ALRIGHT! THE FINAL CHAPTER IS UP! It's about damn time! Read and enjoy!
I just want to thank everyone who waited patiently for me to finish writing and everyone who thoroughly enjoyed the story and understood (at least partly) what it was all about. And even if you didn't like it for whatever reason I still thank you for at least giving it a chance. I was tired of everyone doing the same "brand new Animorph" or "if Rachel lived" stories, so I wanted to mix it up a bit. And judging by everyone's responses I sure did that pretty well...
So, what's next for me? Well, Nohensen and I have something planned that you'll be hearing about shortly no doubt. We have a little story competition that's slated to begin. It won't be anything mature rated though, I promise. But that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm done with mature rated stories (although I really need a break. My mind's starting to scare me...). There's always the possibility that I can go back and write a scenario where Ax learns something new. Take for example everyone asking why he didn't want to mate as a male and some other things like that. Also, I've been thinking recently (Uh oh...) that we've seen what Macro and Ax do to mate (kinda I guess), but what about R/T and J/C? Perhaps a few weird things worth writing about go on there as well... But for now I really want to get back to "normal" stories for a bit and that's what you can expect from me next. Hope to see you all there!