Try being eighteen and standing around the little kid's section at the library, squinting at the books and trying to scope out any Animorphs books.
Post Merged: February 10, 2011, 10:16:08 PM
Alright, so I'm just going to go ahead and write down a list of the books and their cover morphs and change them to what I think they should be.
1) The Invasion-Green Anole (Change to Homer)
2) The Visitor- Fluffer McKitty (Change to Bald Eagle)
3) The Encounter- Red-Tailed Hawk (Change to Dude, the cat)
4) The Message- Dolphin (Keep)
5) The Predator- Gorilla (Keep-or use the Lobster)
6) The Capture- Housefly (Keep)
7) The Stranger- Grizzly Bear (Keep)
Megamorphs 1: The Andalite's Gift- Can't comment, because I haven't read this one.
The Alien- Ax's human morph (Keep. But he did acquire a rattlesnake.)
9) The Secret- Wolf (Keep. It's either that, a rat or a termite)
10) The Android- Wolf Spider (Keep. But he acquires a bat in this one)
11) The Forgotten- Jaguar (Keep)(Can also go with spider-monkey; Personally, I like the Jaguar)
12) The Reaction- Crocodile (Have to keep; story doesn't work without it)
The Andalite Chronicles- (Keep, cover works)
13) The Change- Human Tobias (Keep, especially if the Encounter is changed to Dude)(Or if not, make him morph Hork-Bajir)
14) The Unknown- Horse (Keep)
15) The Escape- Hammerhead Shark (Keep)
16) The Warning- Rhinoceros (Keep)
17) The Underground- Bat (Keep, but I can't comment because I haven't read this one)
18) The Decision- Mosquito (Change to Leeran)
19) The Departure- Butterfly (Keep; but I can't comment, because I haven't read this one)
Megamorphs 2: In the Time of the Dinosaurs- I haven't read this one...Even if I did, I'd change it to anything else
20) The Discovery- King Cobra (Keep, because it's badass!)(Or, you can change it to his Osprey morph)
21) The Threat- Homer (Change to Tiger, like suggested before. Or the Dragonfly)
22) The Solution- White Rat (Have to keep; hints at plot)
The Hork-Bajir Chronicles- Keep, because it works; or Expand
23) The Pretender- Bunny Rabbit (Keep, central to plot)
24) The Suspicion- Anteater (Keep. Or change to Osprey)
25) The Extreme- Polar Bear (Keep, because it's badass!)
26) The Attack- Tiger (Change to Howler. But Tiger works, too)
27) The Exposed- Giant Squid (Keep. But could change to Sperm Whale)
28) The Experiment- Cow (Change to either the Chimpanzee or the bull)(But I haven't read it, so I can't really comment)
29) The Sickness- Yeerk (Keep.)
Megamorphs 3: Elfangor's Secret- I haven't read this one, so I can't comment
30) The Reunion- ****roach (I haven't read this one, so I can't comment)
31) The Conspiracy- Pergrine Falcon (Keep)
32) The Separation- Starfish (I haven't read this one, so I can't comment...Probably should keep, central to plot)
33) The Illusion- Ax (Keep, definitely)
34) The Prophecy- Hork-Bajir (Keep. Or change to Humpback Whale)
35) The Proposal- Poodle (I haven't read this one, so I can't comment)
Visser- I'm not sure...Maybe give an image of Visser ONE!?
36) The Mutation- Orca (I haven't read this one, so I can't comment)
37) The Weakness- Cheetah (Keep, because it's badass!)
38) The Arrival- Northern Harrier (Keep, because it's badass!)
39) The Hidden- Cape Buffalo (I haven't read this one, so I can't comment)
40) The Other- Honey Bee (I haven't read this one, so I can't comment)
Megamorphs 4: Back to Before-Keep, because it works
41) The Familiar- Older Jake (Keep...But only because I can't think of anything else)
42) The Journey- African Elephant (Keep...But lose the dress...It's so not Rachel)
43) The Test- Taxxon (Keep)
44) The Unexpected- Kangaroo (I haven't read this one, so I can't comment)
45) The Revalation- Ant (Keep, or go with lobster)
46) The Deception- Human (Assuming the morph on the cover isn't Visser Two, change to Admiral Carrington)
47) The Resistance- Beaver (I haven't read this one, so I can't comment)
The Ellimist Chronicles- I haven't read this one, so I can't comment)
48) The Return- Super Rachel (Change to Bald Eagle, or something)
49) The Diversion- German Shepherd (Keep, but only because I can't think of anything else)
50) The Ultimate- Great-Horned Owl (Keep)
51) The Absolute- Mallard Duck (Keep)
52) The Sacrafice- Raccon (I haven't read this one, so I can't comment)
53) The Answer- Anaconda (Keep, because it's badass!)
54) The Beginning- You know the one (Keep, because it works)