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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5265 on: November 15, 2016, 09:30:19 PM »
Terenia bristles, turning away from Jeffrey, wanting nothing to do with him or the strange creature who he's chosen to talk to. Idly, she checks the power setting on her Dracon, then frowns into her drink.

"Thank you," Dalik says. He places a gentle hand on Joanne's back in a silent offer to help support her if needed. "Let's go, then, hm?" He shoots Ossanlin a glance and raises an eyebrow. "Thank you for your assistance, Andalite," he says with a mocking incline of his head.

He guides Joanne off the ship, pausing at the bottom of the ramp to make sure she can make the short walk easily. "You gave me quite the scare back there," he says, giving Keshin a small smile. "Your arrival caused quite the stir."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5266 on: November 17, 2016, 03:10:56 AM »
"Hunter?" says Jeffrey. "Sounds like a psuedonym. On my world, I've got two. My legal name's Void Valmont, even though I used to be Jeffrey Barnes. When a person with powers on my planet comes of age, they take a second name to show their maturity. Who they want to become. And nah."

Jeffrey shakes his head. "A lot of these guys know each other. I think they're from the same world, or whatever these are. How else could one of 'em have a grudge against another like that? I egged one of them on into attacking the other."
"I suppose so," says Keshin, following Dalik at a slightly slower pace, but making sure that he sets it. "That sort of thing happens to us all the time. Near-death experiences, old grudges coming back to bite us in the rear. Considering that you're somehow Dalik the Prime, I doubt you're entirely free of such things yourself."

Keshin then sighs. "Myitt and I...We go back a few years. And most of those were spent getting in the other's way. I think that she still resents me for killing one of the Rebellion members, even if that new fellow was part of the reason for her assault. She doesn't care that his death was essentially an accident. All that matters is that there's someone to blame. As for her husband, about that I know nothing."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5267 on: November 18, 2016, 03:14:22 AM »
Hunter flicks his cigarette butt into the ashtray a little way down the bar, leaving a faint trail of smoke in its path. "So what should I call you then? And what's that about powers, what can you start fights?" He asked the last part in a slightly mocking tone - as if to dare him.

Hunter reaches into the deep inner pocket of his trench coat and removes a small, wooden box with a crude carving of two anthro-cubs playing on the lid. Hunter places the box on the counter and removes what looks like a small hand-rolled cigarette and a small metal lighter.

He places the 'smoke' in his mouth and sparks it up before tossing the lighter into the open box.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2016, 06:02:09 AM by Hunter »

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'There are days I hate being me, but then again, I'm not you.'

Offline Terenia

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5268 on: November 21, 2016, 10:58:31 PM »
Dalik gives a quiet laugh. "I may be Dalik the Prime, but most people don't know me by that name," he says. "I haven't used that name in years. I don't know what compelled me to use it in this place. Sheer stupidity, I suppose. Or maybe nostalgia. I was making a name for myself, and I lost it all. Hiding undercover like some sort of vermin isn't quite as glamorous."

He reaches his modified Bug Fighter and frowns up at it, pulling his Dracon from his holster. "Cameron might be awake," he warns. "And something tells me a bare-chested man covered in blood isn't going to do much to calm her down." He gives Keshin a sideways glance. "How good are you at keeping people calm?"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5269 on: November 25, 2016, 03:50:41 PM »
<<So that's it, huh?>> Tara berates her Yeerk headmate. <<We're just gonna sit here in a stupor. Forever. Is that it, Myitt? We're gonna just shut the **** down?>>

Myitt shivers a little. <<The effects of the drug...>> she starts hollowly. Her brow furrows. <<Can't account for what I did. Even Keshin...I wouldn't...would I?>>

Tara gives the mental equivalent of a baleful stare. <<Seriously. Myitt, you've been rolling over this same thought for the last, I dunno how long, you've ignored Terenia - did you even notice that she was talking to you? No, you didn't, because you're so out of it! That's more than drugs. That's more than oatmeal. I've seen you react to oatmeal. This Jeffrey guy, I think he really ****ed with your mind, man.>> She pauses in her rant. <<And can you please stretch my back? Leaning over the bar like this is starting to hurt.>>

Myitt jolts with the realization that she has been hovering over her empty glass, almost protectively, glaring down at the bar counter. She stretches her back and winces at the resulting stab of numbness and pain.

Slowly, reluctantly, she turns her attention outward. To the bar around her. Keshin was gone - yes, that's right, someone had taken him. Dalik had taken him?

Hooking her boots around the bar stool, she turns to Terenia and murmurs, "Is he still alive?"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5270 on: November 25, 2016, 09:51:16 PM »
Fayleth shoots Myitt a scowl that is all Terenia. "Oh, look. She decided to speak. Welcome back to reality." Rolling her eyes, she takes a long slug of her drink.

"I don't know if he's alive or not. I think so. Dalik came back to get Keshin and said Joanne was alive." She shrugs. "I'm not about to wander onto Ossanlin's ship to find out."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5271 on: November 25, 2016, 09:57:09 PM »
Myitt takes this in and nods slowly, processing it for a moment.

She taps the bar. "Leave the bottle please," she sighs, sliding the black wax-wrapped glass bottle over. The liquid she pours from it looks like wine, but it smells powerfully like mulch.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5272 on: November 26, 2016, 01:28:10 AM »
For his own part, Nepek does nothing but watch the drama and violence unfold from a shadowed corner of the Bar. In his head, scenes from his past unfold. Scenes of carnage. Death. Some of these acts were committed by others. Many by himself, unable to control his own body. The one commonality, however, was that all committed by a being fighting for their own survival. But this? What Myitt had done was a petty act of vengeance. Unforgivable. And yet, she sits here wallowing in her own actions, as if she wasn't the one who assaulted Keshin! My sympathy for these Yeerks can only extend so far, he tells himself.

Despite these angry, chaotic thoughts cascading through his mind, Nepek only watches everything unfold from the corner of his eye, pretending to read his book. He maintains a distant outward appearance, although he wants nothing more than to step in - to maybe diffuse the situation in some way. But he knows he can do nothing. His abrasive nature would only do nothing but aggravate the situation. This Terenia seemed sure that Joanne, Keshin's host, was still alive. Had Nepek stepped in, would she even still be breathing?

"Worthless," a voice from the past echoes throughout his mind. "A miserable, festering freak." He shakes his head, trying to ward off his disjointed, self-centered thoughts. Of course this had to lead back to his past. Everything always leads back to him, it seems. Narcissistic drama queen, he thinks.

In a shaky motion, Nepek closes his book and places it to rest on the bar. "I think I need a drink," he mumbles to himself. He looks up to the Bartender. "A strong one, please."

Offline Shenmue654

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5273 on: November 26, 2016, 04:14:45 PM »
"Call me Jeffrey Barnes for now, and don't wear it out," says Jeffrey. He rolled his eyes. "Little bit of a spitfire, ain't ya wolfie? My powers are to, well, command people to do whatever I want 'em to do. It's not spectacular, since I can't really force 'em. I can just make them much more likely to consider it than not. And nothing I say makes them like me."

Jeffrey takes a sip of a drink that the Bartender apparently placed in front of him. He doesn't at all recall paying for one. He glances around the Bar and notes that the Yeerk he was in earlier seems to have returned to the land of the living, as has the bladed freak Nepek. What was going to happen with this group, anyway, and how many of them had linked what happened to him? It was stupid, wasn't it? I made a ton of enemies in about, oh, thirty seconds. I wonder if Myitt's attack really did them in.
"Better than you would expect, given that I am a bounty hunter," says Keshin, reflexively adjusting Joanne's weapons. He had actually spent more than one occasion calming down Joanne from a particularly acute bout of fear or sadness about the future. <...we should really think about the Andalite's offer.>

<Later. Let's just focus on the present for right now, okay?> Joanne's voice sounded timid and quiet. It wasn't a sound Keshin particularly liked.

"And I imagine people feel inspired to use old monikers and bring up past dealings because of the environment here," says Keshin. "That's probably why you did it. at owns this place likes watching people get hurt, I think."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5274 on: November 26, 2016, 09:07:27 PM »
Myitt, her attention fully focused on the drink in her hand, doesn't notice Nepek at first.

She barely registers Jeffrey's presence nearby, even though he was the reason - presumably - for her current state of regretful angst.

With a small smile she murmurs to Nepek, "You look troubled." She pours more of the red stuff. "Penny for your thoughts?"

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Offline Terenia

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5275 on: November 27, 2016, 01:00:11 AM »
Fayleth makes a face. "You are not getting more drunk," she says, reaching over and plucking the bottle away. She sniffs at it, then coughs. "Jeez, are you trying to boil your insides?"

She scowls as Myitt speaks to Nepek. "Don't encourage her," she warns.

"Well the creature who owns this place has an awful sense of humor," Dalik says.

<<Oh, I don't know,>> William muses. <<I can sympathize.>>

<<Yet another reason I'm looking forward to leaving your twisted mind behind.>>

"Alright, I'm going to order the hatch open. Would you mind boarding first and making sure Cameron remains calm?" Dalik asks with a wince. "Just...tell her I'm outside and explain why I'm covered in blood."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5276 on: November 27, 2016, 02:24:07 AM »
Nepek holds up a hand in mock surrender. "Well, you got me. My plan all along was to encourage the one with apparent violent tendencies to consume even more alcohol, but you sure foiled that dream of mine." The longer he stayed in the bar with these people, the more Nepek found himself wishing Ossanlin would return. True, he may be an Andalite, but at least he didn't attempt to slaughter another patron. And this Jeffrey character . . . Nepek couldn't quite place his finger on it, but something seemed off about him. How he so casually went about his business after his body was used to assault this Keshin, or Joanne, or Turelek or whatever this Yeerk wished to be called. And as for Hunter, he appeared to be another one of these contract killers.

Nepek takes the drink that the Bartender handed him - a strange liquor that was foreign to him. "Nothing to lose at this point," he grumbles before downing the shot. Immediately, he cringes at the burning sensation of the alcohol, which was a feeling that was nearly alien to the Hork-Bajir.

"I'm not entirely sure you'd be happy to hear what I'm thinking," Nepek says to Myitt. "As I'm sure you've noticed, I tend not to be the most . . . friendly, let's say, when expressing my opinions." Satisfied with leaving his response at that, he turns to Fayleth. "Seems you have connections to quite a few of the current patrons?" Nepek intones with a small, gruff chuckle. "I suppose I'm one of the few among us that isn't a regular here. Care to fill me in on how you know these people?"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5277 on: November 27, 2016, 06:50:02 AM »
Hunter takes a drag of his smoke and blows the sweet-smelling smoke towards the rafters as he listens to Jeffrey explain his powers.

"Sounds pretty tame compared to the Humans where I'm from. Had to deal with a shadow teleporter before coming here so please, no games." Hunter says with a chuckle and a sigh at the memory of the mess he left in the wake of his last job.

He scrunches his nose as the strong scent of mulch reached him from down the bar.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2016, 07:18:29 AM by Hunter »

GESB Character: Subject #2218
Intro Rando Character: Hunter

'There are days I hate being me, but then again, I'm not you.'

Offline Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin)

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5278 on: November 27, 2016, 07:13:30 AM »
Ossanlin runs a sterilization field over the medical equipment and starts the cleaning cycle.  He walks down the ramp of the Mirage, self-checking for all of his equipment, before commanding the ramp closed and trotting back toward the bar.  Should this Jeffrey try to hurt people again, he'd have to be dealt with...for good.

He passes through the swinging doors, immediately checking the room again.  The Ildari bounty hunter seems to have gone, but he notes the presences that remain.  The bounty Hunter wolf, Myitt back in Tara, Nepek, Terenia...Ossanlin barely represses a scowl at her, and Jeffrey whom he favors with the darkest knowing look he can muster.  Myitt is already conversing with Nepek...perhaps putting things behind, or more likely distracting herself.  He shakes his head before approaching the bar, ordering a bowl of water.  He doesn't feel like alcohol at the moment.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5279 on: November 27, 2016, 07:36:16 AM »
Out on the lake on the small planetoid, the placid, serene surface is suddenly shattered as it explodes upward, a being flying up into the air from the bottom-most point.  The shape unfurls two grand, feathered, raven-black wings.  Aside from the wings, the figure looks human.  As he opens his crimson-irised eyes, they pierce the darkness.  He holds his long, curved, single-edged sword in front of himself, chanting under his breath.  His eyes glow red as the sword melts back into the form of a black and silver staff capped by a golden jewel.

The figure swoops through the air back toward the bar, water spraying from his form.  As he touches down out front, the remaining water slides off of his body.  His crimson-embroidered black tunic and cloak now perfectly dry, jet black shoulder-length hair not moving in the wind.  In fact, air-movement doesn't really seem to affect any part of him.  He furls his wings and they melt back into his body as if they'd never been.  He places the staff on his back, straps melting out to hold it in place.  He can still sense Mar, though the other Primal is now distant.  In fact, the only Primal he senses nearby, aside from the Bar Tender, is the Ellimist, though it's muted within another organic being.  Probably the Andalite from before.

All of his wounds have healed and as he pushes through the swinging doors, his silver-tipped, silver-heeled black boots clunk against the wood.  He glances around the room noting faces, some familiar, others new.  The Tender had not interfered with his recovery, or with any other part of his battle with the extraordinarily gifted possessor.  It was not through good will, of course...that was impossible.  No, it was probably more out of interest...after all, having the Shard within his sphere of influence was probably a great source of amusement for the being.  Whatever the case, this place was still a safe haven from Mother.

As the being known as Nyr walks toward the bar and takes a seat, his cape does not billow or change conformation, nor does his hair sway.  A discomfiting sight for any who might notice it.  To most it would seem...unnatural.  Before he's even fully-seated, a glass of jet-black, viscous liquid on ice is sitting on the bar top in front of him.  He reaches for it with a hand clad in a black-scale claw-tipped gauntlet, bringing the glass to his lips and drinking deeply.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2016, 12:47:42 AM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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