  (Read 602270 times)

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #5700 on: April 28, 2016, 08:44:57 AM »
I guess Saffa's hording chapters again. ;)

New chapter.

And That's Just Annoyingly Distracting!!

GH strummed his guitar anxiously before launching into another song.

"Smile, dammit, smile!
You know this old world is a wonderful world after all!
Smile, dammit, smile!
And right away watch good luck pay you a call!

There was a reason for this antic of GH, as he glanced up and saw a glint of silver and the dull glow of amber eyes behind the throng, which had all eyes on him.

"Things are never black as they are painted!
Time for you and joy to get reacquainted!
Make life worthwhile,
Come on and smile, dammit, smile!

GH looked again, and could not see any amber eyes or glint of silver. He had to marvel at just how much Cloak could melt into darkness, and move without a sound. It was almost as if he thought he was the RAFian Batman.

"Smile, dammit smile!
For there is nothing that you cannot overcome!
Smile, dammit, smile!
And where the clouds appear, you soon will find the sun!

Any time now, Cloak! GH found himself thinking. I don't think I'm getting through to these dead-eyed civilians.

"Life is really only what you make it!
Stand right up and show it you can take it!
Make life worthwhile!
Come on and smile, dammit, smile!

What the hell's taking you so long? Milking the dramatic tension of something? GH said. He had them on their knees now. Uh, uh, how about this?

He strummed his guitar in a very different style than the last song. A more rock version.

"You can be a brainless oaf 'till the end of your days!
You can listen to it say freedom never pays.
You can break every law and be a big black rat,
But why would you want to?  Huh!
Where's the fun in that?
Where's the fun in thaaaaaaat?
So, smile, dammit, smile!
Everybody loves to grin!
Follow my lead! Recite my creed!
And smile, dammit, smile!
Don't listen to the Unity say that life is a bore,
That fuddy-duddy spoils all our fun!
That's why I strive to eradicate gloom,
It's from that itch that I made the switch,
And chose my
nom de plume
Guitar Hero!
There's the fun in that.
There's the fun it that.
So, smile, dammit, smile!
Everybody ought to laugh!
And so, with glee,
I do decree!
Just smile, dammit, smile!
So, when living gets a little rough,
And you find it hard to cope.
I know the gent with just the stuff
To fill you full of hope!
Just smile, dammit, smile!
Everybody needs a clown!
Now, with one stroke, the final joke!
Just smile, dammit,
Smile, dammit, smile!
Everybody loves to grin!
Follow my lead! Recite my creed!
And smile!!
Dammit, smiiiiiiiiiiile!!!

Suddenly, a light blue beam of light lanced from something that glinted silver. The goliath mass of bloated tentacles made a sound rather like a dying Taxxon, only a bit more squishy. Clearly the T.I.L.E. did function similarly enough to x-rays.

"You took your time, Cloak!" GH complained.

Source songs: and
« Last Edit: April 28, 2016, 02:15:27 PM by CloakedFigure »

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.


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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #5701 on: April 28, 2016, 10:36:33 AM »
Glad you did that when you did. It was only a matter of time before I started playing death metal or something. :P

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #5702 on: April 28, 2016, 02:22:15 PM »
Now it gets intense.

New chapter.

Well, That's Disappointing

Cloak said nothing but kept the T.I.L.E. trained on the Faux Unity parasite. He knew it was causing it pain, and knew that he wouldn't have to get too focused upon what he was doing. The infected and brainwashed denizens could detatch from the mother parasite and come and attack them at any moment now with Cloak being a higher priority threat than GH at the moment.

This was working spendidly, and both RAFians were glad for it. This was it. This was the end of this blasted parasite!  This was --

"Protect the Unity Mother, my Unifed brothers and sisters!" cried the Reverend. "Protect her from the Seculars! Protect her from the Separatists! Protect her from the perverse worshipers of the false unity!!"

Cloak let out a sound that was between a huff and an abbreviated snarl. Realm Walker equivalent for "****", which GH echoed in English.

GH had stopped playing, had stopped distracting them, having wished to see, to witness the end of the of this Unity creature spouting speeches about false unity. He realized his mistake slightly too late though.

The so-called Unifed were struggling though. Their Faux Unity parasite tentacles were liquefying and reforming so that it looked as if they were undulating in a most disconcerting and mesmerizing way. Cloak remained focused on the task at hand. This was necessary. It was --


The Reverend had struck (or tried to) Cloak with a Unity tentacle. GH looked aghast with horror. The Reverend was turning into a Unity Mother, despite being male! Cloak spun and blasted him with air, to distract him before turning the T.I.L.E. onto him as well.

The "Unified" were incapacitated by this, as the liquefying/solidifying tentacles were causing them sufficient duress. And GH resuming playing songs -- songs which Cloak did not recognize the lyrics or tunes of -- which led to pain from the old Unity Mother and the still-transforming neophyte Unity Mother.

But the problem was still that there was only one T.I.L.E. and Cloak was weilding it. And it was slow. Slow in destroying the fleshy masses of tentacles that were the Unity Mothers.

"From the first Seed to come to this system," the Reverend said, his transformation altering his voice, "we knew the true power of Unity! We knew --"

He was no longer able to speak. And now the tentacles were flailing about.

GH was having a hard time trying to play when he was too busy dodging the tentacles, even having to resort using his guitar in its battle axe mode to try to slice through the tentacles, or just deflect them from him.

Cloak had to resort to airbender tactics, and dodge and evade ever tentacle, whilst still trying to use the T.I.L.E. on it. It was bexoming enormously difficult, and it would be just a matter of time before the "Unified" started interfering, as the music wasn't stopping them becaus GH wasn't playing, and Cloak wasn't getting of may blows with the T.I.L.E.

Then the silver cylinder escaped Cloak's hands, and as he tried to snatch for it, it was much too late. It smashed on the ground, and was left in an irreparable state.

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.


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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #5703 on: April 28, 2016, 02:26:50 PM »
Whoa. "****" is right.


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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #5704 on: April 28, 2016, 02:43:45 PM »

And yeah, stacking chapters because it's the final few weeks of the semester where everything has to be a mad rush before exams. ::) Glad I caught up though!

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #5705 on: April 28, 2016, 03:21:01 PM »

This book just might have 20+ chapters. There are bits that I want to put in that may require it to be so.

New chapter.

Unity of Solidarity v. Unity of Deception

"Why'd you drop it?!" Gh demanded.

"Why'd you stop playing?!" Cloak countered.

It looked really, really bad for the two RAFians. The hopes of a cavalry coming riding in to save their hides, and the denizens of the subdivision as well. This was incredibly bad.

"What do we do now?!" GH shouted, bracing his guitar-axe against a tentacle attempting to squash him into oblivion.

"Why do I always have to have the answers?!" Cloak snarled, dodging and weaving and somersaulting and terrakinetically digging to avoid the tentacles.

"There is only one way that you can save yourself," came another voice. It was a woman this time, one they recognized as a closeted Knight. The two Unity Mothers apparently thought with the same mind and had selected another "Unified" person to be their mouthpiece. "Only one way. Disavow your false unity. Denounce it. Welcome the true unity."

Cloak and GH said nothing, but glanced at each other. As they did, their Marks seemed to glow brighter and more pronounced.

"When Hell freezes over, pal," GH said, stubbornly. "And, should that happen, not even then."

With that statement their Mark grew even brighter, causing the tentacles to begin to shrink in response to the light, to the glow. GH and Cloak stood shoulder to shoulder, feeling truly unified in their aim, their goal, their mission.

"You have been mistaken," Cloak said, as all other sound seemed to have been muted. "Domination and force are not unifying things. That is subjegation, not unity. Unity comes from free will, comes from solidarity with others, comes from being willing to work to gether and compromise."

"Translation?" GH asked rhetorically, as he shouldered his guitar. "You're screwed."

One of the Unity Mothers lashed out with a tentacle but Cloak caught it. Caught it as if he was snatching a fly from the air. And he caught it with his Mark hand. GH did the same to the other one.

The RAFians could feel them writhing around in pain. They could not bear the touch of true unity, it caused their flesh to blister and burn. Caused it to melt into a burnt sort of goo. But this was slow.

"Now!" both cried out. "Feel the power of true Unity! UNITY . . . FREEDOM!!"

Suddenly, everything was washed in a blue light, and nothing else could be seen. Just the blue.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2016, 04:35:01 PM by CloakedFigure »

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.

Offline Cloak

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #5706 on: April 28, 2016, 05:40:34 PM »
New book idea.

  • Book CMXCIV (994): "Death Becomes Him" -- The RAFians must deal with a Black Lantern Hsien.

Title is subject to change. Don't think I rehashed anything.

New chapter.

Leatherhead's Job

"I can't believe that worked," GH said, ebullient, as the flash faded.

"Be glad it did," Cloak said, more seriously, "I don't know what we would of done if it hadn't."

"Killjoy," GH teased.

The Unity Mothers were gone, dissolved into nothingness. The infected were on the ground -- not dead, but knocked out -- with what used to be their Unity tentacles dribbling out as gray liquid. The so-called Unity was dead, and was no coming back from where it went, even as a Black Lantern.

"They're alive, right?" GH inquired.

"Yes," Cloak said, as Leatherhead came running up, "just unconscious."

"Leatherhead," GH said, authoritatively, tapping his naked wrist.

"Oh!" Leatherhead gasped, activating his hologram projector, sheathing him in his human hologram. "Sorry, Daddy."

"It's okay," GH said, "just be extra careful about it in the future, okay?"

"I will, Daddy," came the reptilian youngster's response.

Cloak closed his eyes, opened them to being golden-scarlet suns. Then he spread his arms wide, then he slowly swept his arms down, causing the walls to recede back into the ground, as if they've never been there to begin with. Then he closed his eyes ones more. The threat was gone, there was no need for them.

"Leatherhead," Cloak said, opening his eye again. "Did you get everything on film?"

Leatherhead revealed the camera he was holding. It wasn't on, but the lens cap was still off.

"Up until I climbed down, Mr. Cloak," he replied. He had been video taping, completely hidden, on one of the subdivision roofs. Many people do not realize that he could be quite a competent climber.

"Good job, LH," GH said, beaming. And Leatherhead beamed right back.

"Good," Cloak said, "we have proof of our reasoning for the wall. If charges are filed --"

"I think we need to 'leak' it to the Internet," GH said. "Then the people won't have to take the government's word for it. Because they may just try to supress it just so they can indict us. Remember, not everyone in government are our friends."

"I'm well aware," Cloak said, "and I wasn't suggesting sending them the original copy."

"Yeah, I know, but you know that Bern Brid-- oh, look. Everyone's starting to come around now." GH said. "Even McCarthy."
« Last Edit: April 28, 2016, 06:00:58 PM by CloakedFigure »

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.

Offline Cloak

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #5707 on: April 28, 2016, 06:26:34 PM »
New chapter.


"And here's the RAFians attempt to spin what they did in that subdivision," Bern Bridges droned. "There is a video circulating on the internet, dear listeners, and I tell you this: it was fabricated. It's fake and edited."

He had no proof of this, nor could he be bothered to show any substantial proof.

"They are trying to save their butts, dear listeners. They knew that we knew that they were imposing their rule on us. That's why they took down their wall. That's the reason they tore it down! They knew! My dear listeners, they knew that we were wise to them and their antics. They knew!"


"The RAFians, as I've said time and time again, are not heroes. They are not investigators, veterans or the like. They are arsonists, witches, serial killers, werewolves, demons, vampires, murderers -- nothing more than a mafia upon our society that we need to swiftly expunge! A tumorous limb that needs to be amputated, dear listeners."


"I had recently came across another questionable murder, with strong connections to one of those self-proclaimed heroes." Bridges spoke with a deliberate conspiratorial tone. "This victim's name happened to be Dimitri. Dimitri --"


"I saved your effin' life, McCarthy!!" GH roared into his phone. McCarthy was trying to manipulate GH into wearing the Armadillo Anderson suit again. "Don't give me that!! You know very well what happened!! I saved you from a fate worse than death!!"


"You're abusing your power, McCarthy," GH said.


"You're abusing your authority!"


"You can't force me. Not this time, McCarthy." GH said. "Why not let Andy? He actually wants to wear it."


"McCarthy, you seriously power-tripping here," GH said.


"Andy said that he WANTED to wear the goddamn thing!!" GH roared.


"If it's so important, then why don't you wear it?" GH said. "No, McCarthy, you are not too import--"


"That's it. I'm talking to Rosie. This has really gone too far." GH said, angrily, deciding to report him to his superior, a very fair and austere woman named Rosalind "Rosie" Ferris with incredible integrity. And the only real person that McCarthy feared, other than his own mother, who was dead.

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.


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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #5708 on: April 28, 2016, 06:57:59 PM »
Oh, ****. The end of that Bern Bridges segment... **** gon get real

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #5709 on: April 28, 2016, 07:01:13 PM »
Not really. He was pulling it out of his butt -- guessing, really.

New chapter.


GH was working, whilst Cerulean had easily dealt with a Kinecceleran DNAlien with a single shot from a G.I.F. (they were getting more reliable), and Saffa was babysitting Leatherhead, who had taken to calling her Auntie Saffa. She couldn't help but be fond of the kid, especially since he knew how to get her to laugh.

Anyway, GH was at work -- NOT wearing the Armadillo Anderson suit. Although, neither was Andy, who was friendly with GH. Platonically though, although GH caught himself . . .

But there was someone wearing it, and sitting on the designate stool. Someone who had some kid pull at the head and gloves and tail, an obnoxious brat who attempted to remove the head and run away with it. Someone who was punched hard in the gut and kicked hard in the nuts by a couple of kids who wanted to seem cool by doing so. It was a very bad day for Armadillo Anderson.

And that is why GH couldn't help himself from smiling a bit. The guy in the suit actually really deserved this kind of treatment. It was almost like some sort of karmic payback, for someone who usually flaunted his authority, someone who abused his power. Someone who was all about appearances, and cknsidered wearing the costume beneath him.

The guy in the mascot suit was McCarthy. It was this or termination, and he chose this indignity.


Images of how he wished his relationship with his mother was were flashing before him, a realistic as photographs, as tangible as holograms. He could not bear to look at the images.

"Please, Aniyu," he said, almost tearfully. It reminded him of the world the Black Mercy created for him about nine Dweller months ago. "Please, no more."

"Cloak," Aniyu said, gently, "you must --"

"I know!" Cloak said, sounding like a wounded animal. This wasn't his intention. "Aniyu, I -- I know. It's just that . . . it's just that I . . . I've wanted that for so long."

Cloak took a shuttering breath.

"A mother that didn't keep me at arm's length," Cloak said, "a mother who act as if my opinion mattered . . . as if I mattered . . ."

Aniyu nodded, "I can understand your pain, Cloak," she said, "but holding on to these desires, refusing to admit the true to yourself -- it will just hurt you in the long run. You must accept things as they are. It's fine to wish these things, but not to desperately cling to them and let them poison you and your energy."

"I . . ." Cloak began, but couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2016, 07:25:04 PM by CloakedFigure »

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.

Offline Cloak

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #5710 on: April 29, 2016, 07:13:01 AM »
New chapter.


Strength of Desire

As Yarin took care of a Tetramand DNAlien, GH continued to go to his second job. McCarthy had bungled up, and abused his power right in front of Rosie, who took deep umbrage at this flagrant abuse of authority.

It was not the first time. He actually was written up for it a couple of times, the times when he was caught, which he made sure the others like GH and Andy were unaware and ignorant of. Rosie had had enough. She terminated him, and replaced him with Kenny, a diligent, demure person who doesn't speak anymore words than necessary.

GH was disappointed, as Andy slapped his hand on his back, a sign of friendly solidarity. But it sent butterflies through GH's stomach, despite himself. He decided that they were meaningless, as he considered the possibility that the reason that Rosie didn't choose him was because his status as a RAFian, which didn't have a real high favorability at the moment, in this political climate. Rosie didn't hold that against him, and he actually suspected that she was supportive of the group, but wasn't allowed to come right out and say it.

Anyway, Kenny, on rather friendly terms with with Andy and GH, actually pranked them a little. He told GH that he had to wear the Armadillo Anderson suit the next shift. GH was outraged and Andy disappointed (he always wanted to be one of those Disney walkabout characters, but he was intimidated by auditioning). But these feeling of outrage and disappointment quickly evaporated, when Kenny laughed deeply, and it became obvious that he wasn't really serious.

"You got me," GH accused, as GH noticed Andy's emerald green eyes twinkling. GH pulled his gaze away from him, wondering why he was doing this.

"Andy, d'you think you can wear it for the next shift?" Kenny said, with a knowing smirk on his face.

"You bet your butt I can," he replied, with a small, shy smile. Suddenly, GH wondered if it was a little warm in the restaurant, he forced himself to work on the task at hand.


"You need to let it go, Cloak," said Aniyu, simply.

"I'm trying . . ." Cloak said, on his knees.

"I know that it's hard," Aniyu said, gently. "But this must be done if any progress is to be made."

Cloak said nothing. It was hard to let go what he thought his mother should be, to let go of the family life that he had so ardently desired for so long. After he was no longer in the "cute" stage of development when he was a cub, she kept him at arm's length, uninterested in him as a person. Leaving him wanting, wanting for a parent-child connection, one she denied him because she was either too full of herself or disappointed that he wasn't female like his sisters, Cloak wasn't sure.

But he couldn't let go of this wish. This wish for things to have gone over better. But, the fact of the matter was that he was the son of a complete and utter narcissist. Nothing was gonna change that. Nothing.

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.

Offline Cloak

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #5711 on: April 29, 2016, 10:37:46 AM »
New chapter.

Malicious Liaisons and Attractions

It was dark and dank, at what appeared to be some sort of colonial pier. The night was wrought with mist and spooky manner. A cloaked figure stood in silhoutte against the misy moor, almost like a specter or some inhuman agent of evil.

When another figure appeared, it was more comical in appearance, almost ruining the dark and gritty atmosphere of the situation. This tall, gangly figure wore a filthy, hideous-looking smock, a tye-dyed shower cap, a black jacket, black slacks and pennyloafers. He possesses a cybernetic left eye and had a prosthetic claw for a left hand and lower arm.

"You," said the cold, indifferent voice of the hooded, cloaked figure, "are late, Martin Ekzacto."

"A thousand apologies, my patient friend," he said. "And it's Dr. Ekzacto."

"Yes, and I'm sure you got that doctorate at an accredited school, too," the cloaked figure said, scathingly. "You know why we have gathered here this day."

"Actually, no, I don't," he said in a voice very like Dr. Ficklestein from "Nightmare Before Christmas". "You said something about allowing me to -- live my dream?"

Malice stepped into the light, and said, "Oh, yes, something like that, I think."

If Ekzacto was aware of Malice's innate malevolence, he didn't show it, but eager said, "Then let's get started shall we?"


GH continued to go about his job, stealing glances at Andy every so often. The difference between him and McCarthy (and even GH himself) in the suit was remarkable. Really very remarkable.

It was clear that neither GH and McCarthy wanted to do it. Their body language and GH's flagrant disregard for the silence rule that was a given for all mascots was felt by the patrons and the kiddies. They became more hostile and aggressive to match.

Andy wasn't that way. Not at all. He wouldn't sit down, he went and interacted with all the kids and families. He did not speak, and the kids didn't seem afraid. Some even shrieked with delight. Sure, there was the obnoxious kid or two, but Andy managed to easily dodge their blows, and GH wondered how he could do that. He knew how the visibility in that suit sucked.

But he had work to do. He had to focus on that. But he couldn't help but look, just once -- no! He had to focus on his work! He had to . . . but, god, it was difficult. He didn't know why he was doing this. Not consciously, anyway.

GH wasn't neglecting his duties, of course, but everytime he walked by or Andy moved by him, he couldn't help but notice. And he, despite himself, found himself looking a secind too long each and every time.

But he subconsciously knew. He knew, subconsciously, just why he felt so hot under the collar around Andy. His subconscious knew what his conscious mind refused to pick up on.

He was crushing. Crushing on Andy.

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.


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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #5712 on: April 29, 2016, 10:42:28 AM »
D'awwwwwww :D

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #5713 on: April 29, 2016, 10:06:52 PM »

New chapter.


In a lonely, desolate tower, Dr. Ekzacto had strapped a kid with a tinfoil hat on. The kid was stout, little neck, and large, prominent feet. He appeared to be wearing footie pajamas.

"Young man," Ekzacto said, "I'm afraid you have a very serious mental malady. The problem originates in this general area -- here -- in what we in the medical profession call the brain. You see, boy, it's just no good! Sorry to be so blunt, but you have a travesty of insanity!"

"What's wrong with my brain, doctor?" the impressionable lad asked.

"How should I know? I'm a dentist!" Ekzacto said. "But here's what I do know. If a tooth is bad, you pull it!"

"What are you getting at?" the boy asked.

"Yep," Ekzacto said, rushing to get his surgical supplies as he continued, "that brain's gotta come out, son. It the quickest way to cure what you got! Insanity of the mind!"

The boy's protests fell on deaf ears, as Ekzacto waved them away.

"Now," he said, "this will only hurt until your brain comes flying out."

Then he sprayed the boy's face with some sort of glowing green sneezing powder and the boy . . . sneezed out his brain. Ekzacto picked up the brain with a covetous look, before considering the body, which asked, "TV?"

"Shillar!" he cried to his mentally-vacant, hunchbacked assistant, "as much as Fox News needs the ratings, send that body downstairs for processing!"


"Red Ketchum, 10. Ethan Jameson, 11. Kris Taylor, 12. Brendan Birch, 13. May Birch, 13." Yarin said. "Those are the names we have of missing kids believed to have been kidnapped."

"Kidnapped by what, exactly?" Cloak said.

Helen had glanced at GH at this moment, and she smiled, apparently recognizing something that the ultimate guitarist that he himself refused to see. He was tempted to say, "What?"

"And why?" Saffa asked. Neither of them noticed the knowing look Helen was giving GH. "Why kidnap these kids?"

"Was there any link between them?" Abby asked.

"None," Yarin said, "as far as we can tell."

"There has to be some correlation," Gaz said thoughtfully. Laserbeak squawked. "No, Beaky, I don't think its because of that."

She didn't elaborate on what he said, so that the others assumed that it was something lewd or irrelevant. They didn't want elaboration on that.

"Perhaps not a tangible correlation, but an intangible one?" Spectre speculated.

"Possible," Cloak answered, "but that opens it to being a complete myriad of possibilities. Possibilities that we cannot begin to guess at without more concrete information."

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #5714 on: April 30, 2016, 07:28:57 AM »
New chapter.

The Blame Game

"And here we are again, dear listeners," the ugly monolith known as Bern Bridges said. "Missing kids -- Red Ketchum. Ethan Jameson. Kris Taylor. Brendan and May Birch. Lief Trevor. Lucas Diamond. Dawn Donaldson. Lyra Hart. Hilbert Black. Hilda White. Nate and Rosa Grey. Calem Xavier. Serena Youngblood."

It was unknown just how many of those he made up, because he assuredly made up a couple.

"All missing. All kidnapped." he intoned conspiratorially. "And who kidnapped these innocent children do you ask? The answer is very simple, dear listeners. The RAFians -- those vigilantes are now, once again, robbing us of our children! Not to mention that I have it under good authority that several of the RAFians themselves are underage!"


"What we have here, dear listeners," he said, with the same conspiratorial tone, "is a cesspool of corruption. Much worse, it is a government-funded cesspool! They need to be defunded! I don't know about you, dear listeners, but I don't want my tax dollars to go to such a vile vigilante group when our police or military services can do just fine. They are extraneous, superfluous!"

He pounded his meaty fist on the table.

"Unnecessary!" he declared, spittle flying from his lips. "They don't have a right to exist in this unified form. They are lying and manipulating us, dear listeners. Don't believe the anecdotes or the ridiculous ruses that these creatures and people are heroes. Actions speak louder than words, dear listeners! Their actions have been anything but heroic!! They throw away lives like no one's business. And they don't care!! They don't care, dear leaders. They don't care about me, they don't care about you, they don't care about your children."


"Don't believe the hype, dear listeners, don't fall prey to the veneer of heroics that seem to be on the surface. They are criminals. Consorting with demons, aliens, witches, werewolves and the like." he said, dropping the conspiratorial tone abruptly. "They posture themselves as heroes, but they would abandon you in a second that it wasn't in their self-interest! They would abandon you without a second thougt, dear listeners, the mere moment it is against their self-interest."


"A few days ago, maybe a week, a video they took went viral," he acknowledged pompously, "I have it on good authority to say that that video was faked. There wasn't a scrap of proof in it, just really amateurish and hackneyed CGI. It was grossly doctored, and you're an absolute idiot if you take it at face value, if you believe it to be true."


"If you argue that thst video was true, I will only say this, GROW UP and STOP allowing yourself to be so easily swayed." he said, as if he was the authority of such things. "But that's all the time we have to today, dear listeners. I shall see you here tomorrow, then. Goodbye, and God bless."

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.