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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #510 on: June 08, 2012, 07:09:21 AM »
Oooh, interesting.  This kinda reminds me of X-men, with the 'anti-mutant' sentiment.  Can't wait to read more.

Well, I did get the idea while watching a special on those demented white supremacists that call themselves the KKK.  The Equalists and the Friends of Humanity were further inspiration.  Because let's face it, no matter what we do, there aways be that sludge of prejudicial hatred within a population.

P.S. Thanks for the plug!

Anytime! ;)

It's funny, when I read "KoH", I immediately thought of Kingdom of Hearts. ;D

I should have realized that . . . maybe Squire Perkins didn't have to hide the tattoo, just say that he's REALLY into Kingdom Hearts . . . hmmm . . . now, a new chapter.

The Assembly

"There's another assembly tomorrow at six," Aquilai explained, as he attended the first in secret.  He had elaborated that this group, the Knights of Humanity, was a xenophobic hate group.  Aquilai mentioned he didn't have proof but believed that they had weapons and means to further this goal.  Which means every sentient nonhuman was in danger.  "Luis 'Loose Cannon' Cannon was the head.  The guy who wanted to annihilate half the city to get Horse when she was, ah, going through those FYI-assisted growth spurts."

He had called a meeting to discuss this new wrinkle.  Most of them sat, but Cloak, who was feeling on edge, stood and paced a little.  He didn't know why he did this, but assumed it was just the tiger in him.  Cloak frowned, head slightly bowed, and had his arms folded.  Dino's face was inscrutable.  Ash seemed extremely concerned by this news.  Blaze was fingering his sword in a very agitated way, as if anxious to us it on some Knight skulls.  Noelle, who stood beside Cloak, was flicking her eye stalks in a most distracting way.  Gaz had her brow furrowed and held her hands in her lap, head bowed slightly, thinking of the ramifications of this.  Estelore's form actually flickered a few times.  Rad's scowl looked as if it was deeply etched into her face.  Sam looked over to one side, with crossed arms.

Parker sat with his helmet off, beside a new RAFian, Helen.  She was that Star Sapphire that was smitten with him, and the one that caused the rift between him and Loose Cannon, except she was in "street clothes" now.*  Parker and her have been in contact but only recently entered a romantic relationship.  His body language was surly and Helen's was concerned.

"Well, what do we do with this information?" Parker said, loudly enough that the other RAFians could hear him as well.

"It's obvious.  We infiltrate that assembly." Cloak said, matching Parker's surliness.

"I agree," Dino said, "but not too many of us.  These people are looking for a war.  Let's not give them one."

"But only human RAFians can go." Aquilai said.  "They use a Gleet Biofilter device, although they refused to call it as such.  They call it a . . ." Aquilai couldn't resist rolling his eyes, "a 'purification arch'."

"But how'd you get in?" Gaz asked, then pointed out, "you're a Time Lord, your DNA -- or whatever Time Lords use as genetic material -- isn't human."

"Oh," Aquilai said, taking out his sonic screwdriver, "it happened to have a little, ah, malfunction before I entered.  They were none the wiser."

"Then why can't you do that again?" Sam asked.

"If he does it once, it's a mistake," Blaze said, tracing a finger over the hilt of his sword, "if it happens twice, they'll get suspicious."

"Yes, but the 'malfunction' was enough that it wouldn't work against those who looked human." Aquilai said.  Then he turned to Dino, Blocky and the other RAFians that were so clearly NOT human.  "But you guys won't be able to come along."

"What if I shapeshifted into something and found another way in?" Ash asked.

"Could work, if you don't blow your cover." Cloak said, quite seriously.

"Don't worry so much, Cloak.  I can do it."

<What about the morph-capable?> Noelle asked.  <We could morph a human and -->

"The assembly is more than two hours long." Aquilai countered.  "Unless you're willing to be a human nothlit, I don't think that is a viable option."

Noelle was silent, looking somewhat downcast and abashed.

"What about the Mark?" Goom said.  "It marks us as being members of RAF, and Loose Cannon surely knows about that."

"He may, he may not," Parker said.  "I don't know if he ever saw the Marks went Cloak and I battled him."

"Then it would be best to operate under assumption that he does," Cloak noted.

Parker nodded.

"We'll just have to wear gloves or hats, whatever, to conceal it.  It's gonna be a cool night," Myitt said, "so it would be plausible."

"Point is," Richard said, standing up, "who's going?"

"I'll go," Parker said, nearly immediately.

"Parker, Loose Cannon, knows who you are, you and Helen," Cloak reminded him.  "Even if you get by security, he could recognize either you."

"It would be a big room," Parker replied petulantly.

"Too much of a risk," Richard said.  "I'm sorry, Parker, but it is."

So, at the end of it, Green Lantern Sam, Myitt (wearing a stylish hat), Aquilai, Phoenix, Wild, and Aila would go, with Ash finding another way in.  Then the meeting broke up while the seven prepared for their mission.
*Get it?  Helen, as in Helen of Troy.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2012, 08:20:48 AM by CloakedFigure »

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.

Offline Cloak

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #511 on: June 08, 2012, 09:51:30 AM »
Now, the crap is about to hit the fan. . . . Now for that chapter.

The Demonstration

Green Lantern Sam, Myitt, Aquilai, Wild, Phoenix, and Aila were all bundled up for the cold weather, although Phoenix's inherent phoenician pyrokinesis rendered cold a moot point for him, but he had to look the part.  They approached the venue, which was literally underground.

"Oh, wonderful," Sam muttered.

"Okay, guys," Phoenix said, in a whisper.  "Spread out, but we'll use the buddy system."

"You know that never works, right?" Wild intoned.

"Buddy . . . system." Phoenix said with clenched teeth.  "Sam, you go with Aquilai.  Wild and Aila, you're together.  Myitt, you're with me."

They moved to together, but allowed several people getting between them and the others, other than their buddy, of course.  The undercover RAFians moved into the assembly hallway en masse with the other people.  Phoenix wondered how many of these people were innocent, if curious, bystanders or if all these people were really xenophobic bigots.  Although it occured to him that some of these people can be nonhuman aliens in a variety of human disguises: skinsuits, shapeshifting, and whatnot.

Then they came upon an arch, and Phoenix remembered about the 'purification arch'.  All the RAFians managed to step through without incident, but a few moments later, something happened.  An oddly inhuman shriek in three part harmony, and Myitt turned back to see three smoking skins of a beefy woman, a chunky man, and an obese boy, confused about what happened.  Although Aquilai and Aila were well aware that those were skins used by Slitheen, but as Slitheen tried to kill either one of them at least once, they were not so disposed to be sympathetic.  Clearly, they wanted to see just how much danger nonhumans, such as they, were in.

Eventually they reached the auditorium, and saw Loose Cannon on the stage.  Each RAFian tried to hide and suppress their anger, their disgust, for this man.  Because to show such negative emotion at this man would have been practically suicidal.  They all took their seats in the red felt, flipping theater chairs with the shared, wooden armrests.

Meanwhile, Ash easily penetrated this auditorium by burrowing down into the house -- that is to say, the audience area of the auditorum as a bug, but in order to see, she needed better sight.  So she shapeshifted into a very small gecko that blended in with the ceiling and wall.  But she did that as the house lights began to dim into nothingness, and the lights came up on the stage.

Loose Cannon strolled onto the stage looking as if he was the long lost son of Magneto and Amon*.  The cape was a bit much, Ash thought.  Especially since he did not shave off that "General Thunderbolt Ross" moustache, and the knight suit of armor was over the top.  The overall effect, in the opinion of the RAFians present, was that he looked generally goofy.

"Welcome," he said in a thunderous voice.  "Welcome, my brothers and sisters.  And some new faces as well . . ."

Wild shifted uncomfortably, something seemed off, he thought.  But he didn't know what.

"By coming here, you have chosen the righteous course of action, for no more will we have to put up with those monsters on our planet.  No longer will we have to serve these lesser beings.  No longer will we be relagated to the sidelines, while these monstrous filth pretend to be heroes.  No more will we humans --rightful, the superior species -- have to hear about xeno-equality codswallop!  We will rise from this war -- and it is a war, my brothers and sisters -- the victors, crushing all the worthless mistakes of nature beneath our heels.  We will be victorious!  Pure-blooded humans will be only species that flourishes, once we remove the weeds from the galaxy!  We were the first, the ones that God chose to make in his image!  This means we have the right to have dominion over all!  Everything in this universe and beyond belongs to us, to the humans!!"

There was actually a cheer at this speech.  Each RAFian present felt themselves die a little inside, but still tried to conceal it.  Even though they probably wouldn't be noticed, the crowd was too into this.  Myitt felt real concern -- if this many humans thought aliens were monsters and need to be destroyed . . . well, what exactly could they do without proving them exactly right?

"Now, my brothers and sisters," Loose Cannon continued, "I've called this assembly for quite another reason."

The seven RAFians were starting to become nervous.  Had he made them?  Should they flee?  Should they fight their way out?  While they were contemplating this, the curtain behind Loose Cannon whooshed open with the sound of tugging ropes.  There, trussed up and looking very indignant, was the Virus, Rojo, and Azul.  The RAFians were shocked, and needn't have hid it, as the crowd was also surprised, but for a different reason.  See the three LOOKED human, very ugly and hideous humans, but they appeared human.

"Don't confuse these monsters with humans, my brothers and sisters!" Loose Cannon called out.  "They are no more human that this podium or that curtain.  They are viral data made real."

He unsheath an abnormally long sword, one Sephiroth would have been proud.  But something strange about this sword was that its design was different based on who was viewing it.  It was called the Beholder.  Cannon approached the three who got the gist of what he was planning on doing, and screamed muffled screams and pleading.

All it took was one swing.

The RAFians said revolted and disgusted in to speechlessness.  Unfortunately, they were a little too slow to cover this, and Cannon saw, but didn't call them out on it immediately.

"Three less impurities in the world," he announced, as the last of the three's data evaporated.  "More will come with your support, my brothers and sisters.  The Knights will clean and purify the world, they're starting even now at a well-known nest of this filth. . . ."

The RAFians stared wide-eyed, could he have meant --

"But there are few of your number right now, today, in this very room that are consorts of these evil demons."

Then he proceeded to point out each of the RAFians from the crowd.

"Prove your mettle!  Capture them!"

"Oh, bloody hell," Phoenix cursed.

*Amon from Legend of Korra, naturally.

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.

Offline Blazing Angel

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #512 on: June 08, 2012, 10:12:37 AM »
We're seriously dealing with a mix of Amond's group and the Kuhn Klux Clan?

Why does everything happen to us?
I am a Blazing Angel. Master of deviant traps and authentic barbecue. Brothers to Rukh the banner maker, Squall the Lionhearted and Underseen the generally sort of okay.

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #513 on: June 08, 2012, 10:39:17 AM »
Just lucky, I guess.  8)  Relatively shortish chapter.

The Raid

The seven RAFians managed to meet up with each other, but were failing dodge some blows from the bigots.

"Any ideas, guys?!" Phoenix shouted.

"I'm open to suggestions," Wild put in.

Aquilai reached down his shirt and pulled up a pendant with a TARDIS-like charm at the end.  He plucked the charm off and threw it to the ground.  Aquilai's full-sized TARDIS grew from the charm, and the RAFians escaped into it.  Then it vanished from the scene.

"Fear not, brothers and sisters," Loose Cannon said from the stage, "we'll get them in the end.  The good guys always win in the end."


Cloak stood on his favorite hill overlooking the site.  He came out to this spot more frequently during the last month, just simply to think.  Suddenly, he felt a slight tremor through his feet.  He spread his toes and extended his claws to be just touching the ground.  And he listened intently.  He was hoping that he misread the vibration, perhaps he misinterpreted a pouncing bobcat or something.

But there was very little mistaking that steady marching beat.  Cloak knew at once that this must be those Knights of Humanity nutcases.  He flew down to the forum -- not literally, of course, as Cloak cannot truly fly.  But he raised the alarm and the first RAFians he saw were Helen and Parker (who wasn't wearing his armor and looked like his shirt was on backwards) stumbling out of his thread.

"Wh-what is it?" Parker asked, somewhat sheepishly.


"'Them'?" Helen asked, eyes widening.

"The Knights of Stupidity," Cloak said, going to alert the others.


The Knights arrived to see the forum deserted.  They seemed almost disappointed.  But then, Goom, seemingly oblivious, walks out and almost deliberately crosses their path.

"Stop right there, monster!" the head raider shouted.

"And what if I don't?" Goom said, feigning disinterest.

"You'll be killed slowly," the raider replied to stupid guffaws of his fellows.

"Nah, I don't think you will," Goom said, with a pleasant tone.

"And why not, mushroom-face?"

"'Mushroom-face'?  Really?  That's the epitaph you're goin' with?" Goom said with a raised eyebrow.  "Pathetic."

The demeanor of this would-be raider changed considerably, his hatred was not masked anymore.  Rage ruined his features as he snarled, "Oh, is it, filth?"

"Yes, and," Goom said, quite calmly considering the circumstances, "I must ask you to vacate the premises."

"Oh, really?  And what if we don't, shorty?"

"Shorty's the other guy." Goom commented, before somehow pulling out a massive Dracon cannon fifty times his own size from nowhere, and training it on this raider.  The guy quickly lost all composure, as all the other RAFians came out of their hiding places, with Dino being full-sized.  But it turns out there was really no that many of them -- no more than twenty! -- and so they lost all nerve and ran away.  Didn't help that none were older than eighteen and all were complete cowards.

When they were a suitable distance away, Goom somehow put the cannon away.  Then turned to the others, saying, "Guess Blaze was right.  They would try to raid RAF during the assembly."

"Told ya," Blaze said, with a smug expression.

"Yeah, yeah, go have a cookie, then." Cloak said, still surly.

Then Aquilai's TARDIS appeared on Cloak's hill.  The seven RAFians filed out, sweaty and bruised, but alive.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2012, 10:44:38 AM by CloakedFigure »

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.

Offline Blazing Angel

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #514 on: June 08, 2012, 11:15:12 AM »
That should be apart of RAF, if you do something good, you get a cookie.
I am a Blazing Angel. Master of deviant traps and authentic barbecue. Brothers to Rukh the banner maker, Squall the Lionhearted and Underseen the generally sort of okay.

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #515 on: June 08, 2012, 12:23:22 PM »
Last chapter today, I think. Shortish one, too.

Domestic Terrorism

The RAFians managed to escape the clutches of the Knights of Humanity, but they were the lucky ones.

The following three days, they heard that the Knights had taken responsibility for the deaths of a Pyronite, a Nyac relative of Yarin, a Kineceleran, a Toydarian, a Vulcan, and a Tetramand.  The RAFians felt aggrieved at this, but they were not targeted -- they wouldn't be targeted so soon, especially now that the Knights of Humanity realized just how prepared that the RAFians are for them.  That RAF may very well have more firepower at their disposal.

But that wasn't good enough for Goom, as he was seen for the last three days, fortifying the forum's defenses, and improving the security.  In a way, the Knights had managed to complete their first goal.  There was an atmosphere of fear on both sides.  Fear is the soil from which hatred can blossom.  By inspiring fear in humans, Loose Cannon has insured a high recruitment rate, and a lack of resistance in some of his prey.  Because that's all aliens were to him -- prey.  They weren't thinking, feeling beings with hopes and dreams.  They were just meat.


Over the next week, they claimed the lives of a Arburian Pelarota, a Thanagarian, a Florauna, and a Skrull ("accidently" killing 3 humans who conviently had benevolent ties to alien species, trying to find this Skrull).  Cloak knew that the slaying of the Skrull could have disasterous reprecussions from their empire . . . it wasn't a question of where, but when.

Cloak was getting antsy.  How many more are they gonna kill before they feel their point is made?  Just because their blood isn't human doesn't make them any less of a person, does it?  Cloak had been spending more time at his hill these days, though dangerous because it was outside the forums main defenses.  But Realm Walkers aren't used to be constrained by anything.  In retrospect, it was probably a very foolish desire just to go that hill, a compromise in security.


The deaths wouldn't stop.  By the end of the month, the deaths included a Methanosian, a lesser Kymellian, a Vaxasaurian, a couple of Hork-Bajir , a Necrofriggian, a Tamaranian, a Amperi, and an Ixion.

This was really too much to bear.  The RAFians were wondering whether they should do something or not.  But the debate was more of a behind-close-doors thing, rather than an upfront conversation.  Cloak noticed that Parker and Helen's relationship had cooled somewhat.  He wanted to do something about these Knights of Humanity, and Helen didn't want him to be hurt or killed in the struggle, so she opposed it.

Cloak was much on Parker's side about this, he was getting tired of this waiting game that they were playing.  It was just a mere matter of time before they made their move on RAF.  And no defense is foolproof.  There is no such thing as an impenetrable city, and those who believe there is are ignorant of the truth.  Cloak realized if they didn't step in and do something, anything, more aliens on Earth will die at the hands of these bigots.  And each of these aliens may have a family out there that might declare war on Earth due to this . . . isn't that how World War I started?  Due to the death of Duke Francis whatever?  The world's governments attempted, Cloak assumed, but he could not figure out why they had not made much if any progress.  The thought of a potential "why" frightened him a great deal.

In an all-out, interstellar war, Earth would not survive.  Estelore could help out, it's true, but there's only so much someone of even her power can do.  We did not need to be reviled, no one does.  This would take place if action was not taken to restrain these monsters.  If they killed all their viewed monsters, what would happen next?  These hate-filled creatures would undoubtly turn upon themselves.  And this world, this wonderful, marvelous world would become nothing but a wasteland.

Cloak had seen this happen in another realm.  A now lifeless realm.  A dead realm.  Hatred had destroyed it, bigotry had sapped it of his vitality, hate groups had formed within like unsightly lesions or cancerous tumors.  Now the same thing was about to happen here.

Cloak reentered RAF, and decided to call a meeting in RAF.

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.

Offline Blazing Angel

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #516 on: June 08, 2012, 12:40:22 PM »
Oh God they killed a Vulcan! Those bastards!
I am a Blazing Angel. Master of deviant traps and authentic barbecue. Brothers to Rukh the banner maker, Squall the Lionhearted and Underseen the generally sort of okay.

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #517 on: June 09, 2012, 01:49:37 AM »


Oh yeah,

That should be apart of RAF, if you do something good, you get a cookie.

That's what :cookie: is for. ;D
« Last Edit: June 09, 2012, 03:41:23 AM by Darth Revan »
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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #518 on: June 09, 2012, 07:43:58 AM »
This is really one sided! Humans aren't all bad, you hear on the news all the time about protesters and rioters objecting to these extremists. Virtually the whole world was against SOPA and that's just for the internet. We're talking about sentient life here! RAF has a LOT of non-humans but it's like you want to paint humans all black. This is terribly skewed where in this universe, the knights are Nazis and the rest of the entire world of humans are Germans in WW2 just letting it happen.
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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #519 on: June 09, 2012, 04:44:25 PM »
Dude, it's a work of fiction. Just like the movie X-Men III. They didn't do a very good job of showing mutant support that would be there.

The point is that this is a fictional story about a worst case scenario involving a charismatic Armu General who goes on a personal crusade against any type of alien.

This story has Goomba with telekinesis, a mutant giant Pikachu, and a sentient STAR! How realistic do you expect the story to be?
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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #520 on: June 09, 2012, 07:32:08 PM »
I'm glad you expressed your opinion Pyrrhian, but, like Parker said, don't take it so seriously!

Anyway, everyone else, new chapters are coming.  I'm just tapped out today.  And Wednesday I'll be goin' on a trip, so there'll be a brief hiatus.  I try to fill the void as much as I can (as well as new RAFparodies).

That's what :cookie: is for. ;D

Oh, I forgot about that one!!

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.

Offline Blazing Angel

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #521 on: June 09, 2012, 08:27:35 PM »
By standards of update occurence, you are a god among fanfiction writers.

So it's official, if you do good in RAF, you are given a cookie as large you are in your original form.
I am a Blazing Angel. Master of deviant traps and authentic barbecue. Brothers to Rukh the banner maker, Squall the Lionhearted and Underseen the generally sort of okay.

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #522 on: June 09, 2012, 09:54:24 PM »
Pyrrhian: I don't even get that from the story at all.  The rest of humanity doesn't really get a chance to intervene in this, because it's just General Loose Cannon's extremist group vs. the RAFians.  If the story had a bunch of bystander-humans who were being all 'yeah, down with the freaks!' then I'd be more inclined to side with you, mostly because that's one of the things I wish X-men hadn't done, but as it stands, I agree with the general sentiment that you're taking this a tad too seriously.

Parker: don't even compare Cloaky's story to X-men III.  :P

Cloaky: I'm sure Parker didn't mean to diss your story as badly as he just did.  :-X

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #523 on: June 09, 2012, 10:43:52 PM »
Hey, I liked X-Men III. ;P
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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #524 on: June 10, 2012, 10:51:52 AM »
By standards of update occurence, you are a god among fanfiction writers.

Actually I'm about 500 posts away from being a god. ;)  But thank you.
Cloaky: I'm sure Parker didn't mean to diss your story as badly as he just did.  :-X

Dino, I didn't mind X-Men III (I mean, consider all they had to do to squash into an appropriate length movie -- and didn't do the same travesty that M. Night did to The Last Airbender.  THEY didn't change the pronunciations of the main characters (like M. Night decided to Aang, Sokka, and Iroh, I think).  And my idea of crap, obviously, is Fred the Show.  But that's beside the point and off-topic, right?

Sorry, no chapters or parodies today.  Gonna be rather busy.

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.