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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3060 on: February 07, 2012, 10:34:55 PM »
Illim grins at Myitt, evidently taking the adorableness of Daniel's ancient pet to also apply to himself.

He turns his eyes on Serid as the Andalite responds to Myitt matter-of-factly, "A small variety of creatures, avian, aquatic and ground dwelling. Most of them are fully domesticated or utilized for labor at this point, although some more exotic species are kept by enthusiasts."

He ****s his head to the side. "They are generally considered a waste of time and resources if not used for work, but are accepted even among the most honorable representatives of the Electorate."
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3061 on: February 08, 2012, 07:08:44 AM »
"Huh," Chris says, nodding in approval. "And here I thought you Andalites were too uptight to enjoy anything at all. Well, good on you. It's nice to see that you do something relatively normal." He grins at Serid to show that he is, mostly, joking.

A few minutes after the injection Zorish is sitting cross-legged on the floor, the empty syringe by his side. The stimuli has worked its magic, and Tamora is slowly but surely becoming more alert, the toxins of the alcohol being steadily worked out of her system.

<<You are eternally lucky that I am a Sub-Visser and have access to these medications,>> Zorish says to his host. <<Otherwise we could have been unconscious for hours.>>

<<You're the one that made me drink that stuff,>> Tamora responds grouchily. Zorish is about to defend himself when he hears footsteps on the ramp of his ship.

"By the Kandrona, is there ever a dull moment?" he wonders, groaning as he pulls himself shakily to his feet and makes his way out of the small medical bay and into the main cabin. Tamora's balance is not yet wholly improved, and he has to lean against the door frame so that he does not sway. When he spots Jocun, his eyes narrow.

"I wasn't aware of the fact that I had placed a welcome mat at the foot of my ramp," he says flatly, ignoring the human-Controller's question. "Or do you usually invite yourself onto the other's ships?"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3062 on: February 08, 2012, 09:56:30 AM »
"Huh," Myitt says, leaning on her arm, finding Tara even more fascinated with the Andalite's reply than she is, herself. "Yeah, I guess the Empire doesn't have much time for pets these days, either."

She bats her eyes at Illim and Daniel. "What do you think? Perhaps a goldfish? Something that enjoys monotony and is difficult to kill." She pauses. "Ah. A beta fish perhaps?"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3063 on: February 08, 2012, 11:25:16 AM »
Joannes attempts to locate Rathien, but doesn't stand a chance. Freaking bastard's impossible to track. The forest is an addled mess of smoke grenade and gunshot. Joanne coughs miserably, noting sparks from Salem's odd weapon and following them. By the time she finally can make sense of events, the hunter is apparently long gone. Joanne curses loudly and kicks the dirt. She turns to Salem and mutters, "We were useless to yeh!"

Salem however is already distracted, accusing their host and Parker of collaborating. While Joanne had to admit what they did was weird, Joanne knew the armored guy. He'd shoot anything or anyone if given the excuse. Salem runs off in anger, Al following him.

<Do we trail 'em?>

<No. We could show support and follow, but we have a possible deal here. Salem doesn't know Parker like we do. The other guy, well....he's confusing. We need to figure out if we can trust Jocun to be a supplier.>

"Sorry," mutters Joanne awkwardly. "Salem can be one weird dude. I don' blame him here though. He doesn' know the armored guy. Thas' why he went. Bleedin' hart ruinin' ****."
"More acccurately, you were in a state of super-consciousness," States Mar. "You were one with your Highest collaborator. This is not a state a mortal should be in. Avoid such dramatics in the future, War-Prince."

Mar grins a bit, coming to the part he is interested in. At last the idiot was awake! How long could it possibly take to find an adequate personality? Mortals. "Seeing as how you could not have come back on your own......I believe you owe me, Ossanlin. Remember that I never work for nothing, even for you. I don't intend to take you, but I want a favor.  "

« Last Edit: February 08, 2012, 11:54:36 AM by Shenmue654 »

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3064 on: February 08, 2012, 11:43:42 AM »
"I'm surprised you're still up. Maybe you can hold your liquor." Jocun said. Though he noticed a tiny amount of blood on the host's arm. "Or maybe you shot yourself up with stimulants. Ok, I know we're not friends and I'm not your superior. I'm not responsible for your wellbeing. Still, you're one of my kind and I wanted to make sure you were all right. Just close the hatch after I leave and get some rest. Stomach down." He said, and descended the ramp.

<Probably what he was going to do anyway. Hopefully he won't do the opposite just because you told him to.> Simon said.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3065 on: February 09, 2012, 12:51:13 AM »

Ossanlin winces and grimaces as Mar speaks.  He can sense the way Mar is addressing him.

<I...see.>  He pauses and looks around, nodding at Claxter before looking back at Mar again.  <I sense a change in you, Mar.  Has your...superbeing.. .decided to terminate its experiment in emotion and ethics in your personal incarnation?>  He purposely does not speak of 'owing', and does not ask what it is Mar wishes of him...the other would get to that by himself if he really wanted to.  But Ossanlin feels he has a responsibility to understand the change he has already felt from the Mar he knew before even touching on that.  Mar, the whole emotionless insofar as Ossanlin can tell, and ruthless to boot...if the incarnation he had befriended had reverted, he would be hard-pressed to pay him any favors...or debts as Mar saw it.

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ________________


Rathien sits for a few moments longer, but the silent alarm on his wrist shifts to phase two.  It was bad enough to reach stage one radiation poisoning...Stage zero went from no poisoning to minimal mutations in cell reproduction, but after enough time spent within the camouflage field, the radiation built up.  Stage one meant that the mutations during mitosis had become more than negligible and could have some rather...undesirabl e...if rare side effects.  Stage two was exponentially worse.  Stage two meant that the mutations during mitosis were so bad that the cells produced were completely unviable, in essence completely halting cell division and reproduction.  But more importantly Stage two meant the user was that much closer to Stage three when the really nasty stuff started happening.  Stage three meant active current cellular decay, destroying functional cells altogether.  The dermis was the first layer affected of course, but the saturation level happened almost evenly so one could not be sure if his vasomotor system would fail, or his respiratory system, or his nervous system first.  All would in time, but the damage in that case was irreparable, at least by removing the built-up radioactivity.

Rathien quickly shuts down his camo field, allowing the water to close in about him.  He puts the rebreather back in his mouth and begins to swim toward the surface of the water.  He reaches the surface and breaks through, tapping the buttons on his wristpad that would put the camouflage generator into its cleansing mode.  Rathien feels the tingle pass around his body, like a thousand tiny pins barely pricking his skin, but everywhere.  While cleansing, the camo could not be used, and even after cleansing should only be used in an emergency situation since the body still needed time to recoup the losses suffered from the over-exposure.

Rathien swims slowly to the shore, only removing his rebreather after lugging himself up on the dark beach.  Cleansing could have its own side-effects.  He would've waited until he was back aboard his ship to start the cycle, but Stage two demanded immediate action.  He manages to stand and locates his ship on his wristpad.  He pulls out his liberated ARC and scans the quickest but most obscured route.  He uploads the results to his wristpad and begins to walk in the directions indicated.  With luck, no one would spot him making his way through the trees.  He keeps low just in case.

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ _


Raile murmurs, sensing a presence, like a warm blanket before he passes from consciousness.  His dreams are filled with whiteness all except for a blue speck, calling out to him.  The voice he hears belongs to Nev'An.  "Don't give in Raile...I know you are strong...I know you will live...I know you will keep the Order alive...forgive them Raile, pity them.  Never forget, but also remember that they are the weakest of all, pity them their pain and anguish, and never lose yourself."

Raile wakes up in a flash, blinking, the dream fading from his memory but leaving its imprint.  A sense of purpose and...pity for those who had wronged so many.  And a warmth, his old Master's voice, but nothing else.  Even now it feels as though a weight has been lifted from his heart.  The sort of weight one isn't aware of until it is gone, when its absence feels so much better that it seems amazing that you didn't feel it before.

He sits up slowly and looks around the old battlefield.  His eyes suddenly light on Garreth, and they widen.  He could sense the other much more strongly than before.  He could see and feel things about the other Jedi that the Force alone could not account for.  The bond is not as strong as the one he'd shared with his old Master, and perhaps only one-way...he has no way to know if the other can sense him in the same way...but he feels as though Garreth has left his own mark inside.  After a moment he realizes Garreth is unconscious and lays a hand on his shoulder.  He feels...extreme exhaustion from the other Jedi, but nothing worse that he can feel. "Garreth...Garreth, are you injured?"  His voice is soft and different from before, but filled with purpose and confidence.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2012, 12:56:53 AM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3066 on: February 09, 2012, 02:37:10 AM »
Garreth's body didn't move. The toll taken on his body was immense. However he still felt something. He couldn't explain it as he had never experienced it before. It was as though his mind was active while his body was not. He sensed Raile near him, active. He seemed to have a clarity that wasn't there before. He could feel more too; not sense, like with the Force, but actually feel it. He had heard of things like this happening. It was some sort of Bond formed by the Force. Normally it would take years to form such a bond; but it seems the severity of their last interaction sped the process. Garreth could feel the area around him, the taint was still in the battleground. The building they once inhabited, the patrons, he could sense them all. It was a strange experience to subconsciously sense these things, rather than consciously concentrating on feeling them.

Raile was calling to him, he could feel his concern. Garreth tried to put forth an air of peace. If Raile could feel as he could, hopefully it would tell him he was well. His body just needed to gather its strength.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3067 on: February 09, 2012, 06:57:27 AM »
Chris rolls his eyes at Myitt and Illim, sensing Keslin's unease. "I think I'll just go see if I can make any new friends at this place while you two make googly eyes at one another," he says, scooting towards the edge of the booth. "You'll let me know if anyone tries to kill you, eh?"

Zorish blinks in surprise as the Controller departs as quickly as he had arrived.

<<I do not trust that one,>> Zorish declares, grunting as he pulls himself away from the doorframe and makes his way to the main computer console. <<He is far too eager to help everyone and anyone.>>

Flumping down into the pilot's chair unceremoniously, Zorish pulls up the holoscreen that will begin liftoff procedures, taking care to close the hatch from any unwelcome visitors. He squints at the Yeerkish lettering, trying to ignore the pounding in Tamora's head.

"Ow, damn it. You'd think the stimulant would take care of the hangover," he flinches against the lights of the holoscreen and leans back, closing his eyes and rubbing his temples with one hand.

<<Maybe there's advil at the bar,>> Tamora suggests hopefully. Zorish laughs in response, a reaction he immediately regrets as it sends stabs of sharp pain through his forehead.

<<Unlikely,>> Zorish says, deciding that the spoken word offers too much pain. <<But it might be worth a try. At the very least there will be water, and you are dehydrated.>>

With a heavy sigh, Zorish pulls himself to his feet and, not two minutes after closing the hatch, opens it and trudges down the ramp, feeling rather as though he has spent his entire time at the bar going in endless circles.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3068 on: February 09, 2012, 11:29:40 AM »
Once the hatch closed, Jocun left the ship. He walked towards the bar, as he didn't want to pursue the enemy or try to convince Salem he was on the level. He noticed a Draconian and a Human Horse hybrid outside fighting. Or perhaps just sparring. He stood at the side and watched in mild amusement.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3069 on: February 09, 2012, 06:24:26 PM »
Parker saw Jocun approach and regarded him for a moment. He then excused himself and entered the bar. He nodded to Myitt and the human male that stood up from that same table. He took a seat at the bar. Even though he had just been in a firefight, the bar itself seemed rather docile. Parker removed his helmet and ordered a beer.
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Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3070 on: February 10, 2012, 08:45:51 AM »
Julian kept his eyes on his opponent and dodged out of the way. His sword in front of him, ready for anything.

"what's this? I thought you wanted to sword fight, not dance!"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3071 on: February 10, 2012, 10:15:50 AM »
"Is there much difference between sparring and dancing?" Zoshonel asked. He brought himself up to his full height and took a pose that looked more like what a Human would do than an animal, and approached slowly with his gauntlets forward. If Julien was just going to keep dodging around, he'd stop making lunges and just try to get close enough where he couldn't easily sidestep away.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3072 on: February 10, 2012, 11:20:28 AM »
Jade kissed him back deeply. When she gently pulled back she said something in her language and then leaned up and kissed him on his forhead just above the center between his eyes. Magick transferred to his skin. When she pulled back he would have felt a tingle and warmth. Where she kissed him was one of their spell runes. They were now one.

Lucan felt a very strange tingling warmth where Jade had kissed his for head. It also made him feel more connected to her than before. He gazed upon her and smiled with pure love showing in his face.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3073 on: February 10, 2012, 08:58:20 PM »
Taking his pilsner with him, Chris makes his way up to the bar, plunking the half-finished beer down next to the man who nodded at him.

"So if you fall over in that, can you get up, or are you like a turtle stuck on your back?" he asks, looking down at the man's armor before taking a swig of beer.

<<Be cautious, Chris,>> Keslin warns, itching to take control. <<He is a stranger, and we do not know who he serves.>>

Zorish takes his time closing the ship back up, ensuring that he cloaks it. As the serum works through Tamora's system, removing the alcohol's effects, his headache and dehydration worsens. Gritting his teeth against the hangover, he turns and heads for the bar, a glass of water at the front of his thoughts.

When he reaches the bar he doesn't bother looking around for anyone - not even Myitt. Instead, he heads straight for an unoccupied corner of the bar, sitting in the shadows and ordering a clean glass of water.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #3074 on: February 10, 2012, 09:11:53 PM »
Parker lifts an eyebrow at the man's comment and takes a drink before asking, "Friend of Myitt's? She likes to hang around people with a healthy sense of humor. I'm more familiar with her brother. You know her, I'm sure you know him. You're not blue or bladed, so I take it you're a 'controller' as they call 'em then? How has Corliss been anyhow?"
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